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Last active April 26, 2019 06:04
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Python Atrocity: Structural Pattern Matching built on Exception Handling Syntax
import sys
import functools
Python Atrocity: Structural Pattern Matching built on Exception Handling Syntax
Daniel Spitz
(Python 3.7+ only)
The goal of this Python Atrocity is to implement extensible, composable pattern
matching in a way that is syntactically remeniscent of the pattern matching in
functional languages.
We target exception handling syntax for this purpose.
(See the very bottom for 3 demos of it in use.)
Exception handling in python allows for multiple exception types to be checked
sequentially, with a different code block getting executed according to which
exception type matches first. It also allows for the optional binding of a new
name within the scope of the handling code block (e.g. "except Exception as e:"),
although binding multiple names is not supported.
So with the right massaging, we ought to be able to change this:
except IndexError:
... # handle case 1
except TypeError:
... # handle case 2
to this:
raise obj
except Pattern1 as p1:
... # do stuff with p1
except Pattern2 as p2:
... # do stuff with p2
Unfortunately, such a direct expression of pattern matching is not actually possible.
Here are the stumbling blocks:
1. We cannot raise any old object as an exception. Only instances of BaseException can be raised.
2. We cannot use any old class in an except clause. Only subclasses of BaseException can be used.
3. The class in an except clause is determined to be a match via a direct check on the raised
object's __mro__, not via the more generic and overrideable isinstance() machinery.
4. We can only bind a single new name in a given except clause, making concise destructuring
assignment, a key feature of pattern matching, difficult.
In this python atrocity, we attempt to address all 4 stumbling blocks, to varying levels of
success (if you can really call it that).
Exception handling hacking implementation.
Lifted from an old python-ideas thread[0] with far less nefarious purposes in mind
Thanks to Random832 for the key insight about using sys.exc_info() *inside the except clause*!
"This is, of course, a *profoundly* ugly way to do this." - Random832
The idea here is that we can call this new function _isinstance_except() inside of
each except clause, returning its result rather than the original exception class in
the clause.
So, this:
except TypeError:
would become
except _isinstance_except(TypeError):
The *effect* of this change would be roughly the same as if python used
isinstance() to check if an exception clause is a match, rather than directly
checking the __mro__. Thus do we address stumbling block #3.
To address the syntactic ugliness, we can hide this call in an attribute access on
the pattern class being checked:
except MyPatternType.M:
The ".M" implicitly calls _isinstance_except(), and a naive end user might
simply shrug it off as standing for "Match". Ignorance is bliss.
class _NeverThrown(BaseException):
Exception class which is expected never to be thrown.
Used to disqualify certain `except` blocks from ever
matching a raised exception.
def _isinstance_except(type):
Normally python checks if an exception is of a certain type
by looking for the type in the exception's class' __mro___.
By wrapping your exception types in a call to this function we
simulate what it'd be like if the core exception handling logic
used isinstance() instead of explicitly checking the __mro__.
This allows us to attain good, useful, worthwhile power by
arbitrarily overriding __instancecheck__ on the metaclass of a
new BaseException subclass.
etype, e = sys.exc_info()[:2]
if isinstance(e, type):
return etype
return _NeverThrown
Structural Pattern Matching Implementation
We define a collection of classes and decorators for the purposes of
encapsulating Structural Patterns and the mechanisms by which they can be hooked
into python's exception handling machinery.
Importantly, any object raised must be an instance of BaseException,
and any class appearing in an except clause must be a subclass of
We therefore define a MatchWrapper class to wrap arbitrary objects for
matching. Since MatchWrapper is a subclass of BaseException, it can be
raised, and can then carry along the object being matched to any of the
patterns appearing in the except clauses.
We likewise define a Pattern base class for all patterns intended to
appear in an except clause. In order to gain control of instance-checking
against Pattern subclasses, we give Pattern a metaclass with an overridden
__instancecheck__ method. Together, the MatchWrapper and Pattern classes
help us address stumbling blocks #1 and #2.
Our overridden __instancecheck__ will dispatch to an overrideable classmethod
match() to determine if a given object is an instance of the given pattern. It
will also specially recognize MatchWrapper objects. If a MatchWrapper is passed
in, then the wrapped object will be passed along to the match() call, rather than
the wrapper itself.
Additionally, if the call to match() returns something, then
that result is set to the wrapper's .bindings attribute, for usage within
the exception handling code block. While a bit disappointing, this was the best
way I could find to address stumbling block #4. While this does not let us
do destructuring assignment within the "except" line itself, it lets us do it
in the first line of the handling block, via e.g.:
except Pair.M as p:
first, second = p.bindings
The Pattern base class is intended to be extended by end users to
define their own patterns. A function decorator, @pattern, is provided for
defining simple patterns with less boilerplate than writing a class would
On the other side of things, the match() function provides the means of
pushing an object through the matching machinery, and returning the result.
The notion of a "matcher" is defined as a generator that behaves in a certain
way, and end users can use the @matcher decorator to bundle up their
matcher generator functions with an implicit call to match().
class MatchWrapper(BaseException):
Wrap any object to make it throwable. This in turn lets us
"catch" any object according to arbitrary predicates, allowing
us to achieve structural pattern matching with exception handling
def __init__(self, object):
self.object = object
self.bindings = None
class NoMatch(Exception):
Raised by pattern matchers when they find no match.
class PatternMeta(type):
Metaclass for Pattern classes. Overrides
__instancecheck__ to call the class' .match() method.
def __instancecheck__(cls, instance):
if isinstance(instance, MatchWrapper):
result = cls.match(instance.object)
except NoMatch:
return False
instance.bindings = result
return True
result = cls.match(instance, match)
except NoMatch:
return False
return True
def M(cls):
Just syntax sugar to concisely wrap any given exception class
with a call to _isinstance_except().
return _isinstance_except(cls)
class Pattern(BaseException, metaclass=PatternMeta):
Base class for patterns. A pattern subclass must implement
match(). You can then use the pattern class in an except clause.
def match(cls, obj):
Attempt to match obj, returning a bindings object (which can be anything)
if successful. If the object fails to match, raise a NoMatch exception.
raise NotImplementedError()
def pattern(func):
Convenience decorator to create simple Pattern subclasses.
The decorated function becomes the match() implementation on
the new subclass. It is assumed to be a static method, so must not
accept a class as the first argument.
return PatternMeta(
{'match': staticmethod(func)})
def match(m_gen, obj):
Actually match an object against a "matcher".
A matcher is a python generator which is expected to
yield once, then the object being matched is wrapped in a
MatchWrapper instance and thrown into the generator.
The generator is then expected to handle the exception and optionally
return some result.
Because of all the hacks, the "matcher" generator's code can
look eerily like pattern matching syntax seen in some functional
languages, but with strange python boilerplate.
By putting matchers into a no-arg generator with a "try: yield" at the
beginning, we "abstract out" the actual process of wrapping the
input object in a MatchWrapper and raising it for the user. This minimizes
the needed boilerplate down to "try: yield", leaving more room for the
actual beef of the logic, the matching code. Put another way, this helps
further obscure the horror that's actually happening from the user, for their
own psychological well-being.
except StopIteration as e:
raise RuntimeError("Matcher raised StopIteration too early") from e
except StopIteration as e:
return e.value
except MatchWrapper:
raise RuntimeError('Matcher failed to match object: {}'.format(obj))
raise RuntimeError('Matcher did not return or raise')
def matcher(genfunc):
Decorator for matcher generator functions. This will convert
the generator function into a single-argument function which
invokes match() on the passed-in argument against the decorated
generator function.
The generator function is always called with no arguments.
def wrapped(x):
return match(genfunc(), x)
return wrapped
Core Pattern Types
Here we define a few core pattern types that permit writing a wide
range of pattern matching code.
Included here are:
- Destructuring Tuple patterns
- Dictionary patterns
- Wildcard (Any) patterns
- Non-destructuring type-based patterns (Instance)
class Tuple(Pattern):
Tuple pattern. Matches a tuple of values against one
pattern for each index into the tuple.
def __class_getitem__(cls, patterns):
if not isinstance(patterns, tuple):
raise TypeError('Tuple[] input must be a tuple.')
return PatternMeta('Tuple', (Tuple,), {'patterns': patterns})
def match(cls, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, tuple) or len(obj) != len(cls.patterns):
raise NoMatch()
return tuple(p.match(o) for p, o in zip(cls.patterns, obj))
class Dict(Pattern):
Dictionary pattern. Matches the values of a dict against the
corresponding pattern for each value's key.
def __class_getitem__(cls, patterns):
if not isinstance(patterns, dict):
raise TypeError('Dict[] input must be a dict.')
return PatternMeta('Dict', (Dict,), {'patterns': patterns})
def match(cls, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, dict) or not obj.keys() >= cls.patterns.keys():
raise NoMatch()
return {k: p.match(obj[k]) for k, p in cls.patterns.items()}
def D(*args, **kwds):
Syntax sugar for Dict patterns (especially useful for string keys):
D(a=Any, b=Any) -> Dict[{'a': Any, 'b': Any}]
result = {}
for a in args:
return Dict[result]
def Any(obj):
Matches any object, and binds it to the match's .bindings attribute.
return obj
class Instance(Pattern):
Just matches anything that isinstance() of a given type.
def __class_getitem__(cls, t):
return PatternMeta('Instance', (Instance,), {'type': t})
def match(cls, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, cls.type):
raise NoMatch()
return obj
Demo: Type-based dispatch!
def say_type():
try: yield
except Instance[str].M as s:
print('got a string:', s.bindings)
except Instance[int].M as i:
print('got an int:', i.bindings)
say_type('horse') # got a string: horse
say_type(35904) # got an int: 35904
Demo: Add two things!
from numbers import Number
def add():
A matcher can only receive a single argument as input, so
by convention if we are adding two arguments then we receive
a 2-tuple as input.
Tuple[Any, Any] ~> A 2-tuple whose contents can both be anything
try: yield
except Tuple[Any, Any].M as t:
x, y = t.bindings
return x + y
print(add((6, 18))) # 24
print(add(('af', 'sdfg'))) # 'afsdfg'
# error:
# print(add((3,5,9))) # error: input is length 3, not 2
Demo: Destructuring python lists into linked lists!
class Cons(Pattern):
head_pattern = Any
tail_pattern = Any
def __class_getitem__(cls, item):
head_pattern, tail_pattern = item
return PatternMeta('Cons', (Cons,), {
'head_pattern': head_pattern,
'tail_pattern': tail_pattern})
def match(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, list) and len(obj) > 0:
# return the bindings for list head and tail
return cls.head_pattern.match(obj[0]), cls.tail_pattern.match(obj[1:])
raise NoMatch()
def Nil(obj):
if not (isinstance(obj, list) and len(obj) == 0):
raise NoMatch()
def sum():
Recursive sum() function straight outta CS101.
Demonstrates how bindings can be used for destructuring rather
than just returning the original object.
try: yield
except Cons[Instance[Number], Instance[list]].M as c:
head, tail = c.bindings
return add((head, sum(tail)))
except Nil.M:
return 0
print(sum([1,2,3,4])) # 10
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mcspud commented Apr 26, 2019

Its beautiful.

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