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Created November 2, 2015 11:41
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
sub usage() {
die "Usage: $0 [-f] [-l] [-v] <path>
-f unmount subdirectories even if <path> is not mounted
-l use lazy umount
-v verbose mode\n";}
my ($verbose, $lazy, $force);
while( @ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-(\w)(.*)$/ ) {
my ($opt, $rest) = ($1, $2);
length($rest) ? $ARGV[0] = "-$rest" : shift @ARGV;
"v" eq $opt ? ($verbose=1) : "l" eq $opt ? ($lazy=1) : "f" eq $opt ? ($force=1) : die "unknown option: $opt\n";
1 == @ARGV or usage();
my $arg = shift @ARGV;
die "$arg does not exist\n" unless -l $arg or -e $arg;
die "$arg is not a dir\n" unless -d $arg;
my $path = abs_path($arg);
die "abs_path failed for $arg\n" unless defined $path;
my ($umounted_smth, $path_is_mp);
for(;;) {
my $last;
open MOUNTS, "<", "/proc/mounts" or die $!;
while(<MOUNTS>) {
my $cur = (split)[1];
$cur =~ s/\\([0-7]{1,3})/chr oct $1/ge;
#warn "checking $cur\n"; ##############
if( $cur eq $path ) {
$path_is_mp = 1;
$last = $cur;
#warn "got mp\n"; ##############
} elsif( $cur =~ /^$path\// ) {
$last = $cur;
#warn "got $cur\n"; ################
close MOUNTS or die $!;
die "$path is not a mount point\n" unless $path_is_mp or $force;
last if not defined $last;
print "umounting $last\n" if $verbose;
my @args = ($last);
unshift @args, "-l" if $lazy;
0 == system("umount", @args) or die "could not umount $last\n";
$umounted_smth = 1;
print "nothing is actually unmounted\n" if $verbose and not $umounted_smth;
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