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Privacy Policy Last update - 12/9/2021

1.What information do we collect?

(i) User data: We store user ids, role ids, guilds ids, channel ids, and message data for the support of the "Discord Server" for the server owner/admins/mods server configuration.

(ii) Message data: Message data is not stored anywhere in our servers, and is never written into the bots disk, this will only be shared with: (1) who ever can view the "log channel" of a server(usually private channel), and will be disabled by default: This data is only shared with admins/mods of a server for preventing spam, monitoring member behaviour, and keeping the chat clean, etc.

This data is cleared within 1-2 days from our end, as this is only cached so it can recieve message update events. We also share message content with apis like only if you have configured a chatbot channel, and only messages sent in that channel will be shared.

Link Scanner T.O.S Last Updated - 11/03/2022


(i) To use Link Scanner("The Bot") you must be:

  1. 13 or above years old.
  2. Legally permitted to use discord in your home country.

Rules You Must Follow

Link Scanner Documentation.

What is the bot about?

1: The bot is meant to prevent phishing scams on discord.

How do I setup the bot.

Deleting Scams