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Created February 21, 2014 01:12
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* qualy.c by Gonzalo Gasca -- 2013-06-01 -- v.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2013 Gonzalo Gasca
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <pcap.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h> // for inet_ntoa()
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h> //Provides declarations for icmp header
#include <netinet/udp.h> //Provides declarations for udp header
#include <netinet/tcp.h> //Provides declarations for tcp header
#include <netinet/ip.h> //Provides declarations for ip header
@author Gonzalo Gasca Meza
University of Oxford
Department of Computer Science, Wolfson Building,
Parks Rd, Oxford OX1, United Kingdom
+44 1865 273838
- Analyze RTP streams in detail (packet loss, jitter, latency)
- Analyze RTCP traffic
- Analyze H.264 streams
- Analyze DTLS negotiation
- Analyze TIP negotiation
- Convert RTP H.264 stream to video
- Generate Report
// tcpdump -qns 0 -X -r <filename.pcap>
//defines for the packet type code in an ETHERNET header
#define ETHER_TYPE_IP (0x0800)
#define ETHER_TYPE_8021Q (0x8100)
#define PT_PCMU 0 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_1016 1 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_G721 2 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_GSM 3 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_G723 4 /* From Vineet Kumar of Intel; see the Web page */
#define PT_DVI4_8000 5 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_DVI4_16000 6 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_LPC 7 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_PCMA 8 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_G722 9 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_L16_STEREO 10 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_L16_MONO 11 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_QCELP 12 /* Qualcomm Code Excited Linear Predictive coding? */
#define PT_CN 13 /* RFC 3389 */
#define PT_MPA 14 /* RFC 1890, RFC 2250 */
#define PT_G728 15 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_DVI4_11025 16 /* from Joseph Di Pol of Sun; see the Web page */
#define PT_DVI4_22050 17 /* from Joseph Di Pol of Sun; see the Web page */
#define PT_G729 18
#define PT_CN_OLD 19 /* Payload type reserved (old version Comfort Noise) */
#define PT_CELB 25 /* RFC 2029 */
#define PT_JPEG 26 /* RFC 2435 */
#define PT_NV 28 /* RFC 1890 */
#define PT_H261 31 /* RFC 2032 */
#define PT_MPV 32 /* RFC 2250 */
#define PT_MP2T 33 /* RFC 2250 */
#define PT_H263 34 /* from Chunrong Zhu of Intel; see the Web page */
#define PT_H264 112 /* Video*/
void process_packet(u_char *, const struct pcap_pkthdr *, const u_char *);
void print_ip_header(const u_char * , int );
void print_ip_packet(const u_char * , int);
void print_tcp_packet(const u_char * , int );
void print_udp_packet(const u_char * , int);
void print_icmp_packet(const u_char * , int );
void print_rtp_packet(const u_char *, int);
char* print_payload(u_int8_t);
int dissect_rtp (const u_char * , int );
void PrintData (const u_char * , int);
FILE *logfile;
struct sockaddr_in source,dest;
int tcp=0,udp=0,icmp=0,rtp=0,others=0,igmp=0,total=0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
//Temporary packet buffers
struct pcap_pkthdr header; // The header that pcap gives us
const u_char* packet; // The actual packet
if(logfile==NULL) {
printf("Unable to create file.");
//check command line arguments
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [input pcaps]\n", argv[0]);
//-------- Begin Main Packet Processing Loop -------------------
//loop through each pcap file in command line args
for (int fnum=1; fnum < argc; fnum++) {
pcap_t *handle;
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
//open the pcap file
handle = pcap_open_offline(argv[fnum], errbuf); //call pcap library function to read existing file
if (handle == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open pcap file %s: %s\n", argv[fnum], errbuf);
//Put the device in loop
pcap_loop(handle , -1 , process_packet , NULL);
} //end for loop through each command line argument
//---------- Done with Main Packet Processing Loop --------------
//output some statistics about the whole trace
printf("TCP : %d UDP : %d ICMP : %d IGMP : %d RTP: %d Others : %d Total : %d\n", tcp , udp , icmp , igmp , rtp, others , total);
return 0; //done
} //end of main() function
void PrintData (const u_char * data , int Size) {
int i , j;
for(i=0 ; i < Size ; i++)
if( i!=0 && i%16==0) //if one line of hex printing is complete...
fprintf(logfile , " ");
for(j=i-16 ; j<i ; j++)
if(data[j]>=32 && data[j]<=128)
fprintf(logfile , "%c",(unsigned char)data[j]); //if its a number or alphabet
else fprintf(logfile , "."); //otherwise print a dot
fprintf(logfile , "\n");
if(i%16==0) fprintf(logfile , " ");
fprintf(logfile , " %02X",(unsigned int)data[i]);
if( i==Size-1) //print the last spaces
fprintf(logfile , " "); //extra spaces
fprintf(logfile , " ");
for(j=i-i%16 ; j<=i ; j++)
if(data[j]>=32 && data[j]<=128)
fprintf(logfile , "%c",(unsigned char)data[j]);
fprintf(logfile , ".");
fprintf(logfile , "\n" );
void print_icmp_packet(const u_char * Buffer , int Size)
unsigned short iphdrlen;
struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)(Buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
iphdrlen = iph->ihl * 4;
struct icmphdr *icmph = (struct icmphdr *)(Buffer + iphdrlen + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
int header_size = sizeof(struct ethhdr) + iphdrlen + sizeof icmph;
fprintf(logfile , "\n\n***********************ICMP Packet*************************\n");
print_ip_header(Buffer , Size);
fprintf(logfile , "\n");
fprintf(logfile , "ICMP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile , " |-Type : %d",(unsigned int)(icmph->type));
if((unsigned int)(icmph->type) == 11)
fprintf(logfile , " (TTL Expired)\n");
else if((unsigned int)(icmph->type) == ICMP_ECHOREPLY)
fprintf(logfile , " (ICMP Echo Reply)\n");
fprintf(logfile , " |-Code : %d\n",(unsigned int)(icmph->code));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Checksum : %d\n",ntohs(icmph->checksum));
//fprintf(logfile , " |-ID : %d\n",ntohs(icmph->id));
//fprintf(logfile , " |-Sequence : %d\n",ntohs(icmph->sequence));
fprintf(logfile , "\n");
fprintf(logfile , "IP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile , "UDP Header\n");
PrintData(Buffer + iphdrlen , sizeof icmph);
fprintf(logfile , "Data Payload\n");
//Move the pointer ahead and reduce the size of string
PrintData(Buffer + header_size , (Size - header_size) );
fprintf(logfile , "\n###########################################################");
void print_tcp_packet(const u_char * Buffer, int Size)
unsigned short iphdrlen;
struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)( Buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr) );
iphdrlen = iph->ihl*4;
struct tcphdr *tcph=(struct tcphdr*)(Buffer + iphdrlen + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
int header_size = sizeof(struct ethhdr) + iphdrlen + tcph->doff*4;
fprintf(logfile , "\n\n***********************TCP Packet*************************\n");
fprintf(logfile , "\n");
fprintf(logfile , "TCP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile , " |-Source Port : %u\n",ntohs(tcph->source));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Destination Port : %u\n",ntohs(tcph->dest));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Sequence Number : %u\n",ntohl(tcph->seq));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Acknowledge Number : %u\n",ntohl(tcph->ack_seq));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Header Length : %d DWORDS or %d BYTES\n" ,(unsigned int)tcph->doff,(unsigned int)tcph->doff*4);
//fprintf(logfile , " |-CWR Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcph->cwr);
//fprintf(logfile , " |-ECN Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcph->ece);
fprintf(logfile , " |-Urgent Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcph->urg);
fprintf(logfile , " |-Acknowledgement Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcph->ack);
fprintf(logfile , " |-Push Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcph->psh);
fprintf(logfile , " |-Reset Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcph->rst);
fprintf(logfile , " |-Synchronise Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcph->syn);
fprintf(logfile , " |-Finish Flag : %d\n",(unsigned int)tcph->fin);
fprintf(logfile , " |-Window : %d\n",ntohs(tcph->window));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Checksum : %d\n",ntohs(tcph->check));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Urgent Pointer : %d\n",tcph->urg_ptr);
fprintf(logfile , "\n");
fprintf(logfile , " DATA Dump ");
fprintf(logfile , "\n");
fprintf(logfile , "IP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile , "TCP Header\n");
PrintData(Buffer + iphdrlen,tcph->doff*4);
fprintf(logfile , "Data Payload\n");
PrintData(Buffer + header_size , Size - header_size );
fprintf(logfile , "\n###########################################################");
void print_udp_packet(const u_char *Buffer , int Size) {
unsigned short iphdrlen;
struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)(Buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
iphdrlen = iph->ihl*4;
struct udphdr *udph = (struct udphdr*)(Buffer + iphdrlen + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
int header_size = sizeof(struct ethhdr) + iphdrlen + sizeof udph;
/*Verify if UDP packet is RTP packet and print it*/
if (dissect_rtp(Buffer,Size) == 1) {
/*Not an RTP packet*/
else {
fprintf(logfile , "\n\n***********************UDP Packet*************************\n");
fprintf(logfile , "\nUDP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile , " |-Source Port : %d\n" , ntohs(udph->source));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Destination Port : %d\n" , ntohs(udph->dest));
fprintf(logfile , " |-UDP Length : %d\n" , ntohs(udph->len));
fprintf(logfile , " |-UDP Checksum : %d\n" , ntohs(udph->check));
fprintf(logfile , "\n");
fprintf(logfile , "IP Header\n");
PrintData(Buffer , iphdrlen);
fprintf(logfile , "UDP Header\n");
PrintData(Buffer + iphdrlen , sizeof udph);
fprintf(logfile , "Data Payload\n");
/*Move the pointer ahead and reduce the size of string*/
PrintData(Buffer + header_size , Size - header_size);
fprintf(logfile , "\n###########################################################");
int dissect_rtp (const u_char *Buffer , int Size) {
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|V=2|P|X| CC |M| PT | sequence number |
| timestamp |
| synchronization source (SSRC) identifier |
| contributing source (CSRC) identifiers |
| .... |
udp[1] & 1 != 1 && udp[3] & 1 != 1 && udp[8] & 0x80 == 0x80 && length < 250
typedef struct {
u_int8_t cc:4; /* CSRC count */
u_int8_t x:1; /* header extension flag */
u_int8_t p:1; /* padding flag */
u_int8_t v:2; /* protocol version */
u_int8_t pt:7; /* payload type */
u_int8_t m:1; /* marker bit */
u_int8_t v:2; /* protocol version */
u_int8_t p:1; /* padding flag */
u_int8_t x:1; /* header extension flag */
u_int8_t cc:4; /* CSRC count */
u_int8_t m:1; /* marker bit */
u_int8_t pt:7; /* payload type */
# error "Please fix <bits/endian.h>"
u_int16_t seq; /* sequence number */
u_int32_t ts; /* timestamp */
u_int32_t ssrc; /* synchronization source */
u_int32_t csrc[0]; /* optional CSRC list */
struct pcap_pkt
struct pcap_pkthdr hdr;
u_int8_t *pkt;
u_int16_t dllength;
u_int16_t dlltype;
unsigned short iphdrlen;
rtp_hdr_t *rtphdr;
struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)(Buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
iphdrlen = iph->ihl*4;
struct udphdr *udph = (struct udphdr*)(Buffer + iphdrlen + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
int header_size = sizeof(struct ethhdr) + iphdrlen + sizeof udph;
if (ntohs(udph->source) < 1024 || ntohs(udph->dest) < 1024)
return 0;
if (ntohs(udph->dest) % 2 != 0)
return 0;
rtphdr = (rtp_hdr_t *)(Buffer + iphdrlen + sizeof(struct ethhdr) + sizeof(struct udphdr));
if (rtphdr->v == 2) {
return 1;
return 0;
void print_rtp_packet(const u_char *Buffer , int Size) {
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|V=2|P|X| CC |M| PT | sequence number |
| timestamp |
| synchronization source (SSRC) identifier |
| contributing source (CSRC) identifiers |
| .... |
udp[1] & 1 != 1 && udp[3] & 1 != 1 && udp[8] & 0x80 == 0x80 && length < 250
typedef struct {
u_int8_t cc:4; /* CSRC count */
u_int8_t x:1; /* header extension flag */
u_int8_t p:1; /* padding flag */
u_int8_t v:2; /* protocol version */
u_int8_t pt:7; /* payload type */
u_int8_t m:1; /* marker bit */
u_int8_t v:2; /* protocol version */
u_int8_t p:1; /* padding flag */
u_int8_t x:1; /* header extension flag */
u_int8_t cc:4; /* CSRC count */
u_int8_t m:1; /* marker bit */
u_int8_t pt:7; /* payload type */
# error "Please fix <bits/endian.h>"
u_int16_t seq; /* sequence number */
u_int32_t ts; /* timestamp */
u_int32_t ssrc; /* synchronization source */
u_int32_t csrc[0]; /* optional CSRC list */
struct pcap_pkt
struct pcap_pkthdr hdr;
u_int8_t *pkt;
u_int16_t dllength;
u_int16_t dlltype;
typedef struct
struct pcap_pkt pcap;
u_int32_t hdroff; // offset to reach the first udp byte, the rtp header.
u_int32_t len; // length of udp payload (rtp header, extension and codec data).
struct {
u_int32_t off;
u_int32_t len;
} pktrtp_t;
unsigned short iphdrlen;
pktrtp_t pktrtp;
rtp_hdr_t *rtphdr;
struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)(Buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
iphdrlen = iph->ihl*4;
struct udphdr *udph = (struct udphdr*)(Buffer + iphdrlen + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
int header_size = sizeof(struct ethhdr) + iphdrlen + sizeof udph;
if (ntohs(udph->source) < 1024 || ntohs(udph->dest) < 1024)
if (ntohs(udph->dest) % 2 != 0)
//(iph->ihl << 2) + sizeof(struct ethhdr) + sizeof(struct udphdr)
//pktrtp.hdroff = (Buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr) + iphdrlen + sizeof udph);
//pktrtp.hdroff = (int *) Buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr) + iphdrlen + sizeof(struct udphdr);
//pktrtp.len = header_size;
rtphdr = (rtp_hdr_t *)(Buffer + iphdrlen + sizeof(struct ethhdr) + sizeof(struct udphdr));
fprintf(logfile , "\n\n***********************RTP Packet*************************\n");
fprintf(logfile , "\nUDP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile , " |-Source Port : %d\n" , ntohs(udph->source));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Destination Port : %d\n" , ntohs(udph->dest));
fprintf(logfile , " |-UDP Length : %d\n" , ntohs(udph->len));
fprintf(logfile , " |-UDP Checksum : %d\n" , ntohs(udph->check));
fprintf(logfile , "\nRTP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile , " |-RTP Version : %01x\n" , (rtphdr->v));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Sequence Number : %d\n" , ntohs(rtphdr->seq));
fprintf(logfile , " |-RTP timestamp : %u\n" , ntohl(rtphdr->ts));
fprintf(logfile , " |-RTP SSRC : %08X\n" , ntohl(rtphdr->ssrc));
fprintf(logfile , " |-RTP Payload : %s - %i \n" , print_payload(rtphdr->pt),rtphdr->pt);
if (rtphdr->m == 1) {
fprintf(logfile , " |-RTP Marker bit : %01X\n" , (rtphdr->m));
fprintf(logfile , "\n");
fprintf(logfile , "IP Header\n");
PrintData(Buffer , iphdrlen);
fprintf(logfile , "UDP Header\n");
PrintData(Buffer + iphdrlen , sizeof udph);
fprintf(logfile , "Data Payload\n");
/*Move the pointer ahead and reduce the size of string*/
PrintData(Buffer + header_size , Size - header_size);
fprintf(logfile , "\n###########################################################");
char* print_payload(u_int8_t payload) {
typedef struct
int type;
char *str;
} value_string;
value_string result;
int payloadtype = (int) payload;
const value_string rtp_payload_type_short_vals[] =
{ PT_PCMU, "g711U" },
{ PT_1016, "fs-1016" },
{ PT_G721, "g721" },
{ PT_GSM, "GSM" },
{ PT_G723, "g723" },
{ PT_DVI4_8000, "DVI4 8k" },
{ PT_DVI4_16000, "DVI4 16k" },
{ PT_LPC, "Exp. from Xerox PARC" },
{ PT_PCMA, "g711A" },
{ PT_G722, "g722" },
{ PT_L16_STEREO, "16-bit audio, stereo" },
{ PT_L16_MONO, "16-bit audio, monaural" },
{ PT_QCELP, "Qualcomm" },
{ PT_CN, "CN" },
{ PT_MPA, "MPEG-I/II Audio"},
{ PT_G728, "g728" },
{ PT_DVI4_11025, "DVI4 11k" },
{ PT_DVI4_22050, "DVI4 22k" },
{ PT_G729, "g729" },
{ PT_CN_OLD, "CN(old)" },
{ PT_CELB, "CellB" },
{ PT_JPEG, "JPEG" },
{ PT_NV, "NV" },
{ PT_H261, "h261" },
{ PT_MPV, "MPEG-I/II Video"},
{ PT_MP2T, "MPEG-II streams"},
{ PT_H263, "h263" },
{ PT_H264, "h264" },
{ 0, NULL },
if (payloadtype >= 96) {
return "DynamicRTP";
result = rtp_payload_type_short_vals[payloadtype];
if (result.str!=NULL) {
return result.str;
return "Unrecognized Payload type";
void print_ethernet_header(const u_char *Buffer, int Size)
struct ethhdr *eth = (struct ethhdr *)Buffer;
fprintf(logfile , "\n");
fprintf(logfile , "Ethernet Header\n");
fprintf(logfile , " |-Destination Address : %.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X \n", eth->h_dest[0] , eth->h_dest[1] , eth->h_dest[2] , eth->h_dest[3] , eth->h_dest[4] , eth->h_dest[5] );
fprintf(logfile , " |-Source Address : %.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X \n", eth->h_source[0] , eth->h_source[1] , eth->h_source[2] , eth->h_source[3] , eth->h_source[4] , eth->h_source[5] );
fprintf(logfile , " |-Protocol : %u \n",(unsigned short)eth->h_proto);
void print_ip_header(const u_char * Buffer, int Size)
print_ethernet_header(Buffer , Size);
unsigned short iphdrlen;
struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)(Buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr) );
iphdrlen =iph->ihl*4;
memset(&source, 0, sizeof(source));
source.sin_addr.s_addr = iph->saddr;
memset(&dest, 0, sizeof(dest));
dest.sin_addr.s_addr = iph->daddr;
fprintf(logfile , "\n");
fprintf(logfile , "IP Header\n");
fprintf(logfile , " |-IP Version : %d\n",(unsigned int)iph->version);
fprintf(logfile , " |-IP Header Length : %d DWORDS or %d Bytes\n",(unsigned int)iph->ihl,((unsigned int)(iph->ihl))*4);
fprintf(logfile , " |-Type Of Service : %d\n",(unsigned int)iph->tos);
fprintf(logfile , " |-IP Total Length : %d Bytes(Size of Packet)\n",ntohs(iph->tot_len));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Identification : %d\n",ntohs(iph->id));
//fprintf(logfile , " |-Reserved ZERO Field : %d\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_reserved_zero);
//fprintf(logfile , " |-Dont Fragment Field : %d\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_dont_fragment);
//fprintf(logfile , " |-More Fragment Field : %d\n",(unsigned int)iphdr->ip_more_fragment);
fprintf(logfile , " |-TTL : %d\n",(unsigned int)iph->ttl);
fprintf(logfile , " |-Protocol : %d\n",(unsigned int)iph->protocol);
fprintf(logfile , " |-Checksum : %d\n",ntohs(iph->check));
fprintf(logfile , " |-Source IP : %s\n" , inet_ntoa(source.sin_addr) );
fprintf(logfile , " |-Destination IP : %s\n" , inet_ntoa(dest.sin_addr) );
/*Process packet type */
void process_packet(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *Buffer) {
int size = header->len;
//Get the IP Header part of this packet , excluding the ethernet header
struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr*)(Buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr));
switch (iph->protocol) //Check the Protocol and do accordingly...
case 1: //ICMP Protocol
print_icmp_packet(Buffer , size);
case 2: //IGMP Protocol
case 6: //TCP Protocol
print_tcp_packet(Buffer , size);
case 17: //UDP Protocol
print_udp_packet(Buffer , size);
default: //Some Other Protocol like ARP etc.
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