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Created June 8, 2018 09:22
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pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract hotel {
string public hotelName;
string public location;
uint public numRooms;
constructor(string name, string loc, uint r) public {
hotelName = name;
location = loc;
numRooms = r;
struct room {
uint capacity;
uint numOccupants;
occupied occStatus;
address occupier;
room [ ] public rooms;
//set as public so that we can check the capacity,
//number of occupants and occupancy status of any room
enum occupied {
available, occupied, cleaned
function addRoom (uint num) public {
for (uint x = 0; x < num; x++) {
function changeRoomOccupancyStatus (occupied o, uint roomNo) public {
if (o == occupied.available) {
rooms[roomNo].occupier = msg.sender;
rooms[roomNo].occStatus = occupied.occupied;
rooms[roomNo].numOccupants = rooms[roomNo].capacity;
else if (o == occupied.occupied) {
require (rooms[roomNo].occStatus != occupied.occupied);
else if (o == occupied.cleaned) {
rooms[roomNo].occStatus = occupied.available;
rooms[roomNo].occupier = 0;
rooms[roomNo].numOccupants = 0;
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