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Created March 23, 2015 13:41
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use FindBin;
use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;
use Net::Whois::Raw;
use Storable qw/lock_retrieve lock_nstore/;
my $cache_file = "/var/tmp/domreg_sensor.cache";
my $default_whois_server = "";
my $cache_timeout = 6*60*60; # 6 hours
my $now = time;
my %whois_servers = (
"" => "",
"" => "",
"" => "",
"" => "",
"" => "",
"" => "",
"" => "",
"" => "",
"ua" => "",
"ru" => "",
"su" => "",
"xn--p1ai" => "",
"com" => "",
"net" => "",
"org" => "",
"info" => "",
"biz" => "",
"name" => "",
"tv" => "",
"cc" => "",
"ws" => "",
my %month_names = (
jan => "01",
feb => "02",
mar => "03",
apr => "04",
may => "05",
jun => "06",
jul => "07",
aug => "08",
sep => "09",
"oct" => "10",
nov => "11",
dec => "12",
sub get_whois_server($) {
my $domain = shift;
$domain =~ /^[\w\d\-_]+\.([\w\d\-_\.]+)$/ or die "bad domain: $domain\n";
my $postfix = $1;
my $server = $whois_servers{$postfix};
$server = $default_whois_server unless defined $server;
return $server;
sub get_dominfo($) {
my $domain = lc shift;
my $server = get_whois_server( $domain );
my $dominfo = defined($server) ? whois( $domain, $server ) : whois( $domain );
return $dominfo;
sub get_raw_expiry_date($) {
my $domain = shift;
my $dominfo = get_dominfo( $domain );
foreach ( split /\n/, $dominfo ) {
if( /paid-till:\s*([\d\.]+)\s*$/ ) { # ru
return $1;
} elsif( /Record expires on ([\d\w\-]+)\.?\s*$/ ) { # com
return $1;
} elsif( /^\s*Expiration Date:\s+(\d\d?-\w\w\w?-\d\d\d\d)\.?\s*$/ ) { # Expiration Date: 09-jul-2014
return $1;
} elsif( /^\s*Registrar Registration Expiration Date:\s+(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\.?\s*$/ ) { # Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2014-07-09
return "$1.$2.$3";
} elsif( /Record expired on (\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d\d\d)\s*$/ ) { # 07/09/2012
return "$3.$1.$2";
} elsif( /^expires:\s*(20\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s/ ) { # new ua
return "$1.$2.$3";
} elsif( /status:\s*OK-UNTIL\s+(20\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)\d*\s*$/ ) { # old ua
return "$1.$2.$3";
} elsif( /^\s*Registrar Registration Expiration Date:\s+(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ\s*$/ ) { # Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-02-17T20:00:00Z
return "$1.$2.$3";
sub fix_date($) {
my $raw = shift;
if( $raw =~ /^20\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d$/ ) {
return $raw;
} elsif( $raw =~ /^(\d\d?)-(\w+)-(20\d\d)$/ ) {
my $month = $month_names{lc $2} or die "bad month: $2\n";
return "$3.$month.$1";
} elsif( not defined $raw or "" eq $raw ) {
return "0unknown";
} else {
die "unknown date format: $raw\n";
sub get_expiry_date($) {
return fix_date get_raw_expiry_date shift;
sub get_cached_expiry_date($) {
my $domain = shift;
my $cache = eval{ lock_retrieve($cache_file) } || {};
if( exists $cache->{$domain} ) {
my $expiry_date = $cache->{$domain}{expiry_date};
my $cached_time = $cache->{$domain}{cached_time};
if( defined($expiry_date) and $now - $cached_time < $cache_timeout ) {
return ($expiry_date, $cached_time);
#warn "cache fail for $domain\n"; #####################
my $expiry_date = get_expiry_date($domain);
if( defined($expiry_date) and "" ne $expiry_date and $expiry_date !~ /unknown/ ) {
$cache->{$domain}{expiry_date} = $expiry_date;
$cache->{$domain}{cached_time} = $now;
lock_nstore( $cache, $cache_file ); # no checks
return $expiry_date; # the second return value is undef which means expiry_date is not from cache
sub get_error_date() {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime($now);
$year += 1900;
$mon += 1;
if( 12 == $mon ) {
$mon = 1;
} else {
return sprintf "%s.%02d.%02d", $year, $mon, $mday;
sub main() {
die "Usage: $FindBin::Script [-v]|[--sensor] <domains>\n" unless @ARGV;
my ($verbose, $sensor);
if( "-v" eq $ARGV[0] ) {
shift @ARGV;
$verbose = 1;
} elsif( "--sensor" eq $ARGV[0] ) {
shift @ARGV;
$sensor = 1;
#printf "error date: %s\n", get_error_date;
my $error_date = get_error_date;
my $allok = 1;
my %out_table = ();
foreach my $domain (@ARGV) {
$domain = lc $domain;
my ($expiry_date, $cached_time) = get_cached_expiry_date( $domain );
my $domainok = ( ($expiry_date cmp $error_date) >= 0 );
$allok = 0 unless $domainok;
if( $verbose ) {
print get_dominfo($domain);
if( not $sensor or not $domainok ) {
my $out = sprintf "%30s %s %s (%s)\n",
( $domainok ? "OK" : "!!" ),
( defined($cached_time) ? "cached " . scalar(localtime $cached_time) : "not cached" );
$out_table{$out} = $expiry_date;
print join "", sort { $out_table{$a} cmp $out_table{$b} } keys %out_table;
if( $sensor ) {
print $allok ? "OK\n" : "Total status: domreg problems.\n";
} else {
printf "Total status: %s\n", $allok ? "OK" : "domreg problems.";
print "Cache file is $cache_file, remove it to force status update.\n";
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