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Last active July 23, 2019 15:37
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Google spreadsheets で遊んでみた
//note用 目次生成関数
// noteのRSSデータから Title, URL, Date Created 情報を抽出し(Google spreadsheets で抽出する)
// 目次用の HTML 要素を抽出する
// Written and revised by Spiegel,2014;
// but, this document code is under CC0.
function getNoteTocHTML(){
var noteRss = createMatrix(arguments, true);
//日付要素(Date Created)をデータ型に置き換える
for(var row in noteRss) {
var cols = noteRss[row];
cols["Date Created"] = new Date(cols["Date Created"]);
if( a["Date Created"] < b["Date Created"] ) return -1;
if( a["Date Created"] > b["Date Created"] ) return 1;
return 0;
var noteToc = new NoteToc();
for(var row in noteRss) {
var cols = noteRss[row];
noteToc.push(cols["Date Created"], cols["Title"], cols["URL"]);
return noteToc.toStringHTML();
function NoteToc() {
this.yearList = [];
this.push = function(dt, title, url) {
if (dt instanceof Date) {
var year = this.getYearString(dt);
var month = this.getMonthString(dt);
var day = this.getDayString(dt);
for (var i in this.yearList) {
if (this.yearList[i].year == year) {
this.yearList[i].push(month, day, title, url);
var yearInfo = new YearOfToc(year);
yearInfo.push(month, day, title, url);
this.toStringHTML = function() {
var html = "<div class='note-toc'>";
for (var i in this.yearList) {
html += "<h2>Topics " + this.yearList[i].year + "</h2>\n";
html += this.yearList[i].toStringHTML();
html += "</div>";
return html;
this.getYearString = function(dt) {
var str = "0000" + dt.getFullYear();
return str.substr(str.length - 4, 4);
this.getMonthString = function(dt) {
var str = "00" + (dt.getMonth() + 1);
return str.substr(str.length - 2, 2);
this.getDayString = function(dt) {
var str = "00" + dt.getDate();
return str.substr(str.length - 2, 2);
function YearOfToc(year) {
this.year = year;
this.monthList = [];
this.push = function(month, day, title, url) {
for (var i in this.monthList) {
if (this.monthList[i].month == month) {
this.monthList[i].push(day, title, url);
var monthInfo = new MonthOfToc(month);
monthInfo.push(day, title, url);
this.toStringHTML = function() {
var html = "<dl>\n";
for (var i in this.monthList) {
html += "<dt>" + this.year + "年" + this.monthList[i].month + "月</dt>\n";
html += this.monthList[i].toStringHTML();
html += "</dl>\n";
return html;
function MonthOfToc(month) {
this.month = month;
this.dayList = [];
this.push = function(day, title, url) {
for (var i in this.dayList) {
if (this.dayList[i].day == day) {
this.dayList[i].push(title, url);
var dayInfo = new DayOfToc(day);
dayInfo.push(title, url);
this.toStringHTML = function() {
var html = "<dd><ul>\n";
var days = [];
for (var i in this.dayList) {
html += days.join("");
html += "</ul></dd>\n";
return html;
function DayOfToc(day) { = day;
this.titleList = [];
this.push = function(title, url) {
for (var i in this.titleList) {
if (this.titleList[i].url == url) {
this.titleList[i].title = title;
var titleInfo = new TitleOfToc(title, url);
this.toStringHTML = function() {
var html = "<li>";
html += + "日 : ";
var titles = [];
for (var i in this.titleList) {
html += titles.join(" / ");
html += "</li>\n";
return html;
function TitleOfToc(title, url) {
this.title = title;
this.url = url;
this.toStringHTML = function() {
return "<a href='" + this.url + "'>" + this.title + "</a>";
// 複数の行配列の集合 [[0-0,0-1],[1-0,1-1]] から列配列の集合 [[0-0,1-0],[0-1,1-1]] を生成する
// ※第2引数が true なら列方向は連想配列にする(第1行目を hash 名とする),可能なら
function createMatrix(rowLists, hashed){
var matrix = [];
var hashNames = [];
if (rowLists.length > 0) {
//var rowLength = rowsLengthMax(rowLists); //複数の行配列の最大値
var rowLength = rowsLengthMin(rowLists); //複数の行配列の最小値
if (rowLength == 0) {
return matrix;
} else if (hashed && rowLength < 2) {
hashed = false; //強制的にフラグ解除
var row=0;
if (hashed) {
for(var col in rowLists) {
hashNames[col] = rowLists[col][0];
} else {
for(var col in rowLists) {
hashNames[col] = col;
for(; row < rowLength; row++) {
var cols = [];
var flag = true;
for(var col in rowLists) {
var rows = rowLists[col];
if (rows[row] == "") {
flag = false
if (flag == true) {
if (row < rows.length) {
cols[hashNames[col]] = rows[row];
} else {
cols[hashNames[col]] = null;
} else{
if (flag == true) {
return matrix;
function rowsLengthMin(rowLists){
var ret = 0;
if (rowLists.length > 0) {
for (var i in rowLists) {
var rows = rowLists[i];
if (ret == 0 || rows.length < ret) {
ret = rows.length;
return ret;
function rowsLengthMax(rowLists){
var ret = 0;
if (rowLists.length > 0) {
for (var i in rowLists) {
var rows = rowLists[i];
if (rows.length > ret) {
ret = rows.length;
return ret;
function rotation_matrix(){
return [["cosθ","-sinθ"],
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