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Last active June 9, 2022 16:56
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Spinnaker Release 1.27.0

Note: This release requires Halyard version 1.45.0 or later.

This release includes fixes, features, and performance improvements across a wide feature set in Spinnaker. This section provides a summary of notable improvements followed by the comprehensive changelog.


  • Retry capability has been added for kubectl calls. This can be enabled by setting kubernetes.jobExecutor.retries.enabled: true. It is turned off by default.

    • Kubectl error strings on which retries should be performed can be configured using the kubernetes.jobExecutor.retries.retryableErrorMessages key. This key accepts a list of strings. The code does a string.contains() check on kubectl error messages - so only certain keywords from the original error message is enough to be added here. For example TLS handshake timeout is a valid retryable error message.

    • An example of the complete set of configuration options are defined below:

            enabled: true # (default: false)
            maxAttempts: 3 # (default: 3)
            backOffInMs: 5000 # (default: 5000)
            exponentialBackoffEnabled: false # (default: false)
            exponentialBackoffMultiplier: 2 # (default: 2)
            exponentialBackOffIntervalMs: 1000 # (default: 1000)
            retryableErrorMessages: # list of error strings
              - TLS handshake timeout
  • version 1.23 of spinnaker introduced a breaking change to the way binding of docker images with tags worked. spinnaker/clouddriver#5537 restores the pre-1.23 behavior with the following configuration:

      docker-image: match-name-only

    With match-name-only, docker images with tags aren't replaced.


  • Front50 tasks such as UpsertApplication and DeleteApplication now implement the RetryableTask interface, thereby allowing the user to add a configurable timeout and backoff for these tasks. The configurable values are:

        backoff-ms: 10s (default: 10s)
        timeout-ms: 1 hr (default)
        backoff-ms: 10s (default)
        timeout-ms: 1 hr (default)
  • Orca can now be configured to use shared managed service accounts. Unlike managed service accounts, which are created per pipeline, these are generated per unique combination of roles. This can significantly reduce the number of service accounts that Fiat needs to process during role sync and real-time auth calls, which can lead to errors when saving new pipelines or authenticating user requests if the sync or auth is slow enough. This introduces a new configurable option, useSharedManagedServiceAccounts, which defaults to false:

        useSharedManagedServiceAccounts: true
  • Added the capability to use pipeline expressions within ECS task definition Artifacts. You can enable this by setting evaluateTaskDefinitionArtifactExpressions: true. Task definition artifacts can have pipeline expressions that are evaluated at run time. The Pipeline expression has ${expression here} syntax. Here is an example of the Pipeline expression evaluation:

    {{< figure src="Screen_Shot_for_override_task_defintion_using_SpEL.png" caption="

    Override Task Definition Using SPEL" alt="Override Task Definition Using SPEL">}}


  • A new property called apiTimeoutMs has been added to the configurable settings. This property specifies what the timeout should be when Deck makes API calls to other microservices. This property is not a required property.


Spinnaker Monitoring Daemon Deprecated

The Spinnaker monitoring daemon has been deprecated and is unmaintained. Container images and debian artifacts for existing version remain available but no new versions are being built. Users are encouraged to migrate to the Armory Observability Plugin that is more performant and simpler to operate.

See the Monitoring Setup Guide.



  • artifacts: support tokenFile for GitRepoArtifactCredentials and reload auth headers (#5505) (d9f86a91)
  • artifacts: support tokenFile for GitRepoArtifactCredentials and reload auth headers for http (d9f86a91)
  • artifacts: support tokenFile and reload headers tests (d9f86a91)
  • artifacts: support tokenFile and reload headers tests (d9f86a91)
  • aws: Adding support for capacity rebalance (5b3a6196)
  • aws: Add priority to launch template overrides for explicit ordering and related changes (faf36cba)
  • aws: Add validation to modify op (faf36cba)
  • aws: Adding support for modifying mixed instances policy proper… (05d1617d)
  • aws: Adding support for modifying mixed instances policy properties and converting a ASG using launch template to use mixed instances policy (05d1617d)
  • aws: PR feedback - Adding support for modifying mixed instances policy properties (05d1617d)
  • aws: adding support for multiple instance types, mixed instances policy to CloneServerGroup op (9dae79c7)
  • aws: Adding support to delete ASGs with mixed instances policy (596d2778)
  • aws/clouddriver: add delete stack operation (1fe1980c)
  • aws/cloudformation: Add onDemandCache logic (4e9a3994)
  • aws/enclave: Enable Nitro Enclave option (807a0abf)
  • cats/redis: account name based sharding logic (205a83ac)
  • cats/redis: account name based sharding logic (205a83ac)
  • cloudfoundry: onlySpinnakerManaged flag (f6aaec06)
  • cloudfoundry: add versioning to cf services (c7a1dfc6)
  • cloudfoundry: add versioning to cf services (c7a1dfc6)
  • cloudfoundry: add versioning to cf services (c7a1dfc6)
  • cloudfoundry: add versioning to cf services (c7a1dfc6)
  • cloudfoundry: add remove bindings option to destroy service (34637046)
  • cloudfoundry: improved error messages for failed service bindings (9427faa4)
  • cloudfoundry: improved error messages for failed service bindings (9427faa4)
  • cloudfoundry: spotless apply (9427faa4)
  • cloudfoundry: fix imports (9427faa4)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds last operation description (7a9d1178)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds last operation description to have better context of service instance status. (7a9d1178)
  • cloudfoundry: adds service instance status info to (7a9d1178)
  • cloudfoundry: add support for manifest random route (b431f10c)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: Unbind a service from an app (2b966af0)
  • ecs: Add support for enableExecuteCommand (10bba2d2)
  • ecs: Override Task Def Artifacts (281ff898)
  • kube/ext: Make KubernetesCredentials and KubectlJobExecutor extensible (#5631) (28375d21)
  • kubernetes: Opt-out of artifact binding (6ba5cd28)
  • kubernetes: Opt-out of artifact binding (6ba5cd28)
  • kubernetes: Bind artifacts, then version manifests (6ba5cd28)
  • kubernetes: Reuse strategy object (6ba5cd28)
  • kubernetes/job: Return the most recent pod name instead of the list of pod status (2b12e7ee)
  • kubernetes/job: Return the most recent pod name instead of the list of pod status (2b12e7ee)
  • kubernetes/job: Changed default behavior to be backwards compatible (2b12e7ee)
  • lambda: additional properties for stream event source mappings (884ce57e)
  • lambda: run sdk calls concurrently (ba0ce698)
  • validators: add extensible description validator (bb0c04c1)
  • validators: add extensible description validator (bb0c04c1)


  • 6430: Adding missing block device mappings for new launch templates (07186a01)
  • appengine: Checks destination directory before unpacking file. (61d6b30a)
  • appengine: Checks destination directory before unpacking file. (61d6b30a)
  • appengine: Removes reference to FileUtils (61d6b30a)
  • appengine: Uses crafted tar file to trigger vulnerability on tests and check it throws an exception preventing further damage. (61d6b30a)
  • appengine: Removes zip file. (61d6b30a)
  • appengine: Adds happy path test. (61d6b30a)
  • aws: Fix copy of block devices in clone operation (32b3cc3e)
  • aws: Fixing invalid creation of empty AsgConfiguration (f7fc87e1)
  • aws: Make MIP fields in desc take precendence in clone op (faf36cba)
  • aws: Relaxes health check for AWS (460e13ab)
  • aws: Relaxes health check for AWS using new AccountHealthIndicator. (460e13ab)
  • aws: Removes old AmazonHealthIndicator.groovy. (460e13ab)
  • aws: Adds AmazonHealthIndicator bean to AwsConfiguration. (460e13ab)
  • aws: Shows functions when there are not configured clusters. (47993a63)
  • aws/blockdevices: Convert ec2.BlockDeviceMapping into AmazonBlockDevice (34397705)
  • aws/load balancer instance state: only cache instance state from the last load balancer that reports it (a51a94ef)
  • build: don't bump the version of clouddriver in front50 (#5477) (4a033787)
  • cats: '_' can be used as a single character wildcard (in sql databases) and should be escaped (01c046b6)
  • cf/process: check if healthcheck is null (8e9edda7)
  • cloudfoundry: Remove lombok generated getter (4aab0d83)
  • cloudfoundry: skip API calls for apps that won't be cached (backport #5577) (8f983a9a)
  • cloudfoundry: ensure process health is built (#5570) (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: add timeout to converter (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: ensure process health is built (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: fix tests for process health (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: fix serialization of process health (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: fix serialization of process health (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: add test for non-empty fields (2a9a9d06)
  • cloudfoundry: add timeout to converter (#5567) (600e81d3)
  • cloudfoundry: Avoid NPE when no instances are present. (#5564) (f8c822eb)
  • cloudfoundry: Avoid NPE when no instances are present. (f8c822eb)
  • cloudfoundry: add configurable cache expiry for clients (backport #5508) (b09dd80e)
  • cloudfoundry: catch not authorized errors when retrieving data on … (backport #5548) (f277095b)
  • cloudfoundry: delete binding by default binding name (f6f90cc0)
  • cloudfoundry: include final asg when checking taken slots (c567db06)
  • cloudfoundry: remove null route mappings to avoid falsely thrown error (82889c87)
  • deleteOp: Set received GracePeriod value to the operation itself (#5624) (0e9c240a)
  • deleteOp: Set received GracePeriod value to the operation itself (0e9c240a)
  • deleteOp: Import log dependencies (0e9c240a)
  • docker: filter images with repository and tag (9f679b58)
  • ecs: handle service names without sequences (4575906b)
  • ecs: refactor applicationCachingAgent to use unique namespace (417c3376)
  • entitytags: include required module (187f4049)
  • git/repo: Fixed concurrency issues (3b34c694)
  • k8s/perf: Don't use ForkJoin commonPool in caching agents (backport #5480) (1cb266e6)
  • kube/test: Use kind instead of k3s (807d18ed)
  • kube/test: Use kind instead of k3s (807d18ed)
  • kube/test: Added README (807d18ed)
  • kube/test: Enabled cache (807d18ed)
  • kube/test: Delete test cluster after all tests finish (807d18ed)
  • kubernetes: Pin Debian Package version of kubectl as well (#5685) (854d708b)
  • kubernetes: added joda module to jackson mapper (#5623) (ea08cb68)
  • kubernetes: added joda module to jackson mapper (ea08cb68)
  • kubernetes: addressing PR comments (ea08cb68)
  • kubernetes: support options.cascading in delete manifest pipelines (9d099b46)
  • kubernetes: support options.cascading in delete manifest pipelines (9d099b46)
  • kubernetes: teach KubernetesManifest.getFullResourceName to include generateName when relevant (2836d6f9)
  • kubernetes: Avoid duplicate version calls (6ba5cd28)
  • kubernetes: Restore support for extensions/v1beta1 Ingress (20e6b43f)
  • kubernetes/artifacts: Support for legacy Clouddriver's artifact replacement logic (backport #5513) (91ebbba3)
  • lambda: add account and region to cache data (backport #5533) (cfacc177)
  • lambda: add default config (d9f86a91)
  • lambda: add default config (backport #5497) (43ef6cbd)
  • lambda: refactor and fix handle and ondemand caching for lambda (a616975a)
  • lambda: initialize evictions map with a mutable map (a616975a)
  • lambda: add evictions to the lambda cache interval (a616975a)
  • lambda: add evictions to the lambda cache interval (a616975a)
  • lambda: add evictions to the lambda cache interval (a616975a)
  • lambda: refactor and fix handle and ondemand caching for lambda (a616975a)
  • lambda: implement applicationNameable for app authz (a616975a)
  • lambda: implement applicationNameable for app authz (a616975a)
  • lambda: fix failed test by moving appName to abstract class (a616975a)
  • lambda: fix failed test by moving appName to abstract class (a616975a)
  • lambda: fix failed test by moving appName to abstract class (a616975a)
  • lambda: return empty list if appName is null/empty (a616975a)
  • lambda: cache state and state reason info for lambda functions (39de791d)
  • manifest-replicas: Replicas value was not being set if it didn't already have a value, however users expect that they can omit the value when leveraging the use-source-capacity strategy. Fix is setting the value despite there not already being one. Additionally, if a third party integration creates a manifest via JSON that serializes the replica count as an integer, a casting exception occurs, so this includes an update to play nicely with integers. (4824c5bd)
  • namespaceValidation: revert #5359 which caused a new namespace deploy to fail (backport #5557) (eb09c7bb)
  • namespaceValidation: validation should use declared namespaces in order to leverage live namespace suppliers and remove omitted namespaces (e334d0b1)
  • sql: Cancel futures of sql scheduler executions (backport #5478) (5a10f99a)
  • titus: Removing reference to bintray repo (#5585) (0887714e)
  • titus/build: use version 1.37.1 of io.grpc.* to fix compiler errors (#5487) (aeb42ad6)
  • yandex: Fixes for Yandex.Cloud provider (fad5b618)


  • Caching amis with the same name (backport #5482) (a2d6a6e7)
  • Sql caching duplicates (backport #5481) (f5751eba)
  • feat (kubernetes): add retries to kubernetes job executor (cc9c0bc6)
  • aws: Refactor in modify op and accommodate overrides priority (faf36cba)
  • aws: Adding integration tests for modify launch template operation (1c53e6d2)
  • aws: Add/ modify unit tests (75faceba)
  • aws: misc refactor (75faceba)
  • aws: minor refactors and changes to existing features (7fe9ddc0)
  • aws: remove junit:junit test dependency since it's not used (53bde88b)
  • aws/load balancer instance state: demonstrate current behavior of AmazonLoadBalancerInstanceStateCachingAgent when once instance is registered with two load balancers (a51a94ef)
  • build: update Mergify config (#5617) (8c1e9ec1)
  • build: update Mergify config (8c1e9ec1)
  • build: remove repository declarations (926483d0)
  • build: remove repository declarations (926483d0)
  • build: update to use maven style version range (5cd42ff0)
  • build: release when tags matching version-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+ (e2d7bfde)
  • build: prefere mavenCentral (3a3e04bf)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#5689) (975fdbb5)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (b1b5b873)
  • cloudfoundry: add unit test. (f8c822eb)
  • cloudfoundry: spotlessJavaApply (f8c822eb)
  • cloudfoundry/process: Add the timeout to the application attributes and update the HealthCheckData (bd18b8d2)
  • codeowners: Update the CODEOWNERS for the new googlecloud SIG. (34448fbc)
  • codeowners: Remove maggieneterval from CODEOWNERS (5b8df090)
  • deleteOp: Handle GracePeriod parse (0e9c240a)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (c7fb1a6d)
  • dependencies: don't create an autobump PR for halyard on a clouddriver release branch (b4e1db96)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (746b7d39)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (#936) (db183763)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (aa6d25fb)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (9ecb52ec)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (3f8f3446)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (97659441)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (49e814af)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (338a3f90)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (2a9810f4)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c8f433cf)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (9152c9a5)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (1fb1bb7d)
  • fiat: bump fiat to 1.28.0 (0bec417f)
  • kubernetes: Adding csidriver and csinode kubernetes kinds (backport #5552) (982d9dfa)
  • kubernetes: move Kubernetes Accounts config to its own class (4c77b25c)
  • kubernetes: move Kubernetes Accounts config to its own class (4c77b25c)
  • kubernetes: remove @Primary notation (4c77b25c)
  • kubernetes: move custom bind configuration properties to a common module (6c637735)
  • kubernetes: move custom bind configuration properties to a common module (6c637735)
  • kubernetes: switch to generics (6c637735)
  • kubernetes: add KubernetesManifestTest to demonstrate the current behavior of KubernetesManifest.getFullResourceName (2836d6f9)
  • kubernetes: change KubernetesNamedAccountCredentials::getNamespaces to not make live calls to a kubernetes cluster (70f3fbe4)
  • kubernetes: change KubernetesCredentials::getDeclaredNamespaces to return an ImmutableList (70f3fbe4)
  • kubernetes: separate KubernetesCredentials::filterNamespaces into its own method (70f3fbe4)
  • kubernetes: change KubernetesNamedAccountCredentials::getNamespaces to not make live calls to a kubernetes cluster (70f3fbe4)
  • kubernetes: Bump kubectl binary version to 1.20.6 (ff9bc22e)

Deck 3.8.2


  • feat: introduce a separate timeout config property for api timeouts (678a78af)
  • feat: commit to test package bump PR creation (d1f45b5e)
  • feat: commit to test package bump PR creation (554ddc3d)
  • feat: sample amazon commit to test package publishin (8d45c5ef)
  • feat: update to kayenta 2.0.0 lazy loaded (780b4179)
  • feat: upgrade husky to 6.x (61bb9d52)
  • amazon: sample commit to test publish PR generation (f38438c3)
  • amazon/loadBalancer: Show NLB security groups if they exist (d9fd6672)
  • amazon/pipeline: Make docker preview configurable (29af6ad8)
  • amazon/pipeline: Make docker preview configurable (29af6ad8)
  • amazon/serverGroup: export datelinechart and MetricAlarmChart (494add31)
  • aws: Support UDP and TLS listeners for NLB (3bb6aaeb)
  • aws: Support UDP and TLS listeners for NLB (3bb6aaeb)
  • aws: Adding support for capacity rebalance (66b7ce86)
  • aws: Adding helper text to indicate priority (b423fe59)
  • aws/lb: Internal ALBs can be dualstacked (7499271c)
  • aws/titus: Add help text to IPv6 field (01aef56e)
  • build: Exploring vitejs as dev server and build tool (e2125b18)
  • build: Add all package to workspaces (24130c12)
  • build: Remove 'Build Packages' action in github ci (ef18bbe4)
  • build: Add utility for package bumps (07cecb5c)
  • build: Add support for stripping during bundling (d3baa94e)
  • build: Add custom rollup config for core (e5a953b0)
  • build: Add base tsconfig for independent packages (198da272)
  • cf/versioning: Feat cloudFoundry service versioning (c7e2174d)
  • cf/versioning: Add versioned and deletePreviousVersion fields in order to enable the service versioning feature (c7e2174d)
  • cf/versioning: Remove the Delete Previous Version checkbox (c7e2174d)
  • cf/versioning: Remove the Delete Previous Version checkbox (c7e2174d)
  • changelog: generate changelogs for all packages (only includes commits before the migration to packages/*) (bc05c6e4)
  • cloudfoundry: add cf services versioning (c7e2174d)
  • cloudfoundry: add cf services versioning (c7e2174d)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds versioning for ServiceInstances (c7e2174d)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds versioning for ServiceInstances (c7e2174d)
  • cloudfoundry: show baked manifest (f75a54bc)
  • cloudfoundry: add flag to destroy service stage (11a01e77)
  • cloudfoundry/bake: Feature: Add a new Tab with a link in order to show the produced YAML file once the bake is completed (f75a54bc)
  • cloudfoundry/bake: change the reference to core (f75a54bc)
  • cloudfoundry/bake: add Cypress test in order to verify the new Tab existence (f75a54bc)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: Delete Service Bindings stage (45e8b9fc)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: Add Stage in order to Unbind Services (45e8b9fc)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: remove restaga and restart from test (45e8b9fc)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: fix test (45e8b9fc)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: change typeof Observable by observableFrom (45e8b9fc)
  • codebuild: Secondary Sources Version (75d0dcf5)
  • codebuild: Secondary Sources Version (75d0dcf5)
  • core: extend useData to support auto refersh (4469f0bf)
  • core: added navbar logging (b75fb8c8)
  • core: Add type definition for png files (5292c11c)
  • core: added new headers function to requestBuilder (3bb4ffea)
  • core: add google analytics to logger (50e06cb4)
  • core: add google analytics to logger (50e06cb4)
  • core: Link to Build and Image in server group header (34764ed6)
  • core: updated presentation (0dd557c0)
  • core: logger component (16cd17e5)
  • core: option to disable collapsibleSection state caching (f0086f6d)
  • core: updated notifications to react-toastify (1a6ae753)
  • core: updated notifications to react-toastify (1a6ae753)
  • core/ManualJudgment: Enhanced ManualJudgment (91e864c1)
  • core/cluster: Remove unused react2angular component (7514b0b0)
  • core/executions: Reverting back the code to adopt new enhancement (91e864c1)
  • core/executions: manual judgement enhancement related to one click view with backend support (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Add some SpinErrorBoundaries to pipeline execution details (14fa3649)
  • core/pipeline: Enhanced ManualJudgment (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Code Cleanup (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Incorporated suggested changes. (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Added type definitions (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Increased styles specificity (91e864c1)
  • core/pipeline: Incorporated suggested changes (91e864c1)
  • core/presentation: Add a retry button to SpinErrorBoundary (9883704d)
  • core/spinner: Consolidate spinners (e5375f0d)
  • core/spinner: Consolidate spinners (e5375f0d)
  • ecs: Override Task Def Artifacts (d65fab8d)
  • kubernetes/job: Use mostRecentPodName from response (8a1c8557)
  • kubernetes/job: Use mostRecentPodName from response (8a1c8557)
  • kubernetes/job: Cleanup (8a1c8557)
  • lerna: npx lerna init --independent && yarn (510abd96)
  • loadbalancer: Add the ability to configure 'preserve client IP' on NLBs (95a3fecb)
  • logging: ignore noisy errors (a2c7cab7)
  • managed-delivery: Add resource deleting status and icon (fa8bf205)
  • managed-delivery: Add resource deleting status and icon (fa8bf205)
  • md: MD debug mode (09c275d1)
  • md: show processed delivery config if md_debug is enabled (09c275d1)
  • md: menu option to copy the artifact version (debug mode) (09c275d1)
  • md: Display the raw delivery config instead of the processed one (5d5185d7)
  • md: backend messages (57ce3d30)
  • md: new messages component. moved management warning to this format (57ce3d30)
  • md: added a new query to fetch notifications (57ce3d30)
  • md: fetch notifications from the backend (57ce3d30)
  • md: display notifications (57ce3d30)
  • md: added links to resources (4469f0bf)
  • md: updated schema + added tasks (4469f0bf)
  • md: show resource task details (4469f0bf)
  • md: task progress bar (4469f0bf)
  • md: ignore allowed-time window (2ce86a34)
  • md: change allowed times fail message (d4d9de0d)
  • md: retry version actions (verifications and post deploy) (e209d696)
  • md: updated graphql schema and queries (e209d696)
  • md: added a button to retry failed version actions (e209d696)
  • md: remove loadingIndicator.svg and use Spinner instead (78497fd7)
  • md: set grid view as default and improve styles (ce4bfa25)
  • md: set grid view as the default option (ce4bfa25)
  • md: hide grid-list button on th config page (ce4bfa25)
  • md: improve error handling for non-managed applications (8a0f4607)
  • md: log envs direction (0946d19b)
  • md: change url when expanding a version (537bc9de)
  • md: added branch details to the history branch (f926f9b0)
  • md: Preview environments v0 (14588473)
  • md: updated graphql schema (14588473)
  • md: refactor EnvironmentRender to better handle the environments direction. Show preview environments separately (14588473)
  • md: change the deploying state blinking green instead of teal (33708ee9)
  • md: make deploying state blinking green (33708ee9)
  • md: set the new UI as the default one, and allow users to opt out (995d622a)
  • md: show delivery config yml in the configuration tab (3bb4ffea)
  • md: show delivery config in the configuration tab (3bb4ffea)
  • md: New option to display environments side by side (4d689b5b)
  • md: show envs side by side (4d689b5b)
  • md: moved createdAt to the metadata instead of on the left (bf5e954e)
  • md: added logs to the important actions and events (915b3421)
  • md: show resource account in metadata (8b1e1f8e)
  • md: version history collapsible icon - switch to arrow and cross icon (18039b90)
  • md: added a new type of collapsible icon for version history (18039b90)
  • md: improve styles on mobile + large screen (0647665d)
  • md: log ui toggling (6ed36898)
  • md: History - scroll to version + share link (f78f141f)
  • md: scroll to version by sha (f78f141f)
  • md: add copy link button (f78f141f)
  • md: updated page title (f78f141f)
  • md: support version and sha (f78f141f)
  • md: redirect from specific version + remove the query param (f78f141f)
  • md: Added mark as good + refactor actions to mutations and hooks (0dd557c0)
  • md: created new queries and fragments for pinned version (0dd557c0)
  • md: added mark as good and replaced all actions with mutations (0dd557c0)
  • md: version veto info (12ed317c)
  • md: updated graphql schema + switched to fragment (12ed317c)
  • md: added veto info to fragment (12ed317c)
  • md: show marked as bad (veto) info (12ed317c)
  • md: limit history versions to 100 (5a177192)
  • md: updated dgs schema (5a177192)
  • md: added limit to history page (5a177192)
  • md: build version tooltip (78730b1f)
  • md: pinned data tooltip info (f0235b3d)
  • md: added baking badge for version metadata (f0235b3d)
  • md: show pinned data tooltip (f0235b3d)
  • md: make pinned version message more prominent (f0235b3d)
  • md: added pinned and baking identifier to history version (f0235b3d)
  • md: added judgedAt time to constraints + switched to CollapsibleSection (c40745d0)
  • md: added judgedAt time for constraints + switched to CollapsibleSection (c40745d0)
  • md: added constraints to current version (c40745d0)
  • md: added timestamps to constraints (c40745d0)
  • md: switch constraints section to collapsibleSection (c40745d0)
  • md: show management warning in history (844ee30b)
  • md: only show first two pending versions (98f0238a)
  • md: added commit sha to text and a link the tooltip (47b520dc)
  • md: added commit sha to text and a link the tooltip (47b520dc)
  • md: show error message if there are no artifacts or resources (7791003a)
  • md: versions history page (cf49088a)
  • md: new queries (cf49088a)
  • md: history page (cf49088a)
  • md: replaced text with tooltip (cf49088a)
  • md: handle BLOCKED state for constraints (9a33c575)
  • md: updated schema (new constraint status) (9a33c575)
  • md: handle the new BLOCKED state (mainly in manual judgement as it only relevant for stateful constraints) (9a33c575)
  • md: show post deploy tasks (f47cc5bf)
  • md: added post deploy details to current version (f47cc5bf)
  • md: application management (f0086f6d)
  • md: new environments UI - can be turned on by adding ?newUI=1 before # (f0086f6d)
  • md: new constraints API + constraints summary (maybe remove later) + load slow resource status separately (f0086f6d)
  • md: deploying and versions behind info (f0086f6d)
  • md: pinning action (f0086f6d)
  • md: unpin and mark as bad actions (f0086f6d)
  • md: spinners and errors (f0086f6d)
  • md: added constraint actions (f0086f6d)
  • md: added verifications state to current version (f0086f6d)
  • md: resource actuation state + bug fixes (f0086f6d)
  • md: updated graphql schema prefix to Md to match the backend (f0086f6d)
  • md: open the resources section if there is an issue (f0086f6d)
  • md: current version title (f0086f6d)
  • md: added build links (f0086f6d)
  • md: show constraints summary for all version except the latest one (f0086f6d)
  • md: added git compare to to actions (f0086f6d)
  • md: horizontal tabs component (could be moved to presentation) (f0086f6d)
  • md: added the top nav bar + style imporvements (f0086f6d)
  • md: added app configuration (consider moving to the main config page later) (f0086f6d)
  • md: added configuration tab and management warning (f0086f6d)
  • md: added resource logs link (f0086f6d)
  • package: add release-please and remove publish.js. Add to publish all modules with package bumps. (9e1badf6)
  • pipeline: Change back button to breadcrumbs (2ae83451)
  • pipeline: Change back button to breadcrumbs (2ae83451)
  • pipeline: Replace chevron with dash (2ae83451)
  • pipeline: Show completed time in stage details (408f0eba)
  • pluginsdk: Add https support to dev-proxy (41c4c8ad)
  • pluginsdk: installs husky git hooks and lint-staged pre-commit hook (9f18ae97)
  • pluginsdk: Adds support for asserting a json field should be deleted (c5cc63fb)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: Add --no-spinnaker option to sync-versions-from-deck.js (b2f88291)
  • pr: switched to black tooltip (f0235b3d)
  • pr: fetch version details (cf49088a)
  • pr: temp feature flag (f0086f6d)
  • pr: added loading indicator and fix error toast (f0086f6d)
  • pr: updated tabs to work with uirouter (f0086f6d)
  • presentation: bumped version (18039b90)
  • presentation: mark as good illustration (c96065b7)
  • presentation: new icons (61eed078)
  • presentation: added style prop to icons (f0086f6d)
  • presentation: Add spMenuZuul icon (cb7380e7)
  • publishing: Always check out the master branch when updating the package bump pr (54f0c4bc)
  • publishing: Checkout repo using spinnakerbot PAT (b4cb711f)
  • publishing: Split publish job into multiple steps (36fbe649)
  • publishing: Try to generate package bumps using 'lerna version' and peter-evans/create-pull-request (5099b47d)
  • release-please: Consolidate all releases into a single PR (a68ca234)
  • release-please: add initial versions of tools to manifest file (138a3b5c)
  • scripts: Add postcss colorfix processor (f1b9be5a)
  • scripts: Add custom auto-external configurer for rollup (34f5eb31)
  • scripts: Add support for svgr (f50021b5)
  • scripts: Handle auto-pushing of built modules (e98be8b8)
  • scripts: Create scripts package (2e273e80)
  • scripts: Bootstrap scripts package (8ae0d1ba)
  • tasks: Use stage context over variables (ca80a2ea)
  • tasks: Use stage context over variables (ca80a2ea)
  • tasks: Use as fallback and memoize (ca80a2ea)
  • titus: Format date string and protect modal under config (ade2b6e8)
  • titus: Change label from Package to Image Name (f22396dd)
  • titus: Configure disruption budget in Run Job Stage (063e9bd8)
  • titus/pipeline: Deprecate Titus bake stage and docker storeType (29af6ad8)
  • titus/pipeline: Deprecate Titus bake stage and docker storeType (29af6ad8)
  • titus/pipeline: Support lists for Run Job entrypoint and command (16cae2ac)
  • titus/pipeline: Add IPv6 toggle with defaults to Run Job Stage (14cbd97e)
  • titus/serverGroup: View server group scaling activities (ade2b6e8)
  • titus/serverGroup: View server group scaling activities (ade2b6e8)
  • titus/serverGroup: Add a subnet selector which automatically sets some container attributes (47f4aa45)
  • titus/serverGroup: Add package details section (f22396dd)
  • titus/serverGroup: Add package details section (f22396dd)
  • titus/serverGroup: Show custom image ids for deploy configs (1232cc6c)
  • titus/serverGroup: Show custom image ids for deploy configs (1232cc6c)
  • trigger: Show Payload Constraints option for build triggers (329bc17a)


  • fix: sample commit to test publishing scripts (7438c84d)
  • fix: sample commit to test publishing scripts (5075ee1a)
  • 6325: pushed modal overlay to the background (799250bd)
  • all: Fix lodash global usage (d0484329)
  • all: Convert requires to imports (abf4c759)
  • all: Fix references due to packages moves (a3f61c63)
  • amazon: Add back ng template handling (10534f5c)
  • amazon/loadBalancer: Preserve Client IP not relevant for instance target groups (b4ad37a6)
  • amazon/securityGroup: Resolve angular/react modal-body conflict (5cd37430)
  • amazon/securityGroup: Prevent cloning security groups into regions they already exist in (b3a4c9c6)
  • amazon/titus: Add mode to stage view state (a0a4eb52)
  • app: Fix favicon in vite dev server (71ec8943)
  • app: Move plugin manifest to public folder (1dc917df)
  • app: Remove resolutions from app (e1176195)
  • appengine: Allows ng to be injected. (936c3a11)
  • aws: Avoid showing an incorrect 'EC2 Classic' subnet (bf898427)
  • aws: fix secondary sources versions for aws codebuild stage (75d0dcf5)
  • aws/lambda: Lists Event Source details for functions ( (df21ef60)
  • aws/lambda: Fix functions icon on menu (#9686) (9938e1bd)
  • aws/lambda: Lists Event Source details for functions (#9683) (49906f4b)
  • aws/lambda: Lists Event Source details for functions (49906f4b)
  • aws/lambda: Fix typo (49906f4b)
  • aws/lambda: Shows function details and actions menu. (c39f74d3)
  • aws/lambda: Shows function details and actions menu. (c39f74d3)
  • aws/lambda: Shows function details and actions menu. (c39f74d3)
  • bake: make helm chart path visible for git/repo artifact (backport #9768) (a5b2065b)
  • bake: make helm chart path visible for git/repo artifact (a5b2065b)
  • bake: fix merge conflicts in BakeHelmConfigForm Spec (a5b2065b)
  • build: Use the right yarn.lock file (4dac13e3)
  • build: Upgrade uirouter/react version (cc5004bf)
  • build: Remove node_modules before running fixup (9223ca3a)
  • build: Fix gradle builds (d4d25f6a)
  • build: Emit assets directly to dist folder (6a0b37f7)
  • build: Fix distribution dir (eb87451a)
  • build: Revert independent package changes (c067090d)
  • build: Handle image bundling from css (3aa17022)
  • build: Fix external field for rollup (56730917)
  • build: Add rollup externals (a1563483)
  • build: Fix package publish github actions (1e1712aa)
  • build: Fix condition to handle html requires (df6ec474)
  • Support non-app packages such as eslint-plugin (9ab60793)
  • ci: fetch previous tag from git instead of API (#9847) (9f6b4dce)
  • ci: Build yarn modules before building eslint (187edbbf)
  • ci: Disable eslint in release-1.27.x (187edbbf)
  • ci: Backport prettier commands to release-1.27.x (187edbbf)
  • ci: files haven't been formatted already so disable check (187edbbf)
  • ci: Bump spinnakerGradleVersion to support deb publishing plugin (187edbbf)
  • ci: Setup NodeJS the same in every GHA (187edbbf)
  • cloudfoundry: Fix failing unit test (e3bc17c8)
  • cloudfoundry/mapLoadBalancer: Remove validation on Route in order to allow to save Spel Expressions (1eda3e3c)
  • containerlogs: add ability to view multiple pod logs (2bb6960a)
  • containerlogs: add ability to view multiple pod logs (2bb6960a)
  • containerlogs: find pod or mostRecentPName (2bb6960a)
  • core: Format changes timestamps when they are numbers or strings (e780285d)
  • core: Remove circular dependencies - 2 (ee5f783e)
  • core: Remove circular dependency of modules (5c942b15)
  • core: trying to avoid importing ReactInjector in presentation (4d464cea)
  • core: fixed a bunch of circular deps (29f2b39f)
  • core: missing/broken types (997ab490)
  • core: command generic trigger (997ab490)
  • core: pipeline validator - add stage type (997ab490)
  • core: fix state update for pipeline tags (c7e2174d)
  • core: make metadata page content overridable (c7e2174d)
  • core: move all graphql code generator components to core and fix the build script (2cc0850f)
  • core: Remove class (0f15bb57)
  • core: fix state update for pipeline tags (f75a54bc)
  • core: make metadata page content overridable (f75a54bc)
  • core: fix state update for pipeline tags (45e8b9fc)
  • core: make metadata page content overridable (45e8b9fc)
  • core: make ignored errors public (98429c08)
  • core: properly load reactGA (b56aafe1)
  • core: expose user menu (a3025b41)
  • core: Remove log and useCallback (f14885d1)
  • core: Update tests that are no longer relevant (d45b7ea2)
  • core: Resolve merge conflicts (d45b7ea2)
  • core: Clearer execution details in ServerGroupStageContext (915274df)
  • core: Remove storybook to fix corejs imports (3566e2e0)
  • core: Re-order imports and remove requires (e6d020cc)
  • core: Fix imports in core for rollup (8d8e8a59)
  • core: Remove amazon changes (9437dcc3)
  • core: classnames package cleanup (4940c482)
  • core: classnames package cleanup (4940c482)
  • core: fix state update for pipeline tags (31e83036)
  • core: fix state update for pipeline tags (31e83036)
  • core: make metadata page content overridable (31e83036)
  • core: fix issue in console log modal (8aeeaf7a)
  • core: pushed modal overlay to the background (22859bea)
  • core/diffs: NPE on ViewChangesLink, minor style tweak (2a9e13ef)
  • core/diffs: NPE on ViewChangesLink, minor style tweak (2a9e13ef)
  • core/filterModel: Do not add browser histroy events when changing infrastructure filter queries (56cc429a)
  • core/help: Do not render conditionally for angular compatibility (1406c2f2)
  • core/loadBalancer: Pushed modal overlay to the background (799250bd)
  • core/modal: Make SubmitButton compatible with flex display (8180812d)
  • core/pipeline: Disable pipeline sorting when filtering by name (because some pipelines are hidden) (1e06186d)
  • core/pipeline: Warn if concurrency disabled on stage restart (edec92b4)
  • core/pipeline: Warn if concurrency disabled on stage restart (edec92b4)
  • core/pipeline: Warn if concurrency disabled on stage restart (edec92b4)
  • core/pipeline: Warn if concurrency for any running executions of pipeline config (edec92b4)
  • core/pipeline: Resolved pipeline header alignment issue by ellip… (fb07390a)
  • core/pipeline: Resolved pipeline header alignment issue by ellipsis account tag name in pipeline execution (fb07390a)
  • core/pipeline: Replaced span with more generic classname. (fb07390a)
  • core/popover: Scope css back to running tasks popover (c751dba6)
  • core/popover: Scope popover css to component (c751dba6)
  • core/popover: Scope popover css to component (c751dba6)
  • core/serverGroup: Add space in scaling policy details (10afe110)
  • core/stage: Remove string interpolation token from ng template for rollup (7cfaca12)
  • core/task: Render "submitting task" instead of throwing an error in MultiTaskMonitor.tsx (00818f7a)
  • deck: Attempt to fix Cannot read property 'length' of undefined (94bfcf4e)
  • deck: Attempt to fix Cannot read property 'length' of undefined (94bfcf4e)
  • dependency: Fix @types/react version (5840e086)
  • docker: Fix @types/angular version (f8d60eeb)
  • ecs: Switch to securityGroupNames and update on subnet change in server group wizard (6f6add0e)
  • ecs: Switch to securityGroupNames and update on subnet change in server group wizard (6f6add0e)
  • ecs: Cannot see instance details for ecs cluster (c20da7a6)
  • ecs/securityGroups: Rename the securityGroups attribute due Clouddriver is expecting securityGroupNames instead. (9cc7807b)
  • eslint-plugin: Move webpack ESLint checking to a separate thread. (af776b93)
  • imports: Convert requires to imports (5839a0f4)
  • lint: Fix lint errors (5561db04)
  • managed-delivery: Fix resource deleting icon (84b21758)
  • md: the raw delivery config is not showing up properly. Hiding it for now (8f7c6eff)
  • md: text for BLOCKED status in allowed times constraint (811e8065)
  • md: fetch raw delivery config via graphql (1ca35496)
  • md: fetch raw config via grahpql (1ca35496)
  • md: convert error message to simple text (55c97d9c)
  • md: remove the built-in search box (4b5c0b67)
  • md: only show messages section if not empty (94e87011)
  • md: css fix for no artifacts (c18b86a7)
  • md: make attributes nullable (1d21f80b)
  • md: fix pin icon from cropping due to overflow-x: auto (308c931d)
  • md: improve error logging (e8e555d0)
  • md: constraint time position (1adb2245)
  • md: clean warning in config viewer (ce4bfa25)
  • md: grid icon (0d5d4c49)
  • md: use useCallback for the log function to keep it stable (3bb4ffea)
  • md: minor improvements based on feedback from #9269 (75a3a251)
  • md: properly redirect the old ui links to the new ui (d998362c)
  • md: allowed time default timezone (2917d7b5)
  • md: only show git link if the commit message is not a link (8524b0ea)
  • md: constraint icon size (a2b79f24)
  • md: wrap tooltip content with span (1bb91d2e)
  • md: lifecycle data was missing in the query (28f35bcf)
  • md: environments are now sorted on the backend. We only need to reverse the order in the history heading (7845147c)
  • md: refetch version on constraint (works in all cases) (cca5ad60)
  • md: sort versions even when no current exists (8e59bcb2)
  • md: deploying badge text color is better in white (47b520dc)
  • md: fix order of environments (d62bd8cb)
  • md: renamed feature flag (7f6cbad0)
  • md: check if should use the new ui (834af1ed)
  • md: ignore the status event if it's identical to the reason (5b2b797a)
  • md: git link overflow (f0086f6d)
  • md: git link delay show instead of hide (f0086f6d)
  • md: only show the first line of the commit message (f0086f6d)
  • md: removed react-bootstrap buttons (f0086f6d)
  • md: replace core/index imports (f0086f6d)
  • modules: switch modules to eslint-webpack-plugin (3fab4a24)
  • modules: chdir to modules before showing package bumps (b9bc2b30)
  • nav: fix unsubscribe on unmount (ae43ad01)
  • pluginsdk: fix reference to checkLintStagedRc (21ff6819)
  • pluginsdk: add lintstaged lint rule to check-plugin script (3fd03c1e)
  • pr: Fix fontawesome icon class name (fa8bf205)
  • pr: removed unused hook (4d689b5b)
  • pr: updated environment status colors (cf49088a)
  • pr: rename BaseEnvironmentItem to EnvironmentItem (cf49088a)
  • pr: support DateTime and string in RelativeTimestamp (cf49088a)
  • pr: move loading animation to a separate component (cf49088a)
  • pr: added some details about the prefetchData function (cf49088a)
  • pr: replace with Metadata component (cf49088a)
  • pr: log an error if status is missing (9a33c575)
  • pr: rename file (f47cc5bf)
  • pr: rename css (f47cc5bf)
  • pr: rename class names (f47cc5bf)
  • pr: links popups (f0086f6d)
  • pr: make version metadata pretty again :) (f0086f6d)
  • pr: use existing collapsible section (f0086f6d)
  • pr: revert Icon API (f0086f6d)
  • pr: bug fixes on safari and in build number == 0 (f0086f6d)
  • pr: styles improvements (f0086f6d)
  • pr: small fixes (f0086f6d)
  • pr: convert statuses to a variable instead of hardcoding them (f0086f6d)
  • pr: change warning to error (f0086f6d)
  • pr: updated schema and fix breaking changes (f0086f6d)
  • pr: create a wrapperClassName for hoverablePopover (f0086f6d)
  • pr: simplified pending versions filter (f0086f6d)
  • pr: convert link to button (f0086f6d)
  • pr: extracted props to interface everywhere :) (f0086f6d)
  • pr: rename cx to classnames (f0086f6d)
  • pr: pull onClick to separate variables (f0086f6d)
  • pr: clean unused code (f0086f6d)
  • pr: replaced Loading component with default props (f0086f6d)
  • pr: replaced type with interface (f0086f6d)
  • pr: simplified implementation - removed subscription (1a6ae753)
  • presentation: center close icon (not in use by anything at the moment) (a7e393e0)
  • provider/aws: Fix display of server group without monitoring (63ee2410)
  • publish: missing dependencies in publish.js (d8fc569d)
  • publishing: checkout master explicitly. do not try to close PR when no PR was matched by create-pull-request. (8c46d751)
  • publishing: only change commit message if the branch is ahead of the remote because lerna version created a commit (39679ba1)
  • publishing: set github token for pushing tags using an env variable (20e1135e)
  • publishing: try using spinnakerbot2 access token to push tags (e855f349)
  • publishing: approve spinnakerbot2's PR using spinnakerbot creds (20b7ea54)
  • publishing: pass PAT as with.token: ${{ PAT }} (7c5a575a)
  • publishing: Close PR using octokit.pulls.update({}) (eacef894)
  • publishing: use spinnakerbot2 personal access token (7c3ec2c2)
  • publishing: always run create-pull-request even if there are no new changes (to close the open PR hopefully) (9c342e10)
  • publishing: regenerate package publish PR when tags are pushed (bc48a553)
  • publishing: build all packges before publishing (a43ccc3e)
  • publishing: pass --yes to lerna publish from-git (d4a6a4b8)
  • publishing: Use actions/checkout@v2 when publishing packages (8fee05dd)
  • publishing: Configure git user/email before pushing tags to github (6e2e8ee5)
  • publishing: Get publish git-tag from ${package}/package.json (36f58899)
  • publishing: Fetch tags for use by lerna publish using fetch-depth: 0 (83705248)
  • publishing: Use lerna to publish packages (0759f557)
  • publishing: use latest hmarr/auto-approve-action (8967adc0)
  • publishing: Pass pull request number to approve-pull-request action (f348de6a)
  • publishing: Fix conditional on auto-approve step (32358d0b)
  • publishing: Auto approve instead of adding "ready to merge" label (51f536c2)
  • publishing: Apply conventional commit AFTER running 'gha - get bumped packages' (8318ba89)
  • publishing: Use conventional commit for publish commit; use SPINNAKERBOT_TOKEN (ffffdc03)
  • publishing: Fix changelog formatting, fix apply merge label conditional, try closing and reopening PR, remove on: pull_request (93557811)
  • publishing: Actually run the .github/gha_output_* scripts (80d437f0)
  • publishing: Actually run the .github/gha_output_* scripts (d1f1ab79)
  • publishing: Add --no-push to lerna version (aa9aa920)
  • publishing: Add git and (e51e7cb1)
  • publishing: Fix indent in lerna-release-pr.yml GHA workflow (f6b3788f)
  • redblack: Update redblack fields for angular DeploymentStrategyS… (b9a8b58e)
  • redblack: Update redblack fields for angular DeploymentStrategySelector (b9a8b58e)
  • release-please: Fix typo :( (b896d6c4)
  • release-please: fix pull request title config (193578af)
  • release-please: use separate source branch names for app and tools (git symbolic-ref refs/heads/release-please-app refs/head/smaster) (8075d6b8)
  • rollup: do not log quotes around NODE_ENV (7bcf7d7a)
  • scripts: Handle double quotes in require calls (429bdd9e)
  • scripts: Fix build scripts (ad6c0d49)
  • scripts: Add path separator for scoped packages (1d95c428)
  • scripts: Make ng template urls unique (e35d1bdf)
  • style: shrink padding on stage details tabs (acc1243f)
  • style: this ensure that the main div won't overflow the page (716f7b78)
  • tasks: Handle tasks with no stages (15dc9387)
  • titus: Hide scaling activity length (e2003cc1)
  • titus: Display entryPointList if not empty (16cf1d1a)
  • titus: Fixing React.Children.only issue (35b3eb5d)
  • titus/serverGroup: Remove empty key/pairs from job attributes (5bd3e1e5)
  • titus/serverGroup: Remove empty key/pairs from job attributes (5bd3e1e5)
  • titus/serverGroup: Change wording on edit target tracking policy to match EC2. (880ebcf1)
  • titus/serverGroup: Fix height of metrics line chart (8b9187bc)
  • vite: Link app to core source files during dev (37bf5f90)
  • vite: Add vite fixes (8e0840a6)
  • webpack: Wire in ESLINT_FAIL_ON_ERROR (1a71e6db)


  • Publish packages to NPM (2031f812)
  • emptycommit (5a4c0b17)
  • chore: update yarn.lock (not sure why this is stale) (b9cb82c7)
  • 'Enable IMDSv2' -> 'Require IMDSv2' (17217159)
  • chore: pin exact @spinnaker/* versions in package.json (54caec8b)
  • chore: update rxjs to latest 5.5.x (746ea327)
  • chore: update to kayenta 1.0.4 (a93241cf)
  • *: Import TaskMonitorWrapper from core instead of NgReact (cce5473b)
  • *: Import TaskMonitorWrapper from core instead of NgReact (cce5473b)
  • *: Remove references to ButtonBusyInidicator (ee2ab2f2)
  • *: Remove references to ButtonBusyInidicator (ee2ab2f2)
  • all: Move packages from app/scripts/modules to packages/ (70165ec2)
  • all: Remove aliases from all modules (55c6e3b9)
  • all: Remove ng template cache for webpack (be6df680)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.325 (232fdb4e)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.324 (86b6dc55)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.323 (d5ce9155)
  • amazon: Export subnet files (acbfe30e)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.322 (013fa570)
  • amazon: Update core in amazon (0a64e176)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.321 (eb9e61cf)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.320 (2988b824)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.319 (5554b39c)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.318 (025eb9d1)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.317 (13375fa7)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.316 (9cadb5bd)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.315 (669f6c0e)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.314 (648aeffb)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.313 (78fcf62f)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.312 (cca0736a)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.311 (6073f0a3)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.310 (06d0bee2)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.309 (17319b2c)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.308 (2badb3b6)
  • amazon: Make amazon package independent (6c3838ec)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.307 (a54b3a0c)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.306 (692c6f3a)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.305 (bfd1cb97)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.304 (3f97f355)
  • amazon: publish amazon@0.0.303 (84eaeee5)
  • app: publish app@1.0.3 (e8925666)
  • app: publish app@1.0.2 (5c80f138)
  • app: publish app@1.0.1 (d130aed9)
  • app: Move app to its own directory (69ff222c)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.37 (d348eba9)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.36 (0a0d3d07)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.35 (8a42c7fb)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.34 (5e717751)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.33 (11beb5e9)
  • appengine: publish appengine@0.0.32 (b4faf240)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.274 (9bf5ec8c)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.273 (7967ddb7)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.272 (90ef4c83)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.271 (815b21e2)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.270 (2684800f)
  • azure: publish azure@0.0.269 (7fec6f81)
  • build: Backport 9832 CI de-dupe without tests (187edbbf)
  • build: run yarn modules before yarn build (#9826) (0c1ba16d)
  • build: Handle jquery-ui in webpack and vite (b6371f36)
  • build: Add instructions for building modules (d383b4f9)
  • build: Update README with instructions for dev mode (6e7c6e63)
  • build: Use esbuild transpiler with rollup (c8c539ae)
  • build: Integrate with yarn workspaces (e30e631b)
  • build: Fix paths for rollup (9a9468a2)
  • build: Fix build scripts to handle independent packages (628c0576)
  • bump: Upgrade @spinnaker/scripts (8cec745a)
  • bump: Upgrade @spinnaker/scripts (db9f47df)
  • bump: Bumping packages in titus (78e1f8d4)
  • bump: Upgrade core (a042c02e)
  • bump: Upgrade titus (072829df)
  • bump: Bump packages (fcdc3f76)
  • canary: Reference new Spinner in angular code (ee2ab2f2)
  • ci: Mergify - merge Autobumps on release-* (#9848) (c1902676)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#9838) (4e084972)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push - backport #9823 (187edbbf)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (187edbbf)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.124 (05d5d63e)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.123 (5fc2772d)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.122 (674fa308)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.121 (817eb336)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.120 (a407e820)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.119 (c31c36d4)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.118 (48ce01fe)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.117 (5cb63c17)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.116 (00a9338e)
  • cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.115 (5e4b42ba)
  • core: Fix a batch of circular dependencies (68067170)
  • core: Fix circular dependencies (68067170)
  • core: Circular deps in pipeline module (68067170)
  • core: Fix circular dependencies (68067170)
  • core: update js-worker-search to a temp package that works with vite (583895bc)
  • core: bump manually (57619754)
  • core: publish core@0.0.609 (45c4df21)
  • core: publish core@0.0.608 (760d2f3f)
  • core: React CopyToClipboard is the source of truth (0f15bb57)
  • core: React CopyToClipboard is the source of truth (0f15bb57)
  • core: publish core@0.0.607 (ec832794)
  • core: Remove TaskMonitorWrapper from NgReact (cce5473b)
  • core: publish core@0.0.606 (05245508)
  • core: publish core@0.0.605 (6accdc57)
  • core: Remove EntitySource from NgReact (b6ac0b7c)
  • core: Remove EntitySource from NgReact (b6ac0b7c)
  • core: Remove deps on ngReact for EntitySource and ViewChangesLink (0a64e176)
  • core: Remove deps on ngReact for EntitySource and ViewChangesLink (0a64e176)
  • core: Remove deps on ngReact for EntitySource and ViewChangesLink (0a64e176)
  • core: Remove deps on ngReact for EntitySource and ViewChangesLink (0a64e176)
  • core: publish core@0.0.604 (ad2e01da)
  • core: publish core@0.0.603 (4ea225e2)
  • core: Reactify ViewChangesLink, ChangesModal, CommitHistory and JarDiff (d83f6002)
  • core: Reactify CommitHistory and JarDiff componentss (d83f6002)
  • core: Convert JarDiffs component and react2angular new components (d83f6002)
  • core: Convert changes modal to react (d83f6002)
  • core: ViewChangesLink to react (d83f6002)
  • core: CSS updates and extend buildInfo (d83f6002)
  • core: CSS updates and extend buildInfo (d83f6002)
  • core: CSS updates and extend buildInfo (d83f6002)
  • core: Review feedback and delete changes.html (d83f6002)
  • core: publish core@0.0.602 (8fa0348b)
  • core: publish core@0.0.601 (3274330c)
  • core: Convert UserMenu to React (233279ed)
  • core: Export TaskMonitorWrapper (ff6f32ee)
  • core: Remove old code for various spinners (ee2ab2f2)
  • core: publish core@0.0.600 (d31668d4)
  • core: publish core@0.0.599 (bcbe23d3)
  • core: publish core@0.0.598 (51381059)
  • core: publish core@0.0.597 (dd483d23)
  • core: publish core@0.0.596 (7aab127a)
  • core: publish core@0.0.595 (323dd819)
  • core: publish core@0.0.594 (2a0e156c)
  • core: publish core@0.0.593 (4004181d)
  • core: publish core@0.0.592 (2240867b)
  • core: updated styleguide (33708ee9)
  • core: publish core@0.0.591 (c72702b8)
  • core: publish core@0.0.590 (0e201c27)
  • core: publish core@0.0.589 (e8e53dca)
  • core: Move loadingIndicator from managed to widgets (e5375f0d)
  • core: publish core@0.0.588 (7223865f)
  • core: Convert alias imports to relative imports in less (8b6478f1)
  • core: publish core@0.0.587 (405fc1fb)
  • core: replace core react ga call with logger calls (50e06cb4)
  • core: publish core@0.0.586 (5956d643)
  • core: Reactify scaling activities modal (9437dcc3)
  • core: publish core@0.0.585 (8c83e6ef)
  • core: Reactify scaling activities modal (0ecc87de)
  • core: Reactify scaling activities modal (0ecc87de)
  • core: Remove angular files (0ecc87de)
  • core: Remove amazon changes (0ecc87de)
  • core: publish core@0.0.584 (d09f556d)
  • core: publish core@0.0.583 (6cb64848)
  • core: publish core@0.0.582 (cc275e3f)
  • core: publish core@0.0.581 (7a690e3b)
  • core: publish core@0.0.580 (20dd06a1)
  • core: publish core@0.0.579 (0f9e4041)
  • core: publish core@0.0.578 (00fc8d9f)
  • core: publish core@0.0.577 (2daaa570)
  • core: publish core@0.0.576 (7c53c8b5)
  • core: publish core@0.0.575 (0473b0e5)
  • core: publish core@0.0.574 (52ea9b6b)
  • core: Convert AddEntityTagLinks to React (39fa7730)
  • core: Convert AddEntityTagLinks to React (39fa7730)
  • core: Import entityTags help into module (39fa7730)
  • core: publish core@0.0.573 (68a6192e)
  • core: publish core@0.0.572 (c2e67da8)
  • core: publish core@0.0.571 (5dc996a4)
  • core/amazon: Remove ViewScalingPolicies link from NgReact (0a3f56b9)
  • core/cluster: simplify FilterSearch.tsx (6cbb7621)
  • core/entityTag: Convert entity source components to React (f14885d1)
  • core/entityTag: Convert entity source components to React (f14885d1)
  • core/entityTag: Convert entity source components to React (f14885d1)
  • core/entityTags: Remove unused code (f14885d1)
  • core/filterModel: fix unit test for applyParamsToUrl (9f169d52)
  • core/help: Point angular and ngReact to HelpField (d45b7ea2)
  • core/help: Point angular and ngReact to HelpField (d45b7ea2)
  • core/serverGroup: Remove from NgReact and update css (9437dcc3)
  • core/serverGroup: Remove from NgReact and update css (0ecc87de)
  • core/serverGroup: Convert running tasks popover to react (70a2b998)
  • core/serverGroup: Convert running tasks popover to react HoverablePopover (70a2b998)
  • core/serverGroup: Remove angular code (70a2b998)
  • dcos: publish dcos@0.0.2 (3b9b6343)
  • dcos: Make dcos a separate npm package (cc42f537)
  • dcos: Move all code to src (80fc525b)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#9833) (f96435e0)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#9766) (d522ab13)
  • deps: bump select2 to npm versions (backport #9763) (b725a6fb)
  • deps: use select2 version from NPM (b725a6fb)
  • deps: bump select2 to npm versions (backport #9763) (b725a6fb)
  • deps: switch to Source Sans 3 package (b725a6fb)
  • deps: Upgrade dependencies (c4affaa8)
  • deps: bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 (651a27fb)
  • deps: bump @spinnaker/presentation from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 (b89e9574)
  • deps: bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 in /packages/mocks (a164c6ea)
  • deps: bump @spinnaker/presentation from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 (91a2ebad)
  • deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 (ae83a0c3)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.83 (33980dc8)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.82 (c563c332)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.81 (c9370fe0)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.80 (8968d07f)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.79 (764675e8)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.78 (98241720)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.77 (c111b22e)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.76 (8fce8f45)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.75 (d8b50009)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.74 (bc39869d)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.73 (b4919ff5)
  • docker: Make docker package independent (5a4247fb)
  • docker: publish docker@0.0.72 (5018b18d)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.292 (d4c794c3)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.291 (27d8d8aa)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.290 (99b53f37)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.289 (e661543c)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.288 (7323cdd2)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.287 (9d3013a1)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.286 (2a49a3e5)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.285 (49fc07d7)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.284 (d93fd822)
  • ecs: publish ecs@0.0.283 (f5f9848c)
  • eslint: Migrate from deprecated eslint-loader to eslint-webpack-plugin (342a5b65)
  • eslint: Update eslint to 7.27.0 (0cc0d991)
  • eslint: yarn eslint --fix (7360252e)
  • fonts: Move fonts to core (5dc1deac)
  • google: publish google@0.0.41 (d6734b56)
  • google: publish google@0.0.40 (d5b3de93)
  • google: publish google@0.0.39 (f5349b43)
  • google: publish google@0.0.38 (489b9664)
  • google: publish google@0.0.37 (115d0019)
  • google: publish google@0.0.36 (9d3f4259)
  • google: publish google@0.0.35 (50ecfcf0)
  • huaweicloud: publish huaweicloud@0.0.14 (bcc7cd05)
  • huaweicloud: publish huaweicloud@0.0.13 (e31007ac)
  • huaweicloud: publish huaweicloud@0.0.12 (05e6d447)
  • huaweicloud: publish huaweicloud@0.0.11 (66bda871)
  • karma-shim: Limit test matching to files inside /src directories (a0991e71)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.70 (a94f2725)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.69 (425007f6)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.68 (65f383b5)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.67 (f0e17f4d)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.66 (d0d30d4d)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.65 (48ccb2ed)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.64 (3a633ffe)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.63 (056e4780)
  • kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.62 (c7186ff5)
  • md: updated schema (1ca35496)
  • md: move loadingAnimation to presentation (4469f0bf)
  • md: consolidate all delimited elements (4469f0bf)
  • md: consolidate and simplify status icons (4469f0bf)
  • md: reduce sizes and spacing a bit (ce4bfa25)
  • md: add spacing above the actions if there is a description (23103b0d)
  • md: fix constraints style - adding margin to chevron + add padding below the actions properly (2c547cdb)
  • md: split big components into small reusable components (cf49088a)
  • md: break versionMetadata into smaller components (cf49088a)
  • md: constraint spacing (9a33c575)
  • md: artifact action modals (f0086f6d)
  • md: simplified relativeTimestamp api (f0086f6d)
  • oracle: publish oracle@0.0.26 (9521aeca)
  • oracle: publish oracle@0.0.25 (02209add)
  • oracle: publish oracle@0.0.24 (57fb9420)
  • oracle: publish oracle@0.0.23 (db7916f7)
  • package: Upgrade @spinnaker/scripts package (26bc67df)
  • package-bump: Update core versions in amazon and docker (9a9ff96a)
  • packages: Migrate packages to make them independent (38b5fa17)
  • packages: Migrate packages to make them independent (9da3751a)
  • packages: Upgrade @spinnaker/scripts (285c1942)
  • pluginsdk: Upgrade @spinnaker/scripts (f288c6d2)
  • pluginsdk: release 0.0.30 (713d0647)
  • pluginsdk: release 0.0.29 (9bfe264d)
  • pluginsdk: release 0.0.28 (52692969)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: Upgrade to 0.0.16 (bddfa219)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: Upgrade to 0.0.16 (b18a5360)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: Upgrade to 0.0.15 (6de8f130)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: release 0.0.14 (eff13850)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: remove husky (comes for free with pluginsdk now) (b44bca65)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: release 0.0.13 (425a4567)
  • pluginsdk-peerdeps: sync package versions (a729340c)
  • pr: updated styleguide (f0086f6d)
  • presentation: new collapsible section component (cf49088a)
  • presentation: publish 0.0.5 (cb7380e7)
  • prettier: Just Update Prettier™️ (9aeb398b)
  • publish: publish packages (3ce268cc)
  • publish: publish packages (bf380cfa)
  • publish: set NODE_ENV=production when publishing (2e62f348)
  • publish: publish packages (56e2356e)
  • publish: publish packages (925f8b69)
  • publish: publish packages (1652238b)
  • publish: publish packages (bc2c8013)
  • publish: publish packages (#9501) (94585074)
  • publish: publish packages (a5cc4bde)
  • publish: publish packages (1ded9f82)
  • publish: publish packages (62dacdbf)
  • publish: publish packages (12ff87e4)
  • publish: publish packages (7e651ee6)
  • publish: publish packages (093ea8a5)
  • publish: publish packages (fc3ef81a)
  • publish: publish packages (8a14b00c)
  • publish: publish packages (85e3e996)
  • publish: publish packages (f9a88d0a)
  • publishing: fix if/then syntax in scripts/gha_output_* scripts (e088b8fa)
  • publishing: Move scripts to /scripts/*; push tags after publishing (7a2a70c2)
  • publishing: Update the publish-packages PR title and body (b95173ab)
  • publishing: do not close/reopen pr (doesn't help trigger CI) (4e09ec2f)
  • refactor: Convert NumberList to react (19f97afb)
  • refactor: Convert NumberList to react (19f97afb)
  • refactor: Remove unused files (19f97afb)
  • refactor: Remove NumberList from NgReact (19f97afb)
  • release-please: add initial package versions to manifest file (138a3b5c)
  • rxjs: Specify exact rxjs version (d87ba6c7)
  • rxjs: Migrate to static combineLatest and fix typing errors (496e44af)
  • rxjs: Remove now unused imports of Observable from 'rxjs' (a4fc97f3)
  • rxjs: Manually migrate rxjs code in .js files (30c3ee8d)
  • rxjs: Fix combineLatest deprecated calls (2a9e2a4b)
  • rxjs: Run rxjs 5-to-6 migration tooling (c11835cf)
  • rxjs: Upgrade to rxjs 6.x and add rxjs-compat (allows rxjs 5.x code to work for now) (b45ae037)
  • scripts: Prune build scripts (d9462f8f)
  • scripts: Add comment about externals (4d6eeaf5)
  • scripts: Bump @spinnaker/scripts to 0.0.4 (57b0a9af)
  • serverGroup: Refactor scaling activities link (0ecc87de)
  • serverGroup: useCallback with popover content (70a2b998)
  • spinner: Angular compatibility (e5375f0d)
  • spinner: Angular compatibility (e5375f0d)
  • styleguide: updated package (14588473)
  • tencentcloud: publish tencentcloud@0.0.20 (6dcdfcea)
  • tencentcloud: publish tencentcloud@0.0.19 (e8923ca3)
  • tencentcloud: publish tencentcloud@0.0.18 (d478c23e)
  • tencentcloud: publish tencentcloud@0.0.17 (28195395)
  • titus: Export scaling activities modal (7172bb46)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.191 (7ef4df9c)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.190 (dc32d024)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.189 (e3e1f434)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.188 (7d105908)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.187 (1565a0d6)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.186 (c5d3d9e9)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.185 (122a5e81)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.184 (54db5d17)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.183 (ea32853d)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.182 (6f5c45da)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.181 (2c671f6c)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.180 (857ede54)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.179 (7f96b70e)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.178 (e631cb2f)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.177 (63a1a268)
  • titus: Make titus package independent (15f4e529)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.176 (d31ad76b)
  • titus: Remove outdated code (839dc56c)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.175 (5e840443)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.174 (12d20a05)
  • titus: publish titus@0.0.173 (22fb4d3f)
  • webpack: ignore source maps of some packages that are generating warnings (03c684d3)

Echo 2.32.3


  • travis: Always read properties from Travis triggers (a448d686)


  • build: group was specified twice in build.gradle (57b8ed75)
  • plugins-test: try harder for the version of versionNotSupportedPlugin to actually not be supported (#1161) (b03c87e6)


  • build: update mergify config (#1144) (9fc5d562)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#1174) (c4da2ea7)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (2490dac8)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (24f38e94)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (c73d9b81)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (1241b7bf)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (0aab97cd)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (61909847)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (af7bff2b)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (62d7dcd3)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (f1ac104b)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (5dab37c9)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (20eabb4e)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (109398e8)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (64cb72de)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (a8268288)

Fiat 1.28.4


  • build: bump dependencies for the given branch (#934) (1af69f4c)
  • sql: handle extension resources as well as the built-in ones (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: concurrent writes during putAllById (ab2f52a1)


  • github: Use new github teams api as old one is deprecated (#907) (a881f984)
  • github: Use new github teams api (a881f984)
  • gitub: using team slug instead of id (backport #911) (44efe9a5)
  • sql: don't delete unrestricted user on sync (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix concurrent puts on users and resources (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix updating resource timestamps (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix reading of resources for a user (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix integration tests when using sql (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: don't delete users in putAllById (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: don't self merge unrestricted user permissions (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: typo in property name (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: borrow async code from clouddriver (ab2f52a1)


  • perf: Reduce Cost Of Sync Process (b42ac299)
  • build: update mergify config (#897) (9010e21e)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#940) (f30f750f)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (25cb9f4b)
  • dependencies: don't create an autobump PR for halyard on a fiat release branch (23cf00d9)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (9f4120cf)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (044ddee2)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (77dcf522)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (b5ead314)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (b595072b)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e6f3878c)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (361bcf41)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (d7254525)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (9e5cb184)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c84e6fb6)
  • github: Remove unused function (a881f984)
  • github: clean up unused functions (a881f984)
  • github: delete unused model (a881f984)
  • gradle: spotless apply (a881f984)
  • idea: undo changes to idea settings (ab2f52a1)
  • idea: really revert unintended config change (ab2f52a1)
  • redis: Performance improvements for RedisPermissionsRepository (backport #841) (4a8b6aa1)
  • sql: normalize permission schema (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: normalize permission schema (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: batch up SQL queries to cut round trip time (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: add index to updated_at column (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: select distinct is cheaper on getAllByRoles (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: actually drop the unneeded group by (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: optimise for update case (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: unify update code between put and putAllById (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: reduce permission update to one statement (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: more efficient delete and split put tx (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fixes handling of put during sync (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: remove updated_at (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: make put operation transactional (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: don't issue deletes we don't need to (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: refactor table definitions (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix package location of tests (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix copyright header. (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: update resources only when needed (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: add missing column definition (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: faster query by role (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: use semi-join to speed up get of user (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: faster queries in getAllByRoles (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: parse resources and permissions in parallel (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: rewrite around clouddriver style batching (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: fix formatting (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: use same async config behaviour as clouddriver (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: cheaper query for user permissions (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: split up user and permission reading (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: split out user write (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: revert user read/write splitting (ab2f52a1)
  • sql: split up permission set read (ab2f52a1)

Front50 2.23.3


  • api: Add front50-api package and move PipelineValidator into it (4751d870)
  • api: add api package and move pipeline validator (4751d870)
  • api: move Trigger and Pipeline to api and use mixin classes for json annotations (4751d870)
  • api: use api validator errors class for pipeline validators (4751d870)
  • s3: allow enabling payload signing (9ed6b524)
  • s3: allow enabling payload signing (9ed6b524)
  • s3: null check (9ed6b524)


  • api: fix type mismatch regression with Pipeline boolean properties (b082bae3)
  • api: ignore all Pipeline properties with null value for serialization (32eafa56)
  • api: fix regression for ignoring specific pipeline fields with null values (a1beeab8)
  • api: add JsonINclude for null fields for additional Pipeline properties (a1beeab8)
  • api: ignore lastModified json property for pipelines (a1beeab8)
  • api: remove jsonIgnoreProperties annotation from pipeline mixin to fix deserialization regression (e23d323b)
  • api: forwarding map formatting (4751d870)
  • api: spotless apply fix (4751d870)
  • api: update sql storage service tests to use new pipleine model setters (4751d870)
  • core: remove stale read warning (83710aff)
  • kork: kork not autobumped (fabf5d2c)
  • storage: Fix deserialization regression for storage services (f9cf1264)
  • vulnerability: Remove fixed version of postgres dependency to accommodate safer version from kork. (1e15b248)
  • vulnerability: Remove fixed version of postgres dependency to accommodate safer version from kork. (1e15b248)


  • Revert "fix(api): fix type mismatch regression with Pipeline boolean properties (#1046)" (#1068) (bd3eb334)
  • api: Use lombok to generate getters/setters for Pipeline model (4751d870)
  • build: update mergify config (#1089) (deb0b895)
  • build: release when tags matching version-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+… (829e2dc8)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#1120) (9b788614)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (736758c8)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (260578ad)
  • dependencies: don't create an autobump PR for halyard on a front50 release branch (7fbae17b)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (dd27dfe8)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (7f94af6d)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (eb42eafd)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c48b5cb2)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (4cb760a7)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (7b6ea88b)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (2ade7786)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (8f7a4191)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (08202f72)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (27642d4e)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (9a70a712)
  • migrations: remove out of date migrations (4751d870)

Gate 6.54.2



  • graphql: added request type (cfc1e168)
  • graphql: add missing endpoint (a98e1547)
  • oauth: remove circular dependency on ExternalAuthTokenFilter bean in OAuth2SsoConfig when oauth2 is enabled (#1492) (fcfc26f0)
  • plugins-test: try harder for the version of versionNotSupportedPlugin to actually not be supported (#1532) (d1404ea3)
  • vulnerability: avoid expose gate endpoints (#1497) (66e533ba)


  • build: update mergify config (#1506) (87fbedf2)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#1544) (99b65516)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (59cc4ad2)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (dba199e7)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (b621ff31)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (131e25f0)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (f0c1db6b)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (903579c6)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (fb3539e1)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (a907d76f)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (3d002988)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c868620d)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (cc990fd2)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (cb25b425)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (6fd18dd9)

Igor 4.6.4



  • build: update mergify config (#982) (8e17f219)
  • build: release when tags matching version-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+ (22106ca4)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#1011) (eaca5705)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (5807198e)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (82e94890)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (d17a4467)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (d17a4467)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (c0448b70)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (0c5f1bdb)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (d72932f7)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (98b0b86b)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (51c8b7eb)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e6633016)
  • dependencies: bump artifactory-java-client-services version to 2.9.2 (98e623ce)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (98232871)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c8488fde)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c033eb7d)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (abe2be23)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (09fc2881)

Kayenta 2.31.2


  • config: Add simple server-side validation of metric names. (f4e93a63)


  • atlas: use https for atlas endpoints (334d92e5)
  • datadog: fix null handling in DatadogTimeSeries (c41da209)


  • build: update mergify config (#860) (f88406b8)
  • build: remove kotlin from project (0e5406ea)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#884) (347fcad7)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (4d8f10ab)
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion (72ca19f1)
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion (e946058a)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (89b26592)
  • dependencies: bump orcaVersion to 8.18.2 (8a7ad715)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (7b52ba1d)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (87c58bc4)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (6030711e)
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion (815ed9c5)

Orca 8.18.4


  • aws/cloudformation: Add onDemandCache refresh logic (fa27889a)
  • aws/cloudformation: add delete stack stage (1d7cd763)
  • build: bump dependencies for the given branch (#4247) (63ada85f)
  • cf/versioning: Adds versioning for ServiceInstances. (9ae00f16)
  • cloudfoundry: add versioning to cf services (c3250475)
  • cloudfoundry: Uses last operation state & description (7e0b4c96)
  • cloudfoundry: Uses last operation state & description to surface that something went wrong. (7e0b4c96)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds null check. (7e0b4c96)
  • cloudfoundry: Adds default message. (7e0b4c96)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: delete service binding stage (a60730de)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: delete service binding stage (a60730de)
  • cloudfoundry/unbind: remove unused attributes in class and rename (a60730de)
  • codebuild: Secondary Sources Version (90458315)
  • core: Support returning TaskResult from Task.onCancel (bb7f97b9)
  • ecs: Override Task Def Artifacts (58eee0f7)
  • front50: introduce retries and timeouts for abstract front50 tasks (3d6161c7)
  • operations: Replace KatoService with OperationsRunner in server group tasks (02c00efa)
  • orca-front50: Reuse service accounts based on their content. (c295f46b)
  • pipeline executions/orca: Add configurable default for skipDownstreamOutput flag (d60c1b44)


  • fix: ServerGroup members must be public for deserialization (b52d0f17)
  • discovery: fixes admin controller disable behavior (33a1be13)
  • discovery test: fixes admin controller test intermittent failures (#4202) (efc7d1b2)
  • igor: Nullpointer in GetCommitsTask (76a9d1e4)
  • jobs: use stage.execution.application as default when looking job status (67060a20)
  • jobs: use stage.execution.application as default when searching job status (67060a20)
  • jobs: call front50 to validate the app exist before check job status (67060a20)
  • jobs: call front50 only when or context.application or execution.application does not exists (67060a20)
  • kotlin: create kotlinModule using Builder instead constructor (#4219) (dc68a7ac)
  • manifest: fixes deploy manifest SpEL evaluation toggle (a2acb5c5)
  • manifest: fixes deploy manifest SpEL evaluation toggle (a2acb5c5)
  • plugins-test: try harder for the version of versionNotSupportedPlugin to actually not be supported (#4236) (159c8755)
  • test: create MonitorableQueue bean instead Queue on integration tests (82a7dc3b)


  • Fix builds (d7a1a0ba)
  • fix null pointer on wait for up instances task (dba6c18a)
  • add null healths case tests (8e8a36fc)
  • remove unused tasks (0d9a1356)
  • build: Bump kork version & fix tests (82a7dc3b)
  • build: bump korkVersion to 7.115.2 (82a7dc3b)
  • build: update Mergify config (backport #4209) (dc204ef3)
  • build: remove references to jcenter/bintray (#4162) (c8e4176e)
  • build: get the version of arrow from spinnaker-dependencies (bcf11865)
  • build: replace org.funktionale:funktionale-partials with io.arrow-kt:arrow-core (7c04e514)
  • build: release when tags matching version-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+… (7a88c0f7)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#4256) (7347918c)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (2e2f1f13)
  • clouddriver: Add Ami typed response from clouddriver (7cda8172)
  • clouddriver: Switch to typed models in CloudDriverService where possible (9e797f5b)
  • clouddriver: Reduce usage of TargetServerGroup where it is not adding anything over the ServerGroup class (c542c001)
  • clouddriver: Clean up last method in OortHelper (6021b3ae)
  • clouddriver: Make OortHelper use typed cluster from CloudDriverService (e695a402)
  • clouddriver: eliminate usage of OortHelper deprecated methods (2b1d4eff)
  • clouddriver: Move more methods to typed equivalents (0b00a942)
  • clouddriver: Eliminate untyped usage of getting a Cluster (fa5ac00f)
  • clouddriver: fix reordering of cluster naming in previous refactor (884d348e)
  • clouddriver: Move TargetServerGroup to java dir (27448551)
  • clouddriver: Convert TargetServerGroup to java (8c1a4f5e)
  • clouddriver: Convert TargetServerGroup to java syntax (d08b36bb)
  • clouddriver: Back TargetServerGroup with ServerGroup. (641e0a0a)
  • clouddriver: Eliminate dynamic property access on TargetServerGroup (20f2eb8f)
  • clouddriver: Convert more code to using the Cluster model (60fc53fe)
  • clouddriver: Convert tasks to use typed ServerGroup models (834b28d0)
  • clouddriver: convert fully java syntax files to java (f445e36b)
  • clouddriver: convert more instance health code to java syntax (5c2110a1)
  • clouddriver: relocate AbstractInstancesCheckTask (9e950934)
  • clouddriver: Convert AbstractInstancesCheckTask to java (abb66b71)
  • clouddriver: Convert AbstractInstancesCheckTask to java syntax (f930f178)
  • clouddriver: relocate health helper (f24a2cd3)
  • clouddriver: Convert health helper to java (e567f74f)
  • clouddriver: Convert health helper to java syntax (73bc4416)
  • clouddriver: Rename AbstractWaitingForInstancesTask. (17ea5811)
  • clouddriver: Stop extending AbstractWaitingForInstancesTask. (71dc7652)
  • clouddriver: Convert AbstractWaitingForInstancesTask to java. (825f5fae)
  • clouddriver: Start converting to using ServerGroup type (9eac5153)
  • clouddriver: Eliminate AbstractCloudProviderAwareTask since it does not add any functionality. (dd25fe3e)
  • cloudriver: Finish refactor of instance health check tasks. (e50c32ab)
  • cloudriver: Eliminate abstract class for instance health checks, refactor logic, and make the tasks test the whole task instead of just an internal method. (693bc146)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (2a2a7abb)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (cbd9f141)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (178b56ce)
  • dependencies: Update dokka version to version present in maven central (#4196) (981bef83)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (eb3d6583)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (b446a9a8)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (6d68f2ca)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (867f19ad)
  • dependencies: Upgrade io-kubernetes java client to resolve CVEs (6fd16c3b)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (bdfddcca)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (5b96776e)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (1e61b23b)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (b0b4537b)
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion (d9423bc9)
  • oortservice: Continue moving OortService usage to CloudDriverService (29bf35fb)
  • oortservice: Move to using CloudDriverService instead of OortService to eliminate direct reference to retrofit classes (ac464547)
  • orca-api: move ExecutionPreprocessor and TaskExecutionInterceptor into orca-api (2b5bdb78)

Rosco 1.7.4


  • provider/aws: Allow fetching of mostRecent matching AMI when searching by name (42b3551c)


  • halyard: Use Halyard's spinnaker.yml defined Redis (#874) (f612dd30)


  • bake: add base ami to completed bake details (831188e3)
  • build: update mergify config (#832) (c37dd818)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (2089ee02)
  • ci: GHA - container image and apt package build & push (6d73231b)
  • dependencies: bump spinnakerGradleVersion (b539e136)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (9882c3d3)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e97c6f17)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (2eb1c8d2)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (409ef396)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (4bbfe41b)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (b8c054c7)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (1d2e769f)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (5dcf97a4)
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (a537c802)
  • rosco: Update Readme with k8s capabilities (6903265c)


  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (96d510cb)
  • ci: Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (96d510cb)
  • ci: Add Mergify config used in other services (96d510cb)
  • ci: make a publishDebToArtifactRegistry task at the top level (91e7116c)
  • ci: Add GHA for last publish of Monitoring Daemon (1d7d73fe)
  • ci: Add GHA for last publish of Monitoring Daemon (1d7d73fe)
  • ci: Skip running broken tests (1d7d73fe)
  • ci: Remove GitHub Actions (a4b16d1f)
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (ede1d75c)
  • md: Add deprecation notice (a4b16d1f)
  • md: Add deprecation notice (a4b16d1f)
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