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Last active August 2, 2019 22:26
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OWNERS and GitHub analysis that does not scale at all

I'm trying to figure out how to use data to drive contributor ladder nomination / promotion (and possibly pruning)

Someone asked me if they could get promoted in an OWNERS file. I wanted to know, had they reviewed enough PRs relevant to that OWNERS file?

I can (sortof) now answer whether spiffxp should be in cluster/OWNERS because they're saying /lgtm on relevant PRs


./ spiffxp --repo kubernetes/kubernetes --file-regex ^cluster/ --comment /lgtm
# ...

2019-02-28T16:41:41Z: - ignored: neither authored nor commented /lgtm
2019-03-02T04:34:54Z: - commented
2019-03-02T20:59:12Z: - commented
2019-03-05T17:50:13Z: - commented
2019-04-18T05:58:20Z: - ignored: neither authored nor commented /lgtm
2019-06-14T14:58:39Z: - commented
2019-06-20T13:54:50Z: - commented
2019-06-28T00:43:47Z: - commented
2019-06-28T01:53:47Z: - ignored: neither authored nor commented /lgtm
2019-06-28T19:43:33Z: - ignored: neither authored nor commented /lgtm
2019-07-02T22:41:12Z: - commented
2019-07-11T04:39:46Z: - commented
2019-07-12T05:03:05Z: - ignored: neither authored nor commented /lgtm
2019-07-12T05:03:18Z: - ignored: neither authored nor commented /lgtm
2019-07-13T22:37:04Z: - ignored: neither authored nor commented /lgtm
2019-07-14T16:55:05Z: - commented
2019-08-01T03:09:04Z: - commented

out of 100 most recently merged PRs in 'kubernetes/kubernetes' involving 'spiffxp', 17 touched files matching regex '^cluster/'
of those, spiffxp authored 0, and commented '/lgtm' on 10

This approach:

  • asks github for the 100 most recent merged PRs that involve them (authored, commented, mentioned)
  • gets the list of files that PR touches, as well as comments, reviews, review_comments and events for the PR
  • determine whether the PR in question touches relevant files
  • determines whether the person authored the PR in question
  • determines whether the person has said '/lgtm' in comments, reviews, or review_comments


  • the 100 most recent PRs involving the person is noisy, and may drown out earlier relevant activity
    • someone who is mentioned often on prs touching irrelevant files will appear more inactive than they should
    • people who review a lot of PRs touching disparate paths will appear less recent
  • this approach doesn't bother to evaluate quality of review, and so could fall prey to rubber-stampers
    • people who actually review would have non-zero review_comment counts, drop /holds, etc.
  • the approach of looking for /lgtm or /approve ignores those who use github reviews to drive this
    • looking for a comment of '' works, but ignores the review state of github reviews (Comment/Request Changes/Approve)


  • instead of "does this person" what about "who has reviewed the relevant files"
  • on the other end of things "what files has this person actually reviewed"
  • this is focused on a single-repo
  • do I care about whether this person is reviewing when requested, when assigned, etc
  • I may want to try the graphql api, so I can get files and comments directly
  • I may want to walk back a list of PRs relevant to this dir

Scaling This Out:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import requests
class DumbGitHubCache(object):
def __init__(self, workdir):
self.workdir = workdir
if not os.path.exists(workdir):
self.token = os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN'] = ''
self.headers = {
'authorization': "token %s" % self.token
def write_json(self, data, filename):
dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(data, fp)
def get_json(self, path, localpath):
localpath = localpath[1:] if localpath.startswith("/") else localpath
filename = os.path.join(self.workdir, localpath)
if os.path.exists(filename):
#"get %s HIT cache at %s", path, filename)
with open(filename) as fp:
return json.load(fp)
#"get %s missed cache at %s", path, filename)
r = requests.get("%s%s" % (, path), headers=self.headers)
data = r.json()
self.write_json(data, filename)
return data
def loginfo(msg):
if True:
def main(user, repo, regex, comment, workdir):
"""Display events for the user"""
# TODO: doesn't paginate, so capped at first page
ghcache = DumbGitHubCache(workdir)
def cache_get(endpoint):
ep = endpoint.replace('','')
js = "%s.json" % ep
return ghcache.get_json("%s" % ep, js)
query = "involves:%s+repo:%s+is:pr+is:merged" % (user, repo)
loginfo("query: %s..." % query)
# TODO: redo this to optionally refresh, and walk through a few pages
search_results = cache_get("/search/issues?per_page=100&q=%s&sort=updated&order=desc" % query)
merged_prs = {}
for item in search_results['items']:
url = item['pull_request']['url']
loginfo("pr: %s..." % url)
pr = cache_get(url)
loginfo(" files...")
files = cache_get("%s/files?per_page=100" % url)
loginfo(" reviews...")
reviews = cache_get("%s/reviews?per_page=100" % url)
loginfo(" comments...")
comments = cache_get("%s?per_page=100" % pr['comments_url'])
loginfo(" review_comments...")
review_comments = cache_get("%s?per_page=100" % pr['review_comments_url'])
loginfo(" issue_events...")
issue_events = cache_get("%s/events?per_page=100" % pr['issue_url'])
filenames = [f['filename'] for f in files]
u_events = [e['event'] for e in issue_events if e['actor'] is not None and e['actor']['login'] == user]
u_comments = [c['body'] for c in comments if c['user'] is not None and c['user']['login'] == user]
u_review_comments = [c['body'] for c in review_comments if c['user'] is not None and c['user']['login'] == user]
u_reviews = [c['body'] for c in reviews if c['user'] is not None and c['user']['login'] == user]
merged_prs[url] = {
'url': pr['html_url'],
'author': pr['user']['login'],
'files' : filenames,
'events': u_events,
'comments': u_comments,
'review_comments': u_review_comments,
'reviews': u_reviews,
'merged_at': pr['merged_at'],
'classified_as': 'tbd'
relevant_prs = []
commented_prs = []
authored_prs = []
ignored_prs = []
file_pattern = re.compile(regex)
for pr, info in merged_prs.items():
f_files = [f for f in info['files'] if file_pattern.match(f)]
if len(f_files) != 0:
info['classified_as']=f"ignored: no files match '{regex}'"
for info in relevant_prs:
f_comments = [c for c in info['comments'] if comment in c]
f_review_comments = [c for c in info['review_comments'] if comment in c]
f_reviews = [c for c in info['reviews'] if comment in c]
# TODO: probably doesn't handle those repos that use github approve events as lgtm or approve
reviewed = len(f_comments) != 0 or len(f_review_comments) != 0 or len(f_reviews) != 0
if info['author'] == user:
elif reviewed:
info['classified_as']=f"commented: said '{comment}'" # in a comment, review, or review_comment"
info['classified_as']=f"ignored: relevant files, but {user} neither authored nor commented '{comment}'"
relevant_prs.sort(key=lambda x: x['merged_at'])
authored_prs.sort(key=lambda x: x['merged_at'])
commented_prs.sort(key=lambda x: x['merged_at'])
ignored_prs.sort(key=lambda x: x['merged_at'])
print(json.dumps(ignored_prs, indent=2))
print(json.dumps(authored_prs, indent=2))
print(json.dumps(commented_prs, indent=2))
for x in relevant_prs:
print("%s: %s - %s" % (x['merged_at'], x['url'], x['classified_as']))
out_of = f"out of 100 most recently updated merged PRs in '{repo}' involving '{user}'"
relevant = f"{len(relevant_prs)} touched files matching regex '{regex}'"
print(f"of those, {user} authored {len(authored_prs)}, and commented '{comment}' on {len(commented_prs)}")
def setup_logging():
"""Initialize logging to screen"""
# See
# [IWEF]mmdd HH:MM:SS.mmm] msg
fmt = '%(levelname).1s%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] %(message)s' # pylint: disable=line-too-long
datefmt = '%m%d %H:%M:%S'
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Summarize github events for the specified user')
parser.add_argument('user', default='spiffxp', help='GitHub user to query for')
parser.add_argument('--repo', default='kubernetes/kubernetes', help='repo that will be queried')
parser.add_argument('--comment', default='', help='comment to look for in comments')
parser.add_argument('--file-regex', default='.*', help='regex to match filenames')
parser.add_argument('--workdir', default='data/last-100-merged-prs', help='Work directory to cache things')
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.user, args.repo, args.file_regex, args.comment, args.workdir)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
import requests
# TODO: doesn't paginate, so capped at first page
class DumbGitHubCache(object):
def __init__(self, workdir):
self.workdir = workdir
if not os.path.exists(workdir):
self.token = os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN'] = ''
self.headers = {
'authorization': "token %s" % self.token
def write_json(self, data, filename):
dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(data, fp)
def get_json(self, path, localpath):
localpath = localpath[1:] if localpath.startswith("/") else localpath
filename = os.path.join(self.workdir, localpath)
if os.path.exists(filename):
#"get %s HIT cache at %s", path, filename)
with open(filename) as fp:
return json.load(fp)
#"get %s missed cache at %s", path, filename)
r = requests.get("%s%s" % (, path), headers=self.headers)
data = r.json()
self.write_json(data, filename)
return data
def loginfo(msg):
def main(workdir, prfile, repo, file_regex, min_count, users):
Given a list of pr numbers and a repo, pull down the pr, its reviews.
and the files that it touches. Then walk through all prs, and
accumulate some per-file stats for all files touched by all prs.
spiffxp: 23
size/XL: 2
size/S: 21
of all the prs surveyed, for those that touched file foo/bar/baz:
- spiffxp was an assignee on 23 prs
- the size/XL label was on 2 prs
- he size/S label was on 21 prs
Other keys:
authors: was a pr author
requested_reviewers: was requested for review on a pr
lgtmers: issued /lgtm on a pr (OR clicked "approve changes" in github's ui)
approvers: issued /approve on a pr
triagers: issued area/kind/sig/priority/lifecycle/milestone commands on a pr
holders: issued a /hold on a pr (OR clicked "request changes" in github ui)
Other ideas:
- sift these against OWNERS files somehow
- take file of org/repo#123 instead of --repo org/repo + file of 123
- filter by date ranges
- filter by labels
- (maybe these should be github queries)
ghcache = DumbGitHubCache(workdir)
def cache_get(endpoint):
ep = endpoint.replace('','')
js = "%s.json" % ep
return ghcache.get_json("%s" % ep, js)
with open(prfile) as fp:
prnums = [l.strip() for l in fp]
pattern = re.compile(file_regex)
# IMO while some of these can be done by author, they are more meaningful
# signal when done by someone other than author
# TODO(spiffxp): /lgtm is meaningless if not done by a member
# TODO(spiffxp): /approve is meaningless if not in OWNERS
commands = {
'close': re.compile(r'^/close', re.MULTILINE),
'lgtm': re.compile(r'^/lgtm', re.MULTILINE),
'approve': re.compile(r'^/approve', re.MULTILINE),
'triage': re.compile(r'^/(remove-)?(area|kind|sig|priority|milestone|lifecycle)', re.MULTILINE),
'hold': re.compile(r'^/hold$', re.MULTILINE),
# other ideas:
# test-shepherd: retest|test|ok-to-test
# review-shepherd: (un)(assign|cc) (if not self)
def process_comments(comments, processed):
"""comments: [{user: ..., body: ...}], processed:{k:[] for k in commands}]"""
for c in comments:
# ignore reviews or comments by users that no longer exist; they have user: null
if c['user'] is None:
matched = False
for name, regex in commands.iteritems():
if regex.findall(c['body']):
matched = True
# TODO(spiffxp): make these distinct commands?
if 'state' in c:
if c['state'] == "APPROVED":
matched = True
elif c['state'] == "CHANGES_REQUESTED":
matched = True
if not matched:
return leftovers
# get the prs we'll be dealing with
prs = {}
for num in prnums:
pr_id = '%s#%s' % (repo, num)
url = '' % (repo, num)
loginfo("pr: %s..." % url)
pr = cache_get(url)
loginfo(" files...")
files = cache_get("%s/files?per_page=100" % url)
loginfo(" reviews...")
reviews = cache_get("%s/reviews?per_page=100" % url)
loginfo(" comments...")
comments = cache_get("%s?per_page=100" % pr['comments_url'])
loginfo(" review_comments...")
review_comments = cache_get("%s?per_page=100" % pr['review_comments_url'])
# things I want to filter out of reviews
# - reviews of {body:"", state:"COMMENTED"}, means they dropped
# review comments, so the review itself isn't meaningful
github_reviews = filter(lambda x: x['body'] != "" or x['state'] != "COMMENTED", reviews)
processed={name:[] for name in commands}
github_reviews = process_comments(github_reviews, processed)
comments = process_comments(comments, processed)
review_comments = process_comments(review_comments, processed)
# TODO: try parsing out events like so
# did they use the native review ui to approve? cool
# did they issue an approve? cool
# did they issue an lgtm? cool
# did they triage? cool
# if their comment was none of these things, they commented
# if their review_comment was none of these things, they review commented
filenames = [f['filename'] for f in files]
labels = [l['name'] for l in pr['labels']]
prs[pr_id] = {
'id': pr_id,
'url': pr['html_url'],
'author': pr['user']['login'],
'assignees': [x['login'] for x in pr['assignees']],
'requested_reviewers': [x['login'] for x in pr['requested_reviewers']],
'lgtms': [{
'login': c['user']['login'],
'html_url': c['html_url'],
} for c in processed['lgtm']],
'approves': [{
'login': c['user']['login'],
'html_url': c['html_url'],
} for c in processed['approve']],
'triages': [{
'login': c['user']['login'],
'html_url': c['html_url'],
} for c in processed['triage']],
'holds': [{
'login': c['user']['login'],
'html_url': c['html_url'],
} for c in processed['hold']],
'files': filenames,
'labels': labels,
'merged': pr['merged'],
'github_reviews': [{
'login': r['user']['login'],
'body': r['body'],
'state': r['state'],
'html_url': r['html_url']
} for r in github_reviews],
# filter to prs touching files that match a regex
file_pattern = re.compile(file_regex)
prs_matching_file_regex = []
for pr_id, info in prs.iteritems():
f_files = [f for f in info['files'] if file_pattern.match(f)]
relevant_files = len(f_files) != 0
if relevant_files:
# swap around: for every file, what prs touched it
file_to_prs = {}
for info in prs_matching_file_regex:
for f in info['files']:
file_prs = file_to_prs.get(f, [])
ignore_users = users is None or len(users) == 0
def user_count_tuple_matches(x):
return x[1] >= min_count and (ignore_users or x[0] in users)
file_info = OrderedDict(sorted(
f, OrderedDict({
'author': OrderedDict(sorted(
map(lambda x: (x[0], len(x[1])),
group_by(lambda x: x['author'], file_prs).iteritems())),
key=lambda x: x[1]
'assignees': OrderedDict(sorted(
map(lambda x: (x[0], len(x[1])),
categorize_by(lambda x: x['assignees'], file_prs).iteritems())),
key=lambda x: x[1]
'requested_reviewers': OrderedDict(sorted(
map(lambda x: (x[0], len(x[1])),
categorize_by(lambda x: x['requested_reviewers'], file_prs).iteritems())),
key=lambda x: x[1]
# 'labels': OrderedDict(sorted(
# filter(lambda x: x[1] >= min_count,
# map(lambda x: (x[0], len(x[1])),
# categorize_by(lambda x: x['labels'], file_prs).iteritems())),
# key=lambda x: x[1]
# )),
#'github_reviewers': OrderedDict(sorted(
# filter(lambda x: len(x[1]) >= min_count,
# map(lambda x: (x[0], [{
# 'html_url': r['html_url'],
# 'state': r['state']
# } for pr in x[1] for r in pr['github_reviews'] if r['login'] == x[0]]),
# categorize_by(lambda x: set([r['login'] for r in x['github_reviews']]), file_prs).iteritems())),
# key=lambda x: x[1]
'lgtmers': OrderedDict(sorted(
map(lambda x: (x[0], len([[r['html_url'] for r in pr['lgtms'] if r['login'] == x[0]] for pr in x[1]])),
categorize_by(lambda x: set([r['login'] for r in x['lgtms']]), file_prs).iteritems())),
key=lambda x: x[1]
'approvers': OrderedDict(sorted(
map(lambda x: (x[0], len([[r['html_url'] for r in pr['approves'] if r['login'] == x[0]] for pr in x[1]])),
categorize_by(lambda x: set([r['login'] for r in x['approves']]), file_prs).iteritems())),
key=lambda x: x[1]
'triagers': OrderedDict(sorted(
map(lambda x: (x[0], len([[r['html_url'] for r in pr['triages'] if r['login'] == x[0]] for pr in x[1]])),
categorize_by(lambda x: set([r['login'] for r in x['triages']]), file_prs).iteritems())),
key=lambda x: x[1]
'holders': OrderedDict(sorted(
map(lambda x: (x[0], len([[r['html_url'] for r in pr['holds'] if r['login'] == x[0]] for pr in x[1]])),
categorize_by(lambda x: set([r['login'] for r in x['holds']]), file_prs).iteritems())),
key=lambda x: x[1]
# TODO(spiffxp): include commenter / review_commenter
) for f, file_prs in file_to_prs.iteritems()],
# sort by files that have had the most PRs against them (by adding up author counts)
key=lambda x: reduce(lambda r,x2: r+x2[1], x[1]['author'].items(), 0)
print json.dumps(file_info, indent=2)
# naming things is hard:
# - categorize_by: a thing can be in multiple categories
# - group_by: a thing can only be in one group
# given fn(value)->[keys] fn and [values], return {key:[values]}
def categorize_by(fn, xs):
r = {}
for x in xs:
ks = fn(x)
for k in ks:
vs = r.get(k, [])
r[k] = vs
return r
# given fn(value)->key fn and [values], return {key:[values]}
def group_by(fn, xs):
r = {}
for x in xs:
k = fn(x)
vs = r.get(k, [])
r[k] = vs
return r
def setup_logging():
"""Initialize logging to screen"""
# See
# [IWEF]mmdd HH:MM:SS.mmm] msg
fmt = '%(levelname).1s%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] %(message)s' # pylint: disable=line-too-long
datefmt = '%m%d %H:%M:%S'
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Summarize github events for the specified user')
parser.add_argument('prfile', default='prfile', help='file containing list of pr numbers')
parser.add_argument('--repo', default='kubernetes/kubernetes', help='repo that will be queried')
parser.add_argument('--file-regex', default='.*', help='only consider prs whose filenames match this regex')
parser.add_argument('--min-count', default=1, help='minimum count of occurrences to be included in summary')
parser.add_argument('--workdir', default='data/pr-file-info', help='Work directory to cache things')
parser.add_argument('--users', nargs='+', help='Filter to just these users')
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.workdir, args.prfile, args.repo, args.file_regex, int(args.min_count), args.users)
./ prfile-k-k-all-since-2019-04-01 --repo kubernetes/kubernetes --workdir data/pr-files/ --min-count 2 --file-regex hack/.golint_failures
"hack/.golint_failures": {
    "github_reviewers": {
      "saad-ali": [
          "state": "COMMENTED",
          "html_url": ""
          "state": "COMMENTED",
          "html_url": ""
          "state": "COMMENTED",
          "html_url": ""
      "bsalamat": [
          "state": "COMMENTED",
          "html_url": ""
          "state": "COMMENTED",
          "html_url": ""
    "assignees": {
      "lavalamp": 2,
      "luxas": 2,
      "SataQiu": 2,
      "timothysc": 2,
      "smarterclayton": 2,
      "brendandburns": 2,
      "mikedanese": 2,
      "saad-ali": 2,
      "derekwaynecarr": 2,
      "xichengliudui": 3,
      "cheftako": 3,
      "dims": 4,
      "yujuhong": 4,
      "vishh": 4,
      "mattjmcnaughton": 5,
      "spiffxp": 5,
      "sttts": 5,
      "msau42": 6,
      "deads2k": 6,
      "oomichi": 6,
      "thockin": 8,
      "neolit123": 15,
      "fejta": 26,
      "liggitt": 26
    "approvers": {
      "cblecker": 2,
      "vishh": 2,
      "dims": 2,
      "oomichi": 3,
      "yujuhong": 3,
      "sttts": 4,
      "msau42": 5,
      "thockin": 6,
      "spiffxp": 9,
      "fejta": 23,
      "liggitt": 24
    "triagers": {
      "msau42": 3,
      "SataQiu": 3,
      "dims": 4,
      "spiffxp": 5,
      "liggitt": 8,
      "neolit123": 16
    "author": {
      "andrewsykim": 2,
      "danielqsj": 2,
      "cofyc": 2,
      "atoato88": 2,
      "SataQiu": 33
    "holders": {
      "spiffxp": 2
    "requested_reviewers": {
      "thockin": 2,
      "jsafrane": 2,
      "deads2k": 2,
      "davidz627": 2,
      "krmayankk": 2,
      "liggitt": 2,
      "ixdy": 2,
      "eparis": 2,
      "caesarxuchao": 2,
      "enisoc": 2,
      "mbohlool": 2,
      "BenTheElder": 2,
      "yujuhong": 2,
      "cblecker": 3,
      "pwittrock": 3,
      "dchen1107": 3,
      "spiffxp": 3,
      "dims": 4,
      "cheftako": 4,
      "jbeda": 5,
      "sttts": 5,
      "gmarek": 6,
      "xichengliudui": 6,
      "lavalamp": 8
    "labels": {
      "area/kubeadm": 2,
      "sig/scheduling": 3,
      "kind/feature": 3,
      "sig/cluster-lifecycle": 3,
      "area/e2e-test-framework": 3,
      "area/release-eng": 3,
      "area/cloudprovider": 3,
      "sig/release": 3,
      "area/kubectl": 4,
      "sig/cloud-provider": 4,
      "size/XL": 4,
      "area/dependency": 4,
      "area/apiserver": 5,
      "sig/cli": 5,
      "release-note": 6,
      "sig/network": 6,
      "size/XXL": 8,
      "size/M": 8,
      "priority/important-soon": 8,
      "sig/storage": 9,
      "priority/important-longterm": 9,
      "size/L": 9,
      "kind/api-change": 10,
      "ok-to-test": 10,
      "sig/auth": 11,
      "sig/api-machinery": 11,
      "sig/apps": 11,
      "size/XS": 13,
      "needs-priority": 14,
      "area/kubelet": 15,
      "sig/node": 17,
      "size/S": 18,
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