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Created July 6, 2021 22:06
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// you can run this tutorial - it's executable
// fake function for demonstration
async function fetchSomething(item) {
return item;
async function learnLoops() {
// let's have some simple array first
// note that each value has also an 0-base index
// indexes: 0, 1, 2
const a1 = ["kevin", "slawa", "thomas"];
console.log({ a1 });
// get array length
console.log({ length: a1.length });
// most simple stupid loop (from 80s)
// we use array indexes (i) while we don't care about them
// don't use - ugly and stupid
// @deprecated
for (let i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) {
console.log(i, a1[i]);
// better, but still don't use
// @deprecated
// this still uses array indexes (i) while we don't care about them
// syntax: FOR IN
for (let i in a1) {
console.log(i, a1[i]);
// finally, we loop over VALUES(!) without indexes
// this is good - you can use it (even better options below)
// syntax: FOR OF
for (let item of a1) {
console.log("for of", item); // note: item is already a value - kevin, slawa, thomas
// special case
// if you await inside for loop then you should also await inside for
for await (let item of a1) {
console.log("for await", await fetchSomething(item));
// functional programming (trendy, from 2015 onwards)
// best recommended way if you don't need to return anything as a result of processing
a1.forEach((item) => {
console.log("forEach", item);
// if you need to process each item and return something back
// !!! best option - most concise and versatile
// I use it by default everywhere by default
// TLDR: USE THIS - minimum code for maximum flexibility
const results1 = => {
return "Hello " + item;
console.log({ results1 });
// finally, if you have await inside the loop,
// then we need to await for the final results too
// special case for API processing in a loop
const results2 = await Promise.all( (item) => {
return await fetchSomething(item);
console.log({ results2 });
// that's all for different ways of looping
// let me explain about processing complicated items
// given an array of objects (like order items)
const a2 = [
{ id: 1, name: "kevin" },
{ id: 2, name: "slawa" },
{ id: 3, name: "thomas" },
// the 'item' variable is one such row/object/item/shipment/etc.
// you can access sub-properties by dot-notation: item.something
// you can name 'item' as you like: x, orderItem, someShit => {
console.log(`${}: Hello ${}`);
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