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Last active April 10, 2017 13:34
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(defn doubleBooked [events]
(let [sortedEvents (sort-by :start events)
toAdd true
notToAdd false]
(loop [head (first sortedEvents)
isAdd notToAdd
events (rest sortedEvents)
intersect []]
(let [neck (first events)
tail (rest events)]
(if (nil? neck)
(if (= toAdd isAdd)
(conj intersect head)
(let [headEnd (head :end)
neckEnd (neck :end)]
(if (> (neck :start) headEnd)
(if (= toAdd isAdd)
(recur neck notToAdd tail (conj intersect head))
(recur neck notToAdd tail intersect))
(if (> headEnd neckEnd)
(recur head toAdd tail (conj intersect neck))
(recur neck toAdd tail (conj intersect head))))))))))
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Ого, это какой язык? похоже на Lisp, но вроде не он)

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