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Gorgi Kosev spion

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Be careful when feature flags affect any shared mutable state. This for example will cause data loss if the flag value changes during the work:

this.fancyModel = FancyModel.createInitial()
this.rustyModel = RustyModel.createInitial()

async loadData() { 
  let flag = await this.ff.isEnabled('flag');
  let data = await this.fetchData();
type ExtractValuesRecusrively<T> = T extends FormState<infer U>
? { [K in keyof U]: ExtractValuesRecusrively<U[K]> }
: T extends FieldState<infer V>
? V
: never;
// vs
type ExtractValuesRecusrively<State> = State extends FormState<infer InnerForm>
? { [FieldKey in keyof InnerForm]: ExtractValuesRecusrively<InnerForm[FieldKey]> }
let types = ../types.dhall sha256:e48e21b807dad217a6c3e631fcaf3e950062310bfb4a8bbcecc330eb7b2f60ed
let defaults = ../defaults.dhall sha256:4450e23dc81975d111650e06c0238862944bf699537af6cbacac9c7e471dfabe
let deployment : types.Deployment = defaults.Deployment // {
metadata = defaults.ObjectMeta // { name = "nginx" },
spec = Some ( defaults.DeploymentSpec // {
replicas = Some 2,
template = defaults.PodTemplateSpec // {
metadata = defaults.ObjectMeta // {
type PromiseState<T> = {
state: 'fulfilled', value: T
} | {state: 'pending'} | {state: 'rejected', error: Error};
let wm = new WeakMap<Promise<any>, PromiseState<any>>()
export function asyncCase<T, U>(promise: Promise<T>, handlers: {
pending?: () => U;
fulfilled?: (t: T) => U;
spion /
Last active June 17, 2019 21:11
Understanding JS `this` via bind operator

In JavaScript, functions have arguments. We can name those arguments so that we can access the values we pass to those functions

function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

We can call these functions normally:

* Allocate a callback based resource, safely
* Example:
* function connectionResource(url) {
* return { acquire: async () => pg.connect(url), dispose: async conn => conn.dispose() }
* }
* usingPromise(connectionResource(process.env.DATABASE_URL), async conn => {
* await conn.query(...);
* do other things
* Implementation of promise dialogs
import { observable, action } from 'mobx';
import * as React from 'react';
import { AppSingleton } from '@h4bff/core';
import { AppContext } from '../router';
import { observer } from 'mobx-react';
interface Resolver<T> {
{"output":{"equalizer":{"state":"true","num-bands":"6","input-gain":"-2","output-gain":"0","split-channels":"false","left":{"band0":{"type":"Bell","mode":"RLC (BT)","slope":"x1","solo":"false","mute":"false","gain":"-7.4","frequency":"222.0","q":"0.230"},"band1":{"type":"Bell","mode":"RLC (BT)","slope":"x1","solo":"false","mute":"false","gain":"4.0","frequency":"30.0","q":"0.470"},"band2":{"type":"Bell","mode":"RLC (BT)","slope":"x1","solo":"false","mute":"false","gain":"-2.2","frequency":"1686.0","q":"1.520"},"band3":{"type":"Bell","mode":"RLC (BT)","slope":"x1","solo":"false","mute":"false","gain":"2.0","frequency":"3090.0","q":"2.080"},"band4":{"type":"Bell","mode":"RLC (BT)","slope":"x1","solo":"false","mute":"false","gain":"-3.1","frequency":"6888.0","q":"1.000"},"band5":{"type":"Bell","mode":"RLC (BT)","slope":"x1","solo":"false","mute":"false","gain":"-1.1","frequency":"10550.0","q":"3.470"}},"right":{"band0":{"type":"Bell","mode":"RLC (BT)","slope":"x1","solo":"false","mute":"false","gain":"-7.4","fre
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
function useFriendStatus(friendID) {
const [isOnline, setIsOnline] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
function handleStatusChange(status) {
import * as Lint from 'tslint';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import { inspect } from 'util';
* This rule will ensure that methods marked with the "@expose" decorator must be declared in at
* least one interface implemented by the class. It will also ensure that the return type of this
* method has no excess properties compared to those specified in the interface