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Last active April 5, 2024 00:35
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Fortnite Verse Digests: Release-24.20-CL-25058254
# Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Generated Digest of Verse API
# DO NOT modify this manually!
# Generated from build: ++Fortnite+Release-24.20-CL-25058254
using {/}
using {/}
using {/}
using {/}
# Module import path: /
UI<public> := module:
# Button with text message common base class. Displays a button with a custom message string.
text_button_base<native><public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(widget):
# The text to display to the user. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetText.
DefaultText<localizes><native><public>:message = external {}
# Subscribable event that fires when the button is clicked.
OnClick<public>():listenable(widget_message) = external {}
# Sets the text displayed in the widget.
# Gets the text currently in the widget.
# Text button with big and loud styling applied.
button_loud<native><public> := class<final>(text_button_base):
# Text button with normal styling applied.
button_regular<native><public> := class<final>(text_button_base):
# Text button with quiet styling applied.
button_quiet<native><public> := class<final>(text_button_base):
# Deprecated. This function affects all players. Please use `fort_playspace.GetHUDController().ShowElements()`.
# Shows a set of HUD elements.
# Deprecated. This function affects all players. Please use `fort_playspace.GetHUDController().HideElements()`.
# Hides a set of HUD elements.
# Deprecated. This function affects all players. Please use `fort_playspace.GetHUDController().ResetElementVisibility()`.
# Resets the visibility for a set of HUD elements.
# A HUD controller that allows for showing and hiding of HUD elements.
fort_hud_controller<native><public> := interface:
# Shows a set of HUD elements.
# Hides a set of HUD elements.
# Resets the visibility for a set of HUD elements.
# Get the `fort_hud_controller` for the current `fort_playspace`.
creative_hud_identifier_all<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_build_menu<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_crafting_resources<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_elimination_counter<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_equipped_item<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_experience_level<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_experience_supercharged<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_experience_ui<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_health<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_health_numbers<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_hud_info<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_interaction_prompts<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_map_prompts<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_mimimap<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_pickup_stream<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_player_count<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_player_inventory<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_round_info<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_round_timer<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_shield_numbers<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_shileds<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_storm_notifications<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_storm_timer<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
creative_hud_identifier_team_info<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
player_hud_identifier_all<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
hud_identifier_world_resource_wood<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
hud_identifier_world_resource_stone<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
hud_identifier_world_resource_metal<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
hud_identifier_world_resource_permanite<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
hud_identifier_world_resource_gold_currency<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
hud_identifier_world_resource_ingredient<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):
# Used to identify a HUD element.
hud_element_identifier<native><public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>:
# Slider with a text value. Displays a slider, its progress bar and value.
slider_regular<native><public> := class<final>(widget):
# The value to display to the user. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetValue.
DefaultValue<native><public>:float = external {}
# The minimum value that the slider can haver. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetMinValue.
DefaultMinValue<native><public>:float = external {}
# The maximum value that the slider can haver. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetMaxValue.
DefaultMaxValue<native><public>:float = external {}
# The amount to adjust the value by, when using a controller or keyboard. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetStepSize.
DefaultStepSize<native><public>:float = external {}
# Sets the value of the slider.
# Gets the value of the slider.
# Sets the minimum value of the slider.
# Gets the minimum value of the slider.
# Sets the maximum value of the slider.
# Gets the maximum value of the slider.
# Sets the amount to adjust the value by, when using a controller or keyboard.
# Gets the amount to adjust the value by.
# Subscribable event that fires when the value of the slider has changed.
OnValueChanged<public>():listenable(widget_message) = external {}
# Text block widget. Displays text to the user.
text_block<native><public> := class<final>(text_base):
# The direction the shadow is cast. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetShadowOffset.
DefaultShadowOffset<native><public>:?vector2 = external {}
# The color of the shadow. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetShadowColor.
DefaultShadowColor<native><public>:color = external {}
# Sets the direction the shadow is cast.
# Gets the direction the shadow is cast.
# Sets the color of the shadow.
# Gets the color of the shadow.
# Sets the opacity of the shadow.
SetShadowOpacity<native><public>(InOpacity:type {_X:float where 0.000000 <= _X, _X <= 1.000000}):void
# Gets the opacity of the shadow.
GetShadowOpacity<native><public>():type {_X:float where 0.000000 <= _X, _X <= 1.000000}
using {/}
using {/}
# Module import path: /
Devices<public> := module:
# Module import path: /
Animation<public> := module:
# Module import path: /
CreativeAnimation<public> := module:
# A structure for defining Bezier interpolation parameters.
# See for more info on Bezier curves.
cubic_bezier_parameters<native><public> := struct<computes>:
# X value of the P1 control point. `0.0 <= X0 <= 1.0` or an error will be generated when
# calling `animation_controller.SetAnimation`.
X0<native><public>:float = external {}
# Y value of the P1 control point.
Y0<native><public>:float = external {}
# X value of the P2 control point. `0.0 <= X1 <= 1.0 or an error will be generated when
# calling `animation_controller.SetAnimation`.
X1<native><public>:float = external {}
# Y value of the P2 control point.
Y1<native><public>:float = external {}
# Module import path: /
# Convenience interpolation modes. These built in modes are based on the CSS animation standard:
InterpolationTypes<public> := module:
# `Linear` animations move at a constant speed.
Linear<public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}
# `Ease` animations start slowly, speed up, then end slowly. The speed of the animation is slightly slower
# at the end than the start.
Ease<public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}
# `EaseIn` animations start slow, then speed up towards the end.
EaseIn<public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}
# `EaseOut` animations start fast, then slow down towards the end.
EaseOut<public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}
# `EaseInOut` animations are similar to `Ease` but the start and end animation speed is symmetric.
EaseInOut<public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}
# Instead of specifying the actual keyframe positions, we specify the keyframe *deltas*. This allows us to
# treat the initial position of the prop as keyframe 0 and avoid the question of how to get the prop to its
# initial location. For a `animation_mode.Loop` animation, the net rotation and translation must both be zero.
# Each delta is interpreted as a world-space transformation to be concatenated onto the previous transform(s).
keyframe_delta<native><public> := struct:
# Target position of the `creative_prop`. This is a world-space coordinate in cm, with the
# initial position of the `creative_prop` acting as coordinate (0,0).
# Target rotation for the `creative_prop`. Rotations are relative to the starting rotation of
# the `creative_prop`
# Time in seconds the `creative_prop` should animate between its last frame and this frame.
# Interpolation mode for this `keyframe_delta`. See `InterpolationTypes` for standard interpolation
# options. See `cubic_bezier_parameters` for authoring custom interpolations.
# Default = `InterpolationTypes.Linear`
Interpolation<native><public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}
# Animation play modes.
animation_mode<native><public> := enum:
# Stop after playing the animation once.
# Reverse direction after reaching the final `keyframe_delta`, then play the animation in reverse.
# Play the animation in a loop. This requires the animation ends exactly where it began.
# `animation_controller` states.
animation_controller_state<native><public> := enum:
# The target of the animation is not an animatable prop. This could be because:
# * It is not a `creative_prop` that can be animated.
# * It was disposed or otherwise destroyed.
# * It has the 'Register with Structural Grid' option set in UEFN.
# No animation has been successfully set via `animation_controller.SetAnimation`, or that animation has
# been cleared by a failed call to `animation_controller.SetAnimation`.
# Animation has either never started, finished, or was explicitly stopped.
# Animation is playing.
# Animation is paused.
# Results for `animation_controller.AwaitNextKeyframe` function.
await_next_keyframe_result<native><public> := enum:
# The next keyframe has been reached successfully.
# No animation is currently playing and this function call has returned immediately.
# The animation was canceled either due to the object being destroyed, becoming invalid, or because it
# was moved via some other API.
# Used to move and animate the position of `creative_prop` objects.
# * See `creative_prop.GetAnimationController` for information on acquiring an instance of an
# `animation_controller` for a given `creative_prop`.
# * See `SetAnimation` for details on authoring movement and animations.
animation_controller<native><public> := class<epic_internal>:
# Suspends at the callsite until the next `keyframe_delta` is finished. This will also return if the
# animation is aborted or not playing. See `await_next_keyframe_result` if your code needs to take
# different paths based on why `AwaitNextKeyframe` returned.
# Starts or resumes playback of the animation.
Play<public>():void = external {}
# Pauses the animation if it is already playing.
Pause<public>():void = external {}
# Stops playback and resets the animation to the first keyframe. Also resets the prop transform. Calling
# this method is valid while the animation is in the `Playing` or `Paused` states.
Stop<public>():void = external {}
# Returns the current state of this `animation_controller`.
# Succeeds if this `animation_controller`s target is still valid (i.e., the target has not been disposed
# of either via `Dispose` or through any external system.)
# Sets the animation for the `animation_controller`. Animations are processed in the order provided in
# `Keyframes`. See notes in `keyframe_delta` and `animation_mode` for more details on controlling the
# animations.
SetAnimation<public>(Keyframes:[]keyframe_delta, ?Mode:animation_mode):void = external {}
# Signaled each time a keyframe is reached. Callback(KeyframeIndex:int, InReverse:logic). Note that the
# KeyframeIndex in the callback is generally in [1, NumDeltaKeyframes] except that in a PingPong animation
# the final keyframe played in reverse is identified as index 0. This is because SetAnimation takes *delta*
# keyframes whereas this event notifies the listener that a specific keyframe has been reached.
KeyframeReachedEvent<native><public>:subscribable(tuple(int, logic)) = external {}
# Signaled when the entire animation is complete. This will only fire for `OneShot` animations.
MovementCompleteEvent<native><public>:subscribable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the state has changed. Use `GetState` to get the new state.
StateChangedEvent<native><public>:subscribable(tuple()) = external {}
# Returns an `animation_controller` used to animate `Prop`. Only a subset of `creative_prop` types can be
# animated, though this may change in the future. A few examples of props that cannot be animated yet are:
# * Walls attached to buildings
# * Treasure chests
# * Loot llamas
(Prop:creative_prop).GetAnimationController<public>()<transacts><decides>:animation_controller = external {}
# Inherit from this to create a custom creative device. Inherited classes will appear in the UEFN content
# browser the next time Verse compiles. Instances of your derived `creative_device` can then be placed in the
# island by dragging them from the content browser into the scene.
creative_device<native><public> := class<concrete>(creative_object_interface):
# Override to add custom logic when the game experience begins.
OnBegin<public>()<suspends>:void = external {}
# Override to add custom logic when the game experience ends. Any coroutines spawned inside `OnEnd` may never execute.
OnEnd<native_callable><public>():void = external {}
# Returns the transform of the `creative_device` with units in cm.
# Returns an array containing all creative objects which have been marked with the specified `Tag`.
# Returns an array containing creative objects which have tag(s) matching the specified `SearchCriteria`.
# Returns a queryable `tag_view` which can be used to query the tags on `CreativeObject`.
# Returns the `fort_playspace` that `CreativeObject` belongs to.
creative_object_interface<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>(positional):
# Base class for creative devices and props.
creative_object<native><public> := class<epic_internal>(creative_object_interface):
# Returns the transform of the `creative_object` with units in cm. You must check `creative_object.IsValid`
# before calling this if there is a possibility the object has been disposed or destroyed by gameplay.
# Otherwise a runtime error will result.
# Base class for creative_device.
creative_device_base<native><public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_object):
# Results for `creative_prop.MoveTo`.
move_to_result<public> := enum:
# The destination has been reached.
# The destination will not be reached. See debug log in UEFN for more info.
# Results for `SpawnProp`.
spawn_prop_result<native><public> := enum:
# Success.
# An unknown error occurred. If this happens frequently, contact Epic support.
# The spawn point contains NaN or Inf.
# The spawn point is outside the island's boundaries.
# The asset is not a valid `creative_prop`.
# More props have been spawned than are permitted by the island's rules (currently 100 per script device and 200 total per island).
# A Fortnite prop that has been placed or spawned in the island.
creative_prop<native><public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_object, invalidatable):
# Teleport the `creative_prop` to the specified `Position` and `Rotation`.
TeleportTo<public>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
# Destroy the `creative_prop` and remove it from the island.
# Succeeds if this object has not been disposed of either via `Dispose()` or through an external system.
# Move the `creative_prop` to the specified `Position` and `Rotation` over the specified time. If an animation
# is currently playing on the `creative_prop` it will be stopped and put into the `AnimationNotSet` state.
MoveTo<public>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}
# Asset used to spawn `creative_device` instances.
creative_device_asset<native><public> := class<computes><final><epic_internal>:
# Asset used to spawn `creative_prop` instances.
creative_prop_asset<native><public> := class<computes><concrete><final><epic_internal>:
# A default asset to be used when creating an editor-specified `creative_prop_asset` variable.
DefaultCreativePropAsset<public>:creative_prop_asset = external {}
# Spawns a `creative_prop` at the specified `Position` and `Rotation`. `Position` and `Rotation` units are in cm.
# Returns tuple:
# 0: Instance of a `creative_prop`. False if no `creative_prop` could be created. See `spawn_prop_result` for failure cases.
# 1: Success or failure results.
SpawnProp<native><public>(Asset:creative_prop_asset, Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts>:tuple(?creative_prop, spawn_prop_result)
using {/}
# Used to trigger a visual effect (a glow or an outline) when `agent`s pick it up.
visual_effect_powerup_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(powerup_device):
# Holds and spawns items, with an optional cost for each item. Can hold up to three items, and `agent`s can cycle
# between these by hitting the machine with their pickaxe.
vending_machine_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an item is spawned from this device.
# Sends the `agent` that used this device.
ItemSpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Cycles the screen to show the next item.
CycleToNextItem<public>():void = external {}
# Spawns an item.
SpawnItem<public>():void = external {}
# Used to relay events to other linked devices.
trigger_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(trigger_base_device):
# Signaled when an `agent` triggers this device.
# Sends the `agent` that used this device. Returns `false` if no `agent` triggered the action
# (ex: it was triggered through code).
TriggeredEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
# Triggers this device with `Agent` being passed as the `agent` that triggered the action. Use an `agent`
# reference when this device is setup to require one (for instance, you want to trigger the device only
# with a particular `agent`.
Trigger<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Triggers this device, causing it to activate its `TriggeredEvent` event.
Trigger<public>():void = external {}
# Base class for various specialized trigger devices. See also:
# * `trigger_device`
# * `perception_trigger_device`
# * `attribute_evaluator_device`
trigger_base_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the number of times this device has been activated. This will set
# `GetTriggerCountRemaining` back to `0`
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the maximum amount of times this device can trigger.
# * `0` can be used to indicate no limit on trigger count.
# * `MaxCount` is clamped between [0,20].
SetMaxTriggerCount<public>(MaxCount:int):void = external {}
# Gets the maximum amount of times this device can trigger.
# * `0` indicates no limit on trigger count.
GetMaxTriggerCount<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
# Returns the number of times that this device can still be triggered before hitting `GetMaxTriggerCount`.
# Returns `0` if `GetMaxTriggerCount` is unlimited.
GetTriggerCountRemaining<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
# Sets the time (in seconds) after triggering, before the device can be triggered again (if `MaxTrigger`
# count allows).
SetResetDelay<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
# Gets the time (in seconds) before the device can be triggered again (if `MaxTrigger` count allows).
GetResetDelay<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Sets the time (in seconds) which must pass after triggering, before this device informs other external
# devices that it has been triggered.
SetTransmitDelay<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
# Gets the time (in seconds) which must pass after triggering, before this device informs other external
# devices that it has been triggered.
GetTransmitDelay<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# A trap device that destroys the tile it's placed on when activated.
trick_tile_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the tile this device is attached to is removed. This may occur later than `TriggeredEvent` if
# *Activation Delay* is set on the device.
# Sends the `agent` that activated this device.
ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is triggered.
# Sends the `agent` that triggered this device.
TriggeredEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device. While disabled this device will not react to incoming events.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Flips the device between `Enabled` and `Disable`.
ToggleEnabled<public>():void = external {}
# Restores the tile removed when this device was triggered.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Enables this device to trigger when an `agent` makes contact with the device.
EnableAgentContactTrigger<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device from triggering when an `agent` makes contact with the device.
DisableAgentContactTrigger<public>():void = external {}
# Flips the device between `EnableAgentContactTrigger` and `DisableAgentContactTrigger.
ToggleAgentContactTrigger<public>():void = external {}
# Triggers the device, removing the associated tile.
Trigger<public>():void = external {}
# Allows creation and HUD tracking of custom objectives for `agent`s to complete.
tracker_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Resets the progress for `Agent` (and any `agent`s sharing progress).
Reset<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Signaled when the tracked value reaches `GetTarget` for an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that reached `GetTarget` for their tracked value.
CompleteEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Assigns the device to `Agent` (and any `agent`s sharing progress).
Assign<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Assigns this device to all valid `agent`s.
AssignToAll<public>():void = external {}
# Removes this device from `Agent` (and any `agent`s sharing progress).
Remove<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Removes this device from all valid `agent`s.
RemoveFromAll<public>():void = external {}
# The objective immediately completes.
Complete<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Increases the tracked value by *Amount to Change on Received Signal* for `Agent`.
Increment<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Decrease the tracked value by *Amount to Change on Received Signal* for `Agent`.
Decrement<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Increases the target value for `Agent` by 1.
IncreaseTargetValue<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Decreases the target value for `Agent` by 1.
DecreaseTargetValue<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Saves tracked progress for `Agent`. Only valid if *Use Persistence* is set to *Use*.
Save<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Loads tracked progress for `Agent`. Only valid if *Use Persistence* is set to *Use*.
Load<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Loads tracked progress for all valid `agent`s. Only valid if *Use Persistence* is set to *Use*.
LoadForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Clears tracked progress for `Agent`. Only valid if *Use Persistence* is set to *Use*.
ClearPersistence<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Sets a description for the `tracker_device`, which is displayed if *Show on HUD* is enabled.
# `Text` has a 64 character limit.
SetDescriptionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
# Sets the target value that must be achieved in order for `CompleteEvent` to trigger.
# Clamped to `0 <= TargetValue <= 10000`.
SetTarget<public>(TargetValue:int):void = external {}
# Returns the target value that must be achieved in order for `CompleteEvent` to trigger.
# Clamped to `0 <= GetTarget <= 10000`.
GetTarget<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
# Sets the title for the `tracker_device`, which is displayed if *Show on HUD* is enabled.
# `Text` has a 32 character limit.
SetTitleText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
# Provides a way to keep track of the time something has taken, either for scoreboard purposes, or to trigger
# actions. It can be configured in several ways, either acting as a countdown to an event that is triggered at
# the end, or as a stopwatch for an action that needs to be completed before a set time runs out.
timer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the timer completes or ends with success.
# Sends the `agent` that activated the timer, if any.
SuccessEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the timer completes or ends with failure.
# Sends the `agent` that activated the timer, if any.
FailureEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the timer enters *Urgency Mode*.
# Sends the `agent` that activated the timer, if any.
StartUrgencyModeEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
# Enables this device for `Agent`.
Enable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device for `Agent`. While disabled this device will not receive signals.
Disable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Disables this device. While disabled this device will not receive signals.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the timer back to its base time and stops it for `Agent`.
Reset<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Resets the timer back to its base time and stops it.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the timer back to its base time and stops it for all `agent`s.
ResetForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Resets the timer back to its base time and stops it for all `agent`s.
ResetForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Starts the timer for `Agent`.
Start<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Starts the timer.
Start<public>():void = external {}
# Pauses the timer for `Agent`.
Pause<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Pauses the timer.
Pause<public>():void = external {}
# Resumes the timer for `Agent`.
Resume<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Resumes the timer.
Resume<public>():void = external {}
# Completes the timer for `Agent`.
Complete<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Completes the timer.
Complete<public>():void = external {}
# Starts the timer for all `agent`s.
StartForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Starts the timer for all `agent`s.
StartForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Pauses the timer for all `agent`s.
PauseForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Pauses the timer for all `agent`s.
PauseForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Resumes the timer for all `agent`s.
ResumeForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Resumes the timer for all `agent`s.
ResumeForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Completes the timer for all `agent`s.
CompleteForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Completes the timer for all `agent`s.
CompleteForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Saves this device's data for `Agent`.
Save<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Loads this device's saved data for `Agent`.
Load<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Clears this device's saved data for `Agent`.
ClearPersistenceData<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Clears this device's saved data for all `agent`s.
ClearPersistenceDataForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Clears this device's saved data for all `agent`s.
ClearPersistenceDataForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the remaining time (in seconds) on the timer, if active, on `Agent`.
SetActiveDuration<public>(Time:float, Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Sets the remaining time (in seconds) on the timer, if active. Use this function if the timer is set to
# use the same time for all `agent`'s.
SetActiveDuration<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
# Returns the remaining time (in seconds) on the timer for `Agent`.
GetActiveDuration<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts>:float = external {}
# Returns the remaining time (in seconds) on the timer if it is set to be global.
GetActiveDuration<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Sets the lap time indicator for `Agent`.
SetLapTime<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Sets the lap time indicator for all `agent`s.
SetLapTimeForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Sets the lap time indicator for all `agent`s.
SetLapTimeForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the maximum duration of the timer (in seconds).
SetMaxDuration<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
# Returns the maximum duration of the timer (in seconds).
GetMaxDuration<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Succeeds if this device is tracking timer state for each individual `agent` independently. Fails if
# state is being tracked globally for all `agent`'s.
IsStatePerAgent<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
# Configures game modes where players can start or stop timers to advance gameplay objectives, such as
# Attack/Defend Bomb objectives.
timed_objective_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the objective begins.
# Sends the `agent` that started the timer.
BeganEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the objective ends.
# Sends the `agent` that stopped the timer.
EndedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the objective is paused.
# Sends the `agent` that paused the timer.
PausedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the objective is resumed.
# Sends the `agent` that resumed the timer.
ResumedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the objective is restarted.
# Sends the `agent` that restarted the timer.
RestartedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the objective is completed.
# Sends the `agent` that started the timer or completed the timer by calling `Complete`.
CompletedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables the objective for `Agent`.
Enable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Disables the objective for `Agent`.
Disable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Makes this device visible.
Show<public>():void = external {}
# Makes this device invisible.
Hide<public>():void = external {}
# Starts the objective with `Agent` acting as the user the interacted this device.
Begin<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Ends the objective with `Agent` acting as the user the interacted this device.
End<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Pauses the objective with `Agent` acting as the user the interacted this device.
Pause<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Resumes the objective with `Agent` acting as the user the interacted this device.
Resume<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Restarts the objective with `Agent` acting as the user the interacted this device.
Restart<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Completes the objective with `Agent` acting as the user the interacted this device.
Complete<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Customizable rift that allows `agent`s to move instantly between locations. You can use this to move players
# around your island, or create multi-island experiences with teleporters that take players from one island to
# another.
teleporter_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` enters this device.
# Sends the `agent` that entered this device.
EnterEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` emerges from this device.
# Sends the `agent` that emerged from this device.
TeleportedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Teleport `Agent` to the target group using this device.
Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# When a link is activated, the current destination teleporter will be able to bring the `agent` back to this
# origin teleporter. Both origin and destination teleporters need to have this activated to work as expected.
ActivateLinkToTarget<public>():void = external {}
# Deactivates any currently active Link. The current destination teleporter will no longer be able to return
# the agent to this origin teleporter.
DeactivateLinkToTarget<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the currently selected destination teleporter, and selects reselects an eligible destination. If the
# target is a *Teleporter Group*, this may be another randomly chosen `teleporter_device` from that group.
ResetLinkToTarget<public>():void = external {}
# Teleport `Agent` to this device.
Teleport<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Provides team and inventory configurations that go beyond the choices the My Island settings provide.
# Can also be used to customize individual devices and create variations in team setup.
team_settings_and_inventory_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an enemy of *Team* is eliminated by a team member.
# Sends the `agent` team member who eliminated the enemy.
EnemyEliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when a member of *Team* is eliminated.
# Sends the `agent` that was eliminated.
TeamMemberEliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when *Team* runs out of respawns.
TeamOutOfRespawnsEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Ends the round and *Team* wins the round.
EndRound<public>():void = external {}
# Used to place the Infinity Blade on your island. When placed, the Infinity Blade
# becomes available to any player regardless of team affiliation.
sword_in_the_stone_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Used to inform players of other content made by a creator using a Support-A-Creator code. When players activate the device,
# it will bring up the same Support-A-Creator dialog box they would see in the Creative hub. The Support-A-Creator information
# shows when the dialog box opens for the player.
support_a_creator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Base class for various specialized storm devices. See also:
# * `basic_storm_controller_device`
# * `advanced_storm_controller_device`
storm_controller_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when storm resizing ends. Use this with the *On Finish Behavior* option for better controls.
PhaseEndedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Generates the storm. *Generate Storm On Game Start* must be set to *No* if you choose to use `GenerateStorm`.
GenerateStorm<public>():void = external {}
# Destroys the storm.
DestroyStorm<public>():void = external {}
# A set of customizable pop up targets that can be hit by players to trigger various events.
shooting_range_target_track_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when target is hit in the bullseye area.
BullseyeHitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target is hit by a player.
HitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target is hit by a player.
KnockdownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target moves up slightly, making it harder to hit.
HopUpEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target moves down slightly, making it harder to hit.
HopDownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target moves from laying flat to standing upright.
PopUpEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target moves from standing upright to laying flat.
PopDownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the target to its initial settings.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Moves an active (standing upright) target attached to the track up slightly, in an effort to make it harder to hit
HopUp<public>():void = external {}
# Moves an active (standing upright) target attached to the track down slightly, in an effort to make it harder to hit
HopDown<public>():void = external {}
# Causes the target attached to the track to transition from lying flat (inactive) to standing upright (active)
PopUp<public>():void = external {}
# Causes the target attached to the track to transition from standing upright (active) to lying flat (inactive)
PopDown<public>():void = external {}
# Enables movement on the track. This does not start the target moving, it only enables movement.
EnableTrackMovement<public>():void = external {}
# Disables movement on the track. This prevents any movement from occurring, until track movement is enabled again.
DisableTrackMovement<public>():void = external {}
# Activates the movement track.
ActivateTrack<public>():void = external {}
# Deactivates the movement track.
DeactivateTrack<public>():void = external {}
# Starts the target moving toward the end of the track.
MoveToEnd<public>():void = external {}
# Starts the target moving toward the start of the track.
MoveToStart<public>():void = external {}
# A single customizable pop up target that can be hit by `agent`s to trigger various events.
shooting_range_target_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the target is hit in the bullseye area.
BullseyeHitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target is hit by an `agent`.
HitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target takes enough damage to get knocked down.
KnockdownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target moves up slightly, making it harder to hit.
HopUpEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target moves down slightly, making it harder to hit.
HopDownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target moves from laying flat to standing upright.
PopUpEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target moves from standing upright to laying flat.
PopDownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the target to its initial settings.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Moves an active (standing upright) target up slightly, in an effort to make it harder to hit.
HopUp<public>():void = external {}
# Moves an active (standing upright) target down slightly, in an effort to make it harder to hit.
HopDown<public>():void = external {}
# Causes a target to transition from lying flat (inactive) to standing upright (active).
PopUp<public>():void = external {}
# Causes a target to transition from standing upright (active) to lying flat (inactive).
PopDown<public>():void = external {}
# Used to manipulate scores using in-experience triggers. If *Activating Team* is set to a specific team, then you
# should use the `agent` overloads of each function. The `agent`'s team will be used to determine if that `agent` is
# allowed to affect the state of the device.
score_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the this device reaches its maximum number of triggers as defined by *Times Can Trigger*.
# Sends the `agent` who last tiggered the device.
MaxTriggersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the this device awards points to an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` who received the points.
ScoreOutputEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets this device to its original state.
Reset<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Resets this device to its original state.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Grant points to `Agent`.
Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Grants points.
Activate<public>():void = external {}
# Increments the score quantity to be awarded by the next activation by `1`.
Increment<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Increments the score quantity to be awarded by the next activation by `1`.
Increment<public>():void = external {}
# Decrements the score quantity to be awarded by the next activation by `1`.
Decrement<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Decrements the score quantity to be awarded by the next activation by `1`.
Decrement<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the score to be awarded by the next activation to `Value`.
SetScoreAward<public>(Value:int):void = external {}
# Returns the score to be awarded by the next activation.
GetScoreAward<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
# Sets the score to be awarded by the next activation to `Agent`'s current score.
SetToAgentScore<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Returns the current score for `Agent`.
GetCurrentScore<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts>:int = external {}
# Used to customize gameplay for any round-based game. It generally defines what happens to the
# `agent`'s inventory and rewards in each round.
round_settings_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when a game round starts.
RoundBeginEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Enables the ability for players to Matchmake into the Island. Only applies to published games that have
# matchmaking turned on in the Island settings
EnableMatchmaking<public>():void = external {}
# Disables the ability for players to Matchmake into the Island. Only applies to published games that have
# matchmaking turned on in the Island settings
DisableMatchmaking<public>():void = external {}
# Toggles between `EnableMatchmaking` and `DisableMatchmaking`.
ToggleMatchmaking<public>():void = external {}
# Disables all end-round conditions. The round must be ended through calling `EndRound` or a creative event
# after this is called.
DisableEndRoundConditions<public>():void = external {}
# Ends the round immediately with `Agent`'s team set as the winner of the round.
EndRound<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to generate random numbers between a minimum and maximum value. Events are signaled when numbers are generated.
# * *Value Limit 1* is the minimum value for generation.
# * *Value Limit 2* is the maximum value for generation.
rng_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the generated number >= *Winning Value*.
WinEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the generated number < *Winning Value*.
LoseEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the generated number = maximum.
RolledMaxEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the generated number = minimum.
RolledMinEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Randomly generate a number between *Value Limit 1* and *Value Limit 2*.
# * If the number is >= *Winning Value* then `WinEvent` is fired.
# * If the number is < *Winning Value* then `LoseEvent` is fired.
# * If the number = minimum then `RolledMinEvent` is fired.
# * If the number = maximum then `RolledMaxEvent` is fired.
# * `Agent` is used as the Instigator of the roll event.
Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Randomly roll a number within the configured min + max value range.
# * If the number is >= *Winning Value* then `WinEvent` is fired.
# * If the number is < *Winning Value* then `LoseEvent` is fired.
# * If the number = minimum then `RolledMinEvent` is fired.
# * If the number = maximum then `RolledMaxEvent` is fired.
Activate<public>():void = external {}
# Cancels the active number generation.
Cancel<public>():void = external {}
# Used to play curated music from the device or one or more registered `agent`s.
radio_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Starts playing audio from this device.
Play<public>():void = external {}
# Stops playing audio from this device.
Stop<public>():void = external {}
# Adds the specified agent as a target for the Radio to play audio from
Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Removes the specified agent as a target for the Radio to play audio from if previously Registered
Unregister<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Removes all previously registered agents as targets for the Radio to play audio from
UnregisterAll<public>():void = external {}
# A device used to damage players who collide with it. Can also be used as a trigger to activate other devices.
pulse_trigger_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Starts the damage sequence.
Begin<public>():void = external {}
# Stops the damage sequence.
End<public>():void = external {}
# Resumes the damage sequence from the last position where it was stopped.
ResumeSequence<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the damage to be applied to those hit by an active wave. Clamped between `0 <= GetDamage <= 100000`.
# Wave visuals will change to reflect whether the wave causes damage or not.
SetDamage<public>(Damage:float):void = external {}
# Returns the damage to be applied to those hit by an active wave. Clamped between `0 <= GetDamage <= 100000`.
GetDamage<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Sets the total number of waves this sequence will complete before ending its sequence.
# `LoopCount = 0` indicates the sequence should continue indefinitely.
SetLoopCount<public>(LoopCount:int):void = external {}
# Returns the total number of waves this sequence will complete before ending its sequence.
# `0` indicates the sequence will continue indefinitely.
GetLoopCount<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
# Sets the speed (in meters per second) at which the waves generated by this sequencer will travel.
SetWaveSpeed<public>(Speed:float):void = external {}
# Returns the speed (in meters per second) at which the waves generated by this sequencer will travel.
GetWaveSpeed<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Base class for devices that spawn a prop object.
prop_spawner_base_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Spawns the prop associated with this device.
SpawnObject<public>():void = external {}
# Destroys all props spawned from this device.
DestroyAllSpawnedObjects<public>():void = external {}
# Allows customization of the Prop-o-Matic weapon functions and how the game reacts to players using it.
prop_o_matic_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Base class for various powerup devices offering common events like `ItemPickedUpEvent`.
powerup_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the powerup is picked up by an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that picked up the powerup.
ItemPickedUpEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Spawns the powerup into the experience so users can interact with it.
Spawn<public>():void = external {}
# Despawns this powerup from the experience.
Despawn<public>():void = external {}
# Grants this powerup to `Agent`.
Pickup<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to move, damage, and give scores to players that interact with it. By default, it is activated by any
# player touching its front face, which rotates it counterclockwise and knocks those players away from it and
# slightly upward.
pinball_flipper_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device is activated by an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that activated this device.
ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Causes `Agent` to activate this device.
Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# A triggered bumper that can knock players back, damage them, and award points.
pinball_bumper_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device is activated by an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that activated this device.
ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Activates this device.
Activate<public>():void = external {}
# Specialized `trigger_base_device` that will fire output events based on line of sight between `agent`s and the device.
perception_trigger_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(trigger_base_device):
# Signaled when an `agent` has direct line of sight to this device.
# Sends the `agent` that has seen this device.
AgentLooksAtDeviceEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` has lost direct line of sight to this device.
# Sends the `agent` that has lost sight of this device.
AgentLooksAwayFromDeviceEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device has direct line of sight to an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` seen by this device.
DeviceSeesAgentEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device loses direct line of sight to an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` this device has lost sight of.
DeviceLosesSightOfAgentEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Provides a collection of destructible devices that you can select from to use as objectives in your game.
objective_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device has been destroyed by an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that destroyed this device.
DestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Shows this device in the world.
Show<public>():void = external {}
# Hides this device from the world.
Hide<public>():void = external {}
# Activates an objective pulse at `Agent`'s location pointing toward this device.
ActivateObjectivePulse<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Deactivates the objective pulse at `Agent`'s location.
DeactivateObjectivePulse<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Destroys the objective item. This is done regardless of the visibility or health of the item.
Destroy<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to temporarily modify the speed of `agent`s and vehicles.
movement_modulator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device is activated by an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that activated this device.
ActivationEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Activates this device's movement effect on `Agent`.
Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to take players to different islands and to link experiences together.
matchmaking_portal_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to create custom points of interest and markers on the minimap and overview map.
map_indicator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Activates an objective pulse at `Agent`'s location pointing toward this device.
ActivateObjectivePulse<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Deactivates the objective pulse at `Agent`'s location.
DeactivateObjectivePulse<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to customize the state and accessibility of doors. `lock_device` only works with assets that have
# a door attached.
lock_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Locks the door. `Agent` is the instigator of the action.
Lock<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Unlocks the door. `Agent` is the instigator of the action.
Unlock<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Toggles between `Lock` and `Unlock`. `Agent` is the instigator of the action.
ToggleLocked<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Opens the door. `Agent` is the instigator of the action.
Open<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Closes the door. `Agent` is the instigator of the action.
Close<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Toggles between `Open` and `Close`. `Agent` is the instigator of the action.
ToggleOpened<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to configuration and spawn items that players can pick up and use.
item_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(base_item_spawner_device):
# Cycles device to next configured item.
CycleToNextItem<public>():void = external {}
# Spawns the current item.
SpawnItem<public>():void = external {}
# Sets device *Respawn Item on Timer* option (see `SetTimeBetweenSpawns`)
SetEnableRespawnTimer<public>(Respawn:logic):void = external {}
# Returns device *Respawn Item on Timer* option (see `SetTimeBetweenSpawns`)
GetEnableRespawnTimer<public>()<transacts>:logic = external {}
# Sets the *Time Between Spawns* (in seconds) after an item is collected before the next is spawned, if this device has *Respawn Item on Timer* enabled (see `SetEnableRespawnTimer`)
SetTimeBetweenSpawns<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
# Returns the *Time Between Spawns* (in seconds) after an item is collected before the next is spawned, if this device has *Respawn Item on Timer* enabled (see `SetEnableRespawnTimer`)
GetTimeBetweenSpawns<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Used to grant items to `agent`s. Items can either be dropped at the `agent`'s location or added directly to
# their inventory.
item_granter_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an item is granted to an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that was granted the item.
ItemGrantedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Clears saved data for `Agent`, preventing them from receiving items while offline. This only works when
# *Grant While Offline* is set to *Yes*.
ClearSaveData<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Cycles to the next item. If *Grant on Cycle* is set `Agent` will be granted the item.
CycleToNextItem<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Cycles to the previous item. If *Grant on Cycle* is set `Agent` will be granted the item.
CycleToPreviousItem<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Cycles to a random item. If *Grant on Cycle* is set `Agent` will be granted the item.
CycleToRandomItem<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Grants an item to `Agent`.
GrantItem<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Restocks this device back to its starting inventory count.
RestockItems<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the next item to be granted.
# * `Index` should be between `0` and the available item count - 1.
# * Calling `SetNextItem` with an invalid index will do nothing.
SetNextItem<public>(Index:int):void = external {}
# Used to show custom HUD messages to one or more `agent`s.
hud_message_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Shows the currently set HUD *Message* on `Agent`s screen. Will replace any previously active message.
# Use this when the device is setup to target specific `agent`s.
Show<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Shows the currently set *Message* HUD message on screen. Will replace any previously active message.
Show<public>():void = external {}
# Hides the HUD message.
Hide<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the time (in seconds) the HUD message will be displayed. `0.0` will display the HUD message persistently.
SetDisplayTime<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
# Returns the time (in seconds) for which the HUD message will be displayed. `0.0` means the message is
# displayed persistently.
GetDisplayTime<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Sets the *Message* to be displayed when the HUD message is activated. `Text` is clamped to 150 characters.
SetText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
# Used to create a holographic screen that displays a clock or other curated images.
holoscreen_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Used to let `agent`s slide on any surface with accompanying visual and audio effects.
grind_powerup_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(powerup_device):
# Used to provide fuel sources for vehicles. Can also be used to deal considerable damage to `agent`s and the
# environment when destroyed.
fuel_pump_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the fuel pump is emptied.
# Sends the `agent` that emptied the fuel pump.
EmptyEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets fuel stock to *Fuel Capacity* value.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Grants fuel to `Agent`.
Empty<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Hazard which deals damage in a radius around it when destroyed or triggered.
explosive_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device explodes.
# Sends the `agent` that caused the explosion.
ExplodedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Shows this device in the world.
Show<public>():void = external {}
# Hides this device from the world.
Hide<public>():void = external {}
# Resets this device.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Triggers this device to explode. Passes `Agent` as the instigator of the explosion.
Explode<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to customize high level properties of the game mode.
experience_settings_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Used to spawn items when an `agent` or specified target is eliminated.
elimination_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(base_item_spawner_device):
# Signaled when a qualifying elimination occurs.
# Sends the eliminated `agent`.
EliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when a qualifying elimination occurs.
# Sends the eliminator `agent`. If the eliminator is a non-agent
# then `false` is returned.
EliminationEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
# Used to amplify an `agent`'s damage temporarily. This applies to any weapon the `agent` is using at
# the time of the powerup.
damage_amplifier_powerup_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(powerup_device):
# Used to create a specialized button which can only be activated when `agent`s are carrying specific items.
conditional_button_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device is activated.
# Sends the `agent` that activated this device.
ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device fails to activate because `agent` didn't have the required items.
# Sends the `agent` that attempted to activate the device.
NotEnoughItemsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Diables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets this device to its original settings.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Activates this device. `Agent` is used as the instigator of the action.
Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Toggles the conditional button state. `Agent` is used as the instigator of the action.
Toggle<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Sets the text that appears when `agent`s approach the device. `Text` is limited to `150` characters.
SetInteractionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
# Sets the time (in seconds) that an interaction with this device should take to complete.
SetInteractionTime<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
# Returns the time (in seconds) that an interaction with this device will take to complete.
GetInteractionTime<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Sets the quantity of a specific key item type that needs to be collected in order to activate the switch.
# `KeyItemIndex` ranges from `0` to number of key item types - 1.
SetItemCountRequired<public>(KeyItemIndex:int, Count:int):void = external {}
# Returns the total quantity of a specific key item type that needs to be collected in order to activate the switch.
GetItemCountRequired<public>(KeyItemIndex:int)<transacts>:int = external {}
# Returns the remaining quantity of a specific key item type that needs to be collected in order to activate the switch.
GetRemainingItemCountRequired<public>(KeyItemIndex:int)<transacts>:int = external {}
# Sets the score to be awarded for a key item. `KeyItemIndex` ranges from `0` to number of key item types - 1.
SetItemScore<public>(KeyItemIndex:int, Score:int):void = external {}
# Returns the score to be awarded for a key item.
GetItemScore<public>(KeyItemIndex:int)<transacts>:int = external {}
# Used to create a tile that changes colors when `agent`s interact with it.
color_changing_tiles_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device changes color.
# Sends the `agent` that interacted with this device.
ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Shows this device in the world.
Show<public>():void = external {}
# Hides this device from the world.
Hide<public>():void = external {}
# Resets this device to its initial settings.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the color of the tile to `Agent`'s team color.
SetTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used together with `class_selector_device` to create class based gameplay. Defines custom class attributes and inventory loadouts.
class_designer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Used together with `class_designer_device` to control how/when created classes can be accessed by `agent`s.
class_and_team_selector_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` changes class.
# Sends the `agent` whose class changed.
ClassSwitchedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` changes teams.
# Sends the `agent` whose team changed.
TeamSwitchedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Changes the `Agent`'s class.
ChangeClass<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Changes the `Agent`'s team.
ChangeTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Changes the `Agent`'s team and class.
ChangeTeamAndClass<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Changes the selecting team.
ChangeSelectorTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Spawns and tracks a single item as a game objective (e.g. flag).
capture_item_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when spawned item is captured.
# Sends the `agent` that captured the item.
ItemCapturedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when spawned item is picked up.
# Sends the `agent` that picked up the item.
ItemPickedUpEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when spawned item is dropped.
# Sends the `agent` that dropped the item.
ItemDroppedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when spawned item is returned.
# Sends the `agent` that returned the item.
ItemReturnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to create a zone that can trigger effects once players enter it. Can be set up to be capturable by a team,
# to provide a score while held, or to require a specific item as a drop-off.
capture_area_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` enters this device area.
# Sends the `agent` that entered this device area.
AgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` exits this device area.
# Sends the `agent` that exited this device area.
AgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the first `agent` enters this device area.
# Sends the `agent` that entered this device area.
FirstAgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the last `agent` exits this device area.
# Sends the `agent` that exited this device area.
LastAgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is contested.
# Sends the `agent` that is contesting this device.
AreaIsContestedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is scored.
# Sends the `agent` that scored this device.
AreaIsScoredEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device control change starts.
# Sends the `agent` that is triggering this device control change.
ControlChangeStartsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device control changes.
# Sends the `agent` that triggered this device control change.
ControlChangeEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an item is consumed by this device.
# Sends the `agent` that provided the item to this device.
ItemIsConsumedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an item is delivered to this device.
# Sends the `agent` that delivered the item to this device.
ItemIsDeliveredEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Toggles between `Enable` and `Disable`.
ToggleEnabled<public>():void = external {}
# Allows this device to be captured.
AllowCapture<public>():void = external {}
# Disallows this device from being captured.
DisallowCapture<public>():void = external {}
# Toggles between `AllowCapture` and `DisallowCapture`.
ToggleCaptureAllowed<public>():void = external {}
# Resets control of this device for all teams.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Gives control of this device to the captureing `agent`'s team.
GiveControl<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Clears control of this device for all teams.
Neutralize<public>():void = external {}
# Activates the objective pulse for this device.
ActivateObjectivePulse<public>():void = external {}
# Deactivates the objective pulse for this device.
DeactivateObjectivePulse<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the *Capture Height* (in meters) of the capture area.
SetHeight<public>(Height:float):void = external {}
# Returns the *Capture Height* (in meters) of the capture area.
GetHeight<public>()<varies>:float = external {}
# Sets the *Capture Radius* (in meters) of the capture area.
SetRadius<public>(Radius:float):void = external {}
# Returns the *Capture Radius* (in meters) of the capture area.
GetRadius<public>()<varies>:float = external {}
# Used to create a button which can trigger other devices when an agent interacts with it.
button_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` successfully interacts with the button for `GetInteractionTime` seconds.
# Sends the `agent` that interacted with the button.
InteractedWithEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the text that displays when an `agent` is close to this button and looks at it. `Text` is limited to
# `64` characters.
SetInteractionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
# Sets the duration of the interaction required to activate this device (in seconds).
SetInteractionTime<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
# Returns the duration of the interaction required to activate this device (in seconds).
GetInteractionTime<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Sets the maximum amount of times this button can be interacted with before it will be disabled.
# * `MaxCount` must be between `0` and `10`.
# * `0` indicates no limit on trigger count.
SetMaxTriggerCount<public>(MaxCount:int):void = external {}
# Returns the maximum amount of times this button can be interacted with before it will be disabled.
# * `GetTriggerMaxCount` will be between `0` and `10`.
# * `0` indicates no limit on trigger count.
GetMaxTriggerCount<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
# Returns the number of times that this button can still be interacted with before it will be
# disabled. Will return `0` if `GetMaxTriggerCount` is unlimited.
GetTriggerCountRemaining<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
# Used to display custom text messages on a billboard.
billboard_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Shows the billboard text.
ShowText<public>():void = external {}
# Hides the billboard text.
HideText<public>():void = external {}
# Updates the device display to show the current *Text*.
UpdateDisplay<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the visibility of the device border mesh. This also determines whether the device collision is enabled.
SetShowBorder<public>(Show:logic):void = external {}
# Returns `true` if the device border is enabled.
GetShowBorder<public>()<transacts>:logic = external {}
# Sets the device *Text*.
SetText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
# Sets the *Text Size* of the device *Text*. Clamped to range [8, 24].
SetTextSize<public>(Size:int):void = external {}
# Returns the *Text Size* of the device *Text*.
GetTextSize<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
# Used to show an in world visual effect and/or a HUD marker at the desired location.
beacon_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# A simplified storm device that provides a way to create a single-phase storm and control its basic behaviors.
# To control multiple phases of the storm see `advanced_storm_controller_device`.
basic_storm_controller_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(storm_controller_device):
# Base class for devices that spawn items.
base_item_spawner_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` picks up the spawned item.
# Sends the `agent` that picked up the item.
ItemPickedUpEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to spawn various types of balls. Can be used to control HUD elements related to the spawned balls.
ball_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Shows the floating HUD Icons to players, if these have been configured by the device.
ShowHUD<public>():void = external {}
# Hides the floating HUD Icons from players, if these have been configured by the device.
HideHUD<public>():void = external {}
# Evaluates attributes for `agent` when signaled from other devices. Acts as branching logic, checking whether the `agent` associated
# with the signal passes all of the tests setup in this device, then sends a signal on either `PassEvent` or `FailEvent`.
attribute_evaluator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(trigger_base_device):
# Signaled when the `agent` from `EvaluateAgent` passes the requirements specified by this device.
# Sends the `agent` originally passed to this device in `EvaluateAgent`.
PassEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the `agent` from `EvaluateAgent` fails the requirements specified by this device.
# Sends the `agent` originally passed to this device in `EvaluateAgent`.
FailEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Tests whether the specified agent satisfies the required conditions specified on the device (e.g. eliminations/score),
# and fires either the `PassEvent` or `FailEvent` accordingly.
EvaluateAgent<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to boost `agent`s, vehicles, and other objects upwards into the air.
air_vent_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Activates this device.
Activate<public>():void = external {}
# Used to control a Battle Royale-style storm with up to 50 phases.
# Like `basic_storm_controller_device`s, you can use this storm to keep players inside a playable area, but unlike
# the `basic_storm_controller_device`, this device generates multiple storm phases. When used in conjunction with
# `advanced_storm_beacon_device`s, you can customize each phase of the storm by applying one or more beacons and
# setting customization options for the specific phase you assign to that beacon.
advanced_storm_controller_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(storm_controller_device):
# Used in conjunction with `advanced_storm_controller_device` to customize individual storm phases.
advanced_storm_beacon_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Spawns a lightweight vehicle made for defying gravity with its rocket boosting, jumping, and aerial maneuverability capabilities.
vehicle_spawner_octane_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Used to spawn an `agent` on an island. Use multiple `player_spawner_device`s to spawn multiple `agent`s.
player_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` is spawned from this device.
# Sends the `agent` that spawned.
SpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to relay `agent` statistics to other devices and `agent`s. Can transmit statistics such as elimination count,
# eliminated count, or scores when certain conditions are met. Can also project a hologram of the `agent` and display text
# that can be altered in various positions and curvatures.
player_reference_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device is activated.
# Sends the `agent` stored in the device.
ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when a stat tracked by this device is updated.
# Sends the `agent` stored in the device.
TrackedStatChangedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the `agent` tracked by this device is updated.
# Sends the new `agent` stored in the device.
AgentUpdatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the `agent` tracked by this fails to be updated.
# Sends the `agent` that attempted to be stored in this device.
AgentUpdateFailsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the `agent` tracked by this device is replaced.
# Sends the new `agent` stored in the device.
AgentReplacedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Ends the round/game.
Activate<public>():void = external {}
# Registers `Agent` as the `agent` being tracked by this device.
Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Clears the state of this device.
Clear<public>():void = external {}
# Used to select, spawn, and configure a skeletal mesh to play a specific animation.
animated_mesh_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Starts or resumes playback of the animation.
Play<public>():void = external {}
# Pauses playback of the animation.
Pause<public>():void = external {}
# Starts or resumes reverse playback of the animation.
PlayReverse<public>():void = external {}
# Used to trigger level sequences that allow coordination of cinematic animation, transformation, and audio tracks.
cinematic_sequence_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the sequence is stopped.
StoppedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Plays the sequence. This will only work when the device is set to *Everyone*
Play<public>():void = external {}
# Plays the sequence. An instigating 'Agent' is required when the device is set
# to anything except *Everyone*.
Play<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Stops the sequence.
Stop<public>():void = external {}
# Stops the sequence. An instigating 'Agent' is required when the device is set
# to anything except *Everyone*.
Stop<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Pauses the sequence.
Pause<public>():void = external {}
# Pauses the sequence. An instigating 'Agent' is required when the device is set
# to anything except *Everyone*.
Pause<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Toggles between `Play` and `Stop`.
TogglePause<public>():void = external {}
# Toggles between `Play` and `Stop`. An instigating 'Agent' is required when the device is set
# to anything except *Everyone*.
TogglePause<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to allow players to select their *Class* from a *Class Selector UI*.
class_selector_ui_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` selects a class.
# Sends the `agent` that selected a class.
ClassSelectedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` closes the UI.
# Sends the `agent` that closed the UI.
UIClosedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the UI is opened.
# Sends the `agent` that is responsible for opening the UI.
UIOpenedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Show the *Class Selector UI* to `Agent`.
Show<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to place a campfire in the world that an `agent` can use to heal themselves.
campfire_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` enters the area of effect for this device.
# Sends the entering `agent`.
AgentEntersEffectAreaEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` exits the area of effect for this device.
# Sends the exiting `agent`.
AgentExitsEffectAreaEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device generates a pulse.
CampfirePulseEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` is affected by a pulse generated by this device.
# Sends the affected `agent`.
AgentPulsedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is lit by an `agent`.
# Sends the lighting `agent`.
LitEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is extinguished by an `agent`.
# Sends the extinguishing `agent`.
ExtinguishedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is enabled.
EnabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is disabled.
DisabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Adds wood to this device.
AddWood<public>():void = external {}
# Lights this device.
Light<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Extinguishes this device.
Extinguish<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Spawns a crowd to cheer you on.
crowd_volume_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to set up islands so players will earn Battle Pass XP when they interact with your island. Accolades
# are achievements or accomplishments that players can complete to earn XP.
accolades_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when testing the accolade to make sure it is awarded as expected. Only signals within
# unpublished island environments.
# Sends the `agent` receiving the achievement.
TestAwardEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Awards the XP to `agent`.
Award<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to spawn guards that can patrol and attack other `agent`s.
guard_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when a guard is spawned.
# Sends the `agent` guard who was spawned.
SpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device. Guards will start to spawn.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device. Guards will despawn if *Despawn Guards When Disabled* is set.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the spawn count allowing spawning of a new batch of guards.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Tries to spawn a guard. If *Auto Hire When Spawned* is set to *Triggering Player* the guard will be
# hired by `Instigator`.
Spawn<public>(Instigator:agent):void = external {}
# Despawns guards. `Instigator` will be considered as the eliminator of those guards.
Despawn<public>(Instigator:agent):void = external {}
# Hires guards to `Instigator`'s team.
Hire<public>(Instigator:agent):void = external {}
# Dismisses all hired guards.
DismissAllHiredGuards<public>():void = external {}
# Dismisses all hired guards that were recruited by `Instigator`.
DismissAgentHiredGuards<public>(Instigator:agent):void = external {}
# Forces guard to attack `Target`, bypassing perception checks.
ForceAttackTarget<public>(Target:agent):void = external {}
# Allows guards to be hired.
SetGuardsHireable<public>():void = external {}
# Prevents guards from being hired.
SetGuardsNotHireable<public>():void = external {}
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a helicopter to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_helicopter_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Used to cause `agent`s to drop or lose items from their inventory. For example, if an `agent` is *Down But Not Out*,
# they could drop items from their inventory, and other `agent`s could then pick up those items.
item_remover_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Remove items from `Agent`s inventory. The items that are removed can be configured using *Affected Items*.
Remove<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows an anti-vehicle turret to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_heavy_turret_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a UFO to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_ufo_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Used to create HUD text boxes that give players information, and allows responses to be customized to player choices.
popup_dialog_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when *Button <Index>* on this device is pushed by an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that pushed the button.
# Sends the `int` index of the clicked the button.
RespondingButtonEvent<public>:listenable(tuple(agent, int)) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is shown to an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` looking at the popup.
ShownEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is dismissed by an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` who dismissed the popup.
DismissedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this device times out while an `agent` is looking at it.
# Sends the `agent` who was looking at the popup.
TimeOutEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Shows the popup to `Agent`.
Show<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Shows the popup to all `agent`s in the experience.
Show<public>():void = external {}
# Hides the popup from `Agent`.
Hide<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Hides the popup from all `agent`s in the experience.
Hide<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the number of buttons this popup has.
# Button Count is not updated on active Popups.
SetButtonCount<public>(Count:int):void = external {}
# Returns the *Button Text* for this popup at a specified index.
GetButtonText<public>(Index:int)<transacts>:[]char = external {}
# Sets the *Button Text* for a button at a specific index on this popup.
# * `Text` should be no more than `8` characters.
# * If `Text` is empty the button will show *OK* instead.
# * Button 1 uses `Index` 0.
SetButtonText<public>(Text:message, Index:int):void = external {}
# Sets the *Description* text for this popup. `Text` should be no more than `350` characters.
SetDescriptionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
# Returns the *Description* text for this popup.
GetDescriptionText<public>()<transacts>:[]char = external {}
# Sets the *Title* text for this popup. `Text` should be no more than `32` characters.
SetTitleText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
# Returns the *Title* text for this popup.
GetTitleText<public>()<transacts>:[]char = external {}
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a siege cannon to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_siege_cannon_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Used to configure a single interactive mannequin, that can visualize characters, clothing, and perform emotes.
character_device<public> := class<concrete>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` interacts with this device.
# Sends the `agent` that interacted with this device.
InteractedWithEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Shows this device.
Show<public>():void = external {}
# Hides this device.
Hide<public>():void = external {}
# Plays an emote on the character created by this device.
PlayEmote<public>():void = external {}
# Used to set an `agent`'s spawn point when activated. This can also clear the `agent`'s inventory.
player_checkpoint_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device is first activated by any `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that activated this device.
FirstActivationEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled each time a new `agent` activates this device.
# Sends the `agent` that activated this device.
FirstActivationPerAgentEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Registers this checkpoint for `Agent`. This sets the respawn point and can clear `Agent`'s inventory
# depending on this device's settings. Multiple `agent`s can be registered to this device at one time.
Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Physics tree that can be chopped down, and damage players, vehicles, creatures, and structures.
physics_tree_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(physics_object_base_device):
# Signaled when a tree is spawned.
TreeSpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the log created by a tree is destroyed.
LogDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the stump created by a tree is destroyed.
StumpDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when a tree has taken enough damage to be knocked down.
TreeKnockedDownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Releases the log from the tree, if there is one.
ReleaseLog<public>():void = external {}
# Destroys the current log.
DestroyLog<public>():void = external {}
# Destroys the current stump.
DestroyStump<public>():void = external {}
# Base class for various physics-based gameplay elements (e.g. boulders/trees).
physics_object_base_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(prop_spawner_base_device):
# Physics boulder that can be dislodged and damage `agent`s, vehicles, creatures, and structures.
physics_boulder_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(physics_object_base_device):
# Signaled when the balanced boulder is spawned on the base.
BalancedBoulderSpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the balanced boulder is destroyed.
BalancedBoulderDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the base of the boulder is destroyed.
BaseDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the rolling boulder is destroyed.
RollingBoulderDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Destroys the boulder's base.
DestroyBase<public>():void = external {}
# Releases the boulder sitting on the base, if there is one.
ReleaseRollingBoulder<public>():void = external {}
# Destroys the current rolling boulder.
DestroyRollingBoulder<public>():void = external {}
# Used to mark an `agent`'s position on the minimap and configure the information shown for marked `agent`s.
# Example configuration options:
# * Health and shield bars for marked players.
# * Distance to a marked player.
# Example marker appearance options:
# * Customized text label displayed on marked players.
# * Alternative minimap icon and icon color.
player_marker_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the first item type monitored on marked agents has changed.
# Sends the marked `agent`.
FirstItemValueChangedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the second item type monitored on marked agents has changed.
# Sends the marked `agent`.
SecondItemValueChangedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when a marked `agent` meets the quantity condition for the first monitored item type
# (e.g. Fewer Than, Equal To, More Than X).
# Sends the marked `agent`.
FirstItemValueReachedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when a marked `agent` meets the quantity condition for the second monitored item type
# (e.g. Fewer Than, Equal To, More Than X).
# Sends the marked `agent`.
SecondItemValueReachedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Attaches a marker to `Agent`.
Attach<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Detaches a marker from `Agent`.
Detach<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Detaches markers from all marked `agent`s.
DetachFromAll<public>():void = external {}
# Used to move around a building or prop, and customize responses to various collision event types.
prop_mover_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device is enabled.
EnabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is disabled.
DisabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the prop movement begins.
BeganEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the prop movement ends.
EndedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the prop reaches its destination.
FinishedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the prop changes its direction.
MovementModeChangedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the prop hits an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` hit by the prop.
AgentHitEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the prop hits a creature, animal, or NPC.
AIHitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the prop hits another prop.
PropHitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Moves the prop to its original position.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Begins the prop moving.
Begin<public>():void = external {}
# Ends the prop moving.
End<public>():void = external {}
# Moves the prop forward based on this device's default configuration, ignoring the prop's previous movement.
Advance<public>():void = external {}
# Reverses the prop's moving direction.
Reverse<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the total distance (in meters) that the prop will move.
SetTargetDistance<public>(InDistance:float):void = external {}
# Returns the total distance (in meters) that the prop will move.
GetTargetDistance<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Sets the speed (in meters per second) at which the prop will move to its destination.
SetTargetSpeed<public>(Speed:float):void = external {}
# Returns the speed (in meters per second) at which the prop mover will move the prop to its destination.
GetTargetSpeed<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Used to trigger in game events based on real world time.
real_time_clock_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the optional second *Duration* time has been reached.
DurationElapsedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the target time is reached.
TimeReachedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is enabled after the target time has been reached.
EnablingAfterTimeReachedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when this device is enabled before the target time has been reached.
EnablingBeforeTimeReachedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a Whiplash sports car to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_sports_car_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Base class for various specialized vehicle spawners which allow specific vehicle types to be spawned and
# configured with specialized options.
vehicle_spawner_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` enters the vehicle.
# Sends the `agent` that entered the vehicle.
AgentEntersVehicleEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` exits the vehicle.
# Sends the `agent` that exited the vehicle.
AgentExitsVehicleEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when a vehicle is spawned or respawned by this device.
VehicleSpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when a vehicle is destroyed.
VehicleDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Sets `Agent` as the vehicle's driver.
AssignDriver<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Destroys the spawned vehicle if it exists.
DestroyVehicle<public>():void = external {}
# Spawns a new vehicle. The previous vehicle will be destroyed before a new vehicle spawns.
RespawnVehicle<public>():void = external {}
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a taxi to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_taxi_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a surfboard to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_surfboard_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a shopping cart to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_shopping_cart_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a Quadcrasher to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_quadcrasher_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a Prevalent sedan to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_sedan_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a Mudflap semi truck to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_big_rig_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a Driftboard to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_driftboard_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a cannon to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_cannon_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a boat to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_boat_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a Stormwing biplane to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_biplane_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a pickup truck to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_pickup_truck_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a Baller vehicle to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_baller_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Signaled when the vehicle runs out of energy.
OutOfEnergyEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Refills the vehicle's energy.
RefillEnergy<public>():void = external {}
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows an ATK (all terrain kart) to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_atk_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a tank to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_tank_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Used to create a zone where players are put into a skydive state. Can customize the amount of force used to
# push the player, and how fast players are launched into the air. The direction of the push is in relation to
# the device, so you can rotate and overlap several devices, then use variable speeds to create pneumatic tubes
# that propel players in different directions. You can even create unique traversal (traveling) options, where
# players can use these zones to reach places on your island they couldn't reach any other way.
skydive_volume_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(effect_volume_device):
# Signaled when an `agent` enters the volume.
# Sends the `agent` that entered the volume.
AgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` exits the volume.
# Sends the `agent` that exited the volume.
AgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the zone changes from empty to occupied.
# Sends the `agent` that entered the volume.
ZoneOccupiedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the zone changes from occupied to empty.
# Sends the `agent` that last left the volume.
ZoneEmptiedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables volume locking which prevents users from leaving the volume once they've entered.
EnableVolumeLocking<public>():void = external {}
# Disables volume locking which prevents users from leaving the volume once they've entered.
DisableVolumeLocking<public>():void = external {}
# Used to specify a zone where custom gameplay effects can be applied (e.g. gravity, no build, no weapons).
mutator_zone_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(effect_volume_device):
# Signaled when an `agent` in this zone begins emoting. This will not signal if the `agent` is on the
# *Safe Team* or if *Affects Players* is disabled.
# Sends the `agent` that started emoting.
AgentBeginsEmotingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` in this zone ends emoting. This will not signal if the `agent` is on the
# *Safe Team* or if *Affects Players* is disabled.
# Sends the `agent` that stopped emoting.
AgentEndsEmotingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` enters this zone.
# Sends the `agent` entering this zone.
AgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` exits this zone.
# Sends the `agent` exiting this zone.
AgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Updates *Selected Class* to `Agent`'s class.
UpdateSelectedClass<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Updates *Selected Team* to `Agent`'s team.
UpdateSelectedTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to specify an area which allows (or prevents) various objects, terrain, or buildings from being set on fire.
fire_volume_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(effect_volume_device):
# Extinguishes objects inside this device area.
Extinguish<public>():void = external {}
# Ignites objects inside this device area.
Ignite<public>():void = external {}
# Base class for types of volumes with special gameplay properties.
effect_volume_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to specify an area volume which can damage `agent`s, vehicles, and creatures.
damage_volume_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(effect_volume_device):
# Signaled when an `agent` enters the volume.
# Sends the `agent` entering the volume.
AgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` exits the volume.
# Sends the `agent` exiting the volume.
AgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Updates *Selected Class* to `Agent`'s class.
UpdateSelectedClass<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Updates *Selected Team* to `Agent`'s team.
UpdateSelectedTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Sets the damage to be applied each tick within the volume. `Damage` is clamped between `1` and `500`.
SetDamage<public>(Damage:int):void = external {}
# Returns the damage to be applied each tick within the volume.
GetDamage<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
# Creates an impenetrable zone that can block `agent` movement and weapon fire.
barrier_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to spawn various wildlife that players can herd, hunt, or tame.
wildlife_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device spawns wildlife.
# Sends the `agent` wildlife that was spawned.
SpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the count on the *Total Spawn Count* option.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Spawns wildlife from this device.
Spawn<public>():void = external {}
# Despawns wildlife. `Agent` is marked as the one who eliminated the wildlife.
Despawn<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Destroys this device, marking `Agent` as the destroyer of the device.
DestroySpawner<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Tames wildlife, making them AI partners of `Agent`.
Tame<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Untames any tamed wildlife that belong to `Agent`.
Untame<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Untames all wildlife.
UntameAll<public>():void = external {}
# Teleports `Agent` to the nearest wildlife, then `Agent` mounts that wildlife.
Ride<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Dismounts `Agent` from wildlife.
Dismount<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Dismounts all `agent`s from wildlife.
DismountAll<public>():void = external {}
# Restores energy to wildlife belonging to `Agent` by *Energy Restore Amount*.
RestoreEnergy<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Restores energy to wildlife by *Energy Restore Amount*.
RestoreEnergyForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Consumes energy from wildlife belonging to `Agent` by *Energy Consume Amount*.
ConsumeEnergy<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Consumes energy from wildlife by *Energy Consume Amount*.
ConsumeEnergyForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Used to allow agents to turn other linked devices on/off or other custom state changes.
switch_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the switch is turned on by the specified `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that turned on the device.
TurnedOnEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the switch is turned off by the specified `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` that turned off the device.
TurnedOffEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled if the switch is on when the state is checked.
IfOnWhenCheckedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled if the switch is off when the state is checked.
IfOffWhenCheckedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the switch state is saved.
StateSaveEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the switch state changes.
StateChangesEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Turns on this device with `Agent` acting as the instigator of the action.
TurnOn<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Turns off the device with `Agent` acting as the instigator of the action.
TurnOff<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Toggles between `TurnOn` and `TurnOff` with `Agent` acting as the instigator of the action.
ToggleState<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Loads the device state with `Agent` acting as the instigator of the action.
LoadState<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Saves the device state with `Agent` acting as the instigator of the action.
SaveState<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Checks the device state with `Agent` acting as the instigator of the action.
CheckState<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Clears persistence data for `Agent`.
ClearPersistenceData<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Clears persistence data for all `agent`s.
ClearAllPersistenceData<public>():void = external {}
# Returns the current state of this switch: true (on) or false (off). Use this overload of `GetCurrentState`
# when this device has *Store State Per Player* set to *Yes*.
GetCurrentState<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
# Returns the current state of this switch: true (on) or false (off). Use this overload of `GetCurrentState`
# when this device has *Store State Per Player* set to *No*.
GetCurrentState<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
# Query whether this device has a single global on/off state, or has a personalized on/off state for
# each individual agent.
IsStatePerAgent<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
# Sets the *Interaction Time* required to activate this device (in seconds).
SetInteractionTime<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
# Returns the *Interaction Time* required to activate this device (in seconds).
GetInteractionTime<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
# Sets the *Turn On Text* to be displayed to a user when the switch is currently off, and offers an interaction to
# switch it on. Clamped to 150 characters.
SetTurnOnInteractionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
# Sets the *Turn Off Text* to be displayed to a user when the switch is currently on, and offers an interaction to
# switch it off. Clamped to 150 characters.
SetTurnOffInteractionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
# Used to place a crash pad that can bounce players and protect them from fall damage.
crash_pad_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` is launched by this device.
# Sends the launched `agent`.
LaunchedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to add fishing mechanics to experiences, such as:
# * Fishing competitions between players.
# * Collecting fish as a resource.
# * Fishing minigames with their own rewards.
fishing_zone_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` catches a fish.
# Sends the `agent` that caught the fish.
CaughtEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when all items have been caught and removed.
# Sends the `agent` that caught the last fish.
EmptyEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the number of available uses for this device back to *Uses Allowed*.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Returns all caught and removed items to the inventory. This only works when *Pool Type* is set to *Device Inventory*.
Restock<public>():void = external {}
# Used with the `race_checkpoint_device` to create more advanced racing modes.
race_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the race begins.
# Sends the `agent` that started the race.
RaceBeganEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` finishes the race.
# Sends the `agent` that finished the race.
RaceCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` completes their first lap.
# Sends the `agent` that finished the lap.
FirstLapCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` completes a lap.
# Sends the `agent` that finished the lap.
LapCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Begins the race.
Begin<public>():void = external {}
# Ends the race.
End<public>():void = external {}
# Used in tandem with `race_manager_device` to define the route players must traverse.
race_checkpoint_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this checkpoint becomes the next checkpoint that `agent`s need to pass for the first time.
# Sends the first `agent` who is now targeting this checkpoint.
CheckpointBecomesCurrentForTheFirstTimeEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when this checkpoint becomes the current checkpoint for `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` who is now targeting this checkpoint.
CheckpointBecomesCurrentEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` passes this checkpoint.
# Sends the `agent` that passed this checkpoint.
CheckpointCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Sets this checkpoint as the current checkpoint for `Agent`. This only functions if `Agent` has not already
# passed this checkpoint.
SetAsCurrentCheckpoint<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to regenerate an `agent`'s health and/or shields.
health_powerup_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(powerup_device):
# Used to configure rules that can end the current round or game.
end_game_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Ends the round/game. Uses `Agent`'s team to determine if the round/game ends when *Activating Team* is enabled.
Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to show or hide parts of the HUD for players or teams. Use this with other devices such as the
# `hud_message_device`, `map_indicator_device`, and `billboard_device` to control exactly how much information
# players can see during a game, as well as how and when they see that information.
hud_controller_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the *Affected Class* option to `Agent`'s class.
UpdateAffectedClass<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Sets the *Affected Team* option to `Agent`'s team.
UpdateAffectedTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Resets the *Affected Class* option to its starting value.
ResetAffectedClass<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the *Affected Team* option to its starting value.
ResetAffectedTeam<public>():void = external {}
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows an armored battle bus to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_armored_battle_bus_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Used to create patrolling behavior for guards spawned with the `guard_spawner_device`.
ai_patrol_path_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when a guard reaches this device.
NodeReachedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when a guard cannot reach the next `ai_patrol_path_device`.
NextNodeUnreachableEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when a guard starts moving on the patrol path.
PatrolPathStartedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when a guard stops moving on the patrol path.
PatrolPathStoppedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Commands current patrollers to follow the *Next Patrol Path Group* instead of the default *Patrol Path Group*.
GoToNextPatrolGroup<public>():void = external {}
# Allows players to change their outfit in game!
changing_booth_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Used to trigger a custom response to a *Primary* or *Secondary* signal, sent by a *Signal Remote* item.
signal_remote_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when a player has triggered the *Primary* signal using a *Signal Remote* item.
# Sends the `agent` that triggered the signal.
PrimarySignalEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when a player has triggered the *Secondary* signal using a *Signal Remote* item.
# Sends the `agent` that triggered the signal.
SecondarySignalEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to configure and play audio from the device location or from registered `agent`s.
audio_player_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device. Allows this device to be triggered from other linked
# devices (i.e. triggers) and allow calls to `Play` to succeed.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device. No longer allows this device to be triggered from other
# linked devices (i.e. triggers) and will stop any currently playing audio.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Starts playing audio from this device for `Agent`. This can only be used when the device is set
# to be *Heard by Instigator*.
Play<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Starts playing audio from this device.
Play<public>():void = external {}
# Stops any audio playing from this device for `Agent`. This can only be used when the device is set
# to be *Heard by Instigator*.
Stop<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Stops any audio playing from this device.
Stop<public>():void = external {}
# Adds `Agent` as a target to play audio from when activated.
Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Removes `Agent` as a target to play audio from when activated.
Unregister<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Removes all previously registered `agent`s as valid targets to play audio from when activated.
UnregisterAll<public>():void = external {}
# Used to spawn one or more waves of creatures of customizable types at selected time intervals.
creature_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Destroys this device.
DestroySpawner<public>():void = external {}
# Eliminates all creatures spawned by this device.
EliminateCreatures<public>():void = external {}
# Used to spawn a creature at a specified location.
creature_placer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the creature is eliminated.
# * Sends the `agent` that eliminated the creature.
# * Sends `false` if the creature was eliminated by
# something other than an `agent` (e.g. a vehicle).
EliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
# Spawns the creature.
Spawn<public>():void = external {}
# Despawns the creature.
Despawn<public>():void = external {}
# Used to customize one creature type at a time. Place multiple `creature_manager_device`s for each type of
# creature on your island.
creature_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when a creature of the selected *Creature Type* is eliminated.
# Sends the `agent` that eliminated the creature.
MatchingCreatureTypeEliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to spawn fireflies that can be collected by `agent`s.
firefly_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when a firefly is collected.
# Sends the `agent` collected the firefly.
OnFirefliesCollected<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Spawns new fireflies. The previous fireflies will be destroyed before a new fireflies spawn.
Respawn<public>():void = external {}
# Resets respawn count.
ResetRespawnCount<public>():void = external {}
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a dirtbike to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_dirtbike_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Used to customize (or prevent) the 'down but not out' player state between 'healthy' and 'removed from game'.
down_but_not_out_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` is set to the `down but not out` player state.
# Sends the `agent` that was downed.
AgentDownedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` in the `down but not out` player state is picked up.
# Sends the `agent` that was picked up.
AgentPickedUpEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` in the `down but not out` player state is dropped.
# Sends the `agent` that was dropped.
AgentDroppedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` in the `down but not out` player state is thrown.
# Sends the `agent` that was thrown.
AgentThrownEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` in the `down but not out` player state is revived.
# Sends the `agent` that was revived.
AgentRevivedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` is the aggressor of a shake down.
# Sends the `agent` that is the aggressor.
ShakeDownEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` is the victim of a shake down.
# Sends the `agent` that is the victim.
ShakenDownEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the `Agent` to the `down but not out` player state.
Down<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Sets the `Agent` to the `healthy` player state if they are in the `down but not out` player state.
Revive<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Allows pickup items to be placed in the world..
item_placer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to project a hologram of a character performing dance emotes.
dance_mannequin_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Activates the hologram using *Default Preset* options.
ActivateDefaultPreset<public>():void = external {}
# Activates the hologram using *Preset 2* options.
ActivatePreset2<public>():void = external {}
# Activates the hologram using *Preset 3* options.
ActivatePreset3<public>():void = external {}
# Activates the hologram using `Agent`'s skin and emotes.
ActivateSkinAndEmoteCapture<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Deactivates the hologram.
DeactivateSkinAndEmoteCapture<public>():void = external {}
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a Nitro Drifter sedan to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_nitro_drifter_sedan_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Used to manipulate the properties of one or more props in a specified area (e.g. Visibility/Destructibility).
prop_manipulator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when props affected by this device are damaged.
# Sends the `agent` that damaged the prop.
DamagedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when props affected by this device are destroyed.
# Sends the `agent` that destroyed the prop.
DestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when prop resource nodes affected by this device are harvested.
# Sends the `agent` that harvested resources from the prop.
HarvestingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when prop resource nodes affected by this device are completely depleted of energy.
# Sends the `agent` that depleted the prop's energy.
ResourceDepletionEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Shows all props affected by this device.
ShowProps<public>():void = external {}
# Hides all props affected by this device.
HideProps<public>():void = external {}
# Empties the resources of all props affected by this device.
ExhaustResources<public>():void = external {}
# Restocks the resources of all props affected by this device.
RestockResources<public>():void = external {}
# Restores health of all props affected by this device.
RestoreHealth<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the *Override Resource* option to *Yes*.
SetResourceOverridesActive<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the *Override Resource* option to *No*.
DisableResourceNodeOverrides<public>():void = external {}
# Used to track and react to how many players are in a particular area, and optionally display that information in game.
player_counter_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the player count matches *Target Player Count*. The frequency of evaluation
# against *Target Player Count* can be controlled through the device settings.
CountSucceedsEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the player count does not match *Target Player Count*. The frequency of evaluation
# against *Target Player Count* can be controlled through the device settings.
CountFailsEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when a valid player enters the zone and is counted. The frequency of evaluation
# against the *Target Player Count* can be controlled through the device settings.
# Sends the `agent` that is now being counted.
CountedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when a player is no longer counted by this device, such as when they leave the zone, leave the game,
# or are assigned to a different `team` or class.
# Sends the `agent` that is no longer being counted.
RemovedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets *Target Player Count* to the default value defined in the device settings. If *Target Player Count*
# was previously incremented or decremented, this reset immediately triggers a new comparison.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Increments *Target Player Count* by `1`. Immediately triggers a new comparison.
IncrementTargetCount<public>():void = external {}
# Decrements *Target Player Count* by `1`. Immediately triggers a new comparison.
DecrementTargetCount<public>():void = external {}
# Triggers an evaluation of the current count vs *Target Player Count*, signaling `CountSuccceedsEvent`
# or `CountFailsEvent` based on the evaluation result.
CompareToTarget<public>():void = external {}
# Triggers `CountedEvent` for all `agent`s currently being counted.
TransmitForAllCounted<public>():void = external {}
# Show this device in the world as an info panel showing Current + Required player counts.
ShowInfoPanel<public>():void = external {}
# Hide this device info panel from the world.
HideInfoPanel<public>():void = external {}
# Returns whether this device is represented in the world as an info panel showing Current + Required player counts.
IsShowingInfoPanel<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
# Sets the number of players required for this counter to succeed. Immediately triggers a new comparison.
SetTargetCount<public>(Count:int):void = external {}
# Returns the number of players required for this counter to succeed.
GetTargetCount<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
# Used to display curated videos onto in-game screens or player HUDs.
video_player_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when this device becomes the controlling streaming device for the `agent`.
StreamStartedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Enables collision checks on this device.
EnableCollision<public>():void = external {}
# Disables collision checks on this device.
DisableCollision<public>():void = external {}
# Transitions to fullscreen for `Agent`.
EnterFullScreen<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Transitions to fullscreen for `Agent`.
ExitFullScreen<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Hides the picture-in-picture video from `Agent`.
HidePIP<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Transitions the picture-in-picture video to the default size for `Agent`.
MakePIPDefaultSize<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Transitions the picture-in-picture video to full screen for `Agent`.
MakePIPFullScreen<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Turns off all streaming devices of this type on the island.
EndForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Restart the stream from the beginning.
Restart<public>():void = external {}
# Seeks to the *Triggered Seek Time*. Caution: The stream will pause while the video buffers when seeking.
Seek<public>():void = external {}
# Stops the currently playing stream and starts the custom stream with the audio only playing
# from this device. *Stream Priority* will not work until control is released.
TakeControl<public>():void = external {}
# If any streaming device has forced control of the stream, this will release it and play the highest
# priority stream in line.
ReleaseControl<public>():void = external {}
# Used to create a light which can have its color and brightness manipulated in response to in-game events.
customizable_light_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the light to its initial state.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Turns on the light.
TurnOn<public>():void = external {}
# Turns off the light.
TurnOff<public>():void = external {}
# Toggles between `TurnOn` and `TurnOff`.
Toggle<public>():void = external {}
# Dims the light by *Dimming Amount*.
DimLight<public>():void = external {}
# Brightens the light by *Dimming Amount*.
UndimLight<public>():void = external {}
# Used to spawn and configure an aerial supply drop that can provide players with customized weapons/supplies.
supply_drop_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the balloon on the supply crate is popped.
# Sends the `?agent` that popped the balloon. If no `agent` popped the balloon
# returns `false`.
BalloonPoppedEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the supply crate is opened.
# Sends the `agent` that opened the crate.
OpenedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the supply crate lands for the first time.
LandingEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Spawns a supply drop provided one hasn't already spawned. *Owning Team* is set to `Agent`'s team.
Spawn<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Spawns a supply drop provided one hasn't already spawned.
Spawn<public>():void = external {}
# Destroys the balloon and causes the supply crate to freefall.
DestroyBalloon<public>():void = external {}
# Opens the supply crate, ignoring the locked or unlocked state. `Agent` acts as the instigator of the open action.
Open<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Locks the supply crate so `agent`s cannot open it.
Lock<public>():void = external {}
# Unlocks the supply crate so `agent`s can open it.
Unlock<public>():void = external {}
# Controls how the sky looks, as well as giving you options for changing the sun, clouds, stars or other
# objects in the sky above your island. You can control the sun and moon, and add other atmospheric
# elements like stars, fog and clouds. You can change the color of your light source, and blend different
# colors for your island's sky to create the perfect atmosphere for your game.
skydome_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Specialized `vehicle_spawner_device` that allows a sportbike to be configured and spawned.
vehicle_spawner_sportbike_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):
# Generates an AI bot that spawns in a location and usually attacks players when they come in range.
sentry_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the sentry is alerted to an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` who alerted the sentry.
AlertedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the sentry exists the alert state.
ExitsAlertEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the sentry enters the alert state.
EntersAlertCooldownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when a sentry attacks an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` who is being attacked.
AttackingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when a sentry is eliminated.
# Sends the `agent` that eliminated the sentry. If the sentry was eliminated by a non-agent
# then `false` is returned.
EliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
# Signaled when the sentry eliminates a creature.
EliminatingACreatureEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when a sentry eliminates an `agent`.
# Sends the `agent` who was eliminated by the sentry.
EliminatingAgentEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Spawns the sentry.
Spawn<public>():void = external {}
# Destroys the current sentry.
DestroySentry<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the sentry to the same team `Agent` is on.
JoinTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Resets the sentry to the original team desiganted in the device options.
ResetTeam<public>():void = external {}
# Puts the sentry into the pacify state, preventing from entering the alert (attacking) state.
Pacify<public>():void = external {}
# Puts the sentry into the alert state.
EnableAlert<public>():void = external {}
# Sets the sentry to target `Agent`. The sentry will not target agents on the same team as the sentry.
Target<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Resets the alert state.
ResetAlertCooldown<public>():void = external {}
# Used to create and customize your own visual effects. This is more flexible than the `vfx_spawner_device`,
# which gives you a selection of pre-made visual effects to choose from but limits how much you can customize
# or change those effects.
vfx_creator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Toggles between `Enable` and `Disable`.
ToggleEnabled<public>():void = external {}
# Starts playing the effect.
Begin<public>():void = external {}
# Starts the effect at `Agent`'s location. This option is only valid if *Stick to Player* is enabled.
Begin<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Starts the effect at every `agent`'s location. This option is only valid if *Stick to Player* is enabled.
BeginForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Ends playing the effect.
End<public>():void = external {}
# Ends the effect at `Agent`'s location. This option is only valid if *Stick to Player* is enabled.
End<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Ends the effect at every `agent`'s locations. This option is only valid if *Stick to Player* is enabled.
EndForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Toggles between `Begin` and `End`.
Toggle<public>():void = external {}
# Toggles between `Begin` and `End`.
Toggle<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Toggles between `BeginForAll` and `EndForAll`.
ToggleForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Pauses the effect if the effect is running. If the effect is paused, unpauses the effect. Pausing an effect
# causes the effect to freeze in place.
TogglePause<public>():void = external {}
# Pauses the effect at `Agent`'s locations if it is playing, or resumes the effect if it is paused.
# When paused the effect freezes in place.
TogglePause<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Pauses the effect at every `agent`'s locations if it is playing, or resumes the effect if it is paused.
# When paused the effect freezes in place.
TogglePauseForAll<public>():void = external {}
# Removes the effect from `Agent` and continues playing at the device location. This option is only valid if
# *Stick to Player* is enabled.
Remove<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Removes the effect for every `agent` and continues playing at the device location. This option is only valid if
# *Stick to Player* is enabled.
RemoveFromAll<public>():void = external {}
# Spawns the effect at `Agent`'s location. This option is only valid if *Stick to Player* is enabled.
SpawnAt<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
# Used to place visual effects around your island. You can use these effects to enhance the overall theme
# and experience of your game.
vfx_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when the effect is enabled.
EffectEnabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signaled when the effect is disabled.
EffectDisabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Used to create and manipulate volumes of water where players can swim, fish, or drive boats.
water_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
# Signaled when an `agent` enters the water.
# Sends `agent` that entered the water.
AgentEntersWaterEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signaled when an `agent` exits the water.
# Sends `agent` that exited the water.
AgentExitsWaterEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
# Signals when the volume is filled to the water level set in the *Default Vertical Water Percentage* option.
VerticalFillingCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Signals when the water volume is completely empty.
VerticalEmptyingCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
# Enables this device.
Enable<public>():void = external {}
# Disables this device.
Disable<public>():void = external {}
# Resets the water level in the volume to the value set in the *Default Vertical Water Percentage* option.
Reset<public>():void = external {}
# Starts vertically emptying the water in the volume.
BeginVerticalEmptying<public>():void = external {}
# Starts vertically filling the water in the volume.
BeginVerticalFilling<public>():void = external {}
# Stops filling or emptying the volume.
StopVerticalMovement<public>():void = external {}
# Resumes either filling or emptying the volume.
ResumeVerticalMovement<public>():void = external {}
using {/}
using {/}
using {/}
# Module import path: /
Vehicles<public> := module:
# Returns the `fort_vehicle` for `InCharacter`.
# Fails if `InCharacter` is not associated with a `fort_vehicle`.
# Main API implemented by Fortnite vehicles.
fort_vehicle<native><public> := interface<unique><epic_internal>(positional, healthful, damageable):
# Module import path: /
Teams<public> := module:
# A generic set of team attitudes. Use this enum to model relationship behavior between your experience's
# agents/teams.
team_attitude<native><public> := enum:
# Agents/teams are friends. In Fortnite games two `agent`s on the same `team` are `friendly`.
# Agents/teams are neutral. In Fortnite games items and AI not belonging to a `friendly` or `hostile`
# team are `neutral`.
# Agents/teams are hostile. In fortnite games two `agent`s on opposing `team`s are `hostile`.
# Collection used to manage `team`s and `agent`s on those teams.
# Use `fort_playspace.GetTeamCollection()` to get the `team_collection` for the active experience.
fort_team_collection<native><public> := interface:
# Returns an array of all the `team`s known to this `fort_team_collection`
# Adds `InAgent` to `InTeam`.
# Fails if `InTeam` is not part of the `fort_team_collection`.
AddToTeam<public>(InAgent:agent, InTeam:team)<transacts><decides>:void
# Succeeds if `InAgent` is on `InTeam`.
# Fails if:
# * `InAgent` is not on `InTeam`.
# * `InTeam` is not part of the `fort_team_collection`.
IsOnTeam<public>(InAgent:agent, InTeam:team)<transacts><decides>:void
# Returns an array of all `agent`s on `InTeam`.
# Fails if `InTeam` is not part of the `fort_team_collection`.
# Get the `team` that `InAgent` is on.
# Fails if `InAgent` is not on a team in this `fort_team_collection`.
# Returns the `team_attitude` between `Team1` and `Team2`.
# Fails if:
# * `Team1` is not in this `fort_team_collection`.
# * `Team2` is not in this `fort_team_collection`.
GetTeamAttitude<public>(Team1:team, Team2:team)<transacts><decides>:team_attitude
# Returns the `team_attitude` between `Agent1` and `Agent2`.
# Fails if:
# * `Agent1` is not on a team in this `fort_team_collection`.
# * `Agent2` is not on a team in this `fort_team_collection`.
GetTeamAttitude<public>(Agent1:agent, Agent2:agent)<transacts><decides>:team_attitude
# Module import path: /
Playspaces<public> := module:
# A nested container that scopes objects, style, gameplay rules, visuals, etc. All objects
# and players in an experience will belong to a fort_playspace. There is typically one `fort_playspace`
# for an entire experience, though this may change in the future as the platform evolves.
# To access the `fort_playspace` for a `creative_device` use `creative_device.GetPlayspace`.
fort_playspace<native><public> := interface:
# Get an `[]player`s in the current `fort_playspace`.
# Get the `fort_team_collection` for the current `fort_playspace`.
# Signaled when a `player` joins the `fort_playspace`. Returns a subscribable with a payload of the
# `fort_character` that entered the `fort_playspace`.
# Signaled when a `player` leaves the `fort_playspace`. Returns a subscribable with a payload of the
# `fort_character` that left the `fort_playspace`.
# Module import path: /
Game<public> := module:
# Result data for `fort_character` elimination events.
elimination_result<native><public> := struct<epic_internal>:
# The `fort_character` eliminated from the match by `EliminatingCharacter`.
# `fort_character` that eliminated `EliminatedCharacter` from the match. `EliminatingCharacter` will be false
# when `EliminatedCharacter` was eliminated through non-character actions, such as environmental damage.
# Implemented by objects to allow reading position information.
positional<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:
# Returns the transform of the object.
# Implemented by Fortnite objects that have health state and can be eliminated.
healthful<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:
# Returns the health state of the object. This value will between 0.0 and `GetMaxHealth`
# Sets the health state of the object to `Health`.
# * Health state will be clamped between 1.0 and `GetMaxHealth`.
# * Health state cannot be directly set to 0.0. To eliminate `healthful` objects use the
# `damageable.Damage` functions instead.
# Returns the maximum health of the object. This value will be between 1.0 and Inf.
# Sets the maximum health state of the object.
# * MaxHealth will be clamped between 1.0 and Inf.
# * Current health state will be scaled up or down based on the scale difference between the old and new
# MaxHealth state.
# Implemented by Fortnite objects that have shields. A shield is a method of protection that can take incoming
# damage while leaving the health state unchanged.
shieldable<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:
# Returns the shield state of the object. This value will between 0.0 and `MaxShield`
# Sets the shield state of the object.
# * Shield state will be clamped between 0.0 and `MaxShield`.
# Returns the maximum shield state of the object. This value will be between 0.0 and Inf.
# Sets the maximum shield state of the object.
# * MaxShield will be clamped between 0.0 and Inf.
# * Current shield state will be scaled up or down based on the scale difference between the old and new
# MaxShield state.
# Signaled when the shield is damaged.
# Signaled when the shield is healed.
# Implemented by Fortnite objects that can be damaged.
damageable<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:
# Damage the `damageable` object anonymously by `Amount`. Setting `Amount` to less than 0 will cause no damage.
# Use `Damage(:damage_args):void` when damage is being applied from a known instigator and source.
# Damage the `damagable` object by `Args.Amount`. Setting `Amount` to less than 0 will cause no damage.
# Signaled when damage is applied to the `damagable` object.
# Implemented by Fortnite objects that can be healed.
healable<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:
# Heal the `healable` object anonymously by `Amount`. Setting `Amount` to less than 0 will cause no healing.
# Use `Heal(:healing_args):void` when healing is being applied from a known instigator and source.
# Cause `Args.Amount` damage to the `damageable` object. Setting `Amount` to less than 0 will cause no damage.
# Signaled when healing is applied to the `healable` object.
# Parameters for common damage functions on Fortnite objects.
damage_args<native><public> := struct:
# Player, agent, etc. that instigated the damage to the object.
Instigator<native><public>:?game_action_instigator = external {}
# Player, weapon, vehicle, etc. that damaged the object.
Source<native><public>:?game_action_causer = external {}
# Amount of damage to apply to the object.
# Results for damage events on Fortnite objects.
damage_result<native><public> := struct<epic_internal>:
# Object that was damaged.
# Amount of damage applied to `Target`.
# Player, agent, etc. that instigated the damage to `Target`. Can be false when damage is instigated by
# code, the environment, etc.
Instigator<native><public>:?game_action_instigator = external {}
# Player, weapon, vehicle, etc. that damaged `Target`. Can be false when damage is caused by code, the
# environment, etc.
Source<native><public>:?game_action_causer = external {}
# Parameters for common healing functions on Fortnite objects.
healing_args<native><public> := struct:
# Player, agents, etc. that instigated the healing of the object.
Instigator<native><public>:?game_action_instigator = external {}
# Player, weapon, vehicle, etc. that healed the object.
Source<native><public>:?game_action_causer = external {}
# Amount of healing to apply to the object.
# Results for healing events on Fortnite objects.
healing_result<native><public> := struct<epic_internal>:
# Object that was healed.
# Amount of healing applied to `Target`.
# Player, agent, etc. that instigated healing of the `Target`. Can be false when damage is instigated by
# code, the environment, etc.
Instigator<native><public>:?game_action_instigator = external {}
# Player, weapon, vehicle, etc. that healed `Target`. Can be false when damage is caused by code, the
# environment, etc.
Source<native><public>:?game_action_causer = external {}
# Implemented by Fortnite objects that initiate game actions, such as damage and heal. For example, player or agents.
# Event listeners often use `game_action_instigators` to calculate player damage scores.
game_action_instigator<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:
# Implemented by Fortnite objects that can be passed through game action events, such as damage and heal.
# For example: player, vehicle, or weapon.
# Event Listeners often use `game_action_causer` to pass along additional information about what weapon caused the damage.
# Systems will then use that information for completing quests or processing game specific event logic.
game_action_causer<native><public> := interface:
# Module import path: /
FortPlayerUtilities<public> := module:
# Sends `InPlayer` back to the main game lobby.
# Succeeds if `InPlayer` is spectating the experience. Fails otherwise.
# Returns an `[]player`s currently spectating `InPlayer`.
# Respawns the character for `InAgent` at the provided `RespawnPosition` and `RespawnRotation`.
(InAgent:agent).Respawn<native><public>(RespawnPosition:vector3, RespawnRotation:rotation)<transacts>:void
# Module import path: /
Characters<public> := module:
# Main API implemented by Fortnite characters.
fort_character<native><public> := interface<unique><epic_internal>(positional, healable, healthful, damageable, shieldable, game_action_instigator, game_action_causer):
# Returns the agent associated with this `fort_character`. Use this when interacting with APIs that require an `agent` reference.
# Signaled when this `fort_character` is eliminated from the match.
# Returns the rotation defining where this `fort_character` is looking/aiming.
# Signaled when this `fort_character` jumps. Returns a listenable with a payload of this `fort_character`.
# Signaled when this `fort_character` changes crouch state.
# Sends `tuple` payload:
# - 0: the `fort_character` that changed crouch states.
# - 1: `true` if the character is crouching. `false` if the character is not crouching.
CrouchedEvent<public>():listenable(tuple(fort_character, logic))
# Signaled when this `fort_character` changes sprint state.
# Sends `tuple` payload:
# - 0: the `fort_character` that changed sprint state.
# - 1: `true` if the character is sprinting. `false` if the character stopped sprinting.
SprintedEvent<public>():listenable(tuple(fort_character, logic))
# Succeeds if this `fort_character` is in the world and has not been eliminated. Most fort_character actions will silently fail if this fails. Please test IsActive if you want to handle these failure cases rather than allow them to silently fail.
# Succeeds if this `fort_character` is in the 'Down But Not Out' state. In this state the character is down but
# can still be revived by teammates for a period of time.
# Puts this `fort_character` into stasis, preventing certain types of movement specificed by `Args`.
# Release this `fort_character` from stasis.
# Sets this `fort_character` visibility to visible.
# Sets this `fort_character` visibility to invisible.
# Control if this `fort_character` can be damaged.
# Succeeds if this `fort_character` can be damaged. Fails if this `fort_character` cannot be damaged.
# Returns the `fort_character` for `InAgent`. Fails if `InAgent` is not a `fort_character`.
# Returns a `game_action_intigator` interface for `InAgent`.
# Returns the `agent` for `InInstigator`. Fails if `InInstigator` is not an `agent`.
# Parameters for `fort_character.PutInStasis` function.
stasis_args<native><public> := struct:
# Controls if `fort_character` can still turn while in stasis.
AllowTurning<native><public>:logic = external {}
# Controls if `fort_character` can still fall while in stasis.
AllowFalling<native><public>:logic = external {}
# Controls if `fort_character` can still perform emotes while in stasis.
AllowEmotes<native><public>:logic = external {}
# Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Generated Digest of Verse API
# DO NOT modify this manually!
# Generated from build: ++Fortnite+Release-24.20-CL-25058254
Temporary<public> := module:
using {/}
using {/}
using {/}
# Module import path: /
UI<public> := module:
# Verse interface to native `widget_class`.
widget_class<native><public> := class<computes><final>:
# Returns the `player_ui` component associated with `Player`.
# Fails if there is no `player_ui` associated with `Player`.
# The main interface for adding and removing `widget`s to a player's UI.
player_ui<native><public> := class<final><epic_internal>:
# Adds `Widget` to this `player_ui` using default `player_ui_slot` configuration options.
# Adds `Widget` to this `player_ui` using `Slot` for configuration options.
AddWidget<native><public>(Widget:widget, Slot:player_ui_slot):void
# Removes `Widget` from this `player_ui`.
# Base class for all UI elements drawn on the `player`'s screen.
widget<native><public> := class<abstract><unique><epic_internal>:
# Shows or hides the `widget` without removing itself from the containing `player_ui`.
# See `widget_visibility` for details.
# Returns the current `widget_visbility` state.
# Enables or disables whether the `player` can interact with this `widget`.
# `true` if this `widget` can be modified interactively by the player.
# Returns the `widget`'s parent `widget`.
# Fails if no parent exists, such as if this `widget` is not in the `player_ui` or is itself the root `widget`.
# Returns the `widget` that added this `widget` to the `player_ui`. The root `widget` will return itself.
# Fails if this `widget` is not in the `player_ui`.
# `widget` creation configuration options.
player_ui_slot<native><public> := struct:
# Controls `widget` rendering order. Greater values will be draw in front of lesser values.
ZOrder<native><public>:type {_X:int where 0 <= _X, _X <= 2147483647} = external {}
# Controls `widget` input event consumption.
InputMode<native><public>:ui_input_mode = external {}
# `widget` input consumption mode.
ui_input_mode<native><public> := enum:
# `widget` does not consume any input.
# `widget` consumes all inputs
# Parameters for `event`s signalled by a `widget`.
widget_message<native><public> := struct:
# The `player` that triggered the `event`.
# The `widget` that triggered the `event`.
# Used by `widget.SetVisibility` determine how a `widget` is shown in the user interface.
widget_visibility<native><public> := enum:
# The `widget` is visible and occupies layout space.
# The `widget` is invisible and does not occupy layout space.
# The `widget` is invisible and occupies layout space.
# Used by`widget` orientation modes.
orientation<native><public> := enum:
# Orient `widget`s from left to right.
# Orient `widget`s from top to bottom.
# `widget` horizontal alignment mode.
horizontal_alignment<native><public> := enum:
# Center `widget` horizontally within the slot.
# Align `widget` to the left of the slot.
# Align `widget` to the right of the slot.
# `widget` fills the slot horizontally.
# `widget` vertical alignment mode.
vertical_alignment<native><public> := enum:
# Center `widget` vertically within the slot.
# Align `widget` to the top of the slot.
# Align `widget` to the bottom of the slot.
# `widget` fills the slot vertically.
# The anchors of a `widget` determine its the position and sizing relative to its parent.
# `anchor`s range from `(0.0, 0.0)` (left, top) to `(1.0, 1.0)` (right, bottom).
anchors<native><public> := struct:
# Holds the minimum anchors, (left, top). The valid range is between `0.0` and `1.0`.
Minimum<native><public>:vector2 = external {}
# Holds the maximum anchors, (right, bottom). The valid range is between `0.0` and `1.0`.
Maximum<native><public>:vector2 = external {}
# Specifies the gap outside each edge separating a `widget` from its neighbors.
# Distance is measured in units where `1.0` unit is the width of a pixel at 1080p resolution.
margin<native><public> := struct:
# The left edge spacing.
Left<native><public>:float = external {}
# The top edge spacing.
Top<native><public>:float = external {}
# The right edge spacing.
Right<native><public>:float = external {}
# The bottom edge spacing.
Bottom<native><public>:float = external {}
# Button is a container of a single child widget slot and fires the OnClick event when the button is clicked.
button<native><public> := class<final>(widget):
# The child widget of the button. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetSlot.
# Sets the child widget slot.
# Subscribable event that fires when the button is clicked.
OnClick<public>():listenable(widget_message) = external {}
# Slot for button widget.
button_slot<native><public> := struct:
# The widget assigned to this slot.
# Horizontal alignment of the widget inside the slot.
HorizontalAlignment<native><public>:horizontal_alignment = external {}
# Vertical alignment of the widget inside the slot.
VerticalAlignment<native><public>:vertical_alignment = external {}
# Empty distance in pixels that surrounds the widget inside the slot. Assumes 1080p resolution.
Padding<native><public>:margin = external {}
# Canvas is a container widget that allows for arbitrary positioning of widgets in the canvas' slots.
canvas<native><public> := class<final>(widget):
# The child widgets of the canvas. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by Add/RemoveWidget.
Slots<native><public>:[]canvas_slot = external {}
# Adds a new child slot to the canvas.
# Removes a slot containing the given widget.
# Slot for a canvas widget.
canvas_slot<native><public> := struct:
# The border for the margin and how the widget is resized with its parent.
# Values are defined between 0.0 and 1.0.
Anchors<native><public>:anchors = external {}
# The offset that defined the size and position of the widget.
# When the anchors are well defined, the Offsets.Left represent the distance in pixels from the Anchors Minimum.X,
# the Offsets.Bottom represent the distance in pixel from the Anchors Maximun.Y, effectily controlling the desired
# widget size. When the anchors are not well defined, the Offsets.Left and Offsets.Top represent the widget position
# and Offsets.Right and Offset.Bottom represent the widget size.
Offsets<native><public>:margin = external {}
# When true we use the widget's desired size. The size calculated by the Offets is ignored.
SizeToContent<native><public>:logic = external {}
# Alignment is the pivot/origin point of the widget.
# Starting in the upper left at (0.0,0.0), ending in the lower right at (1.0,1.0).
Alignment<native><public>:vector2 = external {}
# Z Order of this slot relative to other slots in this canvas panel.
# Higher values are rendered last (and so they will appear to be on top)
ZOrder<native><public>:type {_X:int where 0 <= _X, _X <= 2147483647} = external {}
# The widget assigned to this slot.
# Make a canvas slot for fixed position widget.
# If Size is set, then the Offsets is calculated and the SizeToContent is set to false.
# If Size is not set, then Right and Bottom are set to zero and are not used. The widget size will be automatically calculated. The SizeToContent is set to true.
# The widget is not anchored and will not move if the parent is resized.
# The Anchors is set to zero.
MakeCanvasSlot<native><public>(Widget:widget, Position:vector2, ?Size:vector2 = external {}, ?ZOrder:type {_X:int where 0 <= _X, _X <= 2147483647} = external {}, ?Alignment:vector2 = external {})<computes>:canvas_slot
# A solid color widget.
color_block<native><public> := class<final>(widget):
# The color of the widget. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetColor.
DefaultColor<native><public>:color = external {}
# The opacity of the widget. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetOpacity.
DefaultOpacity<native><public>:type {_X:float where 0.000000 <= _X, _X <= 1.000000} = external {}
# The size this widget desired to be displayed in. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetDesiredSize.
DefaultDesiredSize<native><public>:vector2 = external {}
# Sets the widget's color.
# Gets the widget's color.
# Sets the widgets's opacity.
SetOpacity<native><public>(InOpacity:type {_X:float where 0.000000 <= _X, _X <= 1.000000}):void
# Gets the widget's opacity.
GetOpacity<native><public>():type {_X:float where 0.000000 <= _X, _X <= 1.000000}
# Sets the size this widget desired to be displayed in.
# Gets the size this widget desired to be displayed in.
# Overlay is a container consisting of widgets stacked on top of each other.
overlay<native><public> := class<final>(widget):
# The child widgets of the overlay. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by Add/RemoveWidget.
Slots<native><public>:[]overlay_slot = external {}
# Add a new child slot to the overlay. Slots are added at the end.
# Removes a slot containing the given widget
# Slot for an overlay widget
overlay_slot<native><public> := struct:
# The widget assigned to this slot.
# Horizontal alignment of the widget inside the slot.
# This alignment is only applied after the layout space for the widget slot is created and determines the widget alignment within that space.
HorizontalAlignment<native><public>:horizontal_alignment = external {}
# Vertical alignment of the widget inside the slot.
# This alignment is only applied after the layout space for the widget slot is created and determines the widget alignment within that space.
VerticalAlignment<native><public>:vertical_alignment = external {}
# Empty distance in pixels that surrounds the widget inside the slot. Assumes 1080p resolution.
Padding<native><public>:margin = external {}
# Stack box is a container of a list of widgets stacked either vertically or horizontally.
stack_box<native><public> := class<final>(widget):
# The child widgets of the stack box. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by Add/RemoveWidget.
Slots<native><public>:[]stack_box_slot = external {}
# The orientation of the stack box. Either stack widgets horizontal or vertical.
# Add a new child slot to the stack box. Slots are added at the end.
# Removes a slot containing the given widget
# Slot for a stack_box widget
stack_box_slot<native><public> := struct:
# The widget assigned to this slot.
# Horizontal alignment of the widget inside the slot.
# This alignment is only applied after the layout space for the widget slot is created and determines the widget alignment within that space.
HorizontalAlignment<native><public>:horizontal_alignment = external {}
# Vertical alignment of the widget inside the slot.
# This alignment is only applied after the layout space for the widget slot is created and determines the widget alignment within that space.
VerticalAlignment<native><public>:vertical_alignment = external {}
# Empty distance in pixels that surrounds the widget inside the slot. Assumes 1080p resolution.
Padding<native><public>:margin = external {}
# The available space will be distributed proportionally.
# If not set, the slot will use the desired size of the widget.
Distribution<native><public>:?float = external {}
# Text justification values:
# Left: Justify the text logically to the left.
# Center: Justify the text in the center.
# Right: Justify the text logically to the right.
# The Left and Right value will flip when the local culture is right-to-left.
text_justification<native><public> := enum:
# Text overflow policy values:
# Clip: Overflowing text will be clipped.
# Ellipsis: Overflowing text will be replaced with an ellipsis.
text_overflow_policy<native><public> := enum:
# Base widget for text widget.
text_base<native><public> := class<abstract>(widget):
# The text to display to the user. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetText.
DefaultText<native><localizes><public>:message = external {}
# The color of the displayed text. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetTextColor.
DefaultTextColor<native><public>:color = external {}
# The opacity of the displayed text. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetTextOpacity.
DefaultTextOpacity<native><public>:type {_X:float where 0.000000 <= _X, _X <= 1.000000} = external {}
# The justification to display to the user. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetJustification.
DefaultJustification<native><public>:text_justification = external {}
# The policy that determine what happens when the text is longer than its allowed length.
# Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetOverflowPolicy.
DefaultOverflowPolicy<native><public>:text_overflow_policy = external {}
# Sets the text displayed in the widget.
# Gets the text currently in the widget.
# Sets the text justification in the widget.
# Gets the text justificattion in the widget.
# Sets the policy that determine what happens when the text is longer than its allowed length.
# Gets the policy that determine what happens when the text is longer than its allowed length.
# Sets the color of the displayed text.
# Gets the color of the displayed text.
# Sets the opacity of the displayed text.
SetTextOpacity<native><public>(InOpacity:type {_X:float where 0.000000 <= _X, _X <= 1.000000}):void
# Gets the opacity of the displayed text.
GetTextOpacity<native><public>():type {_X:float where 0.000000 <= _X, _X <= 1.000000}
using {/}
# Module import path: /
SpatialMath<public> := module:
rotation<native><public> := struct<concrete>:
# Makes a `rotation` from `Axis` and `AngleRadians` using a left-handed sign convention (e.g.
# a positive rotation around +Z takes +X to +Y). If `Axis.IsAlmostZero[]`, make the identity rotation.
MakeRotation<native><public>(Axis:vector3, AngleRadians:float)<varies>:rotation
# Makes a `rotation` by applying `YawRightDegrees`, `PitchUpDegrees`, and `RollClockwiseDegrees`, in that order:
# * first a *yaw* about the Z axis with a positive angle indicating a clockwise rotation when viewed from above,
# * then a *pitch* about the new Y axis with a positive angle indicating 'nose up',
# * followed by a *roll* about the new X axis axis with a positive angle indicating a clockwise rotation when viewed along +X.
# Note that these conventions differ from `MakeRotation` but match `ApplyYaw`, `ApplyPitch`, and `ApplyRoll`.
MakeRotationFromYawPitchRollDegrees<native><public>(YawRightDegrees:float, PitchUpDegrees:float, RollClockwiseDegrees:float)<varies>:rotation
# Makes the identity `rotation`.
# Returns the 'distance' between `Rotation1` and `Rotation2`. The result will be between:
# * `0.0`, representing equivalent rotations and
# * `1.0` representing rotations which are 180 degrees apart (i.e., the shortest rotation between them is 180 degrees around some axis).
Distance<native><public>(Rotation1:rotation, Rotation2:rotation)<varies>:float
# Makes a `rotation` by applying `PitchUpRadians` of right-handed rotation around the local +Y axis to `InitialRotation`.
# Makes a `rotation` by applying `RollClockwiseRadians` of right-handed rotation around the local +X axis to `InitialRotation`.
# Makes a `rotation` by applying `YawRightRadians` of left-handed rotation around the local +Z axis to `InitialRotation`.
# Makes a `rotation` by applying `AngleRadians` of left-handed rotation around the world +X axis to `InitialRotation`.
# Makes a `rotation` by applying `AngleRadians` of left-handed rotation around the world +Y axis to `InitialRotation`.
# Makes a `rotation` by applying `AngleRadians` of left-handed rotation around the world +Z axis to `InitialRotation`.
# Makes a `rotation` by applying `AngleRadians` of left-handed rotation around the local +Y axis to `InitialRotation`.
(InitialRotation:rotation).ApplyLocalRotationY<public>(AngleRadians:float)<transacts>:rotation = external {}
# Makes a `rotation` by applying `AngleRadians` of left-handed rotation around the local +Z axis to `InitialRotation`.
(InitialRotation:rotation).ApplyLocalRotationZ<public>(AngleRadians:float)<transacts>:rotation = external {}
# Makes a `rotation` by composing `AdditionalRotation` to `InitialRotation`.
# Makes a `rotation` by composing the inverse of `RotationToRemove` from `InitialRotation`. such that InitialRotation = RotateBy(UnrotateBy(InitialRotation, RotationToRemove), RotationToRemove). This is equivalent to RotateBy(InitialRotation, InvertRotation(RotationToRemove))
# Makes an `[]float` with three elements:
# * *yaw* degrees of `rotation`
# * *pitch* degrees of `rotation`
# * *roll* degrees of `rotation`
# using the conventions of `MakeRotationFromYawPitchRollDegrees`.
# Makes a `vector3` from the axis of `rotation`.
# If `rotation` is nearly identity, this will return the +X axis. See also `GetAngle`.
# Returns the radians of `rotation` around the axis of `rotation`. See also `GetAxis`.
# Makes the smallest angular `rotation` from `InitialRotation` to `FinalRotation` such that:
# `InitialRotation.RotateBy(MakeShortestRotationBetween(InitialRotation, FinalRotation)) = FinalRotation` and
# `MakeShortestRotationBetween(InitialRotation, FinalRotation)?.GetAngle()` is as small as possible.
MakeShortestRotationBetween<native><public>(InitialRotation:rotation, FinalRotation:rotation)<transacts>:rotation
# Makes the smallest angular `rotation` from `InitialVector` to `FinalVector` such that:
# `InitialVector.RotateBy(MakeShortestRotationBetween(InitialVector, Vector)) = FinalVector` and
# `MakeShortestRotationBetween(InitialVector, FinalVector)?.GetAngle()` is as small as possible.
MakeShortestRotationBetween<native><public>(InitialVector:vector3, FinalVector:vector3)<transacts>:rotation
# Used to perform spherical linear interpolation between `From` (when `Parameter = 0.0`)
# and `To` (when `Parameter = 1.0`). Expects that `0.0 <= Parameter <= 1.0`.
Slerp<native><public>(InitialRotation:rotation, FinalRotation:rotation, Parameter:float)<transacts><decides>:rotation
# Makes a `vector3` by applying `Rotation` to `Vector`.
# Makes a `vector3` by applying the inverse of `Rotation` to `Vector`.
# Makes a `rotation` by inverting `Rotation` such that `ApplyRotation(Rotation, Rotation.Invert())) = IdentityRotation`.
# Returns `Rotation` if it does not contain `NaN`, `Inf` or `-Inf`.
# Makes a unit `vector3` pointing in the local space *forward* direction in world space coordinates.
# This is equivalent to: `RotateVector(Rotation, vector3{X:=1.0, Y:=0.0, Z:=0.0})`.
(Rotation:rotation).GetLocalForward<public>()<transacts>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a unit `vector3` pointing in the the local space *right* direction in world space coordinates.
# This is equivalent to: `RotateVector(Rotation, vector3{X:=0.0, Y:=1.0, Z:=0.0})`.
(Rotation:rotation).GetLocalRight<public>()<transacts>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a unit `vector3` pointing in the local space *up* direction in world space coordinates.
# This is equivalent to: `RotateVector(Rotation, vector3{X:=0.0, Y:=0.0, Z:=1.0})`.
(Rotation:rotation).GetLocalUp<public>()<transacts>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a `string` representation of `rotation` in axis/degrees format with a left-handed sign convention.
# `ToString(MakeRotation(vector3{X:=1.0, Y:=0.0, Z:=0.0}, PiFloat/2.0))` produces the string:
# `"Axis: {x=1.000000,y=0.000000,z=0.000000} Angle: 90.000000"`.
# Returns radians from `Degrees`.
DegreesToRadians<public>(Degrees:float)<varies>:float = external {}
# Returns degrees from `Radians`.
RadiansToDegrees<public>(Radians:float)<varies>:float = external {}
# A combination of scale, rotation, and translation, applied in that order.
transform<native><public> := struct<concrete><computes>:
# The scale of this `transform`.
Scale<native><public>:vector3 = external {}
# The rotation of this `transform`.
Rotation<native><public>:rotation = external {}
# The location of this `transform`.
Translation<native><public>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a `vector3` by applying `InTransform` to `InVector`.
TransformVector<native><public>(InTransform:transform, InVector:vector3)<varies>:vector3
# Makes a `vector3` by applying `InTransform` to `InVector` without applying `InTransform.Scale`.
TransformVectorNoScale<native><public>(InTransform:transform, InVector:vector3)<varies>:vector3
# 2-dimensional vector with `float` components.
vector2<native><public> := struct<concrete><computes>:
X<native><public>:float = external {}
Y<native><public>:float = external {}
# Makes a `vector2` by inverting the `SurfaceNormal` component of `Direction`.
# Fails if `not SurfaceNormal.MakeUnitVector[]`.
ReflectVector<native><public>(Direction:vector2, SurfaceNormal:vector2)<varies><decides>:vector2
# Returns the dot product of `V1` and `V2`.
DotProduct<native><public>(V1:vector2, V2:vector2)<varies>:float
# Returns the Euclidean distance between `V1` and `V2`.
Distance<native><public>(V1:vector2, V2:vector2)<varies>:float
# Returns the squared Euclidean distance between `V1` and `V2`.
DistanceSquared<native><public>(V1:vector2, V2:vector2)<varies>:float
# Makes a unit length `vector3` pointing in the same direction of `V`.
# Fails if `V.IsAlmostZero[] or not V.IsFinite[]`.
# Returns the length of `V`.
(V:vector2).Length<public>()<varies>:float = external {}
# Returns the squared length of `V`.
(V:vector2).LengthSquared<public>()<varies>:float = external {}
# Used to linearly interpolate/extrapolate between `From` (when `Parameter = 0.0`)
# and `To` (when `Parameter = 1.0`). Expects that all arguments are finite.
# Returns `From*(1 - Parameter) + To*Parameter`.
Lerp<public>(From:vector2, To:vector2, Parameter:float)<varies>:vector2 = external {}
# Makes a `string` representation of `V`.
# Makes a `vector2` by inverting the signs of `Operand`.
prefix'-'<public>(Operand:vector2)<computes>:vector2 = external {}
# Makes a `vector2` by component-wise addition of `Left` and `Right`.
operator'+'<public>(Left:vector2, Right:vector2)<computes>:vector2 = external {}
# Makes a `vector2` by component-wise subtraction of `Right` from `Left`.
operator'-'<public>(Left:vector2, Right:vector2)<computes>:vector2 = external {}
# Makes a `vector2` by component-wise multiplication of `Left` and `Right`.
operator'*'<public>(Left:vector2, Right:float)<computes>:vector2 = external {}
# Makes a `vector2` by multiplying the components of `Right` by `Left`.
operator'*'<public>(Left:float, Right:vector2)<computes>:vector2 = external {}
# Makes a `vector2` by dividing the components of `Left` by `Right`.
operator'/'<public>(Left:vector2, Right:float)<computes>:vector2 = external {}
# Makes a `vector2` by converting the components of `V` to `float`s.
ToVector2<public>(V:vector2i)<transacts>:vector2 = external {}
# Returns `V` if all components are finite.
# Fails if any of the components are not finite.
(V:vector2).IsFinite<public>()<computes><decides>:vector2 = external {}
# Succeeds when each component of `V` is within `AbsoluteTolerance` of `0.0`.
(V:vector2).IsAlmostZero<public>(AbsoluteTolerance:float)<computes><decides>:void = external {}
# Succeeds when each component of `V1` and `V2` are within `AbsoluteTolerance` of each other.
IsAlmostEqual<public>(V1:vector2, V2:vector2, AbsoluteTolerance:float)<computes><decides>:void = external {}
# 2-dimensional vector with `int` components.
vector2i<native><public> := struct<concrete><computes>:
X<native><public>:int = external {}
Y<native><public>:int = external {}
# Returns the dot product of `V1` and `V2`.
DotProduct<public>(V1:vector2i, V2:vector2i)<computes>:int = external {}
# Makes a `vector2i` that is component-wise equal to `V1` and `V2`.
# Fails if any component of `V1` does not equal the corresponding component of `V2`.
Equals<public>(V1:vector2i, V2:vector2i)<computes><decides>:vector2i = external {}
# Makes a `string` representation of `V`.
# Makes a `vector2i` by component-wise truncation of `V` to `ints`s.
ToVector2i<public>(V:vector2)<varies><decides>:vector2i = external {}
# Makes a `vector2i` by inverting the signs of `Operand`.
prefix'-'<public>(Operand:vector2i)<computes>:vector2i = external {}
# Makes a `vector2i` by component-wise addition of `Left` and `Right`.
operator'+'<public>(Left:vector2i, Right:vector2i)<computes>:vector2i = external {}
# Makes a `vector2i` by component-wise subtraction of `Right` from `Left`.
operator'-'<public>(Left:vector2i, Right:vector2i)<computes>:vector2i = external {}
# Makes a `vector2i` by multiplying the components of `Left` by `Right`.
operator'*'<public>(Left:vector2i, Right:int)<computes>:vector2i = external {}
# Makes a `vector2i` by multiplying the components of `Right` by `Left`.
operator'*'<public>(Left:int, Right:vector2i)<computes>:vector2i = external {}
# 3-dimensional vector with `float` components.
vector3<native><public> := struct<concrete><computes>:
X<native><public>:float = external {}
Y<native><public>:float = external {}
Z<native><public>:float = external {}
# Makes a `vector3` by inverting the `SurfaceNormal` component of `Direction`.
# Fails if `not SurfaceNormal.MakeUnitVector[]`.
ReflectVector<native><public>(Direction:vector3, SurfaceNormal:vector3)<varies><decides>:vector3
# Returns the dot product of `V1` and `V2`.
DotProduct<native><public>(V1:vector3, V2:vector3)<varies>:float
# Returns the cross product of `V1` and `V2`.
CrossProduct<native><public>(V1:vector3, V2:vector3)<varies>:vector3
# Returns the Euclidean distance between `V1` and `V2`.
Distance<native><public>(V1:vector3, V2:vector3)<varies>:float
# Returns the squared Euclidean distance between `V1` and `V2`.
DistanceSquared<native><public>(V1:vector3, V2:vector3)<varies>:float
# Returns the 2-D Euclidean distance between `V1` and `V2` by ignoring the difference in `Z`.
DistanceXY<native><public>(V1:vector3, V2:vector3)<varies>:float
# Returns the squared 2-D Euclidean distance between `V1` and `V2` by ignoring their difference in `Z`.
DistanceSquaredXY<native><public>(V1:vector3, V2:vector3)<varies>:float
# Makes a unit length `vector3` pointing in the same direction of `V`.
# Fails if `V.IsAlmostZero[] or not V.IsFinite[]`.
# Makes a `string` representation of `V`.
# Returns the length of `V`.
(V:vector3).Length<public>()<varies>:float = external {}
# Returns the squared length of `V`.
(V:vector3).LengthSquared<public>()<computes>:float = external {}
# Returns the length of `V` as if `V.Z = 0.0`.
(V:vector3).LengthXY<public>()<varies>:float = external {}
# Returns the squared length of `V` as if `V.Z = 0.0`.
(V:vector3).LengthSquaredXY<public>()<varies>:float = external {}
# Used to linearly interpolate/extrapolate between `From` (when `Parameter = 0.0`)
# and `To` (when `Parameter = 1.0`). Expects that all arguments are finite.
# Returns `From*(1 - Parameter) + To*Parameter`.
Lerp<public>(From:vector3, To:vector3, Parameter:float)<varies>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a `vector3` by inverting the signs of `Operand`.
prefix'-'<public>(Operand:vector3)<computes>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a `vector3` by component-wise addition of `Left` and `Right`.
operator'+'<public>(Left:vector3, Right:vector3)<computes>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a `vector3` by component-wise subtraction of `Right` from `Left`.
operator'-'<public>(Left:vector3, Right:vector3)<computes>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a `vector3` by component-wise multiplication of `Left` and `Right`.
operator'*'<public>(Left:vector3, Right:vector3)<computes>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a `vector3` by multiplying the components of `Left` by `Right`.
operator'*'<public>(Left:vector3, Right:float)<computes>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a `vector3` by multiplying the components of `Right` by `Left`.
operator'*'<public>(Left:float, Right:vector3)<computes>:vector3 = external {}
# Makes a `vector3` by dividing the components of `Left` by `Right`.
operator'/'<public>(Left:vector3, Right:float)<computes>:vector3 = external {}
# Returns `V` if all components are finite.
# Fails if any of the components are not finite.
(V:vector3).IsFinite<public>()<computes><decides>:vector3 = external {}
# Succeeds when each component of `V` is within `AbsoluteTolerance` of `0.0`.
(V:vector3).IsAlmostZero<public>(AbsoluteTolerance:float)<computes><decides>:void = external {}
# Succeeds when each component of `V1` and `V2` are within `AbsoluteTolerance` of each other.
IsAlmostEqual<public>(V1:vector3, V2:vector3, AbsoluteTolerance:float)<computes><decides>:void = external {}
# Module import path: /
Diagnostics<public> := module:
# log levels available for various log commands
log_level<native><public> := enum:
# log_channel is the base class used to define log channels. When printing a message to a log, the log channel class name will be prefixed to the output message.
log_channel<native><public> := class<abstract>:
# log class to send messages to the default log
log<native><public> := class:
# Channel class name will be added as a prefix used when printing the message e.g. '[log_channel]: #Message
# Sets the default log level of the displayed message. See log_level enum for more info on log levels. Defaults to log_level.Normal.
DefaultLevel<native><public>:log_level = external {}
# Print message using the given log level
(log:)Print<native><public>(Message:[]char, ?Level:log_level = external {})<computes>:void
# Prints current script call stack using the give log level
PrintCallStack<native><public>(?Level:log_level = external {})<computes>:void
# Module import path: /
Curves<public> := module:
editable_curve<native><public> := class<final>:
# Evaluates this float curve at the specified time and returns the result as a float
# Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Generated Digest of Verse API
# DO NOT modify this manually!
# Generated from build: ++Fortnite+Release-24.20-CL-25058254
Simulation<public> := module:
# Module import path: /
Tags<public> := module:
# A single gameplay tag, which represents a hierarchical name of the form x.y that is registered in the GameplayTagsManager You can filter the gameplay tags displayed in the editor.
tag<native><public> := class<abstract>:
# A queryable collection of gameplay tags.
tag_view<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:
# Determine if TagToCheck is present in this container, also checking against parent tags {"A.1"}.Has("A") will return True, {"A"}.Has("A.1") will return False If TagToCheck is not Valid it will always return False.
# Checks if this container contains ANY of the tags in the specified container, also checks against parent tags {"A.1"}.HasAny({"A","B"}) will return True, {"A"}.HasAny({"A.1","B"}) will return False If InTags is empty/invalid it will always return False.
# Checks if this container contains ALL of the tags in the specified container, also checks against parent tags {"A.1","B.1"}.HasAll({"A","B"}) will return True, {"A","B"}.HasAll({"A.1","B.1"}) will return False If InTags is empty/invalid it will always return True, because there were no failed checks.
tag_search_sort_type<native><public> := enum:
# Advanced tag search criteria
tag_search_criteria<native><public> := class:
# Tags required to be on the object.
RequiredTags<native><public>:[]tag = external {}
# Tags that are used if no required tags are specified. These are treated as if any of them will do.
PreferredTags<native><public>:[]tag = external {}
# Tags that may NOT be on the object. All items with these tags are excluded from the search.
ExclusionTags<native><public>:[]tag = external {}
# Flag to request sorting the results by tag.
SortType<native><public>:tag_search_sort_type = external {}
editable<public> := class(attribute):
agent<native><public> := class<unique><epic_internal>:
player<native><public> := class<unique><epic_internal>(agent):
# Waits specified number of seconds and then resumes. If `Seconds` = 0.0 then it waits until next tick/frame/update. If `Seconds` = Inf then it waits forever and only calls back if canceled - such as via `race`. If `Seconds` < 0.0 then it completes immediately and does not yield to other aysnc expressions.
# Waiting until the next update (0.0) is especially useful in a loop of a coroutine that needs to do some work every update and this yields to other coroutines so that it doesn't hog a processor's resources.
# Waiting forever (Inf) will have any expression that follows never be evaluated. Occasionally it is desireable to have a task never complete such as the last expression in a `race` subtask where the task must never win the race though it still may be canceled earlier.
# Immediately completing (less than 0) is useful when you want programmatic control over whether an expression yields or not.
# Get the seconds that have elapsed since the world began simulating
team<native><public> := class<unique><epic_internal>:
# Module import path: /
Assets<public> := module:
using {/}
using {/}
# Module import path: /
Verse<public> := module:
# Makes a flattened `array` by concatenating the elements of `Arrays`.
Concatenate<public>(Arrays:[][]t where t:type)<computes>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` containing `Input`'s elements from `StartIndex` to `StopIndex-1`.
# Fails unless `0 <= StartIndex <= StopIndex <= Input.Length`.
(Input:[]t where t:type).Slice<public>(StartIndex:int, StopIndex:int)<computes><decides>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` containing `Input`'s elements from `StartIndex` to `Input.Length-1`.
# Succeeds if `0 <= StartIndex <= Input.Length`.
(Input:[]t where t:type).Slice<public>(StartIndex:int)<computes><decides>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` by inserting `ElementsToInsert` into `Input` such that the first element of `ElementsToInsert` is at `InsertionIndex`.
(Input:[]t where t:type).Insert<public>(InsertionIndex:int, ElementsToInsert:[]t)<computes><decides>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` by removing the element at `IndexToRemove` from `Input`.
# Succeeds if `0 <= IndexToRemove <= Input.Length-1`.
(Input:[]t where t:type).RemoveElement<public>(IndexToRemove:int)<computes><decides>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` by removing the element at the lowest index that equals `ElementToRemove` from `Input`.
# Fails if `Input` did not contain any instances of `ElementToRemove`.
(Input:[]t where t:subtype(comparable)).RemoveFirstElement<public>(ElementToRemove:t)<computes><decides>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` by removing all elements that equal `ElementToRemove` from `Input`.
(Input:[]t where t:subtype(comparable)).RemoveAllElements<public>(ElementToRemove:t)<computes>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` by replacing the element at `IndexToReplace` with `ElementToReplaceWith` in `Input`.
# Succeeds if `0 <= IndexToReplace <= Input.Length-1`.
(Input:[]t where t:type).ReplaceElement<public>(IndexToReplace:int, ElementToReplaceWith:t)<computes><decides>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` by replacing the element at the lowest index that equals `ElementToReplace` with `ElementToReplaceWith` in `Input`.
# Fails if `Input` did not contain any instances of `ElementToReplace`.
(Input:[]t where t:subtype(comparable)).ReplaceFirstElement<public>(ElementToReplace:t, ElementToReplaceWith:t)<computes><decides>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` by replacing all elements that equal `ElementToReplace` with `ElementToReplaceWith` in `Input`.
(Input:[]t where t:subtype(comparable)).ReplaceAllElements<public>(ElementToReplace:t, ElementToReplaceWith:t)<computes>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` by replacing all ranges of elements that equal `ElementsToReplace` with `Replacement` in `Input`.
# When there are multiple overlapping instances of `ElementsToReplace` in `Input`, only the position with the lowest
# index is replaced.
(Input:[]t where t:subtype(comparable)).ReplaceAll<public>(ElementsToReplace:[]t, Replacement:[]t)<transacts>:[]t = external {}
# Makes an `array` by removing `Input`'s elements from `StartIndex` to `StopIndex-1`.
# Succeeds if `0 <= StartIndex <= StopIndex <= Input.Length`.
(Input:[]t where t:type).Remove<public>(StartIndex:int, StopIndex:int)<computes><decides>:[]t = external {}
# Returns the first index whose element in `Input` equals `ElementToFind`.
# Fails if ElementToFind does not exist in the array.
(Input:[]t where t:subtype(comparable)).Find<public>(ElementToFind:t)<computes><decides>:int = external {}
# Implemented by classes that allow users to cancel an operation. For example, calling
# `subscribable.Subscribe` with a callback returns a `cancelable` object. Calling `Cancel`
# on the return object unsubscribes the callback.
cancelable<native><public> := interface:
# Prevents any current or future work from completing.
# Implemented by classes whose instances have limited lifetimes.
disposable<native><public> := interface:
# Cleans up this object.
# Halts the Verse runtime with error `Message`.
# A *recurring*, successively signaled parametric `event` with a `payload` allowing a
# simple mechanism to coordinate between concurrent tasks:
# * `Await` suspends tasks to wait on this `event`,
# * another task `Signal`s this `event` and resumes the suspended tasks in FIFO order.
event<native><public>(t:type)<computes> := class(signalable(t), awaitable(t)):
# Suspends the current task until another task calls `Signal`.
# If called during another invocation of `Signal`, the the task will still suspend
# and resume during the next call to `Signal`.
# Concurrently resumes the tasks that were suspended by `Await` calls before this
# call to `Signal`.
# Tasks are resumed in the order they were suspended. Each task will perform as
# much work as it can until it encounters a blocking call, whereupon it will
# transfer control to the next suspended task.
# A *recurring*, successively signaled event allowing a simple mechanism to coordinate
# between concurrent tasks.
event<public>()<computes> := event(tuple())
# Returns the smallest `int` that is greater than or equal to `Val`.
# Fails if `not IsFinite(Val)`.
# Returns the largest `int` that is less than or equal to `Val`.
# Fails if `not IsFinite(Val)`.
# Returns `Val` rounded to the nearest `int`. When the fractional part of `Val` is `0.5`,
# rounds to the nearest *even* `int` (per the IEEE-754 default rounding mode).
# Fails if `not IsFinite(Val)`.
# Returns the `int` that equals `Val` without the fractional part
# Fails if `not IsFinite(val)`.
# Makes a `string` representation of `Val`.
# Makes a printable `string` representation of `Val`.
# Implemented by classes whose instances can become invalid at runtime.
invalidatable<native><public> := interface(disposable):
# Succeeds if this object is still valid.
# A parametric interface combining `awaitable` and `subscribable`.
listenable<public>(payload:type)<computes> := interface(awaitable(payload), subscribable(payload)):
# A parameterless interface combining `awaitable` and `subscribable`.
listenable<public>()<computes> := listenable(tuple())
# Used for message localization.
locale<native><public> := struct<computes><epic_internal>:
# A localizable text message.
message<native><public> := class<computes><epic_internal>:
# Makes a `string` by localizing `Message` based on the current `locale`.
Localize<native_callable><public>(Message:message)<varies>:[]char = external {}
localizable_value<epic_internal> := interface:
localizable_string<epic_internal> := class<computes><internal>(localizable_value):
MakeLocalizableValue<epic_internal>(V:[]char)<computes>:localizable_string = external {}
localizable_int<epic_internal> := class<computes><internal>(localizable_value):
MakeLocalizableValue<epic_internal>(V:int)<computes>:localizable_int = external {}
localizable_float<epic_internal> := class<computes><internal>(localizable_value):
MakeLocalizableValue<epic_internal>(V:float)<computes>:localizable_float = external {}
MakeMessageInternal<native><epic_internal>(K:[]char, D:[]char, S:[[]char]localizable_value)<converges>:message
# Pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
PiFloat<public>:float = external {}
# Constrains the value of `Val` between `A` and `B`. Robustly handles different argument orderings.
# Returns the median of `Val`, `A`, and `B`, such that comparisons with `NaN` operate as if `NaN > +Inf`.
Clamp<public>(Val:float, A:float, B:float)<computes>:float = external {}
# Constrains the value of `Val` between `A` and `B`. Robustly handles different argument orderings.
# Returns the median of `Val`, `A`, and `B`.
Clamp<native><public>(Val:int, A:int, B:int)<computes>:int
# Returns the minimum of `X` and `Y`.
Min<public>(X:int, Y:int)<computes>:int = external {}
# Returns the maximum of `X` and `Y`.
Max<public>(X:int, Y:int)<computes>:int = external {}
# Returns the minimum of `X` and `Y` unless either are `NaN`.
# Returns `NaN` if either `X` or `Y` are `NaN`.
Min<public>(X:float, Y:float)<computes>:float = external {}
# Returns the maximum of `X` and `Y` unless either are `NaN`.
# Returns `NaN` if either `X` or `Y` are `NaN`.
Max<public>(X:float, Y:float)<computes>:float = external {}
# Returns the square root of `X` if `X >= 0.0`.
# Returns `NaN` if `X < 0.0`.
# Returns the sine of `X` if `IsFinite(X)`.
# Returns `NaN` if `not IsFinite(X)
# Returns the cosine of `X` if `IsFinite(X)`.
# Returns `NaN` if `not IsFinite(X)
# Returns the tangent of `X` if `IsFinite(X)`.
# Returns `NaN` if `not IsFinite(X).
# Returns the inverse sine (arcsine) of `X` if `-1.0 <= X <= 1.0`.
# Returns the inverse cosine (arccosine) of `X` if `-1.0 <= X <= 1.0`.
# Returns the inverse tangent (arctangent) of `X` such that:
# `-PiFloat/2.0 <= ArcTan(x) <= PiFloat/2.0`.
# Returns the angle in radians at the origin between a ray pointing to `(X, Y)`
# and the positive `X` axis such that `-PiFloat < ArcTan(Y, X) <= PiFloat`.
# Returns 0.0 if `X=0.0 and Y=0.0`.
ArcTan<native><public>(Y:float, X:float)<varies>:float
# Returns the hyperbolic sine of `X`.
# Returns the hyperbolic cosine of `X`.
# Returns the hyperbolic tangent of `X`.
# Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of `X` if `IsFinite(X)`.
# Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of `X` if `1.0 <= X`.
# Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of `X` if `IsFinite(X)`.
# Returns `A` to the power of `B`.
Pow<native><public>(A:float, B:float)<varies>:float
# Returns `X` if `X` is finite.
# Fails if `X` is one of:`
# * `+Inf`
# * `-Inf`
# * `NaN`
(X:float).IsFinite<public>()<computes><decides>:float = external {}
# Returns the quotient `X/Y` as defined by Euclidean division, i.e.:
# * `Quotient[X/Y] = Floor[X/Y]` when `Y > 0`
# * `Quotient[X/Y] = Ceil[X/Y]` when `Y < 0`
# * `Quotient[X/Y] * Y + Mod[X,Y] = X`
# Fails if `Y = 0`.
Quotient<native><public>(X:int, Y:int)<computes><decides>:int
# Returns the remainder of `X/Y` as defined by Euclidean division, i.e.:
# * `Mod[X,Y] = X - Quotient(X/Y)*Y`
# * `0 <= Mod[X,Y] < Abs(Y)`
# Fails if `Y=0`.
Mod<native><public>(X:int, Y:int)<computes><decides>:int
# Returns the natural exponent of `X`.
# Returns the natural logarithm of `X`.
# Returns the base `B` logarithm of `X`.
Log<public>(B:float, X:float)<varies>:float = external {}
# Used to linearly interpolate/extrapolate between `From` (when `Parameter = 0.0`)
# and `To` (when `Parameter = 1.0`). Expects that all arguments are finite.
# Returns `From*(1 - Parameter) + To*Parameter`.
Lerp<native><public>(From:float, To:float, Parameter:float)<varies>:float
# Returns the sign of `Val`:
# * `1` if `Val > 0`
# * `0` if `Val = 0`
# * `-1` if `Val < 0`
Sgn<public>(Val:int)<computes>:int = external {}
# Returns the sign of `Val`:
# * `1.0` if `Val > 0.0`
# * `0.0` if `Val = 0.0`
# * `-1.0` if `Val < 0.0`
# * `NaN` if `Val = NaN`
Sgn<public>(Val:float)<computes>:float = external {}
# Succeeds if `Val` is within `AbsoluteTolerance` of `0.0`.
(Val:float).IsAlmostZero<public>(AbsoluteTolerance:float)<computes><decides>:void = external {}
# Succeeds if `Val1` and `Val2` are within `AbsoluteTolerance` of each other.
IsAlmostEqual<public>(Val1:float, Val2:float, AbsoluteTolerance:float)<computes><decides>:void = external {}
# Writes `Message` to a dedicated `Print` log while displaying it in `Color` on the
# client screen for `Duration` seconds. By default, `Color` is `NamedColors.White` and
# `Duration` is `2.0` seconds.
Print<native><public>(Message:[]char, ?Duration:float = external {}, ?Color:color = external {}):void
# A parametric interface implemented by events with a `payload` that can be signaled.
# Can be used with `awaitable`, `subscribable`, or both (see: `listenable`).
signalable<public>(payload:type)<computes> := interface:
# Concurrently resumes the tasks waiting for this event in `awaitable.Await` and
# synchronously invokes any callbacks added to this event by `subscribable.Subscribe`.
# Makes a `string` by concatenating `Separator` between the elements of `Strings`.
Join<native><public>(Strings:[][]char, Separator:[]char)<computes>:[]char
# Returns `String` without modification.
ToString<public>(String:[]char)<computes>:[]char = external {}
# Makes a `string` from `Character`.
# A parametric interface implemented by events with a `payload` that can be subscribed to.
# Matched with `signalable.`
subscribable<public>(t:type)<computes> := interface:
# Registers `Callback` to be invoked on matching calls to `signable.Signal`.
# Returns an unsubscriber object. Call `cancelable.Cancel` on the unsubscriber to unregister `Callback`.
Subscribe<public>(Callback:type {__(:t):void})<transacts>:cancelable
# A parameterless interface implemented by events that can be subscribed to.
subscribable<public>()<computes> := subscribable(tuple())
# Module import path: /
Random<public> := module:
# Returns a random `float` between `Low` and `High`, inclusive.
GetRandomFloat<native><public>(Low:float, High:float)<varies>:float
# Returns a random `int` between `Low` and `High`, inclusive.
GetRandomInt<native><public>(Low:int, High:int)<varies>:int
# Makes an `array` with the same elements as `Input` shuffled in a random order.
Shuffle<public>(Input:[]t where t:type)<transacts>:[]t = external {}
# Module import path: /
Colors<public> := module:
# Represents colors as RGB triples in the ACES 2065-1 color space.
# Component values are linear (i.e. `*gamma* = 1.0`).
color<native><public> := struct<computes>:
# Red component of this `color`.
R<native><public>:float = external {}
# Green component of this `color`.
G<native><public>:float = external {}
# Blue component of this `color`.
B<native><public>:float = external {}
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from the component-wise sum of `c0` and `c1`.
operator'+'<native><public>(c0:color, c1:color)<converges>:color
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from the component-wise difference of `c0` and `c1`.
operator'-'<native><public>(c0:color, c1:color)<converges>:color
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from the component-wise product of `c0` and `c1`.
operator'*'<native><public>(c0:color, c1:color)<converges>:color
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from each component of `c` scaled by `factor`.
operator'*'<native><public>(c:color, factor:float)<converges>:color
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from each component of `c` scaled by `factor`.
operator'*'<native><public>(c:color, factor:int)<converges>:color
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from each component of `c` scaled by `factor`.
operator'*'<native><public>(factor:float, c:color)<converges>:color
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from each component of `c` scaled by `factor`.
operator'*'<native><public>(factor:int, c:color)<converges>:color
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from each component of `c` divided by `factor`.
operator'/'<native><public>(c:color, factor:float)<computes><decides>:color
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from each component of `c` divided by `factor`.
operator'/'<native><public>(c:color, factor:int)<computes><decides>:color
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from sRGB components `Red`, `Green`, and `Blue`.
# Normal sRGB component values are between `0.0` and `1.0`, but this can handle
# larger values.
MakeColorFromSRGB<native><public>(Red:float, Green:float, Blue:float)<converges>:color
# Makes an sRGB `tuple` by converting `InColor` from an ACES 2065-1 `color` to sRGB.
MakeSRGBFromColor<native><public>(InColor:color)<converges>:tuple(float, float, float)
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from the integer sRGB components `Red`, `Green`, and `Blue`.
# Valid sRGB component values are between '0' and '255', inclusive.
MakeColorFromSRGBValues<native><public>(Red:int, Green:int, Blue:int)<converges>:color
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from a CSS-style sRGB `hexString`. Supported formats are:
# * RGB
# * #RGB
# An invalid hex string will return `Black`.
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from `Hue`, `Saturation`, and `Value` components.
# Components use the HSV color model in the sRGB color space. Expected ranges:
# * `0.0 <= Hue <= 360.0`
# * `0.0 <= Saturation <= 1.0`
# * `0.0 <= Value <= 1.0`
# Values out of expected ranges will undergo range reduction and conversion.
MakeColorFromHSV<native><public>(Hue:float, Saturation:float, Value:float)<converges>:color
# Makes an HSV `tuple` by converting `InColor` from an ACES 2065-1 `color` to sRGB and applying the HSV color model.
MakeHSVFromColor<native><public>(InColor:color):tuple(float, float, float)
# Makes an ACES 2065-1 `color` from the chromaticty of a blackbody radiator at `Temperature` Kelvin.
# `Temperature` is clamped such that `0 <= Temperature`.
# Module import path: /
# Color presets from CSS Color Module 3 Extended color keywords.
NamedColors<public> := module:
AliceBlue<public>:color = external {}
AntiqueWhite<public>:color = external {}
Aqua<public>:color = external {}
Aquamarine<public>:color = external {}
Azure<public>:color = external {}
Beige<public>:color = external {}
Bisque<public>:color = external {}
Black<public>:color = external {}
BlanchedAlmond<public>:color = external {}
Blue<public>:color = external {}
BlueViolet<public>:color = external {}
Brown<public>:color = external {}
Burlywood<public>:color = external {}
CadetBlue<public>:color = external {}
Chartreuse<public>:color = external {}
Chocolate<public>:color = external {}
Coral<public>:color = external {}
CornflowerBlue<public>:color = external {}
Cornsilk<public>:color = external {}
Crimson<public>:color = external {}
Cyan<public>:color = external {}
DarkBlue<public>:color = external {}
DarkCyan<public>:color = external {}
DarkGoldenrod<public>:color = external {}
DarkGray<public>:color = external {}
DarkGreen<public>:color = external {}
DarkGrey<public>:color = external {}
DarkKhaki<public>:color = external {}
DarkMagenta<public>:color = external {}
DarkOliveGreen<public>:color = external {}
DarkOrange<public>:color = external {}
DarkOrchid<public>:color = external {}
DarkRed<public>:color = external {}
DarkSalmon<public>:color = external {}
DarkSeaGreen<public>:color = external {}
DarkSlateBlue<public>:color = external {}
DarkSlateGray<public>:color = external {}
DarkSlateGrey<public>:color = external {}
DarkTurquoise<public>:color = external {}
DarkViolet<public>:color = external {}
DeepPink<public>:color = external {}
DeepSkyBlue<public>:color = external {}
DimGray<public>:color = external {}
DimGrey<public>:color = external {}
DodgerBlue<public>:color = external {}
Firebrick<public>:color = external {}
FloralWhite<public>:color = external {}
ForestGreen<public>:color = external {}
Fuchsia<public>:color = external {}
Gainsboro<public>:color = external {}
GhostWhite<public>:color = external {}
Gold<public>:color = external {}
Goldenrod<public>:color = external {}
Gray<public>:color = external {}
Green<public>:color = external {}
GreenYellow<public>:color = external {}
Grey<public>:color = external {}
Honeydew<public>:color = external {}
Hotpink<public>:color = external {}
IndianRed<public>:color = external {}
Indigo<public>:color = external {}
Ivory<public>:color = external {}
Khaki<public>:color = external {}
Lavender<public>:color = external {}
LavenderBlush<public>:color = external {}
LawnGreen<public>:color = external {}
LemonChiffon<public>:color = external {}
LightBlue<public>:color = external {}
LightCoral<public>:color = external {}
LightCyan<public>:color = external {}
LightGoldenrodYellow<public>:color = external {}
LightGray<public>:color = external {}
LightGreen<public>:color = external {}
LightGrey<public>:color = external {}
LightPink<public>:color = external {}
LightSalmon<public>:color = external {}
LightSeaGreen<public>:color = external {}
LightSkyBlue<public>:color = external {}
LightSlateGray<public>:color = external {}
LightSlateGrey<public>:color = external {}
LightSteelBlue<public>:color = external {}
LightYellow<public>:color = external {}
Lime<public>:color = external {}
LimeGreen<public>:color = external {}
Linen<public>:color = external {}
Magenta<public>:color = external {}
Maroon<public>:color = external {}
MediumAquamarine<public>:color = external {}
MediumBlue<public>:color = external {}
MediumOrchid<public>:color = external {}
MediumPurple<public>:color = external {}
MediumSeaGreen<public>:color = external {}
MediumSlateBlue<public>:color = external {}
MediumSpringGreen<public>:color = external {}
MediumTurquoise<public>:color = external {}
MediumVioletRed<public>:color = external {}
MidnightBlue<public>:color = external {}
MintCream<public>:color = external {}
MistyRose<public>:color = external {}
Moccasin<public>:color = external {}
NavajoWhite<public>:color = external {}
Navy<public>:color = external {}
OldLace<public>:color = external {}
Olive<public>:color = external {}
OliveDrab<public>:color = external {}
Orange<public>:color = external {}
OrangeRed<public>:color = external {}
Orchid<public>:color = external {}
PaleGoldenrod<public>:color = external {}
PaleGreen<public>:color = external {}
PaleTurquoise<public>:color = external {}
PaleVioletred<public>:color = external {}
PapayaWhip<public>:color = external {}
PeachPuff<public>:color = external {}
Peru<public>:color = external {}
Pink<public>:color = external {}
Plum<public>:color = external {}
PowderBlue<public>:color = external {}
Purple<public>:color = external {}
Red<public>:color = external {}
RosyBrown<public>:color = external {}
RoyalBlue<public>:color = external {}
SaddleBrown<public>:color = external {}
Salmon<public>:color = external {}
SandyBrown<public>:color = external {}
SeaGreen<public>:color = external {}
SeaShell<public>:color = external {}
Sienna<public>:color = external {}
Silver<public>:color = external {}
SkyBlue<public>:color = external {}
SlateBlue<public>:color = external {}
SlateGray<public>:color = external {}
SlateGrey<public>:color = external {}
Snow<public>:color = external {}
SpringGreen<public>:color = external {}
SteelBlue<public>:color = external {}
(NamedColors:)Tan<public>:color = external {}
Teal<public>:color = external {}
Thistle<public>:color = external {}
Tomato<public>:color = external {}
Turquoise<public>:color = external {}
Violet<public>:color = external {}
Wheat<public>:color = external {}
White<public>:color = external {}
WhiteSmoke<public>:color = external {}
Yellow<public>:color = external {}
YellowGreen<public>:color = external {}
# Module import path: /
Native<public> := module:
import_as_attribute<epic_internal> := class(attribute):
# Module import path: /
Concurrency<public> := module:
# A parametric interface implemented by events with a `payload` that can be waited on. Matched with `signalable.`
awaitable<public>(payload:type)<computes> := interface:
# Suspends the current task until resumed by a matching call to `signalable.Signal`. Returns the event `payload`.
awaitable<public>()<computes> := awaitable(void)
task<native><public>(t:type)<computes> := class<abstract><final>(awaitable(t)):
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