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  • Save spinnaker-release/5d85a5f01d85d9af3486f8509165268a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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  • artifacts: support tokenFile for GitRepoArtifactCredentials and reload auth headers (#5505) (d9f86a91)
  • artifacts: support tokenFile for GitRepoArtifactCredentials and reload auth headers for http (d9f86a91)
  • artifacts: support tokenFile and reload headers tests (d9f86a91)
  • artifacts: support tokenFile and reload headers tests (d9f86a91)
  • aws: Adding support for capacity rebalance (5b3a6196)
  • aws: Add priority to launch template overrides for explicit ordering and related changes (faf36cba)
  • aws: Add validation to modify op (faf36cba)
  • aws: Adding support for modifying mixed instances policy proper… (05d1617d)
  • aws: Adding support for modifying mixed instances policy properties and converting a ASG using launch template to use mixed instances policy (05d1617d)
  • aws: PR feedback - Adding support for modifying mixed instances policy properties (05d1617d)
  • aws: adding support for multiple instance types, mixed instances policy to CloneServerGroup op (9dae79c7)
  • aws: Adding support to delete ASGs with mixed instances policy (596d2778)
  • aws/clouddriver: add delete stack operation (1fe1980c)
  • aws/cloudformation: Add onDemandCache logic (4e9a3994)
  • aws/enclave: Enable Nitro Enclave option (807a0abf)
  • cats/redis: account name based sharding logic (205a83ac)
  • cats/redis: account name based sharding logic (205a83ac)
  • cloudfoundry: onlySpinnakerManaged flag (f6aaec06)
  • cloudfoundry: add versioning to cf services (c7a1dfc6)
  • cloudfoundry: add versioning to cf services (c7a1dfc6)
  • cloudfoundry: add versioning to cf services (c7a1dfc6)
  • cloudfoundry: add versioning to cf services (c7a1dfc6)
  • cloudfoundry: add remove bindings option to destroy service (34637046)
  • cloudfoundry: improved error messages for failed service bindings (9427faa4)
  • cloudfoundry: improved error messages for failed service bindings (9427faa4)
  • cloudfoundry: spotless apply (9427faa4)
  • cloudfoundry: fix imports (9427faa4)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds last operation description (7a9d1178)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds last operation description to have better context of service instance status. (7a9d1178)
  • cloudfoundry: adds service instance status info to (7a9d1178)
  • cloudfoundry: add support for manifest random route (b431f10c)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: Unbind a service from an app (2b966af0)
  • ecs: Add support for enableExecuteCommand (10bba2d2)
  • ecs: Override Task Def Artifacts (281ff898)
  • kube/ext: Make KubernetesCredentials and KubectlJobExecutor extensible (#5631) (28375d21)
  • kubernetes: Opt-out of artifact binding (6ba5cd28)
  • kubernetes: Opt-out of artifact binding (6ba5cd28)
  • kubernetes: Bind artifacts, then version manifests (6ba5cd28)
  • kubernetes: Reuse strategy object (6ba5cd28)
  • kubernetes/job: Return the most recent pod name instead of the list of pod status (2b12e7ee)
  • kubernetes/job: Return the most recent pod name instead of the list of pod status (2b12e7ee)
  • kubernetes/job: Changed default behavior to be backwards compatible (2b12e7ee)
  • lambda: additional properties for stream event source mappings (884ce57e)
  • lambda: run sdk calls concurrently (ba0ce698)
  • validators: add extensible description validator (bb0c04c1)
  • validators: add extensible description validator (bb0c04c1)


  • 6430: Adding missing block device mappings for new launch templates (07186a01)
  • appengine: Checks destination directory before unpacking file. (61d6b30a)
  • appengine: Checks destination directory before unpacking file. (61d6b30a)
  • appengine: Removes reference to FileUtils (61d6b30a)
  • appengine: Uses crafted tar file to trigger vulnerability on tests and check it throws an exception preventing further damage. (61d6b30a)
  • appengine: Removes zip file. (61d6b30a)
  • appengine: Adds happy path test. (61d6b30a)
  • aws: Fix copy of block devices in clone operation (32b3cc3e)
  • aws: Fixing invalid creation of empty AsgConfiguration (f7fc87e1)
  • aws: Make MIP fields in desc take precendence in clone op (faf36cba)
  • aws: Relaxes health check for AWS (460e13ab)
  • aws: Relaxes health check for AWS using new AccountHealthIndicator. (460e13ab)
  • aws: Removes old AmazonHealthIndicator.groovy. (460e13ab)
  • aws: Adds AmazonHealthIndicator bean to AwsConfiguration. (460e13ab)
  • aws: Shows functions when there are not configured clusters. (47993a63)
  • aws/blockdevices: Convert ec2.BlockDeviceMapping into AmazonBlockDevice (34397705)
  • aws/load balancer instance state: only cache instance state from the last load balancer that reports it (a51a94ef)
  • build: don't bump the version of clouddriver in front50 (#5477) (4a033787)
  • cats: '_' can be used as a single character wildcard (in sql databases) and should be escaped (01c046b6)
  • cf/process: check if healthcheck is null (8e9edda7)
  • cloudfoundry: Remove lombok generated getter (4aab0d83)
  • cloudfoundry: skip API calls for apps that won't be cached (backport #5577) (8f983a9a)
  • cloudfoundry: ensure process health is built (#5570) (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: add timeout to converter (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: ensure process health is built (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: fix tests for process health (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: fix serialization of process health (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: fix serialization of process health (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: add test for non-empty fields (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: add timeout to converter (#5567) (600e81d3)
  • cloudfoundry: Avoid NPE when no instances are present. (#5564) (f8c822eb)
  • cloudfoundry: Avoid NPE when no instances are present. (f8c822eb)
  • cloudfoundry: add configurable cache expiry for clients (backport #5508) (b09dd80e)
  • cloudfoundry: catch not authorized errors when retrieving data on … (backport #5548) (f277095b)
  • cloudfoundry: delete binding by default binding name (f6f90cc0)
  • cloudfoundry: include final asg when checking taken slots (c567db06)
  • cloudfoundry: remove null route mappings to avoid falsely thrown error (82889c87)
  • deleteOp: Set received GracePeriod value to the operation itself (#5624) (0e9c240a)
  • deleteOp: Set received GracePeriod value to the operation itself (0e9c240a)
  • deleteOp: Import log dependencies (0e9c240a)
  • docker: filter images with repository and tag (9f679b58)
  • ecs: handle service names without sequences (4575906b)
  • ecs: refactor applicationCachingAgent to use unique namespace (417c3376)
  • entitytags: include required module (187f4049)
  • git/repo: Fixed concurrency issues (3b34c694)
  • k8s/perf: Don't use ForkJoin commonPool in caching agents (backport #5480) (1cb266e6)
  • kube/test: Use kind instead of k3s (807d18ed)
  • kube/test: Use kind instead of k3s (807d18ed)
  • kube/test: Added README (807d18ed)
  • kube/test: Enabled cache (807d18ed)
  • kube/test: Delete test cluster after all tests finish (807d18ed)
  • kubernetes: Pin Debian Package version of kubectl as well (#5685) (854d708b)
  • kubernetes: added joda module to jackson mapper (#5623) (ea08cb68)
  • kubernetes: added joda module to jackson mapper (ea08cb68)
  • kubernetes: addressing PR comments (ea08cb68)
  • kubernetes: support options.cascading in delete manifest pipelines (9d099b46)
  • kubernetes: support options.cascading in delete manifest pipelines (9d099b46)
  • kubernetes: teach KubernetesManifest.getFullResourceName to include generateName when relevant (2836d6f9)
  • kubernetes: Avoid duplicate version calls (6ba5cd28)
  • kubernetes: Restore support for extensions/v1beta1 Ingress (20e6b43f)
  • kubernetes/artifacts: Support for legacy Clouddriver's artifact replacement logic (backport #5513) (91ebbba3)
  • lambda: add account and region to cache data (backport #5533) (cfacc177)
  • lambda: add default config (d9f86a91)
  • lambda: add default config (backport #5497) (43ef6cbd)
  • lambda: refactor and fix handle and ondemand caching for lambda (a616975a)
  • lambda: initialize evictions map with a mutable map (a616975a)
  • lambda: add evictions to the lambda cache interval (a616975a)
  • lambda: add evictions to the lambda cache interval (a616975a)
  • lambda: add evictions to the lambda cache interval (a616975a)
  • lambda: refactor and fix handle and ondemand caching for lambda (a616975a)
  • lambda: implement applicationNameable for app authz (a616975a)
  • lambda: implement applicationNameable for app authz (a616975a)
  • lambda: fix failed test by moving appName to abstract class (a616975a)
  • lambda: fix failed test by moving appName to abstract class (a616975a)
  • lambda: fix failed test by moving appName to abstract class (a616975a)
  • lambda: return empty list if appName is null/empty (a616975a)
  • lambda: cache state and state reason info for lambda functions (39de791d)
  • manifest-replicas: Replicas value was not being set if it didn't already have a value, however users expect that they can omit the value when leveraging the use-source-capacity strategy. Fix is setting the value despite there not already being one. Additionally, if a third party integration creates a manifest via JSON that serializes the replica count as an integer, a casting exception occurs, so this includes an update to play nicely with integers. (4824c5bd)
  • namespaceValidation: revert #5359 which caused a new namespace deploy to fail (backport #5557) (eb09c7bb)
  • namespaceValidation: validation should use declared namespaces in order to leverage live namespace suppliers and remove omitted namespaces (e334d0b1)
  • sql: Cancel futures of sql scheduler executions (backport #5478) (5a10f99a)
  • titus: Removing reference to bintray repo (#5585) (0887714e)
  • titus/build: use version 1.37.1 of io.grpc.* to fix compiler errors (#5487) (aeb42ad6)
  • yandex: Fixes for Yandex.Cloud provider (fad5b618)


  • Caching amis with the same name (backport #5482) (a2d6a6e7)
  • Sql caching duplicates (backport #5481) (f5751eba)
  • feat (kubernetes): add retries to kubernetes job executor (cc9c0bc6)
  • aws: Refactor in modify op and accommodate overrides priority (faf36cba)
  • aws: Adding integration tests for modify launch template operation (1c53e6d2)
  • aws: Add/ modify unit tests (75faceba)
  • aws: misc refactor (75faceba)
  • aws: minor refactors and changes to existing features (7fe9ddc0)
  • aws: remove junit:junit test dependency since it's not used (53bde88b)
  • aws/load balancer instance state: demonstrate current behavior of AmazonLoadBalancerInstanceStateCachingAgent when once instance is registered with two load balancers (a51a94ef)
  • build: update Mergify config (#5617) (8c1e9ec1)
  • build: update Mergify config (8c1e9ec1)
  • build: remove repository declarations (926483d0)
  • build: remove repository declarations (926483d0)
  • build: update to use maven style version range (5cd42ff0)
  • build: release when tags matching version-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+ (e2d7bfde)
  • build: prefere mavenCentral (3a3e04bf)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#5689) (975fdbb5)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (b1b5b873)
  • cloudfoundry: add unit test. (f8c822eb)
  • cloudfoundry: spotlessJavaApply (f8c822eb)
  • cloudfoundry/process: Add the timeout to the application attributes and update the HealthCheckData (bd18b8d2)
  • codeowners: Update the CODEOWNERS for the new googlecloud SIG. (34448fbc)
  • codeowners: Remove maggieneterval from CODEOWNERS (5b8df090)
  • deleteOp: Handle GracePeriod parse (0e9c240a)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (c7fb1a6d)
  • dependencies: don't create an autobump PR for halyard on a clouddriver release branch (b4e1db96)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (746b7d39)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (#936) (db183763)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (aa6d25fb)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (9ecb52ec)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (3f8f3446)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (97659441)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (49e814af)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (338a3f90)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (2a9810f4)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c8f433cf)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (9152c9a5)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (1fb1bb7d)
  • fiat: bump fiat to 1.28.0 (0bec417f)
  • kubernetes: Adding csidriver and csinode kubernetes kinds (backport #5552) (982d9dfa)
  • kubernetes: move Kubernetes Accounts config to its own class (4c77b25c)
  • kubernetes: move Kubernetes Accounts config to its own class (4c77b25c)
  • kubernetes: remove @Primary notation (4c77b25c)
  • kubernetes: move custom bind configuration properties to a common module (6c637735)
  • kubernetes: move custom bind configuration properties to a common module (6c637735)
  • kubernetes: switch to generics (6c637735)
  • kubernetes: add KubernetesManifestTest to demonstrate the current behavior of KubernetesManifest.getFullResourceName (2836d6f9)
  • kubernetes: change KubernetesNamedAccountCredentials::getNamespaces to not make live calls to a kubernetes cluster (70f3fbe4)
  • kubernetes: change KubernetesCredentials::getDeclaredNamespaces to return an ImmutableList (70f3fbe4)
  • kubernetes: separate KubernetesCredentials::filterNamespaces into its own method (70f3fbe4)
  • kubernetes: change KubernetesNamedAccountCredentials::getNamespaces to not make live calls to a kubernetes cluster (70f3fbe4)
  • kubernetes: Bump kubectl binary version to 1.20.6 (ff9bc22e)

Deck 3.8.2


  • feat: introduce a separate timeout config property for api timeouts (678a78af)
  • feat: commit to test package bump PR creation (d1f45b5e)
  • feat: commit to test package bump PR creation (554ddc3d)
  • feat: sample amazon commit to test package publishin (8d45c5ef)
  • feat: update to kayenta 2.0.0 lazy loaded (780b4179)
  • feat: upgrade husky to 6.x (61bb9d52)
  • amazon: sample commit to test publish PR generation (f38438c3)
  • amazon/loadBalancer: Show NLB security groups if they exist (d9fd6672)
  • amazon/pipeline: Make docker preview configurable (29af6ad8)
  • amazon/pipeline: Make docker preview configurable (29af6ad8)
  • amazon/serverGroup: export datelinechart and MetricAlarmChart (494add31)
  • aws: Support UDP and TLS listeners for NLB (3bb6aaeb)
  • aws: Support UDP and TLS listeners for NLB (3bb6aaeb)
  • aws: Adding support for capacity rebalance (66b7ce86)
  • aws: Adding helper text to indicate priority (b423fe59)
  • aws/lb: Internal ALBs can be dualstacked (7499271c)
  • aws/titus: Add help text to IPv6 field (01aef56e)
  • build: Exploring vitejs as dev server and build tool (e2125b18)
  • build: Add all package to workspaces (24130c12)
  • build: Remove 'Build Packages' action in github ci (ef18bbe4)
  • build: Add utility for package bumps (07cecb5c)
  • build: Add support for stripping during bundling (d3baa94e)
  • build: Add custom rollup config for core (e5a953b0)
  • build: Add base tsconfig for independent packages (198da272)
  • cf/versioning: Feat cloudFoundry service versioning (c7e2174d)
  • cf/versioning: Add versioned and deletePreviousVersion fields in order to enable the service versioning feature (c7e2174d)
  • cf/versioning: Remove the Delete Previous Version checkbox (c7e2174d)
  • cf/versioning: Remove the Delete Previous Version checkbox (c7e2174d)
  • changelog: generate changelogs for all packages (only includes commits before the migration to packages/*) (bc05c6e4)
  • cloudfoundry: add cf services versioning (c7e2174d)
  • cloudfoundry: add cf services versioning (c7e2174d)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds versioning for ServiceInstances (c7e2174d)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds versioning for ServiceInstances (c7e2174d)
  • cloudfoundry: show baked manifest (f75a54bc)
  • cloudfoundry: add flag to destroy service stage (11a01e77)
  • cloudfoundry/bake: Feature: Add a new Tab with a link in order to show the produced YAML file once the bake is completed (f75a54bc)
  • cloudfoundry/bake: change the reference to core (f75a54bc)
  • cloudfoundry/bake: add Cypress test in order to verify the new Tab existence (f75a54bc)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: Delete Service Bindings stage (45e8b9fc)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: Add Stage in order to Unbind Services (45e8b9fc)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: remove restaga and restart from test (45e8b9fc)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: fix test (45e8b9fc)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: change typeof Observable by observableFrom (45e8b9fc)
  • codebuild: Secondary Sources Version (75d0dcf5)
  • codebuild: Secondary Sources Version (75d0dcf5)
  • core: extend useData to support auto refersh (4469f0bf)
  • core: added navbar logging (b75fb8c8)
  • core: Add type definition for png files (5292c11c)
  • core: added new headers function to requestBuilder (3bb4ffea)
  • core: add google analytics to logger (50e06cb4)
  • core: add google analytics to logger (50e06cb4)
  • core: Link to Build and Image in server group header (34764ed6)
  • core: updated presentation (0dd557c0)
  • core: logger component (16cd17e5)
  • core: option to disable collapsibleSection state caching (f0086f6d)
  • core: updated notifications to react-toastify (1a6ae753)
  • core: updated notifications to react-toastify (1a6ae753)
  • core/ManualJudgment: Enhanced ManualJudgment (91e864c1)
  • core/cluster: Remove unused react2angular component (7514b0b0)
  • core/executions: Reverting back the code to adopt new enhancement (91e864c1)
  • core/executions: manual judgement enhancement related to one click view with backend support (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Add some SpinErrorBoundaries to pipeline execution details (14fa3649)
  • core/pipeline: Enhanced ManualJudgment (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Code Cleanup (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Incorporated suggested changes. (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Added type definitions (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Increased styles specificity (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Incorporated suggested changes (91e864c1)
  • core/presentation: Add a retry button to SpinErrorBoundary (9883704d)
  • core/spinner: Consolidate spinners (e5375f0d)
  • core/spinner: Consolidate spinners (e5375f0d)
  • ecs: Override Task Def Artifacts (d65fab8d)
  • kubernetes/job: Use mostRecentPodName from response (8a1c8557)
  • kubernetes/job: Use mostRecentPodName from response (8a1c8557)
  • kubernetes/job: Cleanup (8a1c8557)
  • lerna: npx lerna init --independent && yarn (510abd96)
  • loadbalancer: Add the ability to configure 'preserve client IP' on NLBs (95a3fecb)
  • logging: ignore noisy errors (a2c7cab7)
  • managed-delivery: Add resource deleting status and icon (fa8bf205)
  • managed-delivery: Add resource deleting status and icon (fa8bf205)
  • md: MD debug mode (09c275d1)
  • md: show processed delivery config if md_debug is enabled (09c275d1)
  • md: menu option to copy the artifact version (debug mode) (09c275d1)
  • md: Display the raw delivery config instead of the processed one (5d5185d7)
  • md: backend messages (57ce3d30)
  • md: new messages component. moved management warning to this format (57ce3d30)
  • md: added a new query to fetch notifications (57ce3d30)
  • md: fetch notifications from the backend (57ce3d30)
  • md: display notifications (57ce3d30)
  • md: added links to resources (4469f0bf)
  • md: updated schema + added tasks (4469f0bf)
  • md: show resource task details (4469f0bf)
  • md: task progress bar (4469f0bf)
  • md: ignore allowed-time window (2ce86a34)
  • md: change allowed times fail message (d4d9de0d)
  • md: retry version actions (verifications and post deploy) (e209d696)
  • md: updated graphql schema and queries (e209d696)
  • md: added a button to retry failed version actions (e209d696)
  • md: remove loadingIndicator.svg and use Spinner instead (78497fd7)
  • md: set grid view as default and improve styles (ce4bfa25)
  • md: set grid view as the default option (ce4bfa25)
  • md: hide grid-list button on th config page (ce4bfa25)
  • md: improve error handling for non-managed applications (8a0f4607)
  • md: log envs direction (0946d19b)
  • md: change url when expanding a version (537bc9de)
  • md: added branch details to the history branch (f926f9b0)
  • md: Preview environments v0 (14588473)
  • md: updated graphql schema (14588473)
  • md: refactor EnvironmentRender to better handle the environments direction. Show preview environments separately (14588473)
  • md: change the deploying state blinking green instead of teal (33708ee9)
  • md: make deploying state blinking green (33708ee9)
  • md: set the new UI as the default one, and allow users to opt out (995d622a)
  • md: show delivery config yml in the configuration tab (3bb4ffea)
  • md: show delivery config in the configuration tab (3bb4ffea)
  • md: New option to display environments side by side (4d689b5b)
  • md: show envs side by side (4d689b5b)
  • md: moved createdAt to the metadata instead of on the left (bf5e954e)
  • md: added logs to the important actions and events (915b3421)
  • md: show resource account in metadata (8b1e1f8e)
  • md: version history collapsible icon - switch to arrow and cross icon (18039b90)
  • md: added a new type of collapsible icon for version history (18039b90)
  • md: improve styles on mobile + large screen (0647665d)
  • md: log ui toggling (6ed36898)
  • md: History - scroll to version + share link (f78f141f)
  • md: scroll to version by sha (f78f141f)
  • md: add copy link button (f78f141f)
  • md: updated page title (f78f141f)
  • md: support version and sha (f78f141f)
  • md: redirect from specific version + remove the query param (f78f141f)
  • md: Added mark as good + refactor actions to mutations and hooks (0dd557c0)
  • md: created new queries and fragments for pinned version (0dd557c0)
  • md: added mark as good and replaced all actions with mutations (0dd557c0)
  • md: version veto info (12ed317c)
  • md: updated graphql schema + switched to fragment (12ed317c)
  • md: added veto info to fragment (12ed317c)
  • md: show marked as bad (veto) info (12ed317c)
  • md: limit history versions to 100 (5a177192)
  • md: updated dgs schema (5a177192)
  • md: added limit to history page (5a177192)
  • md: build version tooltip (78730b1f)
  • md: pinned data tooltip info (f0235b3d)
  • md: added baking badge for version metadata (f0235b3d)
  • md: show pinned data tooltip (f0235b3d)
  • md: make pinned version message more prominent (f0235b3d)
  • md: added pinned and baking identifier to history version (f0235b3d)
  • md: added judgedAt time to constraints + switched to CollapsibleSection (c40745d0)
  • md: added judgedAt time for constraints + switched to CollapsibleSection (c40745d0)
  • md: added constraints to current version (c40745d0)
  • md: added timestamps to constraints (c40745d0)
  • md: switch constraints section to collapsibleSection (c40745d0)
  • md: show management warning in history (844ee30b)
  • md: only show first two pending versions (98f0238a)
  • md: added commit sha to text and a link the tooltip (47b520dc)
  • md: added commit sha to text and a link the tooltip (47b520dc)
  • md: show error message if there are no artifacts or resources (7791003a)
  • md: versions history page (cf49088a)
  • md: new queries (cf49088a)
  • md: history page (cf49088a)
  • md: replaced text with tooltip (cf49088a)
  • md: handle BLOCKED state for constraints (9a33c575)
  • md: updated schema (new constraint status) (9a33c575)
  • md: handle the new BLOCKED state (mainly in manual judgement as it only relevant for stateful constraints) (9a33c575)
  • md: show post deploy tasks (f47cc5bf)
  • md: added post deploy details to current version (f47cc5bf)
  • md: application management (f0086f6d)
  • md: new environments UI - can be turned on by adding ?newUI=1 before # (f0086f6d)
  • md: new constraints API + constraints summary (maybe remove later) + load slow resource status separately (f0086f6d)
  • md: deploying and versions behind info (f0086f6d)
  • md: pinning action (f0086f6d)
  • md: unpin and mark as bad actions (f0086f6d)
  • md: spinners and errors (f0086f6d)
  • md: added constraint actions (f0086f6d)
  • md: added verifications state to current version (f0086f6d)
  • md: resource actuation state + bug fixes (f0086f6d)
  • md: updated graphql schema prefix to Md to match the backend (f0086f6d)
  • md: open the resources section if there is an issue (f0086f6d)
  • md: current version title (f0086f6d)
  • md: added build links (f0086f6d)
  • md: show constraints summary for all version except the latest one (f0086f6d)
  • md: added git compare to to actions (f0086f6d)
  • md: horizontal tabs component (could be moved to presentation) (f0086f6d)
  • md: added the top nav bar + style imporvements (f0086f6d)
  • md: added app configuration (consider moving to the main config page later) (f0086f6d)
  • md: added configuration tab and management warning (f0086f6d)
  • md: added resource logs link (f0086f6d)
  • package: add release-please and remove publish.js. Add to publish all modules with package bumps. (9e1badf6)
  • pipeline: Change back button to breadcrumbs (2ae83451)
  • pipeline: Change back button to breadcrumbs (2ae83451)
  • pipeline: Replace chevron with dash (2ae83451)
  • pipeline: Show completed time in stage details (408f0eba)
  • pluginsdk: Add https support to dev-proxy (41c4c8ad)
  • pluginsdk: installs husky git hooks and lint-staged pre-commit hook (9f18ae97)
  • pluginsdk: Adds support for asserting a json field should be deleted (c5cc63fb)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: Add --no-spinnaker option to sync-versions-from-deck.js (b2f88291)
  • pr: switched to black tooltip (f0235b3d)
  • pr: fetch version details (cf49088a)
  • pr: temp feature flag (f0086f6d)
  • pr: added loading indicator and fix error toast (f0086f6d)
  • pr: updated tabs to work with uirouter (f0086f6d)
  • presentation: bumped version (18039b90)
  • presentation: mark as good illustration (c96065b7)
  • presentation: new icons (61eed078)
  • presentation: added style prop to icons (f0086f6d)
  • presentation: Add spMenuZuul icon (cb7380e7)
  • publishing: Always check out the master branch when updating the package bump pr (54f0c4bc)
  • publishing: Checkout repo using spinnakerbot PAT (b4cb711f)
  • publishing: Split publish job into multiple steps (36fbe649)
  • publishing: Try to generate package bumps using 'lerna version' and peter-evans/create-pull-request (5099b47d)
  • release-please: Consolidate all releases into a single PR (a68ca234)
  • release-please: add initial versions of tools to manifest file (138a3b5c)
  • scripts: Add postcss colorfix processor (f1b9be5a)
  • scripts: Add custom auto-external configurer for rollup (34f5eb31)
  • scripts: Add support for svgr (f50021b5)
  • scripts: Handle auto-pushing of built modules (e98be8b8)
  • scripts: Create scripts package (2e273e80)
  • scripts: Bootstrap scripts package (8ae0d1ba)
  • tasks: Use stage context over variables (ca80a2ea)
  • tasks: Use stage context over variables (ca80a2ea)
  • tasks: Use as fallback and memoize (ca80a2ea)
  • titus: Format date string and protect modal under config (ade2b6e8)
  • titus: Change label from Package to Image Name (f22396dd)
  • titus: Configure disruption budget in Run Job Stage (063e9bd8)
  • titus/pipeline: Deprecate Titus bake stage and docker storeType (29af6ad8)
  • titus/pipeline: Deprecate Titus bake stage and docker storeType (29af6ad8)
  • titus/pipeline: Support lists for Run Job entrypoint and command (16cae2ac)
  • titus/pipeline: Add IPv6 toggle with defaults to Run Job Stage (14cbd97e)
  • titus/serverGroup: View server group scaling activities (ade2b6e8)
  • titus/serverGroup: View server group scaling activities (ade2b6e8)
  • titus/serverGroup: Add a subnet selector which automatically sets some container attributes (47f4aa45)
  • titus/serverGroup: Add package details section (f22396dd)
  • titus/serverGroup: Add package details section (f22396dd)
  • titus/serverGroup: Show custom image ids for deploy configs (1232cc6c)
  • titus/serverGroup: Show custom image ids for deploy configs (1232cc6c)
  • trigger: Show Payload Constraints option for build triggers (329bc17a)


  • fix: sample commit to test publishing scripts (7438c84d)
  • fix: sample commit to test publishing scripts (5075ee1a)
  • 6325: pushed modal overlay to the background (799250bd)
  • all: Fix lodash global usage (d0484329)
  • all: Convert requires to imports (abf4c759)
  • all: Fix references due to packages moves (a3f61c63)
  • amazon: Add back ng template handling (10534f5c)
  • amazon/loadBalancer: Preserve Client IP not relevant for instance target groups (b4ad37a6)
  • amazon/securityGroup: Resolve angular/react modal-body conflict (5cd37430)
  • amazon/securityGroup: Prevent cloning security groups into regions they already exist in (b3a4c9c6)
  • amazon/titus: Add mode to stage view state (a0a4eb52)
  • app: Fix favicon in vite dev server (71ec8943)
  • app: Move plugin manifest to public folder (1dc917df)
  • app: Remove resolutions from app (e1176195)
  • appengine: Allows ng to be injected. (936c3a11)
  • aws: Avoid showing an incorrect 'EC2 Classic' subnet (bf898427)
  • aws: fix secondary sources versions for aws codebuild stage (75d0dcf5)
  • aws/lambda: Lists Event Source details for functions ( (df21ef60)
  • aws/lambda: Fix functions icon on menu (#9686) (9938e1bd)
  • aws/lambda: Lists Event Source details for functions (#9683) (49906f4b)
  • aws/lambda: Lists Event Source details for functions (49906f4b)
  • aws/lambda: Fix typo (49906f4b)
  • aws/lambda: Shows function details and actions menu. (c39f74d3)
  • aws/lambda: Shows function details and actions menu. (c39f74d3)
  • aws/lambda: Shows function details and actions menu. (c39f74d3)
  • bake: make helm chart path visible for git/repo artifact (backport #9768) (a5b2065b)
  • bake: make helm chart path visible for git/repo artifact (a5b2065b)
  • bake: fix merge conflicts in BakeHelmConfigForm Spec (a5b2065b)
  • build: Use the right yarn.lock file (4dac13e3)
  • build: Upgrade uirouter/react version (cc5004bf)
  • build: Remove node_modules before running fixup (9223ca3a)
  • build: Fix gradle builds (d4d25f6a)
  • build: Emit assets directly to dist folder (6a0b37f7)
  • build: Fix distribution dir (eb87451a)
  • build: Revert independent package changes (c067090d)
  • build: Handle image bundling from css (3aa17022)
  • build: Fix external field for rollup (56730917)
  • build: Add rollup externals (a1563483)
  • build: Fix package publish github actions (1e1712aa)
  • build: Fix condition to handle html requires (df6ec474)
  • Support non-app packages such as eslint-plugin (9ab60793)
  • ci: fetch previous tag from git instead of API (#9847) (9f6b4dce)
  • ci: Build yarn modules before building eslint (187edbbf)
  • ci: Disable eslint in release-1.27.x (187edbbf)
  • ci: Backport prettier commands to release-1.27.x (187edbbf)
  • ci: files haven't been formatted already so disable check (187edbbf)
  • ci: Bump spinnakerGradleVersion to support deb publishing plugin (187edbbf)
  • ci: Setup NodeJS the same in every GHA (187edbbf)
  • cloudfoundry: Fix failing unit test (e3bc17c8)
  • cloudfoundry/mapLoadBalancer: Remove validation on Route in order to allow to save Spel Expressions (1eda3e3c)
  • containerlogs: add ability to view multiple pod logs (2bb6960a)
  • containerlogs: add ability to view multiple pod logs (2bb6960a)
  • containerlogs: find pod or mostRecentPName (2bb6960a)
  • core: Format changes timestamps when they are numbers or strings (e780285d)
  • core: Remove circular dependencies - 2 (ee5f783e)
  • core: Remove circular dependency of modules (5c942b15)
  • core: trying to avoid importing ReactInjector in presentation (4d464cea)
  • core: fixed a bunch of circular deps (29f2b39f)
  • core: missing/broken types (997ab490)
  • core: command generic trigger (997ab490)
  • core: pipeline validator - add stage type (997ab490)
  • core: fix state update for pipeline tags (c7e2174d)
  • core: make metadata page content overridable (c7e2174d)
  • core: move all graphql code generator components to core and fix the build script (2cc0850f)
  • core: Remove class (0f15bb57)
  • core: fix state update for pipeline tags (f75a54bc)
  • core: make metadata page content overridable (f75a54bc)
  • core: fix state update for pipeline tags (45e8b9fc)
  • core: make metadata page content overridable (45e8b9fc)
  • core: make ignored errors public (98429c08)
  • core: properly load reactGA (b56aafe1)
  • core: expose user menu (a3025b41)
  • core: Remove log and useCallback (f14885d1)
  • core: Update tests that are no longer relevant (d45b7ea2)
  • core: Resolve merge conflicts (d45b7ea2)
  • core: Clearer execution details in ServerGroupStageContext (915274df)
  • core: Remove storybook to fix corejs imports (3566e2e0)
  • core: Re-order imports and remove requires (e6d020cc)
  • core: Fix imports in core for rollup (8d8e8a59)
  • core: Remove amazon changes (9437dcc3)
  • core: classnames package cleanup (4940c482)
  • core: classnames package cleanup (4940c482)
  • core: fix state update for pipeline tags (31e83036)
  • core: fix state update for pipeline tags (31e83036)
  • core: make metadata page content overridable (31e83036)
  • core: fix issue in console log modal (8aeeaf7a)
  • core: pushed modal overlay to the background (22859bea)
  • core/diffs: NPE on ViewChangesLink, minor style tweak (2a9e13ef)
  • core/diffs: NPE on ViewChangesLink, minor style tweak (2a9e13ef)
  • core/filterModel: Do not add browser histroy events when changing infrastructure filter queries (56cc429a)
  • core/help: Do not render conditionally for angular compatibility (1406c2f2)
  • core/loadBalancer: Pushed modal overlay to the background (799250bd)
  • core/modal: Make SubmitButton compatible with flex display (8180812d)
  • core/pipeline: Disable pipeline sorting when filtering by name (because some pipelines are hidden) (1e06186d)
  • core/pipeline: Warn if concurrency disabled on stage restart (edec92b4)
  • core/pipeline: Warn if concurrency disabled on stage restart (edec92b4)
  • core/pipeline: Warn if concurrency disabled on stage restart (edec92b4)
  • core/pipeline: Warn if concurrency for any running executions of pipeline config (edec92b4)
  • core/pipeline: Resolved pipeline header alignment issue by ellip… (fb07390a)
  • core/pipeline: Resolved pipeline header alignment issue by ellipsis account tag name in pipeline execution (fb07390a)
  • core/pipeline: Replaced span with more generic classname. (fb07390a)
  • core/popover: Scope css back to running tasks popover (c751dba6)
  • core/popover: Scope popover css to component (c751dba6)
  • core/popover: Scope popover css to component (c751dba6)
  • core/serverGroup: Add space in scaling policy details (10afe110)
  • core/stage: Remove string interpolation token from ng template for rollup (7cfaca12)
  • core/task: Render "submitting task" instead of throwing an error in MultiTaskMonitor.tsx (00818f7a)
  • deck: Attempt to fix Cannot read property 'length' of undefined (94bfcf4e)
  • deck: Attempt to fix Cannot read property 'length' of undefined (94bfcf4e)
  • dependency: Fix @types/react version (5840e086)
  • docker: Fix @types/angular version (f8d60eeb)
  • ecs: Switch to securityGroupNames and update on subnet change in server group wizard (6f6add0e)
  • ecs: Switch to securityGroupNames and update on subnet change in server group wizard (6f6add0e)
  • ecs: Cannot see instance details for ecs cluster (c20da7a6)
  • ecs/securityGroups: Rename the securityGroups attribute due Clouddriver is expecting securityGroupNames instead. (9cc7807b)
  • eslint-plugin: Move webpack ESLint checking to a separate thread. (af776b93)
  • imports: Convert requires to imports (5839a0f4)
  • lint: Fix lint errors (5561db04)
  • managed-delivery: Fix resource deleting icon (84b21758)
  • md: the raw delivery config is not showing up properly. Hiding it for now (8f7c6eff)
  • md: text for BLOCKED status in allowed times constraint (811e8065)
  • md: fetch raw delivery config via graphql (1ca35496)
  • md: fetch raw config via grahpql (1ca35496)
  • md: convert error message to simple text (55c97d9c)
  • md: remove the built-in search box (4b5c0b67)
  • md: only show messages section if not empty (94e87011)
  • md: css fix for no artifacts (c18b86a7)
  • md: make attributes nullable (1d21f80b)
  • md: fix pin icon from cropping due to overflow-x: auto (308c931d)
  • md: improve error logging (e8e555d0)
  • md: constraint time position (1adb2245)
  • md: clean warning in config viewer (ce4bfa25)
  • md: grid icon (0d5d4c49)
  • md: use useCallback for the log function to keep it stable (3bb4ffea)
  • md: minor improvements based on feedback from #9269 (75a3a251)
  • md: properly redirect the old ui links to the new ui (d998362c)
  • md: allowed time default timezone (2917d7b5)
  • md: only show git link if the commit message is not a link (8524b0ea)
  • md: constraint icon size (a2b79f24)
  • md: wrap tooltip content with span (1bb91d2e)
  • md: lifecycle data was missing in the query (28f35bcf)
  • md: environments are now sorted on the backend. We only need to reverse the order in the history heading (7845147c)
  • md: refetch version on constraint (works in all cases) (cca5ad60)
  • md: sort versions even when no current exists (8e59bcb2)
  • md: deploying badge text color is better in white (47b520dc)
  • md: fix order of environments (d62bd8cb)
  • md: renamed feature flag (7f6cbad0)
  • md: check if should use the new ui (834af1ed)
  • md: ignore the status event if it's identical to the reason (5b2b797a)
  • md: git link overflow (f0086f6d)
  • md: git link delay show instead of hide (f0086f6d)
  • md: only show the first line of the commit message (f0086f6d)
  • md: removed react-bootstrap buttons (f0086f6d)
  • md: replace core/index imports (f0086f6d)
  • modules: switch modules to eslint-webpack-plugin (3fab4a24)
  • modules: chdir to modules before showing package bumps (b9bc2b30)
  • nav: fix unsubscribe on unmount (ae43ad01)
  • pluginsdk: fix reference to checkLintStagedRc (21ff6819)
  • pluginsdk: add lintstaged lint rule to check-plugin script (3fd03c1e)
  • pr: Fix fontawesome icon class name (fa8bf205)
  • pr: removed unused hook (4d689b5b)
  • pr: updated environment status colors (cf49088a)
  • pr: rename BaseEnvironmentItem to EnvironmentItem (cf49088a)
  • pr: support DateTime and string in RelativeTimestamp (cf49088a)
  • pr: move loading animation to a separate component (cf49088a)
  • pr: added some details about the prefetchData function (cf49088a)
  • pr: replace with Metadata component (cf49088a)
  • pr: log an error if status is missing (9a33c575)
  • pr: rename file (f47cc5bf)
  • pr: rename css (f47cc5bf)
  • pr: rename class names (f47cc5bf)
  • pr: links popups (f0086f6d)
  • pr: make version metadata pretty again :) (f0086f6d)
  • pr: use existing collapsible section (f0086f6d)
  • pr: revert Icon API (f0086f6d)
  • pr: bug fixes on safari and in build number == 0 (f0086f6d)
  • pr: styles improvements (f0086f6d)
  • pr: small fixes (f0086f6d)
  • pr: convert statuses to a variable instead of hardcoding them (f0086f6d)
  • pr: change warning to error (f0086f6d)
  • pr: updated schema and fix breaking changes (f0086f6d)
  • pr: create a wrapperClassName for hoverablePopover (f0086f6d)
  • pr: simplified pending versions filter (f0086f6d)
  • pr: convert link to button (f0086f6d)
  • pr: extracted props to interface everywhere :) (f0086f6d)
  • pr: rename cx to classnames (f0086f6d)
  • pr: pull onClick to separate variables (f0086f6d)
  • pr: clean unused code (f0086f6d)
  • pr: replaced Loading component with default props (f0086f6d)
  • pr: replaced type with interface (f0086f6d)
  • pr: simplified implementation - removed subscription (1a6ae753)
  • presentation: center close icon (not in use by anything at the moment) (a7e393e0)
  • provider/aws: Fix display of server group without monitoring (63ee2410)
  • publish: missing dependencies in publish.js (d8fc569d)
  • publishing: checkout master explicitly. do not try to close PR when no PR was matched by create-pull-request. (8c46d751)
  • publishing: only change commit message if the branch is ahead of the remote because lerna version created a commit (39679ba1)
  • publishing: set github token for pushing tags using an env variable (20e1135e)
  • publishing: try using spinnakerbot2 access token to push tags (e855f349)
  • publishing: approve spinnakerbot2's PR using spinnakerbot creds (20b7ea54)
  • publishing: pass PAT as with.token: ${{ PAT }} (7c5a575a)
  • publishing: Close PR using octokit.pulls.update({}) (eacef894)
  • publishing: use spinnakerbot2 personal access token (7c3ec2c2)
  • publishing: always run create-pull-request even if there are no new changes (to close the open PR hopefully) (9c342e10)
  • publishing: regenerate package publish PR when tags are pushed (bc48a553)
  • publishing: build all packges before publishing (a43ccc3e)
  • publishing: pass --yes to lerna publish from-git (d4a6a4b8)
  • publishing: Use actions/checkout@v2 when publishing packages (8fee05dd)
  • publishing: Configure git user/email before pushing tags to github (6e2e8ee5)
  • publishing: Get publish git-tag from ${package}/package.json (36f58899)
  • publishing: Fetch tags for use by lerna publish using fetch-depth: 0 (83705248)
  • publishing: Use lerna to publish packages (0759f557)
  • publishing: use latest hmarr/auto-approve-action (8967adc0)
  • publishing: Pass pull request number to approve-pull-request action (f348de6a)
  • publishing: Fix conditional on auto-approve step (32358d0b)
  • publishing: Auto approve instead of adding "ready to merge" label (51f536c2)
  • publishing: Apply conventional commit AFTER running 'gha - get bumped packages' (8318ba89)
  • publishing: Use conventional commit for publish commit; use SPINNAKERBOT_TOKEN (ffffdc03)
  • publishing: Fix changelog formatting, fix apply merge label conditional, try closing and reopening PR, remove on: pull_request (93557811)
  • publishing: Actually run the .github/gha_output_* scripts (80d437f0)
  • publishing: Actually run the .github/gha_output_* scripts (d1f1ab79)
  • publishing: Add --no-push to lerna version (aa9aa920)
  • publishing: Add git and (e51e7cb1)
  • publishing: Fix indent in lerna-release-pr.yml GHA workflow (f6b3788f)
  • redblack: Update redblack fields for angular DeploymentStrategyS… (b9a8b58e)
  • redblack: Update redblack fields for angular DeploymentStrategySelector (b9a8b58e)
  • release-please: Fix typo :( (b896d6c4)
  • release-please: fix pull request title config (193578af)
  • release-please: use separate source branch names for app and tools (git symbolic-ref refs/heads/release-please-app refs/head/smaster) (8075d6b8)
  • rollup: do not log quotes around NODE_ENV (7bcf7d7a)
  • scripts: Handle double quotes in require calls (429bdd9e)
  • scripts: Fix build scripts (ad6c0d49)
  • scripts: Add path separator for scoped packages (1d95c428)
  • scripts: Make ng template urls unique (e35d1bdf)
  • style: shrink padding on stage details tabs (acc1243f)
  • style: this ensure that the main div won't overflow the page (716f7b78)
  • tasks: Handle tasks with no stages (15dc9387)
  • titus: Hide scaling activity length (e2003cc1)
  • titus: Display entryPointList if not empty (16cf1d1a)
  • titus: Fixing React.Children.only issue (35b3eb5d)
  • titus/serverGroup: Remove empty key/pairs from job attributes (5bd3e1e5)
  • titus/serverGroup: Remove empty key/pairs from job attributes (5bd3e1e5)
  • titus/serverGroup: Change wording on edit target tracking policy to match EC2. (880ebcf1)
  • titus/serverGroup: Fix height of metrics line chart (8b9187bc)
  • vite: Link app to core source files during dev (37bf5f90)
  • vite: Add vite fixes (8e0840a6)
  • webpack: Wire in ESLINT_FAIL_ON_ERROR (1a71e6db)


  • Publish packages to NPM (2031f812)
  • emptycommit (5a4c0b17)
  • chore: update yarn.lock (not sure why this is stale) (b9cb82c7)
  • 'Enable IMDSv2' -> 'Require IMDSv2' (17217159)
  • chore: pin exact @spinnaker/* versions in package.json (54caec8b)
  • chore: update rxjs to latest 5.5.x (746ea327)
  • chore: update to kayenta 1.0.4 (a93241cf)
  • *: Import TaskMonitorWrapper from core instead of NgReact (cce5473b)
  • *: Import TaskMonitorWrapper from core instead of NgReact (cce5473b)
  • *: Remove references to ButtonBusyInidicator (ee2ab2f2)
  • *: Remove references to ButtonBusyInidicator (ee2ab2f2)
  • all: Move packages from app/scripts/modules to packages/ (70165ec2)
  • all: Remove aliases from all modules (55c6e3b9)
  • all: Remove ng template cache for webpack (be6df680)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.325 (232fdb4e)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.324 (86b6dc55)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.323 (d5ce9155)
  • amazon: Export subnet files (acbfe30e)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.322 (013fa570)
  • amazon: Update core in amazon (0a64e176)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.321 (eb9e61cf)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.320 (2988b824)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.319 (5554b39c)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.318 (025eb9d1)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.317 (13375fa7)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.316 (9cadb5bd)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.315 (669f6c0e)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.314 (648aeffb)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.313 (78fcf62f)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.312 (cca0736a)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.311 (6073f0a3)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.310 (06d0bee2)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.309 (17319b2c)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.308 (2badb3b6)
  • amazon: Make amazon package independent (6c3838ec)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.307 (a54b3a0c)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.306 (692c6f3a)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.305 (bfd1cb97)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.304 (3f97f355)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.303 (84eaeee5)
  • app: publish app@1.0.3 (e8925666)
  • app: publish app@1.0.2 (5c80f138)
  • app: publish app@1.0.1 (d130aed9)
  • app: Move app to its own directory (69ff222c)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.37 (d348eba9)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.36 (0a0d3d07)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.35 (8a42c7fb)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.34 (5e717751)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.33 (11beb5e9)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.32 (b4faf240)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.274 (9bf5ec8c)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.273 (7967ddb7)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.272 (90ef4c83)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.271 (815b21e2)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.270 (2684800f)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.269 (7fec6f81)
  • build: Backport 9832 CI de-dupe without tests (187edbbf)
  • build: run yarn modules before yarn build (#9826) (0c1ba16d)
  • build: Handle jquery-ui in webpack and vite (b6371f36)
  • build: Add instructions for building modules (d383b4f9)
  • build: Update README with instructions for dev mode (6e7c6e63)
  • build: Use esbuild transpiler with rollup (c8c539ae)
  • build: Integrate with yarn workspaces (e30e631b)
  • build: Fix paths for rollup (9a9468a2)
  • build: Fix build scripts to handle independent packages (628c0576)
  • bump: Upgrade @spinnaker/scripts (8cec745a)
  • bump: Upgrade @spinnaker/scripts (db9f47df)
  • bump: Bumping packages in titus (78e1f8d4)
  • bump: Upgrade core (a042c02e)
  • bump: Upgrade titus (072829df)
  • bump: Bump packages (fcdc3f76)
  • canary: Reference new Spinner in angular code (ee2ab2f2)
  • ci: Mergify - merge Autobumps on release-* (#9848) (c1902676)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#9838) (4e084972)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push - backport #9823 (187edbbf)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (187edbbf)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.124 (05d5d63e)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.123 (5fc2772d)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.122 (674fa308)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.121 (817eb336)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.120 (a407e820)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.119 (c31c36d4)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.118 (48ce01fe)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.117 (5cb63c17)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.116 (00a9338e)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.115 (5e4b42ba)
  • core: Fix a batch of circular dependencies (68067170)
  • core: Fix circular dependencies (68067170)
  • core: Circular deps in pipeline module (68067170)
  • core: Fix circular dependencies (68067170)
  • core: update js-worker-search to a temp package that works with vite (583895bc)
  • core: bump manually (57619754)
  • core: publish core@0.0.609 (45c4df21)
  • core: publish core@0.0.608 (760d2f3f)
  • core: React CopyToClipboard is the source of truth (0f15bb57)
  • core: React CopyToClipboard is the source of truth (0f15bb57)
  • core: publish core@0.0.607 (ec832794)
  • core: Remove TaskMonitorWrapper from NgReact (cce5473b)
  • core: publish core@0.0.606 (05245508)
  • core: publish core@0.0.605 (6accdc57)
  • core: Remove EntitySource from NgReact (b6ac0b7c)
  • core: Remove EntitySource from NgReact (b6ac0b7c)
  • core: Remove deps on ngReact for EntitySource and ViewChangesLink (0a64e176)
  • core: Remove deps on ngReact for EntitySource and ViewChangesLink (0a64e176)
  • core: Remove deps on ngReact for EntitySource and ViewChangesLink (0a64e176)
  • core: Remove deps on ngReact for EntitySource and ViewChangesLink (0a64e176)
  • core: publish core@0.0.604 (ad2e01da)
  • core: publish core@0.0.603 (4ea225e2)
  • core: Reactify ViewChangesLink, ChangesModal, CommitHistory and JarDiff (d83f6002)
  • core: Reactify CommitHistory and JarDiff componentss (d83f6002)
  • core: Convert JarDiffs component and react2angular new components (d83f6002)
  • core: Convert changes modal to react (d83f6002)
  • core: ViewChangesLink to react (d83f6002)
  • core: CSS updates and extend buildInfo (d83f6002)
  • core: CSS updates and extend buildInfo (d83f6002)
  • core: CSS updates and extend buildInfo (d83f6002)
  • core: Review feedback and delete changes.html (d83f6002)
  • core: publish core@0.0.602 (8fa0348b)
  • core: publish core@0.0.601 (3274330c)
  • core: Convert UserMenu to React (233279ed)
  • core: Export TaskMonitorWrapper (ff6f32ee)
  • core: Remove old code for various spinners (ee2ab2f2)
  • core: publish core@0.0.600 (d31668d4)
  • core: publish core@0.0.599 (bcbe23d3)
  • core: publish core@0.0.598 (51381059)
  • core: publish core@0.0.597 (dd483d23)
  • core: publish core@0.0.596 (7aab127a)
  • core: publish core@0.0.595 (323dd819)
  • core: publish core@0.0.594 (2a0e156c)
  • core: publish core@0.0.593 (4004181d)
  • core: publish core@0.0.592 (2240867b)
  • core: updated styleguide (33708ee9)
  • core: publish core@0.0.591 (c72702b8)
  • core: publish core@0.0.590 (0e201c27)
  • core: publish core@0.0.589 (e8e53dca)
  • core: Move loadingIndicator from managed to widgets (e5375f0d)
  • core: publish core@0.0.588 (7223865f)
  • core: Convert alias imports to relative imports in less (8b6478f1)
  • core: publish core@0.0.587 (405fc1fb)
  • core: replace core react ga call with logger calls (50e06cb4)
  • core: publish core@0.0.586 (5956d643)
  • core: Reactify scaling activities modal (9437dcc3)
  • core: publish core@0.0.585 (8c83e6ef)
  • core: Reactify scaling activities modal (0ecc87de)
  • core: Reactify scaling activities modal (0ecc87de)
  • core: Remove angular files (0ecc87de)
  • core: Remove amazon changes (0ecc87de)
  • core: publish core@0.0.584 (d09f556d)
  • core: publish core@0.0.583 (6cb64848)
  • core: publish core@0.0.582 (cc275e3f)
  • core: publish core@0.0.581 (7a690e3b)
  • core: publish core@0.0.580 (20dd06a1)
  • core: publish core@0.0.579 (0f9e4041)
  • core: publish core@0.0.578 (00fc8d9f)
  • core: publish core@0.0.577 (2daaa570)
  • core: publish core@0.0.576 (7c53c8b5)
  • core: publish core@0.0.575 (0473b0e5)
  • core: publish core@0.0.574 (52ea9b6b)
  • core: Convert AddEntityTagLinks to React (39fa7730)
  • core: Convert AddEntityTagLinks to React (39fa7730)
  • core: Import entityTags help into module (39fa7730)
  • core: publish core@0.0.573 (68a6192e)
  • core: publish core@0.0.572 (c2e67da8)
  • core: publish core@0.0.571 (5dc996a4)
  • core/amazon: Remove ViewScalingPolicies link from NgReact (0a3f56b9)
  • core/cluster: simplify FilterSearch.tsx (6cbb7621)
  • core/entityTag: Convert entity source components to React (f14885d1)
  • core/entityTag: Convert entity source components to React (f14885d1)
  • core/entityTag: Convert entity source components to React (f14885d1)
  • core/entityTags: Remove unused code (f14885d1)
  • core/filterModel: fix unit test for applyParamsToUrl (9f169d52)
  • core/help: Point angular and ngReact to HelpField (d45b7ea2)
  • core/help: Point angular and ngReact to HelpField (d45b7ea2)
  • core/serverGroup: Remove from NgReact and update css (9437dcc3)
  • core/serverGroup: Remove from NgReact and update css (0ecc87de)
  • core/serverGroup: Convert running tasks popover to react (70a2b998)
  • core/serverGroup: Convert running tasks popover to react HoverablePopover (70a2b998)
  • core/serverGroup: Remove angular code (70a2b998)
  • dcos: publish dcos@0.0.2 (3b9b6343)
  • dcos: Make dcos a separate npm package (cc42f537)
  • dcos: Move all code to src (80fc525b)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#9833) (f96435e0)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#9766) (d522ab13)
  • deps: bump select2 to npm versions (backport #9763) (b725a6fb)
  • deps: use select2 version from NPM (b725a6fb)
  • deps: bump select2 to npm versions (backport #9763) (b725a6fb)
  • deps: switch to Source Sans 3 package (b725a6fb)
  • deps: Upgrade dependencies (c4affaa8)
  • deps: bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 (651a27fb)
  • deps: bump @spinnaker/presentation from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 (b89e9574)
  • deps: bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 in /packages/mocks (a164c6ea)
  • deps: bump @spinnaker/presentation from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 (91a2ebad)
  • deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 (ae83a0c3)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.83 (33980dc8)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.82 (c563c332)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.81 (c9370fe0)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.80 (8968d07f)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.79 (764675e8)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.78 (98241720)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.77 (c111b22e)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.76 (8fce8f45)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.75 (d8b50009)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.74 (bc39869d)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.73 (b4919ff5)
  • docker: Make docker package independent (5a4247fb)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.72 (5018b18d)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.292 (d4c794c3)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.291 (27d8d8aa)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.290 (99b53f37)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.289 (e661543c)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.288 (7323cdd2)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.287 (9d3013a1)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.286 (2a49a3e5)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.285 (49fc07d7)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.284 (d93fd822)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.283 (f5f9848c)
  • eslint: Migrate from deprecated eslint-loader to eslint-webpack-plugin (342a5b65)
  • eslint: Update eslint to 7.27.0 (0cc0d991)
  • eslint: yarn eslint --fix (7360252e)
  • fonts: Move fonts to core (5dc1deac)
  • google: publish google@0.0.41 (d6734b56)
  • google: publish google@0.0.40 (d5b3de93)
  • google: publish google@0.0.39 (f5349b43)
  • google: publish google@0.0.38 (489b9664)
  • google: publish google@0.0.37 (115d0019)
  • google: publish google@0.0.36 (9d3f4259)
  • google: publish google@0.0.35 (50ecfcf0)
  • huaweicloud: publish huaweicloud@0.0.14 (bcc7cd05)
  • huaweicloud: publish huaweicloud@0.0.13 (e31007ac)
  • huaweicloud: publish huaweicloud@0.0.12 (05e6d447)
  • huaweicloud: publish huaweicloud@0.0.11 (66bda871)
  • karma-shim: Limit test matching to files inside /src directories (a0991e71)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.70 (a94f2725)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.69 (425007f6)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.68 (65f383b5)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.67 (f0e17f4d)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.66 (d0d30d4d)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.65 (48ccb2ed)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.64 (3a633ffe)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.63 (056e4780)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.62 (c7186ff5)
  • md: updated schema (1ca35496)
  • md: move loadingAnimation to presentation (4469f0bf)
  • md: consolidate all delimited elements (4469f0bf)
  • md: consolidate and simplify status icons (4469f0bf)
  • md: reduce sizes and spacing a bit (ce4bfa25)
  • md: add spacing above the actions if there is a description (23103b0d)
  • md: fix constraints style - adding margin to chevron + add padding below the actions properly (2c547cdb)
  • md: split big components into small reusable components (cf49088a)
  • md: break versionMetadata into smaller components (cf49088a)
  • md: constraint spacing (9a33c575)
  • md: artifact action modals (f0086f6d)
  • md: simplified relativeTimestamp api (f0086f6d)
  • oracle: publish oracle@0.0.26 (9521aeca)
  • oracle: publish oracle@0.0.25 (02209add)
  • oracle: publish oracle@0.0.24 (57fb9420)
  • oracle: publish oracle@0.0.23 (db7916f7)
  • package: Upgrade @spinnaker/scripts package (26bc67df)
  • package-bump: Update core versions in amazon and docker (9a9ff96a)
  • packages: Migrate packages to make them independent (38b5fa17)
  • packages: Migrate packages to make them independent (9da3751a)
  • packages: Upgrade @spinnaker/scripts (285c1942)
  • pluginsdk: Upgrade @spinnaker/scripts (f288c6d2)
  • pluginsdk: release 0.0.30 (713d0647)
  • pluginsdk: release 0.0.29 (9bfe264d)
  • pluginsdk: release 0.0.28 (52692969)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: Upgrade to 0.0.16 (bddfa219)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: Upgrade to 0.0.16 (b18a5360)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: Upgrade to 0.0.15 (6de8f130)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: release 0.0.14 (eff13850)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: remove husky (comes for free with pluginsdk now) (b44bca65)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: release 0.0.13 (425a4567)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: sync package versions (a729340c)
  • pr: updated styleguide (f0086f6d)
  • presentation: new collapsible section component (cf49088a)
  • presentation: publish 0.0.5 (cb7380e7)
  • prettier: Just Update Prettier™️ (9aeb398b)
  • publish: publish packages (3ce268cc)
  • publish: publish packages (bf380cfa)
  • publish: set NODE_ENV=production when publishing (2e62f348)
  • publish: publish packages (56e2356e)
  • publish: publish packages (925f8b69)
  • publish: publish packages (1652238b)
  • publish: publish packages (bc2c8013)
  • publish: publish packages (#9501) (94585074)
  • publish: publish packages (a5cc4bde)
  • publish: publish packages (1ded9f82)
  • publish: publish packages (62dacdbf)
  • publish: publish packages (12ff87e4)
  • publish: publish packages (7e651ee6)
  • publish: publish packages (093ea8a5)
  • publish: publish packages (fc3ef81a)
  • publish: publish packages (8a14b00c)
  • publish: publish packages (85e3e996)
  • publish: publish packages (f9a88d0a)
  • publishing: fix if/then syntax in scripts/gha_output_* scripts (e088b8fa)
  • publishing: Move scripts to /scripts/*; push tags after publishing (7a2a70c2)
  • publishing: Update the publish-packages PR title and body (b95173ab)
  • publishing: do not close/reopen pr (doesn't help trigger CI) (4e09ec2f)
  • refactor: Convert NumberList to react (19f97afb)
  • refactor: Convert NumberList to react (19f97afb)
  • refactor: Remove unused files (19f97afb)
  • refactor: Remove NumberList from NgReact (19f97afb)
  • release-please: add initial package versions to manifest file (138a3b5c)
  • rxjs: Specify exact rxjs version (d87ba6c7)
  • rxjs: Migrate to static combineLatest and fix typing errors (496e44af)
  • rxjs: Remove now unused imports of Observable from 'rxjs' (a4fc97f3)
  • rxjs: Manually migrate rxjs code in .js files (30c3ee8d)
  • rxjs: Fix combineLatest deprecated calls (2a9e2a4b)
  • rxjs: Run rxjs 5-to-6 migration tooling (c11835cf)
  • rxjs: Upgrade to rxjs 6.x and add rxjs-compat (allows rxjs 5.x code to work for now) (b45ae037)
  • scripts: Prune build scripts (d9462f8f)
  • scripts: Add comment about externals (4d6eeaf5)
  • scripts: Bump @spinnaker/scripts to 0.0.4 (57b0a9af)
  • serverGroup: Refactor scaling activities link (0ecc87de)
  • serverGroup: useCallback with popover content (70a2b998)
  • spinner: Angular compatibility (e5375f0d)
  • spinner: Angular compatibility (e5375f0d)
  • styleguide: updated package (14588473)
  • tencentcloud: publish tencentcloud@0.0.20 (6dcdfcea)
  • tencentcloud: publish tencentcloud@0.0.19 (e8923ca3)
  • tencentcloud: publish tencentcloud@0.0.18 (d478c23e)
  • tencentcloud: publish tencentcloud@0.0.17 (28195395)
  • titus: Export scaling activities modal (7172bb46)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.191 (7ef4df9c)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.190 (dc32d024)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.189 (e3e1f434)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.188 (7d105908)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.187 (1565a0d6)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.186 (c5d3d9e9)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.185 (122a5e81)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.184 (54db5d17)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.183 (ea32853d)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.182 (6f5c45da)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.181 (2c671f6c)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.180 (857ede54)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.179 (7f96b70e)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.178 (e631cb2f)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.177 (63a1a268)
  • titus: Make titus package independent (15f4e529)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.176 (d31ad76b)
  • titus: Remove outdated code (839dc56c)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.175 (5e840443)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.174 (12d20a05)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.173 (22fb4d3f)
  • webpack: ignore source maps of some packages that are generating warnings (03c684d3)

Echo 2.32.3


  • travis: Always read properties from Travis triggers (a448d686)


  • build: group was specified twice in build.gradle (57b8ed75)
  • plugins-test: try harder for the version of versionNotSupportedPlugin to actually not be supported (#1161) (b03c87e6)


  • build: update mergify config (#1144) (9fc5d562)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#1174) (c4da2ea7)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (2490dac8)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (24f38e94)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (c73d9b81)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (1241b7bf)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (0aab97cd)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (61909847)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (af7bff2b)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (62d7dcd3)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (f1ac104b)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (5dab37c9)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (20eabb4e)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (109398e8)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (64cb72de)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (a8268288)

Fiat 1.28.4


  • build: bump dependencies for the given branch (#934) (1af69f4c)
  • sql: handle extension resources as well as the built-in ones (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: concurrent writes during putAllById (ab2f52a1)


  • github: Use new github teams api as old one is deprecated (#907) (a881f984)
  • github: Use new github teams api (a881f984)
  • gitub: using team slug instead of id (backport #911) (44efe9a5)
  • sql: don't delete unrestricted user on sync (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix concurrent puts on users and resources (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix updating resource timestamps (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix reading of resources for a user (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix integration tests when using sql (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: don't delete users in putAllById (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: don't self merge unrestricted user permissions (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: typo in property name (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: borrow async code from clouddriver (ab2f52a1)


  • perf: Reduce Cost Of Sync Process (b42ac299)
  • build: update mergify config (#897) (9010e21e)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#940) (f30f750f)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (25cb9f4b)
  • dependencies: don't create an autobump PR for halyard on a fiat release branch (23cf00d9)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (9f4120cf)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (044ddee2)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (77dcf522)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (b5ead314)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (b595072b)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e6f3878c)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (361bcf41)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (d7254525)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (9e5cb184)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c84e6fb6)
  • github: Remove unused function (a881f984)
  • github: clean up unused functions (a881f984)
  • github: delete unused model (a881f984)
  • gradle: spotless apply (a881f984)
  • idea: undo changes to idea settings (ab2f52a1)
  • idea: really revert unintended config change (ab2f52a1)
  • redis: Performance improvements for RedisPermissionsRepository (backport #841) (4a8b6aa1)
  • sql: normalize permission schema (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: normalize permission schema (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: batch up SQL queries to cut round trip time (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: add index to updated_at column (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: select distinct is cheaper on getAllByRoles (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: actually drop the unneeded group by (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: optimise for update case (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: unify update code between put and putAllById (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: reduce permission update to one statement (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: more efficient delete and split put tx (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fixes handling of put during sync (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: remove updated_at (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: make put operation transactional (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: don't issue deletes we don't need to (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: refactor table definitions (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix package location of tests (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix copyright header. (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: update resources only when needed (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: add missing column definition (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: faster query by role (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: use semi-join to speed up get of user (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: faster queries in getAllByRoles (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: parse resources and permissions in parallel (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: rewrite around clouddriver style batching (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix formatting (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: use same async config behaviour as clouddriver (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: cheaper query for user permissions (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: split up user and permission reading (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: split out user write (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: revert user read/write splitting (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: split up permission set read (ab2f52a1)

Front50 2.23.3


  • api: Add front50-api package and move PipelineValidator into it (4751d870)
  • api: add api package and move pipeline validator (4751d870)
  • api: move Trigger and Pipeline to api and use mixin classes for json annotations (4751d870)
  • api: use api validator errors class for pipeline validators (4751d870)
  • s3: allow enabling payload signing (9ed6b524)
  • s3: allow enabling payload signing (9ed6b524)
  • s3: null check (9ed6b524)


  • api: fix type mismatch regression with Pipeline boolean properties (b082bae3)
  • api: ignore all Pipeline properties with null value for serialization (32eafa56)
  • api: fix regression for ignoring specific pipeline fields with null values (a1beeab8)
  • api: add JsonINclude for null fields for additional Pipeline properties (a1beeab8)
  • api: ignore lastModified json property for pipelines (a1beeab8)
  • api: remove jsonIgnoreProperties annotation from pipeline mixin to fix deserialization regression (e23d323b)
  • api: forwarding map formatting (4751d870)
  • api: spotless apply fix (4751d870)
  • api: update sql storage service tests to use new pipleine model setters (4751d870)
  • core: remove stale read warning (83710aff)
  • kork: kork not autobumped (fabf5d2c)
  • storage: Fix deserialization regression for storage services (f9cf1264)
  • vulnerability: Remove fixed version of postgres dependency to accommodate safer version from kork. (1e15b248)
  • vulnerability: Remove fixed version of postgres dependency to accommodate safer version from kork. (1e15b248)


  • Revert "fix(api): fix type mismatch regression with Pipeline boolean properties (#1046)" (#1068) (bd3eb334)
  • api: Use lombok to generate getters/setters for Pipeline model (4751d870)
  • build: update mergify config (#1089) (deb0b895)
  • build: release when tags matching version-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+… (829e2dc8)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#1120) (9b788614)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (736758c8)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (260578ad)
  • dependencies: don't create an autobump PR for halyard on a front50 release branch (7fbae17b)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (dd27dfe8)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (7f94af6d)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (eb42eafd)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c48b5cb2)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (4cb760a7)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (7b6ea88b)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (2ade7786)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (8f7a4191)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (08202f72)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (27642d4e)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (9a70a712)
  • migrations: remove out of date migrations (4751d870)

Gate 6.54.2



  • graphql: added request type (cfc1e168)
  • graphql: add missing endpoint (a98e1547)
  • oauth: remove circular dependency on ExternalAuthTokenFilter bean in OAuth2SsoConfig when oauth2 is enabled (#1492) (fcfc26f0)
  • plugins-test: try harder for the version of versionNotSupportedPlugin to actually not be supported (#1532) (d1404ea3)
  • vulnerability: avoid expose gate endpoints (#1497) (66e533ba)


  • build: update mergify config (#1506) (87fbedf2)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#1544) (99b65516)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (59cc4ad2)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (dba199e7)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (b621ff31)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (131e25f0)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (f0c1db6b)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (903579c6)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (fb3539e1)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (a907d76f)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (3d002988)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c868620d)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (cc990fd2)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (cb25b425)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (6fd18dd9)

Igor 4.6.4



  • build: update mergify config (#982) (8e17f219)
  • build: release when tags matching version-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+ (22106ca4)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#1011) (eaca5705)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (5807198e)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (82e94890)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (d17a4467)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (d17a4467)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (c0448b70)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (0c5f1bdb)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (d72932f7)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (98b0b86b)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (51c8b7eb)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e6633016)
  • dependencies: bump artifactory-java-client-services version to 2.9.2 (98e623ce)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (98232871)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c8488fde)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c033eb7d)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (abe2be23)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (09fc2881)

Kayenta 2.31.2


  • config: Add simple server-side validation of metric names. (f4e93a63)


  • atlas: use https for atlas endpoints (334d92e5)
  • datadog: fix null handling in DatadogTimeSeries (c41da209)


  • build: update mergify config (#860) (f88406b8)
  • build: remove kotlin from project (0e5406ea)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#884) (347fcad7)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (4d8f10ab)
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion (72ca19f1)
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion (e946058a)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (89b26592)
  • dependencies: bump orcaVersion to 8.18.2 (8a7ad715)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (7b52ba1d)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (87c58bc4)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (6030711e)
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion (815ed9c5)

Orca 8.18.4


  • aws/cloudformation: Add onDemandCache refresh logic (fa27889a)
  • aws/cloudformation: add delete stack stage (1d7cd763)
  • build: bump dependencies for the given branch (#4247) (63ada85f)
  • cf/versioning: Adds versioning for ServiceInstances. (9ae00f16)
  • cloudfoundry: add versioning to cf services (c3250475)
  • cloudfoundry: Uses last operation state & description (7e0b4c96)
  • cloudfoundry: Uses last operation state & description to surface that something went wrong. (7e0b4c96)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds null check. (7e0b4c96)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds default message. (7e0b4c96)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: delete service binding stage (a60730de)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: delete service binding stage (a60730de)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: remove unused attributes in class and rename (a60730de)
  • codebuild: Secondary Sources Version (90458315)
  • core: Support returning TaskResult from Task.onCancel (bb7f97b9)
  • ecs: Override Task Def Artifacts (58eee0f7)
  • front50: introduce retries and timeouts for abstract front50 tasks (3d6161c7)
  • operations: Replace KatoService with OperationsRunner in server group tasks (02c00efa)
  • orca-front50: Reuse service accounts based on their content. (c295f46b)
  • pipeline executions/orca: Add configurable default for skipDownstreamOutput flag (d60c1b44)


  • fix: ServerGroup members must be public for deserialization (b52d0f17)
  • discovery: fixes admin controller disable behavior (33a1be13)
  • discovery test: fixes admin controller test intermittent failures (#4202) (efc7d1b2)
  • igor: Nullpointer in GetCommitsTask (76a9d1e4)
  • jobs: use stage.execution.application as default when looking job status (67060a20)
  • jobs: use stage.execution.application as default when searching job status (67060a20)
  • jobs: call front50 to validate the app exist before check job status (67060a20)
  • jobs: call front50 only when or context.application or execution.application does not exists (67060a20)
  • kotlin: create kotlinModule using Builder instead constructor (#4219) (dc68a7ac)
  • manifest: fixes deploy manifest SpEL evaluation toggle (a2acb5c5)
  • manifest: fixes deploy manifest SpEL evaluation toggle (a2acb5c5)
  • plugins-test: try harder for the version of versionNotSupportedPlugin to actually not be supported (#4236) (159c8755)
  • test: create MonitorableQueue bean instead Queue on integration tests (82a7dc3b)


  • Fix builds (d7a1a0ba)
  • fix null pointer on wait for up instances task (dba6c18a)
  • add null healths case tests (8e8a36fc)
  • remove unused tasks (0d9a1356)
  • build: Bump kork version & fix tests (82a7dc3b)
  • build: bump korkVersion to 7.115.2 (82a7dc3b)
  • build: update Mergify config (backport #4209) (dc204ef3)
  • build: remove references to jcenter/bintray (#4162) (c8e4176e)
  • build: get the version of arrow from spinnaker-dependencies (bcf11865)
  • build: replace org.funktionale:funktionale-partials with io.arrow-kt:arrow-core (7c04e514)
  • build: release when tags matching version-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+… (7a88c0f7)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#4256) (7347918c)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (2e2f1f13)
  • clouddriver: Add Ami typed response from clouddriver (7cda8172)
  • clouddriver: Switch to typed models in CloudDriverService where possible (9e797f5b)
  • clouddriver: Reduce usage of TargetServerGroup where it is not adding anything over the ServerGroup class (c542c001)
  • clouddriver: Clean up last method in OortHelper (6021b3ae)
  • clouddriver: Make OortHelper use typed cluster from CloudDriverService (e695a402)
  • clouddriver: eliminate usage of OortHelper deprecated methods (2b1d4eff)
  • clouddriver: Move more methods to typed equivalents (0b00a942)
  • clouddriver: Eliminate untyped usage of getting a Cluster (fa5ac00f)
  • clouddriver: fix reordering of cluster naming in previous refactor (884d348e)
  • clouddriver: Move TargetServerGroup to java dir (27448551)
  • clouddriver: Convert TargetServerGroup to java (8c1a4f5e)
  • clouddriver: Convert TargetServerGroup to java syntax (d08b36bb)
  • clouddriver: Back TargetServerGroup with ServerGroup. (641e0a0a)
  • clouddriver: Eliminate dynamic property access on TargetServerGroup (20f2eb8f)
  • clouddriver: Convert more code to using the Cluster model (60fc53fe)
  • clouddriver: Convert tasks to use typed ServerGroup models (834b28d0)
  • clouddriver: convert fully java syntax files to java (f445e36b)
  • clouddriver: convert more instance health code to java syntax (5c2110a1)
  • clouddriver: relocate AbstractInstancesCheckTask (9e950934)
  • clouddriver: Convert AbstractInstancesCheckTask to java (abb66b71)
  • clouddriver: Convert AbstractInstancesCheckTask to java syntax (f930f178)
  • clouddriver: relocate health helper (f24a2cd3)
  • clouddriver: Convert health helper to java (e567f74f)
  • clouddriver: Convert health helper to java syntax (73bc4416)
  • clouddriver: Rename AbstractWaitingForInstancesTask. (17ea5811)
  • clouddriver: Stop extending AbstractWaitingForInstancesTask. (71dc7652)
  • clouddriver: Convert AbstractWaitingForInstancesTask to java. (825f5fae)
  • clouddriver: Start converting to using ServerGroup type (9eac5153)
  • clouddriver: Eliminate AbstractCloudProviderAwareTask since it does not add any functionality. (dd25fe3e)
  • cloudriver: Finish refactor of instance health check tasks. (e50c32ab)
  • cloudriver: Eliminate abstract class for instance health checks, refactor logic, and make the tasks test the whole task instead of just an internal method. (693bc146)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (2a2a7abb)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (cbd9f141)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (178b56ce)
  • dependencies: Update dokka version to version present in maven central (#4196) (981bef83)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (eb3d6583)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (b446a9a8)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (6d68f2ca)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (867f19ad)
  • dependencies: Upgrade io-kubernetes java client to resolve CVEs (6fd16c3b)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (bdfddcca)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (5b96776e)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (1e61b23b)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (b0b4537b)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (d9423bc9)
  • oortservice: Continue moving OortService usage to CloudDriverService (29bf35fb)
  • oortservice: Move to using CloudDriverService instead of OortService to eliminate direct reference to retrofit classes (ac464547)
  • orca-api: move ExecutionPreprocessor and TaskExecutionInterceptor into orca-api (2b5bdb78)

Rosco 1.7.4


  • provider/aws: Allow fetching of mostRecent matching AMI when searching by name (42b3551c)


  • halyard: Use Halyard's spinnaker.yml defined Redis (#874) (f612dd30)


  • bake: add base ami to completed bake details (831188e3)
  • build: update mergify config (#832) (c37dd818)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (2089ee02)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (6d73231b)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (b539e136)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (9882c3d3)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e97c6f17)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (2eb1c8d2)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (409ef396)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (4bbfe41b)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (b8c054c7)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (1d2e769f)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (5dcf97a4)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (a537c802)
  • rosco: Update Readme with k8s capabilities (6903265c)


  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (96d510cb)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (96d510cb)
  • ci: Add Mergify config used in other services (96d510cb)
  • ci: make a publishDebToArtifactRegistry task at the top level (91e7116c)
  • ci: Add GHA for last publish of Monitoring Daemon (1d7d73fe)
  • ci: Add GHA for last publish of Monitoring Daemon (1d7d73fe)
  • ci: Skip running broken tests (1d7d73fe)
  • ci: Remove GitHub Actions (a4b16d1f)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (ede1d75c)
  • md: Add deprecation notice (a4b16d1f)
  • md: Add deprecation notice (a4b16d1f)
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