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Created April 1, 2010 17:32
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//Phaw! This certainly needs cleaning up, but it does work.
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
typedef long double R;
typedef complex<double> cplex;
void Gaussian_Elimination(cplex a00,cplex a01,cplex a02,
cplex a10,cplex a11,cplex a12,
cplex a20,cplex a21,cplex a22, cplex e1, cplex e2, cplex e3) {
struct real_cubic {
R a,b,c,d;
real_cubic(R _a,R _b,R _c,R _d)
: a(_a),b(_b),c(_c),d(_d){
R operator()(R x) const {
return a*x*x*x + b*x*x + c*x + d;
R solve() const {
R delta2=(b*b - 3*a*c)/(9*a*a);
R h = -2*a*sqrt(delta2)*sqrt(delta2)*sqrt(delta2);
R Xn = -b/(3*a);
R Yn = (*this)(Xn);
cout << "delta2=" << delta2 << endl;
cout << "h=" << h << endl;
cout << "Xn=" << Xn <<" Yn=" << Yn << endl;
if(Yn*Yn < h*h) {
cout << "Yn**2 < h**2 => Three distinct real roots" << endl;
R theta=acos(Yn/h)/3;
cout << "theta = " << theta/M_PI/2*360 << " degrees" << endl;
R alpha=Xn + 2 * sqrt(delta2) * cos(theta);
R beta =Xn + 2 * sqrt(delta2) * cos(theta + 2*M_PI/3);
R gamma=Xn + 2 * sqrt(delta2) * cos(theta + 4*M_PI/3);
cout << "(alpha,beta,gamma) = (" << alpha << "," << beta << "," << gamma << ")" << endl;
cout << "f(alpha)=" << (*this)(alpha) << endl;
cout << "f(beta)=" << (*this)(beta) << endl;
cout << "f(gamma)=" << (*this)(gamma) << endl;
} else {
cout << "n**2 > h**2 => Only one real root";
return 0;
template<typename F>
complex<F> acos(complex<F> z) {
return log(z + complex<F>(0,1) * sqrt(complex<F>(1,0)-z*z))/complex<F>(0,1);
template<typename C>
struct cubic {
C a,b,c,d;
cubic(C _a,C _b,C _c,C _d)
: a(_a),b(_b),c(_c),d(_d){
C operator()(C x) const {
return a*x*x*x + b*x*x + c*x + d;
C solve(C* lambda1,C* lambda2,C* lambda3) const {
C delta2=(b*b - 3.0*a*c)/(9.0*a*a);
C h = -2.0*a*sqrt(delta2)*sqrt(delta2)*sqrt(delta2);
C Xn = -b/(3.0*a);
C Yn = (*this)(Xn);
cout << "delta2=" << delta2 << endl;
cout << "h=" << h << endl;
cout << "Xn=" << Xn <<" Yn=" << Yn << endl;
cout << "Yn/h=" << Yn/h << endl;
//Cind the complex arccosine
C theta=acos(Yn/h)/C(3.0,0.0);
cout << "theta = " << theta << endl;
C alpha=Xn + C(2.0,0.0) * sqrt(delta2) * cos(theta);
C beta =Xn + C(2.0,0.0) * sqrt(delta2) * cos(theta + C(2*M_PI/3,0));
C gamma=Xn + C(2.0,0.0) * sqrt(delta2) * cos(theta + C(4*M_PI/3,0));
cout << "f(alpha)=" << (*this)(alpha) << endl;
cout << "f(beta)=" << (*this)(beta) << endl;
cout << "f(gamma)=" << (*this)(gamma) << endl;
*lambda1 = alpha;
*lambda2 = beta;
*lambda3 = gamma;
return 0;
int main() {
real_cubic f(1.0,7,14,8);
cout << "f(5)=" << f(5) << endl;
cubic<cplex> g(cplex( 3.0,1.0),
cplex( 7.0,1.0),
cplex( 8.0,4.0));
cplex lambda1,lambda2,lambda3;
cout << endl;
cout << "Solution1 = " << lambda1 << endl;
cout << "Solution2 = " << lambda2 << endl;
cout << "Solution3 = " << lambda3 << endl;
//3x3 matrix terms
a = cplex(1.0,0.0) ,b = cplex(0.3,0.0) ,c = cplex(0.9,0.0) ,
d = cplex(0.3,0.0) ,e = cplex(2.0,0.0) ,f = cplex(0.4,0.0) ,
g = cplex(0.8,0.0) ,h = cplex(0.2,0.0) ,i = cplex(3.0,0.0) ;
cplex poly_a = cplex(-1,0);
cplex poly_b = a+e+i;
cplex poly_c = d*b+g*c+f*h-a*e-a*i-e*i;
cplex poly_d = a*e*i - a*f*h - d*b*i + d*c*h + g*b*f - g*c*e;
cubic<cplex> characteristic_polynomial(poly_a,poly_b,poly_c,poly_d);
cplex lambda1,lambda2,lambda3;
cout << endl;
cout << "Eigenvalue1 = " << lambda1 << endl;
cout << "Eigenvalue2 = " << lambda2 << endl;
cout << "Eigenvalue3 = " << lambda3 << endl;
//Assume the first element of the eigenvector is 1;
cplex x1 = (f*(lambda1-a) + a*c)/(c*(lambda1 - e) + b*f);
cplex x2 = (-a-(e-lambda1)*x1)/f;
cout << endl;
cout << "First Eigenvector: (" << 1 << "," << x1 << "," << x2 << ")" << endl;
t1 = a+b*x1+c*x2,
t2 = d+e*x1+f*x2,
t3 = g+h*x1+i*x2;
cout << "First Eigenvector tranformed: (" << t1/lambda1 << "," << t2/lambda1 << "," << t3/lambda1 << ")" << endl;
return 0;
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