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Last active May 10, 2024 15:10
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Save spig/897768 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Validate a barcode UPC-E, UPC-A, EAN, EAN-14, SSCC
// checksum calculation for GTIN-8, GTIN-12, GTIN-13, GTIN-14, and SSCC
// based on
function isValidBarcode(barcode) {
// check length
if (barcode.length < 8 || barcode.length > 18 ||
(barcode.length != 8 && barcode.length != 13 &&
barcode.length != 14 && barcode.length != 18)) {
return false;
var lastDigit = Number(barcode.substring(barcode.length - 1));
var checkSum = 0;
if (isNaN(lastDigit)) { return false; } // not a valid upc/ean
var arr = barcode.substring(0,barcode.length - 1).split("").reverse();
var oddTotal = 0, evenTotal = 0;
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (isNaN(arr[i])) { return false; } // can't be a valid upc/ean we're checking for
if (i % 2 == 0) { oddTotal += Number(arr[i]) * 3; }
else { evenTotal += Number(arr[i]); }
checkSum = 10 - ((evenTotal + oddTotal) % 10);
// true if they are equal
return checkSum == lastDigit;
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cebence commented Dec 26, 2014

It fails when the check digit equals 10.
Line #24 should say:

checkSum = (10 - ((evenTotal + oddTotal) % 10)) % 10;

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The JS version does not have barcode.length != 12 at the beginning.

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spig commented May 14, 2016

@cebence @tompazourek - thank you for your fixes.

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Assuming I want to use this code (seems to work fine for me): What is the license type then? Would be nice if you could clarify this.

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fromdev commented Jul 10, 2021

Just used this gist code in my opensource project that allows you to create & download barcode images for absolutely free. this tool will always be free. Thanks for your contribution making it possible in small time.

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What about UPC-E barcodes?

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Also I contribute a (very) condensed python chunk to add to your gist:

def validate_length(barcode: str) -> bool:
    return len(barcode) in (8, 12, 13, 14, 18)

def validate_check_digit(barcode: str) -> bool:
    result = sum(
        i * 3 if idx % 2 == 0 else i
        for idx, i in enumerate(
            (int(i) for i in barcode),

    return result % 10 == 0

def validate_barcode(barcode: str) -> bool:
    return validate_length(barcode) and validate_check_digit(barcode)


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akovia commented Mar 15, 2023

Hi, I am trying to use this code in a Google Sheet as a custom function and I admit that I'm a bit out of my depth. I have written Bash scripts, but js is outside my wheelhouse. All my efforts so far just lead to more execution errors.

Is there any chance someone could help convert this to be used as a function in Google Sheets?
Thanks either way!

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gfsteph commented May 10, 2024

The JS version does not have barcode.length != 12 at the beginning.

that only applies for a generic UPC an EAN is 13, so no the suggestion is not valid

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