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Last active October 11, 2020 19:55
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Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Chained Selects for List Fields
* Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Chained Selects for List Fields
* Convert List Field inputs into selects and allow them to be chained.
* @version 1.13
* @author David Smith <>
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link
* @copyright 2015 Gravity Wiz
class GW_List_Field_Chained_Selects {
private $_choices = null;
private $_enable_product = null;
private $_product_id = null;
private $_input_counter = 0;
protected static $is_script_output = false;
public function __construct( $args = array() ) {
// set our default arguments, parse against the provided arguments, and store for use throughout the class
$this->_args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'form_id' => false,
'field_id' => false
) );
// do version check in the init to make sure if GF is going to be loaded, it is already loaded
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) );
function init() {
// make sure we're running the required minimum version of Gravity Forms
if( ! property_exists( 'GFCommon', 'version' ) || ! version_compare( GFCommon::$version, '1.8', '>=' ) ) {
// rendering
add_filter( 'gform_form_post_get_meta', array( $this, 'add_product_field' ) );
add_filter( 'gform_pre_render', array( $this, 'load_form_script' ) );
add_filter( 'gform_register_init_scripts', array( $this, 'add_init_script' ) );
add_filter( 'gform_column_input', array( $this, 'modify_list_field_input_type' ), 10, 6 );
add_filter( 'gform_list_field_parameter_delimiter', array( $this, 'set_custom_list_field_delimiter' ), 10, 2 );
// submission
add_filter( 'gform_product_info', array( $this, 'add_list_field_products' ), 20, 3 );
// magic
add_action( 'wp_ajax_gwlfcs_get_next_chained_select_choices', array( $this, 'ajax_get_next_chained_select_choices' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_gwlfcs_get_next_chained_select_choices', array( $this, 'ajax_get_next_chained_select_choices' ) );
function load_form_script( $form ) {
if( $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) && ! has_action( 'wp_footer', array( __class__, 'output_script' ) ) ) {
add_action( 'wp_footer', array( __class__, 'output_script' ) );
add_action( 'gform_footer', array( __class__, 'output_script' ) );
return $form;
static function output_script() {
<script type="text/javascript">
( function( $ ) {
window.GWListFieldChainedSelects = function( args ) {
var self = this;
// copy all args to current object: (list expected props)
for( prop in args ) {
if( args.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
self[prop] = args[prop];
var $form = $( '#gform_' + self.formId ),
$field = $( '#field_' + self.formId + '_' + self.fieldId ),
$product = $( '#ginput_base_price_' + self.formId + '_' + self.productFieldId );
self.init = function() {
$form.on( 'submit', function() {
$field.find( 'select' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
} );
$field.on( 'change', self.getSelectSelectors().join( ',' ), function() {
var $select = $( this ),
inputId = self.getInputId( $select );
self.populateNextChoices( inputId, $select.val(), $select );
//$( document ).trigger( 'gform_post_conditional_logic' );
} );
gform.addFilter( 'gform_list_item_pre_add', function( $clone ) {
var selectors = self.getSelectSelectors();
$clone.find( selectors.join( ',' ) ).prop( 'disabled', true );
return $clone;
} );
$field.find( 'img.delete_list_item' ).data( 'onclick', $field.find( 'img.delete_list_item' ).attr( 'onclick' ) ).attr( 'onclick', '' );
$field.on( 'click', 'img.delete_list_item', function() {
$( this ).parents( '.gfield_list_group' ).detach();
eval( $field.find( 'img.delete_list_item' ).data( 'onclick' ) );
} );
$( document ).bind( 'gform_post_conditional_logic', function() {
} );
self.getInputId = function( $select ) {
var $parent = $select.parents( '.gfield_list_cell' ),
$row = $parent.parents( '.gfield_list_group' ),
inputId = $row.find( '.gfield_list_cell' ).index( $parent ) + 1;
return inputId;
self.populateNextChoices = function( inputId, selectedValue, $select ) {
var nextInputId = self.getNextInputId( inputId ),
$nextSelect = self.$selects( $select ).filter( '.gfield_list_' + self.fieldId + '_cell' + nextInputId + ' select' );
// if there is no $nextSelect, we're at the end of our chain
if( $nextSelect.length <= 0 ) {
self.resetSelects( $select, true );
} else {
self.resetSelects( $select );
if( ! selectedValue ) {
var loadingText = 'Loading',
$loadingOption = $( '<option value="">' + loadingText + '...</option>' ),
dotCount = 2,
loadingInterval = setInterval( function() {
$loadingOption.text( loadingText + ( new Array( dotCount ).join( '.' ) ) );
dotCount = dotCount > 3 ? 0 : dotCount + 1;
}, 250 );
$loadingOption.prependTo( $nextSelect ).prop( 'selected', true );
$nextSelect.css( { minWidth: $nextSelect.width() } );
$loadingOption.text( loadingText + '.' );
$.post( self.ajaxUrl, {
action: 'gwlfcs_get_next_chained_select_choices',
input_id: inputId,
next_input_id: self.getNextInputId( inputId ),
form_id: self.formId,
field_id: self.fieldId,
value: self.getChainedSelectsValue( $select )
}, function( response ) {
clearInterval( loadingInterval );
if( ! response ) {
var choices = $.parseJSON( response ),
optionsMarkup = '';
$nextSelect.find( 'option:not(:first)' ).remove();
if( choices.length <= 0 ) {
self.resetSelects( $select, true );
} else {
$.each( choices, function( i, choice ) {
optionsMarkup += '<option value="' + choice.value + '">' + choice.text + '</option>';
} );
$ optionsMarkup );
// the placeholder will be selected by default, rather than removing it and re-adding, just force the noOptions option to be selected
if( choices[0].noOptions ) {
var $noOption = $nextSelect.find( 'option:last-child' ).clone(),
$nextSelects = $nextSelect.parents( 'span' ).nextAll().find( 'select' );
$nextSelects.append( $noOption );
$nextSelects.add( $nextSelect )
.addClass( 'gf_no_options' )
.find( 'option:last-child' )
.prop( 'selected', true );
} else {
.removeClass( 'gf_no_options' )
.prop( 'disabled', false );
} );
self.getChainedSelectsValue = function( $select ) {
var value = {};
self.$selects( $select ).each( function() {
var inputId = self.getInputId( $( this ) );
value[ inputId ] = $( this ).val();
} );
return value;
self.getNextInputId = function( currentInputId ) {
var nextInputIndex = self.getInputIndex( currentInputId ) + 1;
return self.columns[ nextInputIndex ];
self.getInputIndex = function( inputId ) {
var index = [];
$.each( self.columns, function( key, value ) {
index[ value ] = key;
} );
return index[ inputId ];
self.initSelects = function( $selects ) {
if( typeof $selects == 'undefined' ) {
$selects = self.$selects();
$selects.filter( function() {
return $( this ).hasClass( 'gf_no_options' ) || $( this ).find( 'option' ).length <= 1 || $( this ).find( 'option' ).length == $( this ).find( 'option[value=""]' ).length;
} ).prop( 'disabled', true );
self.resetSelects = function( $currentSelect ) {
var currentInputId = self.getInputId( $currentSelect ),
currentInputIndex = self.getInputIndex( currentInputId ),
$nextSelects = self.$selects( $currentSelect ).filter( ':gt(' + currentInputIndex + ')' );
.prop( 'disabled', true )
.find( 'option:not(:first)' )
.val( '' )
self.getSelectSelectors = function() {
var selectors = [];
for( var i = 0; i < self.columns.length; i++ ) {
selectors.push( '.gfield_list_' + self.fieldId + '_cell' + self.columns[i] + ' select' );
return selectors;
self.$selects = function( $currentSelect ) {
var $parent = $field;
// if current select is provided, find selects of the current row only
if( typeof $currentSelect != 'undefined' ) {
$parent = $currentSelect.parents( '.gfield_list_group' );
return $parent.find( self.getSelectSelectors().join( ',' ) );
self.updatePricing = function() {
var total = 0;
if( $field.css( 'display' ) != 'none' ) {
var $inputs = $field.find( 'input[name="input_' + self.fieldId + '[]"], select[name="input_' + self.fieldId + '[]"]' );
$inputs.each( function( i, input ) {
var value = $( input ).val(),
bits = value.split( '|' ),
price = bits[1] ? parseFloat( bits[1] ) : 0;
total += price;
} );
if( $product.val() != total ) {
$product.val( total ).change();
gformCalculateTotalPrice( self.formId );
} )( jQuery );
self::$is_script_output = true;
function add_init_script( $form ) {
if( ! $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) ) {
$args = array(
'formId' => $this->_args['form_id'],
'fieldId' => $this->_args['field_id'],
'columns' => $this->_args['columns'],
'ajaxUrl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
'productFieldId' => $this->_product_id,
$script = 'new GWListFieldChainedSelects( ' . json_encode( $args ) . ' );';
$slug = implode( '_', array( 'gw_list_field_chained_selects', $this->_args['form_id'], $this->_args['field_id'] ) );
GFFormDisplay::add_init_script( $this->_args['form_id'], $slug, GFFormDisplay::ON_PAGE_RENDER, $script );
function modify_list_field_input_type( $input, $field, $column, $value, $form_id, $input_id /* aka $column_index */ ) {
if( ! $this->is_applicable_field( $field ) ) {
return $input;
$row = ceil( $this->_input_counter / count( $field->choices ) );
$full_chain_value = $this->get_chain_value_by_row( $field, $row );
$input_id = $this->get_column_index( $column, $field );
if( $this->is_applicable_input( $input_id, $field ) ) {
$choices = $this->get_input_choices( $full_chain_value, $input_id );
$no_options = empty( $choices );
if( $no_options ) {
array_unshift( $choices, array(
'text' => __( 'No options' ),
'value' => '',
'isSelected' => true,
'noOptions' => true,
) );
array_unshift( $choices, array(
'text' => sprintf( __( 'Select a %s' ), $column ),
'value' => '',
'isSelected' => ! $no_options,
) );
$input = array(
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => $choices
return $input;
function get_chain_value_by_row( $field, $row ) {
$full_list_value = GFFormsModel::get_field_value( $field );
if( empty( $full_list_value ) ) {
$return = array_map(
function( $value ) {
return '';
array_flip( $this->_args['columns'] )
} else {
$return = array_values( $full_list_value[ $row - 1 ] );
return $return;
function is_applicable_form( $form ) {
$form_id = isset( $form['id'] ) ? $form['id'] : $form;
return $form_id == $this->_args['form_id'];
function is_applicable_field( $field ) {
return $field->id == $this->_args['field_id'] && $this->is_applicable_form( $field->formId );
function is_applicable_input( $index, $field ) {
return $this->is_applicable_field( $field ) && in_array( $index, $this->_args['columns'] );
function get_input_choices( $chain_value, $input_id = false, $depth = false, $choices = null, $full_chain_value = null ) {
$full_chain_value = $full_chain_value !== null ? $full_chain_value : $chain_value;
$value = array_shift( $chain_value );
$index = $input_id ? $this->get_input_index( $input_id ) : 0;
$depth = $depth ? $depth : 0;
$choices = $choices !== null ? $choices: $this->get_choices();
$input_choices = array();
if ( $depth == $index ) {
$input_choices = $choices;
} else {
foreach ( $choices as $choice ) {
if ( $choice['value'] == $value ) {
$input_choices = $this->get_input_choices( $chain_value, $input_id, $depth + 1, isset( $choice['choices'] ) ? $choice['choices'] : array(), $full_chain_value );
if ( empty( $input_choices ) ) {
if( $this->get_previous_input_value( $input_id, $full_chain_value ) ) {
$input_choices = array(
'text' => __( 'No options' ),
'value' => '',
'isSelected' => true,
'noOptions' => true,
return $input_choices;
function get_choices() {
if( $this->_choices != null ) {
return $this->_choices;
$choices = $this->_args['choices'];
if( ! is_array( $choices ) ) {
$form = GFAPI::get_form( $this->_args['form_id'] );
$field = GFFormsModel::get_field( $form, $choices );
if( is_callable( array( $field, 'get_input_type' ) ) && $field->get_input_type() == 'html' ) {
$choices = $this->convert_string_to_choices( $field->content );
} else {
$choices = $field['choices']; // $field->choices; @todo
$this->_choices = $choices;
return $this->_choices;
function convert_string_to_choices( &$string, $depth = 0 ) {
if( is_array( $string ) ) {
$lines = &$string;
} else {
$lines = explode( "\n", $string );
$choices = array();
while( count( $lines ) > 0 ) {
$line = reset( $lines );
$dash_count = $this->get_dash_count( $line );
if( $dash_count > $depth ) {
$choices[ count( $choices ) - 1 ]['choices'] = $this->convert_string_to_choices( $lines, $dash_count );
} else if( $dash_count < $depth ) {
} else {
// remove current line
array_shift( $lines );
$cleaned = trim( $line, ' -' );
list( $text, $value, $price ) = array_pad( explode( '|', $cleaned ), 3, false );
if( ! $value ) {
$value = $text;
if( $price ) {
$value .= '|' . $price;
$this->_enable_product = true; // used to flag the addition of a hidden product field for displaying list field total on the frontend
$choices[] = array(
'text' => $text,
'value' => $value,
'price' => $price,
return $choices;
function get_input_index( $input_id ) {
$index = array_flip( $this->_args['columns'] );
return $index[ $input_id ];
function get_previous_input_value( $current_input_id, $full_chain_value ) {
$current_input_index = $this->get_input_index( $current_input_id );
$prev_input_index = $current_input_index - 1;
$prev_input_id = $this->_args['columns'][ $prev_input_index ];
return $full_chain_value[ $prev_input_id ];
function modify_submitted_data( $form ) {
if( ! $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) ) {
function add_product_field( $form ) {
if( GFCommon::is_form_editor() || ! $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) ) {
return $form;
// avoid infinite recursion issue
remove_filter( 'gform_form_post_get_meta', array( $this, 'add_product_field' ) );
$is_product_mode_enabled = $this->is_product_mode_enabled();
add_filter( 'gform_form_post_get_meta', array( $this, 'add_product_field' ) );
if( ! $is_product_mode_enabled || ! $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) ) {
return $form;
$ids = wp_list_pluck( $form['fields'], 'id' );
$this->_product_id = max( $ids ) + 1;
$label = __( 'Hidden Product Field for List Field Products' );
$product_field = new GF_Field_HiddenProduct( array(
'id' => $this->_product_id,
'type' => 'product',
'inputType' => 'hiddenproduct',
'label' => $label,
'basePrice' => 0,
'conditionalLogic' => 0, // @todo copy from list field
'inputs' => array(
'id' => $this->_product_id . '.1',
'label' => $label,
'name' => ''
'id' => $this->_product_id . '.2',
'label' => sprintf( '%s ( %s )', $label, __( 'Price' ) ),
'name' => ''
'id' => $this->_product_id . '.3',
'label' => sprintf( '%s ( %s )', $label, __( 'Quantity' ) ),
'name' => ''
) );
$form['fields'][] = $product_field;
return $form;
function add_list_field_products( $products, $form, $entry ) {
if( ! $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) || ! $this->is_product_mode_enabled() ) {
return $products;
* Add each List field row as a product
foreach( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
if( ! $this->is_applicable_field( $field ) ) {
$value = $this->get_stashed_list_field_value( $entry['id'], $field->id, rgar( $entry, $field->id ) );
if( ! $value ) {
$groups = maybe_unserialize( $value );
foreach( $groups as $group_index => $group ) {
$group_total = 0;
$group_product = array();
foreach( $group as $value ) {
list( $text, $price ) = array_pad( explode( '|', $value ), 2, false );
if( $price ) {
$group_total += $price;
if( $group_total > 0 ) {
$group_product = array(
'name' => implode( ' / ', $this->remove_prices( array_filter( $group ) ) ),
'price' => $group_total,
'quantity' => 1
$group_id = sprintf( '%d.%d', $field->id, $group_index );
$products['products'] = array( $group_id => $group_product ) + $products['products'];
* Remove Placeholder Product
unset( $products['products'][ $this->_product_id ] );
return $products;
function get_stashed_list_field_value( $entry_id, $field_id, $default_value = array() ) {
global $_gform_lead_meta;
if( $entry_id == null ) {
return $default_value;
$key = 'gwlfcs_stashed_list_field_value_' . $field_id;
$value = gform_get_meta( $entry_id, $key );
if( $value === false ) {
gform_add_meta( $entry_id, $key, $default_value );
if( isset( $_gform_lead_meta[ $entry_id . '_' . $key ] ) ) {
unset( $_gform_lead_meta[ $entry_id . '_' . $key ] );
GFAPI::update_entry_field( $entry_id, $field_id, null ); // delete list field value from the entry
$value = $default_value;
return $value;
function get_column_index( $column, $field ) {
$column_index = 1;
if ( is_array( $field->choices ) ) {
foreach ( $field->choices as $choice ) {
if ( $choice['text'] == $column ) {
$column_index ++;
return $column_index;
public function remove_prices( $group ) {
foreach( $group as &$value ) {
list( $text, $price ) = array_pad( explode( '|', $value ), 2, false );
$value = $text;
return $group;
public function is_product_mode_enabled() {
if( $this->_enable_product == null ) {
// get_choices() will set the _enable_product flag
return $this->_enable_product;
public function get_dash_count( $string ) {
$chars = str_split( $string );
$count = 0;
foreach( $chars as $char ) {
if( $char == '-' ) {
} else {
return $count;
public function set_custom_list_field_delimiter( $delimiter, $field ) {
if( $this->is_applicable_field( $field ) ) {
$delimiter = '||';
return $delimiter;
public function ajax_get_next_chained_select_choices() {
$form_id = rgpost( 'form_id' );
$field_id = rgpost( 'field_id' );
$form = GFAPI::get_form( $form_id );
$field = GFFormsModel::get_field( $form, $field_id );
if( ! $this->is_applicable_field( $field ) ) {
$next_input_id = rgpost( 'next_input_id' );
$value = rgpost( 'value' );
$choices = $next_input_id ? $this->get_input_choices( $value, $next_input_id ) : array();
die( json_encode( $choices ) );
# Configuration
new GW_List_Field_Chained_Selects( array(
'form_id' => 1148,
'field_id' => 2,
'columns' => array( 2, 3, 4 ),
'choices' => 1, // takes a field ID or array of choices
) );
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Video isn't working... Having trouble implementing it and would really like to see this in action!

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Can't PR a gist, but please update L:62
add_action( 'gform_preview_footer', array( __class__, 'output_script' ) );
there is no longer a hook named: gform_footer

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src1988 commented Dec 3, 2018

Where should this code be put or how is this called within the existing php files for Gravity Forms?

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