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Created July 19, 2018 11:32
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#python 2.7
import os, glob, shutil, zipfile, path
def applyToAllFilesInFolder ( folder, fileexts, func, *params):
"""apply function with params func to all files with extenstions from list fileext in folder
applyToAllFilesInFolder ("C:", [".txt"], lambda filename:None)
def visit ( arg, dirname, names ):
for name in names:
shortName, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
if ext.lower() in fileexts:
func(os.path.join(dirname, name), *params)
os.path.walk( folder, visit, 0)
def insertOffsetLine(offsetLine, width, height):
lastBracket = offsetLine.rfind(")")
return offsetLine[:lastBracket] + ", %d, %d"%(width, height) + offsetLine[lastBracket:]
def removeSettingsCode(filename):
if filename.lower().find("settings_")==-1:
print filename
#lines = []
with open(filename, "rt") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
ans = []
for i, l in enumerate(lines):
if l.find("//css_include settings_") != -1:
print l
ans.append(l.replace("//css_include settings_", "//css_include "))
with open(filename,"wt") as f:
def removeGetScreensWidth(filename):
if filename.lower().find("settings_")==-1:
print filename
#lines = []
with open(filename, "rt") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
width = 0
height = 0
found = False
offsetLine = ""
offsetLineIndex = widthLineIndex = heightLineIndex = -1
for i, l in enumerate(lines):
if l.find("int getScreenWidth") != -1:
found = True
widthLineIndex = i
print l,
width = int("".join([s for s in l if s.isdigit()]))
if l.find("int getScreenHeight") != -1:
found = True
print l,
height = int("".join([s for s in l if s.isdigit()]))
heightLineIndex = i
if l.find("OffsetRec getScreensOffset") != -1:
print l,
offsetLine, offsetLineIndex = l, i
if found:
ans = []
print "Width:%d, Height:%d"%(width, height)
print "%d OffsetLine:%s"%(offsetLineIndex, offsetLine)
newOffsetLine = insertOffsetLine(offsetLine, width, height)
print "New offsetLine:%s"% newOffsetLine
for i, l in enumerate(lines):
if i == offsetLineIndex:
if i != widthLineIndex and i != heightLineIndex:
with open(filename,"wt") as f:
def makeWork():
print "Replace strings in all configs"
applyToAllFilesInFolder(".", [".cs"], removeSettingsCode)
print "DONE!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
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