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Created July 8, 2020 18:56
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import sugar, sequtils, itertools, algorithm, sets
import random
Field = array[16, int]
Dir = enum →, ←, ↑, ↓, NOP
OperationCode = tuple[dir: Dir, line: int]
FieldPathInfo = tuple[rate: int, v:Field, prev:Field, level:int, operation: OperationCode]
let source: Field = [1,2,2,1, 3,4,4,3, 3,4,4,3, 2,4,4,2]
let target: Field = [4,3,4,2, 3,1,2,4, 4,2,4,3, 2,4,3,1]
var hashes = toHashSet[Field](@[])
proc `<`(a : FieldPathInfo, b : FieldPathInfo) : auto = a.rate > b.rate
proc UpdateArray(m: Field, line: int, updateFunc: proc(m: var Field, line:int)): Field = (var n = m; updateFunc(n, line); n)
template DeclareFunction(PROC_NAME: untyped, updateFunc: proc(n: var Field, line: int)) =
proc PROC_NAME(m : Field, line: int) : Field = UpdateArray(m, line, updateFunc)
DeclareFunction Right, proc(n: var Field, line: int) =
let plus = line * 4
(n[0+plus],n[1+plus],n[2+plus],n[3+plus]) = (n[3+plus],n[0+plus],n[1+plus],n[2+plus])
DeclareFunction Left, proc(n: var Field, line: int) =
let plus = line * 4
(n[0+plus],n[1+plus],n[2+plus],n[3+plus]) = (n[1+plus],n[2+plus],n[3+plus],n[0+plus])
DeclareFunction Up, proc(n: var Field, line: int) =
(n[0+line],n[4+line],n[8+line],n[12+line]) = (n[12+line],n[0+line],n[4+line],n[8+line])
DeclareFunction Down, proc(n: var Field, line: int) =
(n[0+line],n[4+line],n[8+line],n[12+line]) = (n[4+line],n[8+line],n[12+line],n[0+line])
proc ShiftX[T] (operation : T, line: int): auto = (x: Field) => operation(x, line)
#sort of magic - iterator can be used only with `for`, but it can be wrapped to var sequence, and after calculation
proc generateProduct[T,U] (aa:T, bb:U) : auto = (var x = newSeq[tuple[a:type(aa[0]), b:type(bb[0])]](); for pair in product(aa, bb) : x.add(pair); x)
var fieldOperations = generateProduct([(Right,→), (Left,←), (Up,↑), (Down,↓)], [0, 1, 2, 3]).map(
(x) => (ShiftX(x.a[0], x.b), (x.a[1], x.b)) #tuple[function, tuple[Dir, int]]#
proc callFunction[T, U] (operation : T, param: U) : auto = operation[0] param
proc operationName[T] (operation : T): auto = operation[1] #inplace rtti
proc dist(a: Field, b: Field) : auto = zip(a,b).countIt(it[0]==it[1])
proc distAdvanced(a:Field, b: Field) : auto =
let children = (x => x.callFunction a)
let nextStepMax = x => zip(x,b).countIt(it[0]==it[1])).max
let curStepMax = dist(a, b)
if curStepMax==16: curStepMax else: nextStepMax
proc extend(a: var seq[FieldPathInfo], b: seq[FieldPathInfo]) =
for element in b:
if element.v notin hashes:
proc reconstructPath(closed : seq[FieldPathInfo]) : auto =
result = newSeq[(Field, OperationCode)]()
var curPoint = target
var foundNext = true
var minVertex = closed[0]
while foundNext:
var minIndex = 0
minVertex.level = 999
foundNext = false
for i, t in closed.pairs:
if t.v == curPoint and minVertex.level > t.level:
minVertex = t
minIndex = i
foundNext = true
if foundNext:
result.add((minVertex.v, minVertex.operation))
curPoint = minVertex.prev
return result.reversed
proc solve(): seq[FieldPathInfo] =
let empty : Field = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
var opened = newSeq[FieldPathInfo]()
opened.add((distAdvanced(source, target), source, empty, 0, (NOP, 0)))
result = newSeq[FieldPathInfo]()
var head : FieldPathInfo;
var iteration: int;
while opened.len != 0:
head = opened[0]
if head.v == target:
echo "Solved"
var children = (x) => (let newV = x.callFunction(head.v); (distAdvanced(newV, target), newV, head.v, head.level + 1, x.operationName))
if iteration mod 500 == 0:
echo("sorted: ", len(opened), " close:", len(result), " hashes:", len(hashes))
if opened.len > 50000:
opened = opened[0..50000]
for (field, operation) in solve().reconstructPath():
echo "(", operation.dir, ",", operation.line, ")", ": ", field
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