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spiderbit / all-packages.nix
Last active May 8, 2017 04:14
nixpkgs kodi-plugin-joystick-support
/* The top-level package collection of nixpkgs.
* It is sorted by categories corresponding to the folder names
* in the /pkgs folder. Inside the categories packages are roughly
* sorted by alphabet, but strict sorting has been long lost due
* to merges. Please use the full-text search of your editor. ;)
* Hint: ### starts category names.
{ lib, nixpkgsFun, noSysDirs, config}:
self: pkgs:
** Change "yes or no" to "y or n"
Lazy people like me never want to type "yes" when "y" will suffice.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
;;; daylight.el -- Actively change themes based on the time of day
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Friedman
;; Author: Daniel Friedman
;; URL:
;; Keywords: theming, convenience
;; Version: 0.1
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
(defun daylight-get-theme (hour)
"Return the daylight theme for HOUR."
(cond ((and (>= hour daylight-morning-hour) (< hour daylight-afternoon-hour))
((and (>= hour daylight-afternoon-hour) (< hour daylight-evening-hour))
((and (or (>= hour daylight-evening-hour) ( < hour daylight-morning-hour))
(or (<= hour daylight-late-hour) (> hour daylight-morning-hour)))
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: Python -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
# (c) 2005 Edward Hervey <>
# (c) 2007 Jan Schmidt <>
# Licensed under LGPL
# Small test application to show how to write a sink element
this is just a usage test of gist-snippets
def hello_world:
print "hello world"