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Last active June 8, 2017 14:34
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Advanced python multiple dispatch implementation very advanced
import random #definitely a good thing to see at the top of a multiple-dispatch implementation!
import abc
import itertools
class ArgValidator:
def validate(cls, *args, mro_distances=None):
if mro_distances is None:
mro_distances = []
#disqualify validation rules with the wrong number of arguments
if len(args) != len(mro_distances):
return None
#return the euclidean distance from the match to the origin in mro space!
return sum(d*d for d in mro_distances)**0.5
def mro_distance(cls, obj, C):
if issubclass(type(C), abc.ABCMeta):
virtual_mro = list(itertools.takewhile((lambda t: issubclass(t, C)), type(obj).__mro__))
distance = len(virtual_mro) - 1
if distance < 0:
distance = None
return distance
#number of levels up the mro chain for a match
return type(obj).__mro__.index(C)
except ValueError:
#disqualify if no match
return None
class Dispatcher:
def __init__(self):
self.impls = []
def register(self, *arg_types):
validators = []
for i, arg_type in enumerate(arg_types):
#dynamically create an ArgValidator subclass that validates whether a particular positional arg is an instance of a particular type!
ValidatorSubclass = type('{}_{}_validator'.format(arg_type.__name__, i), (ArgValidator,), {})
#inner function creates and returns a closure in order to avoid creating pseudo-closure variables via default arguments because that would be an abomination!
#note that no purpose is served by lexically nesting create_validate_method() inside of register()!
def create_validate_method(pos, arg_type, V):
def validate(cls, *args, mro_distances=None):
if mro_distances is None:
mro_distances = []
if pos >= len(args):
return None
mro_dist = cls.mro_distance(args[pos], arg_type)
if mro_dist is None:
return None
#use cooperative multiple inheritance to determine whether other positional args validate!
return super(V, cls).validate(*args, mro_distances=mro_distances)
return validate
#monkey-patch dynamically-created subclass so that it has a reference to itself in its validate() method!
#(cooperative multiple inheritance doesn't work without the correct subclass passed as the first argument to super()!)
ValidatorSubclass.validate = create_validate_method(i, arg_type, ValidatorSubclass)
def wrapper(_impl):
#dynamically create a full validator class inheriting from multiple single-argument validator subclasses!
validator = type(_impl.__name__, tuple(validators), {})
self.impls.append((validator, _impl))
return _impl
return wrapper
def __call__(self, *args):
impl_distances = []
impls = []
#get the euclidean distance of all valid rules matching the input args!
for validator, impl in self.impls:
impl_dist = validator.validate(*args)
if impl_dist is not None:
#keep only the matching rules with lowest euclidean distance!
min_dist = min(impl_distances)
min_impls = [i for (d, i) in zip(impl_distances, impls) if min_dist == d]
if len(min_impls) == 1:
#no ambiguous match, go ahead and dispatch to the implementation!
return min_impls[0](*args)
elif len(min_impls) > 1:
#select one of the closest matches at random!
raise TypeError('Ambiguous dispatch') # return random.choice(min_impls)(*args)
raise NotImplementedError('Found no implementation for args {}'.format(', '.join(str(type(arg)) for arg in args)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
f = Dispatcher()
@f.register(int, int)
def _(a, b):
print('I got passed 2 ints')
@f.register(int, str)
def _(a, b):
print('I got passed an int and a str')
@f.register(int, int, str)
def _(a, b, c):
print('I got passed an int, an int and a str')
f(1, 2)
f(1, 'blarg')
f(1, 3, 'blarg')
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
@f.register(A, A)
def _(a1, a2):
print('I got passed 2 As')
@f.register(B, A)
def _(b1, b2):
print('I got passed a B and an A')
@f.register(A, B)
def _(a, b):
print('I got passed an A and a B')
f(A(), A())
f(A(), B())
f(B(), A())
# for i in range(10):
# #different each time!
# f(B(), B())
@f.register(B, B)
def _(b1, b2):
print('I got passed 2 Bs')
f(B(), B())
class C(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def _(c):
print('I got a C')
class D(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def _(d):
print('I got a D')
class E(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __subclasshook__(cls, other):
return hasattr(other, 'e_member')
A.e_member = 1
def _(e):
print('I got an E')
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This is from when I decided to try programming as performance art. It is a really strange implementation of multiple dispatch ( in python. It combines a number of esoteric and strange approaches to accomplish this. Among them are:

  • A Euclidean Distance metric applied to python's __mro__ attribute to identify the most-specific implementation to dispatch to.
  • Completely unnecessary dynamic invocation of the type metaclass, combined with cooperative multiple inheritance and strategically chained super() calls to accomplish what a for loop could accomplish.
  • Choosing an implementation at random when there are multiple candidates for most-specific.

Do not use this for anything. Do not learn anything about programming from this.

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