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Last active May 30, 2019 17:53
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier
def variable_selection(df, target, variance_thres, pbs_thres, chi_sqr_thres, feat_imp_thres):
def normalize(df):
df = df.abs()
# Create x, where x the 'scores' column's values as floats
x = df.values.astype(float)
# Create a minimum and maximum processor object
min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
# Create an object to transform the data to fit minmax processor
x_scaled = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(x)
# Run the normalizer on the dataframe
df_normalized = pd.DataFrame(x_scaled)
return df_normalized
def categories(series):
return range(int(series.min()), int(series.max()) + 1)
def chi_square_df(df, col1, col2):
df_col1, df_col2 = df[col1], df[col2]
cats1, cats2 = categories(df_col1), categories(df_col2)
def aux(is_cat1):
return [sum(is_cat1 & (df_col2 == cat2))
for cat2 in cats2]
result = [aux(df_col1 == cat1)
for cat1 in cats1]
return stats.chi2_contingency(result)
# Selecting columns above certain variance threshold
df_var = df.var()
df_var = df_var.drop(target)
df_var = normalize(df_var)
high_var_cols = list(df_var[df_var > variance_thres].index)
df = df[high_var_cols]
if len(df.columns) <= 2:
print('One or less independent variables remaining after variance filter step')
return df
# If target variable is binary, calculate the point biserial coefficient for continuous variables and the p-value of the chi-square test
classes = len(np.unique(df[target]))
if classes == 2:
cat_var = []
cont_var = []
for i in df.columns:
if len(np.unique(df[i])) <= 8:
pbs_coeff = []
for i in cont_var:
pbs_coeff.append(stats.pointbiserialr(df[i], df[target])[0])
cont_coeff_df = pd.DataFrame({'variable': cont_var, 'coeff': pbs_coeff})
cont_coeff_df = normalize(cont_coeff_df)
chi_sqr_coeff = []
for i in cat_var:
chi_sqr_coeff.append(chi_square_df(df, i, target)[0])
cat_coeff_df = pd.DataFrame({'variable': cat_var, 'coeff': chi_sqr_coeff})
cat_coeff_df = normalize(cat_coeff_df)
cont_coeff_df = cont_coeff_df[cont_coeff_df['coeff'] > pbs_thres]
cat_coeff_df = cat_coeff_df[cat_coeff_df['coeff'] > chi_sqr_thres]
final_var = list(pd.concat([cont_coeff_df, cat_coeff_df])['variable'])
df = df[final_var]
if len(df.columns) <= 2:
print('One or less independent variables remaining after correlation filter step')
return df
# Further filter variables using the feature importance attribute of extratreeclassifier model
# Note that here we can use other models like random forest, decision tree that have the feature importance attribute
X = df.iloc[:, 0:-1].values
y = df.iloc[:, -1].values
model = ExtraTreesClassifier(), y)
feat_imp = model.feature_importances_
columns = list(df.columns)
feat_imp_df = pd.DataFrame({'variable': columns, 'feat_imp': feat_imp})
imp_feat = list(feat_imp_df[feat_imp_df['feat_imp'] > feat_imp_thres]['variable'])
df = df[imp_feat]
return df
# The function can be called to get a new dataframe with the selected columns
# Note that the variance, correlation and feature importance values have been normalized between 0 and 1
# So the threshold values should be between 0 and 1
df_filtered = variable_selection(df, target, variance_thres, pbs_thres, chi_sqr_thres, feat_imp_thres)
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