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Created March 24, 2022 12:46
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  • Save spion/af55e8946914914d114a2a1805f8ddb4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import * as L from "lodash";
const files = `
109 CLI/CLIClass.ts
67 CLI/index.ts
3 index.ts
45 Models/DisplayMap.ts
1 Models/Environment.ts
6 Models/index.ts
5 Models/Options.ts
22 Models/ParserTree.ts
93 Models/Spec.ts
35 Models/Types.ts
36 plugins/apollo/index.spec.ts
59 plugins/apollo/index.ts
35 plugins/react-query/index.spec.ts
56 plugins/react-query/index.ts
26 plugins/stuccoSubscriptions/index.spec.ts
56 plugins/stuccoSubscriptions/index.ts
51 plugins/typed-document-node/index.spec.ts
42 plugins/typed-document-node/index.ts
1 __tests__/TestUtils.ts
37 __tests__/TreeToJSONSchema/TreeToJSONSchema.spec.ts
17 __tests__/TreeToTS/Chain.spec.ts
22 __tests__/TreeToTS/EsModule.spec.ts
16 __tests__/TreeToTS/Extend.spec.ts
104 __tests__/TreeToTS/Field.spec.ts
71 __tests__/TreeToTS/Interface.spec.ts
17 __tests__/TreeToTS/Selectors.spec.ts
24 __tests__/TreeToTS/Thunder.spec.ts
54 __tests__/TreeToTS/TypeDefinitions.spec.ts
38 TranslateGraphQL/index.ts
122 TreeToJSONSchema/index.ts
8 TreeToTS/functions/buildQuery.ts
13 TreeToTS/functions/fullChainConstruct.ts
11 TreeToTS/functions/fullSubscriptionConstruct.ts
16 TreeToTS/functions/index.ts
29 TreeToTS/functions/inspectVariables.ts
52 TreeToTS/functions/isArrayFunction.ts
3 TreeToTS/functions/models.ts
8 TreeToTS/functions/objectToTree.ts
8 TreeToTS/functions/queryConstruct.ts
8 TreeToTS/functions/resolveKV.ts
19 TreeToTS/functions/resolverFor.ts
26 TreeToTS/functions/ScalarResolver.ts
34 TreeToTS/functions/seekForAliases.ts
38 TreeToTS/functions/traverseToSeekArrays.ts
70 TreeToTS/functions/TypesPropsResolver.ts
7 TreeToTS/functions/variable.ts
5 TreeToTS/functions/ZeusSelect.ts
142 TreeToTS/index.ts
116 TreeToTS/templates/resolveValueTypes.ts
89 TreeToTS/templates/returnedModelTypes.ts
43 TreeToTS/templates/returnedPropTypes.ts
36 TreeToTS/templates/returnedReturns.ts
114 TreeToTS/templates/returnedTypes.ts
1 TreeToTS/templates/truthy.ts
39 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/browser/apiSubscription.ts
47 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/browser/fetchFunction.ts
1 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/browser/fetchImport.ts
1 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/browser/websocketsImport.ts
11 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/error.ts
38 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/functions.ts
7 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/indexImports.ts
4 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/index.ts
40 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/node/apiSubscription.ts
56 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/node/fetchFunction.ts
1 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/node/fetchImport.ts
1 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/node/websocketsImport.ts
83 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/operations.ts
95 TreeToTS/templates/typescript/types.ts
64 Utils/index.ts
const sizePathPairs = files
.filter((line) => line.trim().length > 0)
.map((line) => line.trim().split(" ") as [string, string])
.map(([size, path]) => ({ size: Number(size), path }));
export type Tree = {
name: string;
path: string;
value: number;
children: Tree[];
const groupList = (
pairs: Array<{ size: number; path: string }>,
parentPath: string[] = [""]
): Tree[] => {
const groups = L.groupBy(pairs, ({ path }) => path.split("/")[0]);
return, (g, k) => ({
name: k,
path: parentPath.concat([k]).join("/"),
value: g.length === 1 ? g[0].size : 0,
// value: L.sumBy(g, "size"),
g.length > 1
? groupList( => ({
path: child.path.substring(child.path.indexOf("/") + 1),
size: child.size,
: [],
const subtrees = groupList(sizePathPairs);
export const tree: Tree = {
name: "/",
path: "/",
value: L.sumBy(subtrees, "size"),
children: subtrees,
import React, { useState } from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import * as h from "d3-hierarchy";
import { Tree, tree } from "./example-filesize";
const hh = h.hierarchy(tree);
const W = 1500,
H = 900;
const layout = h
.size([W, H])
const rectangles = layout(
.sum((d) => d.value)
.sort((a, b) => b.height - a.height || b.value! - a.value!)
const hasParent = (
parent: h.HierarchyRectangularNode<Tree>,
node: h.HierarchyRectangularNode<Tree>
) => {
if (node === parent) return true;
for (let p = node.parent; p != null; p = p.parent)
if (p === parent) return true;
return false;
export let RenderNode: React.FunctionComponent<{
parents: h.HierarchyRectangularNode<Tree>[];
node: h.HierarchyRectangularNode<Tree>;
level: number;
onClick: (node: any) => void;
selectedRoot: h.HierarchyRectangularNode<Tree>;
}> = (props) => {
const { parents, node, level, onClick, selectedRoot } = props;
const rootWidth = selectedRoot.x1 - selectedRoot.x0;
const rootHeight = selectedRoot.y1 - selectedRoot.y0;
const displayAsLeaf =
level == selectedRoot.depth + 2 || !node.children?.length;
const displayModifier =
level >= selectedRoot.depth &&
level <= selectedRoot.depth + 2 &&
hasParent(selectedRoot, node)
? {}
: { visibility: "hidden" };
const bgColor = displayAsLeaf ? "#aca" : "#ddd";
const style = {
position: "absolute" as const,
top: ((node.y0 - selectedRoot.y0) / rootHeight) * H,
height: ((node.y1 - node.y0) / rootHeight) * H,
left: ((node.x0 - selectedRoot.x0) / rootWidth) * W,
width: ((node.x1 - node.x0) / rootWidth) * W,
backgroundColor: bgColor,
overflow: "hidden" as const,
transition: "0.33s ease-out",
return (
onClick={() => onClick(node)}
<span style={{ padding: 5, display: "inline-block" }}>
{node.children && => (
level={level + 1}
export let App: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
const [selectedNode, setSelectedNode] = useState(rectangles);
const onClick = (node: h.HierarchyRectangularNode<Tree>) => {
if (selectedNode.depth === 0) {
} else {
let parents: h.HierarchyRectangularNode<Tree>[] = [selectedNode],
p = selectedNode.parent;
while (p) {
p = p.parent;
return (
style={{ position: "relative", width: W, height: H, overflow: "hidden" }}
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("main"));
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