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Created January 2, 2017 11:46
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Git bash cheatsheet
Add files to staging:
git add -A (visi faili)
git add filePath
Commit to local rep:
git commit -m 'METRO-82'
Push to branch/trunk (our branch name is develop)
git push origin develop
initializes a directory as a Git repository (ls -a would give ".git" dir):
git init
copy a remote git repository:
git clone git://
git clone
git clone
> Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/simplegit/.git/
Short staging area status (what is there to commit):
git status -s
Add files and changes to commit staging area (index)
git add -A
Remove files and changes from commit staging area (index)
git reset HEAD <file>
git rm -r --cached .
Discard your changes for one of the files, replace with the commited version
git checkout <filename>
Do a hard pull (discard your local changes, take latest form the remote)
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/develop
//git fetch downloads the latest from remote without trying to merge or rebase anything. Then the git reset resets the develop branch to what you just fetched.
Short change summary status (from staging to local branch)
git diff --cached --stat
Short change summary status (from local to remote branch)
git diff origin/feature/rss --stat
diff between the tips of the two branches:
git diff branch_1..branch_2 --stat
Short change summary status (last commit difference)
git diff HEAD^1 --stat
Shift + Q to exit
Stash away (move to temp storage) your changes in the current branch:
git stash
Bring them back into current branch:
git stash apply
View what is in stash (Compare to stash):
git stash show
git stash show -p stash@{0}
Clear the stash:
git stash drop
Listing branches (both local and remote)
git branch -a -v
Listing branches (both local and remote)
> also shows the name of the upstream branch.
git branch -a -vv
Configure upstream branch:
git branch --set-upstream feature/registration origin/feature/registration
git branch --set-upstream feature/registration origin/develop
Switch to another local branch
git checkout feature/first
Checkout a remote branch creating a local branch:
git checkout -b feature/rss origin/feature/rss
> Branch feature/rss set up to track remote branch feature/rss from origin.
> Switched to a new branch 'feature/rss'
Fatch remote branch:
git fetch origin discover
Create a new branch:
git branch feature/new
Push a certain branch (not all local branches)
git push origin feature/new
Merge with a remote branch:
git merge origin/develop
Delete a branch:
git branch -D feature/new
git push origin --delete <branchName>
List git coniguration
git config -l
$ git tag
> list all tags
$ git tag -a 1.2
> create a new tag
[Exit: ESC :wq]
Reverting branch to older revision (discarding some changes from branch):
git reset --hard <revision> (Easier done through Git History tool)
git push --force origin feature/modified
GIT Tracking feature:
List which remote branches are tracked (have pull/push targets) by local branches
git remote show origin
Local branches configured for 'git pull':
develop merges with remote develop
feature/registration merges with remote develop
feature/rss merges with remote feature/rss
Local refs configured for 'git push':
develop pushes to develop (up to date)
feature/registration pushes to feature/registration (up to date)
feature/rss pushes to feature/rss (up to date)
git checkout -b feature/rss -t origin/feature/rss
You can explicitly include the '-t' option when making the local branch to ensure it tracks the branch from which it originated from.
Remember a local branch can also track another local branch so doesn't have to be a remote branch.
When branches are created using the --track option, they will be set up to linked to the remote branch. For example, if you wanted to create a new branch from the master branch from the origin remote, using this would set it up so it would pull from the remote and branch automatically:
$ git branch --track feature1 origin/master
Branch feature1 set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/master.
VIM editor keys:
In vim, you save a file with :w Enter while in the normal mode (you get to the normal mode by pressing Esc).
You close your file with :q while in the normal mode.
You can combine both these actions and do Esc :wq Enter
and check out git flow - it's a walk in the park after that
git flow feature start/publish/finish
git flow hotfix start/publish/finish
git flow release start/publish/finish
those macros do all the merges and such
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