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Last active December 9, 2021 06:02
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Privacy Policy Last update - 12/9/2021

1.What information do we collect?

(i) User data: We store user ids, role ids, guilds ids, channel ids, and message data for the support of the "Discord Server" for the server owner/admins/mods server configuration.

(ii) Message data: Message data is not stored anywhere in our servers, and is never written into the bots disk, this will only be shared with: (1) who ever can view the "log channel" of a server(usually private channel), and will be disabled by default: This data is only shared with admins/mods of a server for preventing spam, monitoring member behaviour, and keeping the chat clean, etc.

This data is cleared within 1-2 days from our end, as this is only cached so it can recieve message update events. We also share message content with apis like only if you have configured a chatbot channel, and only messages sent in that channel will be shared.

2.Where is your data processed?

(i) All your data (except message data, data like: user ids, roleids) is stored in mongodb which is hosted by Atlas in the US. No matter where you are located, you agree to the processing and transferring of your information in here.

3.Why do we store your data?

(i) We store your data for: Configuration of the bot in your server, for some features to work properly, and your custom settings with the bot(like the AFK cmd)

(ii) We do not store any type of "personal data".

4.How long is the data stored?

(i) Message data: Message data is never stored in any of our servers and would be gone when the bot restarts as the message content is only "cached", it will be only stored in log channels of servers set by server admins and will be gone once that channel gets deleted/ purged

(ii) Other data: Other data might be data like: User ids, role ids, guilds ids, channels ids. This data is stored as long as the bot is setup and is configured in your server, once you remove it using the bot commands, this data will be cleared.

5.Changes to this privacy policy.

(i) We reserve the right to modify this policy anytime without any prior notice, your usage of the bot after such updated privacy policy shall indicate the agreement to such privacy policies

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