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Last active July 13, 2021 00:15
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Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Edit Products on Entry Detail
* The latest version of this snippet can be found in the Gravity Wiz Snippet Library:
* Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Edit Products & Payment Details
* Edit products (and payment details) via the Gravity Forms Edit Entry view.
* @version 1.3
* @author David Smith <>
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link
* Plugin Name: Gravity Forms Edit Products
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Edit products (and payment details) via the Gravity Forms Edit Entry view.
* Author: Gravity Wiz
* Version: 1.3
* Author URI:
class GW_Edit_Products {
private static $instance = null;
public static function get_instance( $args = array() ) {
if( null == self::$instance )
self::$instance = new self( $args );
return self::$instance;
private function __construct( $args ) {
// make sure we're running the required minimum version of Gravity Forms
if( ! property_exists( 'GFCommon', 'version' ) || ! version_compare( GFCommon::$version, '1.8', '>=' ) ) {
// time for hooks
add_filter( 'gform_field_input', array( $this, 'display_product_edit_mode' ), 10, 5 );
add_filter( 'gform_after_update_entry', array( $this, 'save_product_edits' ), 10, 2 );
// edit payment status
add_filter( 'gform_entry_detail_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'handle_payment_details_meta_box' ), 10, 3 );
add_action( 'gform_payment_details', array( $this, 'maybe_render_payment_details_edit_form' ), 10, 2 );
public function display_product_edit_mode( $input, $field, $value, $entry_id, $form_id ) {
if( ! $this->is_entry_detail() || ! GFCommon::is_product_field( $field['type'] ) || $field->type == 'total' ) {
return $input;
//$orig_type = $field->type;
$field->type = 'GWEP';
$input = $this->get_field_input( $field, $value, $entry_id, $form_id );
//$field->type = $orig_type;
return $input;
public function get_field_input( $field, $value, $entry_id, $form_id ) {
remove_filter( 'gform_field_input', array( $this, 'display_product_edit_mode' ) );
$input = GFCommon::get_field_input( $field, $value, $entry_id, $form_id, GFAPI::get_form( $form_id ) );
add_filter( 'gform_field_input', array( $this, 'display_product_edit_mode' ), 10, 5 );
return $input;
public function save_product_edits( $form, $entry_id ) {
if( ! $this->is_entry_detail() ) {
$has_product_field = false;
foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
if( GFCommon::is_product_field( $field['type'] ) ) {
$has_product_field = true;
$field->origType = $field->type;
$field->type = 'GWEP';
if( $has_product_field ) {
$entry = GFAPI::get_entry( $entry_id );
GFFormsModel::save_lead( $form, $entry );
// set in GFCommon::get_product_fields_by_type(); reset.
global $_product_fields;
$_product_fields = array();
$this->clear_product_cache( $entry_id );
// reset original field type
foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
if( $field->origType ) {
$field->type = $field->origType;
if( $has_product_field ) {
// calculate the total once product fields have been restored to their original types
$total = GFCommon::get_order_total( $form, $entry );
foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
if( $field->type == 'total' ) {
GFAPI::update_entry_field( $entry['id'], $field->id, $total );
public function clear_product_cache( $entry_id ) {
gform_delete_meta( $entry_id, 'gform_product_info_1_1' );
gform_delete_meta( $entry_id, 'gform_product_info__1' );
gform_delete_meta( $entry_id, 'gform_product_info_1_' );
gform_delete_meta( $entry_id, 'gform_product_info__' );
public function is_entry_detail() {
return in_array( GFForms::get_page(), array( 'entry_detail', 'entry_detail_edit' ) );
public function is_entry_detail_edit() {
return GFForms::get_page() == 'entry_detail_edit';
public function handle_payment_details_meta_box( $meta_boxes, $entry, $form ) {
$entry = $this->save_payment_details( $entry );
if ( ! isset( $meta_boxes['payment'] ) && ( $this->is_entry_detail_edit() || ! empty( $entry['payment_status'] ) ) ) {
$meta_boxes['payment'] = array(
'title' => $entry['transaction_type'] == 2 ? esc_html__( 'Subscription Details', 'gravityforms' ) : esc_html__( 'Payment Details', 'gravityforms' ),
'callback' => array( 'GFEntryDetail', 'meta_box_payment_details' ),
'context' => 'side',
return $meta_boxes;
public function maybe_render_payment_details_edit_form( $form_id, $entry ) {
if( ! $this->is_entry_detail_edit() ) {
<style type="text/css">
.gf_payment_detail { display: none; }
.gwep-payment-detail { overflow: hidden; padding: 0 0 10px; }
.gwep-payment-detail:last-child { padding-bottom: 0; }
.gwep-payment-detail input,
.gwep-payment-detail select { width: 100px; float: right; }
<div class="gwep-payment-detail">
<label for="gwep-payment-status"><?php _e( 'Payment Status' ); ?></label>
<input id="gwep-payment-status" name="payment_status" list="payment-stati" value="<?php echo rgar( $entry, 'payment_status' ); ?>" placeholder="i.e. Paid" />
<datalist id="payment-stati">
<option value="<?php _e( 'Paid' ); ?>">
<option value="<?php _e( 'Processing' ); ?>">
<option value="<?php _e( 'Active' ); ?>">
<option value="<?php _e( 'Cancelled' ); ?>">
<option value="<?php _e( 'Failed' ); ?>">
<option value="<?php _e( 'Voided' ); ?>">
<div class="gwep-payment-detail">
<label for="gwep-payment-date"><?php _e( 'Payment Date' ); ?></label>
<input id="gwep-payment-date" name="payment_date" type="text" value="<?php echo rgar( $entry, 'payment_date' ); ?>" placeholder="i.e. <?php echo date( 'Y-m-d' ); ?>" />
<div class="gwep-payment-detail">
<label for="gwep-payment-amount"><?php _e( 'Payment Amount' ); ?></label>
<input id="gwep-payment-amount" name="payment_amount" type="text" value="<?php echo rgar( $entry, 'payment_amount' ); ?>" placeholder="i.e. <?php echo GFCommon::to_money( 0, $entry['currency'] ); ?>" />
<div class="gwep-payment-detail">
<label for="gwep-transaction-id"><?php _e( 'Transaction ID' ); ?></label>
<input id="gwep-transaction-id" name="transaction_id" type="text" value="<?php echo rgar( $entry, 'transaction_id' ); ?>" placeholder="i.e. 123ABC" />
<div class="gwep-payment-detail">
<label for="gwep-transaction-type"><?php _e( 'Transaction Type' ); ?></label>
<select id="gwep-transaction-type" name="transaction_type">
<option value="" ><?php _e( 'None' ); ?></option>
<option value="1" <?php selected( $entry['transaction_type'], 1 ); ?>><?php _e( 'Payment' ); ?></option>
<option value="2" <?php selected( $entry['transaction_type'], 2 ); ?>><?php _e( 'Subscription' ); ?></option>
<div class="gwep-payment-detail">
<label for="gwep-payment-method"><?php _e( 'Payment Method' ); ?></label>
<select id="gwep-payment-method" name="payment_method">
<option value=""><?php _e( 'None' ); ?></option>
<option value="<?php _e( 'Check' ); ?>" <?php selected( $entry['payment_method'], __( 'Check' ) ); ?>><?php _e( 'Check' ); ?></option>
<?php foreach( GFAddOn::get_registered_addons() as $addon ):
$addon = call_user_func( array( $addon, 'get_instance' ) );
if( $addon instanceof GFPaymentAddOn ): ?>
<option value="<?php echo $addon->get_short_title(); ?>" <?php selected( $entry['payment_method'], $addon->get_short_title() ); ?>><?php echo $addon->get_short_title(); ?></option>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
public function save_payment_details( $entry ) {
if( ! $this->is_entry_detail() || rgpost( 'action' ) != 'update' ) {
return $entry;
$keys = array( 'payment_status', 'payment_date', 'payment_amount', 'transaction_id', 'transaction_type', 'payment_method' );
foreach( $keys as $key ) {
if( isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ) {
$entry[ $key ] = $_POST[ $key ];
GFAPI::update_entry( $entry );
GFEntryDetail::set_current_entry( $entry );
return $entry;
function gw_edit_products( $args = array() ) {
return GW_Edit_Products::get_instance( $args );
# Configuration
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I tried this code and getting some weird behavior. I have a Quantity field and associated Total field. Even though both fields are editable, I can't updated both fields at the same time. I can update the quantity field or the total field but not at the same time.

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Getting odd results as well. If I edit my product quantities and then save the entry, the edits are not immediately reflected on the resulting view screen. Refreshing the screen then shows the product calculation fields and the updated amount. It would be helpful to see the calculations again in the edit screens (the Total field does not update). Just purchased GravityPerks and will try the conditional pricing with this to see if we can get it working as intended...

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This worked for me using GF v 2.1.2. I changed the product options (I did not change any price fields/totals) and clicked Update, then had to refresh/reload the page to see the updated information.

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xtinob commented Jun 17, 2017

Great plugin! Is there a way to update the total on the entry list? The export file shows the old value. The single view does have the updated value.

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xtinob commented Jun 27, 2017

I found a solution. I used a number field and renamed it [total] instead of the Total pricing field. Now the value update works.

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