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Last active April 21, 2022 22:41
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import type { TypedDocumentNode } from '@graphql-typed-document-node/core';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { GraphQLTypes, InputType, ValueTypes, Zeus } from './index';
const $$ = <Type, Name extends string>(name: Name) => {
return ('ZEUS_VAR$' + name) as any as Variable<Type, Name>;
type Variable<T, Name extends string> = {
__zeus_name: Name;
__zeus_type: T;
type VariablizedInput<T> = T extends string | number | Array<any>
? T | Variable<T, any>
: T | Variable<T, any> | { [K in keyof T]: VariablizedInput<T[K]> };
type VariablizedQuery<T> = T extends [infer Input, infer Output]
? [VariablizedInput<Input>, VariablizedQuery<Output>]
: { [K in keyof T]: VariablizedQuery<T[K]> };
type ExtractVariables<Query> = Query extends Variable<infer VType, infer VName>
? { [key in VName]: VType }
: Query extends [infer Inputs, infer Outputs]
? Intersectionize<{ inputs: ExtractVariables<Inputs>; outputs: ExtractVariables<Outputs> }>
: Query extends string | number | boolean
? {}
: Intersectionize<{ [K in keyof Query]: ExtractVariables<Query[K]> }>;
type Intersectionize<ObjectKeys> = UnionToIntersection<ObjectKeys[keyof ObjectKeys]>;
type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (k: infer I) => void ? I : never;
// Unit testing:
// type TestExtractor = ExtractVariables<{
// cardById: [{ cardId: Variable<any, 'test'> }, { attack: true; defense: true }];
// }>;
export function tq<ResultType extends VariablizedQuery<ValueTypes['Query']>>(
query: ResultType,
): TypedDocumentNode<InputType<GraphQLTypes['Query'], ResultType>, ExtractVariables<ResultType>> {
return gql(Zeus('query', query as any));
export function tm<Z extends ValueTypes['Mutation']>(
mutation: Z,
): TypedDocumentNode<InputType<GraphQLTypes['Mutation'], Z>, {}> {
return gql(Zeus('mutation', mutation));
export function ts<Z extends ValueTypes['Subscription']>(
mutation: Z,
): TypedDocumentNode<InputType<GraphQLTypes['Subscription'], Z>, {}> {
return gql(Zeus('mutation', mutation));
const q = tq({
cardById: [
cardId: $$('test'),
Attack: true,
Defense: true,
/* The type of q is:
const q: TypedDocumentNode<{
cardById?: {
Attack: number;
Defense: number;
} | undefined;
}, {
test: string | null | undefined;
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