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Last active August 4, 2022 13:21
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Attempt at coding the logbessel K according to
library(pracma) # for hyperbolic functions
library(rethinking) # log_sum_exp
cppFunction('NumericVector clip( NumericVector x, double a, double b){
return clamp( a, x, b ) ;
log_cosh <- function(x) {
return( x + log1p(expm1(-2 * x) / 2) )
g <- function(v, x, t) {
return( log_cosh(v * t) - x * cosh(t) )
gp <- function(v, x, t) {
return( v * tanh(v * t) - x * sinh(t) )
gpp <- function(v, x, t) {
return( v^2 * sech(v * t)^2 - x * cosh(t) )
gppp <- function(v, x, t) {
return( -v^3 * sech(v * t)^2 * tanh(v * t) - x * sinh(t))
find_range <- function(gp_func, v, x, t) {
if (gp_func(v, x, t) < 0) stop("gp_func must be greater than or equal to 0")
m <- 0
t0 <- t
while (gp_func(v, x, t0 + 2^(m + 1)) >= 0 ) {
m <- m + 1
return(c(t0 + 2^m, t0 + 2^(m + 1)))
find_zero <- function(gp_func, gpp_func, v, x, te, ts, tol = 1, max_iter = 1000) {
# if(gp_func(v, x, te) <= 0 || gp_func(v, x, ts) >= 0)
# stop("gp_func(v, te) must be greater than 0 and
# gp_func(v, ts) must be less than 0")
t0p1 <- te
t0 <- te
t1 <- ts
i <- 0
for (i in 1:max_iter) {
t_shrink <- t0 + 0.5 * (t1 - t0)
# dx <- (-te / gpp_func(v, x, t0)) * (t1 - t0)
t_newton <- clip(t0 - gp_func(v, x, t0) / gpp_func(v, x, t0), te, t_shrink)
if(gp_func(v, x, t_shrink) < 0) {
t0p1 <- t_shrink
} else if (gp_func(v, x, t_newton) < 0){
t0p1 <- t_newton
t1 <- t_shrink
} else {
t0p1 <- t0
t1 <- t_newton
if ( abs(t0 - t0p1) < tol ) return(t0p1)
t0 <- t0p1
# I have to increase n here a lot to get something
# resembling the answer compared to what's in TF
# default in TF is n = 128
integ_logbesselk <- function(v, x, tp, t0, t1, n = 5000) {
h <- (t1 - t0) / n
c0 <- cn <- 0.5
y <- 0
for (i in 0:n) {
tm <- t0 + i * h
if (i == 0 || i == n) y <- y + h * exp(0.5 * g(v, x, tm) - g(v, x, tp))
else y <- y + h * exp(g(v, x, tm) - g(v, x, tp))
return(g(v, x, tp) + log(y))
log_besselk <- function(v, x, dt0 = 0.1, log_e = .Machine$double.min.exp) {
tp <- 0
gpp_out <- gpp(v, x, tp)
if(x == 0) return(Inf)
if(x < 0) return(NaN)
if(v < 0) v <- -v
shape <- v * x
if (gpp_out > 0) {
tste <- find_range(gp, v, x, 0)
tp <- find_zero(gp, gpp, v, x, tste[1], tste[2])
t0 <- 0
if(g(v, x, 0) - g(v, x, tp) < 0) {
t0 <- find_zero(function(v, x, t, p = tp, le = log_e) g(v, x, t) - g(v, x, p) - le
, gp, v = v, x, 0, tp)
tste <- find_range(
function(v, x, t, p = tp, le = log_e) {
g(v, x, t) - g(v, x, p) - le
x, tp)
t1 <- find_zero(function(v, x, t, p = tp, le = log_e) g(v, x, t) - g(v, x, p) - le,
v, x,
tste[1], tste[2])
return(integ_logbesselk(v, x, tp, t0, t1))
# return (c(t0, t1))
v <- 2.5
x <- 5
log_besselk(v, x)
log(besselK(x, v))
# log(x) - log(2 * v) + log( besselK(x, v + 1) - besselK(x, abs(v - 1)) )
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