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Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // All Fields Template
* The latest version of this snippet can be found in the Gravity Wiz Snippet Library:
* Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // All Fields Template
* Modify the {all_fields} merge tag output via a template file.
* @version 0.9.6
* @author David Smith <>
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link
* Plugin Name: Gravity Forms All Fields Template
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Modify the {all_fields} merge tag output via a template file.
* Author: Gravity Wiz
* Version: 0.9.6
* Author URI:
* Usage:
* {all_fields}
* By default, enabling this plugin will look for this template:
* <theme>/gravity-forms/all-fields.php
* Override the {all_fields} template for a specific form by specifying the form ID:
* <theme>/gravity-forms/all-fields-<formId>.php
* {all_fields:template[custom]}
* Specify a custom template suffix. This is useful for allowing specific forms to use the same template.
* <theme>/gravity-forms/all-fields-custom.php
* {all_fields:notemplate}
* Will always load the default Gravity Forms {all_fields} markup.
* {all_fields:nopricingfields}
* Hide all pricing fields (i.e. order summary).
* Filtering Usage:
* :filter
* Filtering will only include the specified fields and exclude all others. It cannot be combined with the include
* exclude filters.
* {all_fields:filter[1]}
* {all_fields:filter[1,2]}
* :include
* Including will include fields with types that are typically not supported by the {all_fields} merge tag
* (e.g., HTML fields).
* {all_fields:include[3]}
* {all_fields:include[3,4]}
* {all_fields:include[3,4],exclude[5]}
* :exclude
* Excluding will exclude specific fields from being included in the {all_fields} output.
* {all_fields:exclude[5]}
* {all_fields:exclude[5,6]}
* {all_fields:exclude[5],include[3,4]}
class GW_All_Fields_Template {
private static $instance = null;
public static function get_instance() {
if( self::$instance == null ) {
self::$instance = new self;
return self::$instance;
private function __construct() {
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) );
public function init() {
add_filter( 'gform_pre_replace_merge_tags', array( $this, 'replace_merge_tags' ), 9, 7 );
add_filter( 'gform_merge_tag_filter', array( $this, 'all_fields_extra_options' ), 11, 5 );
* to exclude field from notification add 'exclude[ID]' option to {all_fields} tag
* 'include[ID]' option includes HTML field / Section Break field description / Signature image in notification
* see for a list of standard options
* include: Include a field that is not included by default (i.e. HTML fields).
* exclude: Exclude a field that is included by default.
* filter: Only include the specified field IDs. This takes precedence over both the 'include' and 'exclude' modifiers.
* example: {all_fields:exclude[2,3]}
* example: {all_fields:include[6]}
* example: {all_fields:include[6],exclude[2,3]}
public function all_fields_extra_options( $value, $merge_tag, $modifiers, $field, $raw_value ) {
if( ! is_a( $field, 'GF_Field' ) ) {
$field = new GF_Field();
$field->type = $field;
if( $merge_tag != 'all_fields' && $field->type == 'form' ) {
return $value;
$modifiers = $this->parse_modifiers( $modifiers );
$whitelist = array( 'filter', 'include', 'exclude', 'nopricingfields' );
$context = rgar( $modifiers, 'context', false );
foreach( $modifiers as $modifier => $mod_value ) {
if( ! in_array( $modifier, $whitelist ) ) {
if( ! is_array( $mod_value ) ) {
$mod_value = array( $mod_value );
if( $modifier === 'nopricingfields' ) {
$func = function() use ( &$func ) {
remove_filter( 'gform_order_summary', $func );
return '';
add_filter( 'gform_order_summary', $func );
* Integrate w/ GP Nested Forms to allow filtering which fields are displayed for nested entries in the
* Nested Form field's value. GPNF will pass custom modifiers (e.g., context[nested],parent[fieldId]).
if( $context == 'nested' ) {
$nested_form_field_id = rgar( $modifiers, 'parent', false );
if( ! $nested_form_field_id ) {
$field_ids = array();
foreach( $mod_value as $field_id ) {
if( intval( $field_id ) == $nested_form_field_id && $field_id !== intval( $field_id ) ) {
$field_id_bits = explode( '.', $field_id );
$field_ids[] = array_pop( $field_id_bits );
} else {
$field_ids = array_map( 'intval', $mod_value );
switch( $modifier ) {
case 'filter':
if( in_array( $field->id, $field_ids ) ) {
$value = $this->get_all_fields_field_value( $field, $value );
} else {
$value = false;
case 'include':
if( in_array( $field->id, $field_ids ) ) {
$value = $this->get_all_fields_field_value( $field, $value );
case 'exclude':
if( in_array( $field->id, $field_ids ) ) {
$value = false;
// echo '<pre>';
// $field_id = $field->id;
// print_r( compact( 'modifiers', 'field_ids', 'field_id', 'value' ) );
// echo '<pre>';
return $value;
public function replace_merge_tags( $text, $form, $entry, $url_encode, $esc_html, $nl2br, $format ) {
$matches = array();
preg_match_all( '/{all_fields(?::(.*?))?}/i', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
// Replace each unique merge tag only once.
if( strpos( $text, $match[0] ) === false ) {
$modifiers = rgar( $match, 1 );
$options = compact( 'url_encode', 'esc_html', 'nl2br', 'format' );
$content = $this->parse_template( 'all-fields', $modifiers, $form, $entry, $options );
if( $content !== false ) {
$text = str_replace( $match[0], $content, $text );
return $text;
public function parse_template( $template, $modifiers, $form, $entry, $options = array() ) {
$_modifiers = $modifiers;
$modifiers = $this->parse_modifiers( $modifiers );
if( in_array( 'notemplate', $modifiers ) ) {
return false;
$use_value = in_array( 'value', $modifiers );
$display_empty = in_array( 'empty', $modifiers );
$use_admin_label = in_array( 'admin', $modifiers );
$suffixes = array( $form['id'] );
if( array_key_exists( 'template', $modifiers ) ) {
array_unshift( $suffixes, $modifiers['template'] );
$items = rgar( $options, 'items' );
if( empty( $items ) ) {
$items = $this->get_items( $form, $entry, $display_empty, ! $use_value, $options['format'], $use_admin_label, 'all_fields', $_modifiers );
$output = $this->load_template( $template, null, array(
'form' => $form,
'entry' => $entry,
'items' => $items
), $suffixes );
if( $output === false && rgar( $options, 'fallback' ) ) {
if( is_callable( $options['fallback'] ) ) {
$output = call_user_func( $options['fallback'], $items );
return $output;
public function replace_nested_forms_all_fields( $value, $field, $nested_form, $entry, $modifiers ) {
$output = $this->parse_template( $modifiers, $nested_form, $entry, array( 'format' => 'html' ) );
if( $output ) {
$value = $output;
return $value;
public function parse_modifiers( $modifiers_str ) {
preg_match_all( '/([a-z]+)(?:(?:\[(.+?)\])|,?)/i', $modifiers_str, $modifiers, PREG_SET_ORDER );
$parsed = array();
foreach( $modifiers as $modifier ) {
list( $match, $modifier, $value ) = array_pad( $modifier, 3, null );
if( $value === null ) {
$value = $modifier;
// Split '1,2,3' into array( 1, 2, 3 ).
if( strpos( $value, ',' ) !== false ) {
$value = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $value ) );
$parsed[ strtolower( $modifier ) ] = $value;
return $parsed;
public function get_items( $form, $lead, $display_empty = false, $use_text = false, $format = 'html', $use_admin_label = false, $merge_tag = '', $modifiers = '' ) {
return $this->get_submitted_fields( $form, $lead, $display_empty, $use_text, $format, $use_admin_label, $merge_tag, $modifiers );
public function get_submitted_fields( $form, $lead, $display_empty = false, $use_text = false, $format = 'html', $use_admin_label = false, $merge_tag = '', $modifiers = '' ) {
$items = array();
//$field_data = '';
$modifiers_array = explode( ',', $modifiers );
$no_admin = in_array( 'noadmin', $modifiers_array );
$no_hidden = in_array( 'nohidden', $modifiers_array );
$display_product_summary = false;
foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {
$field_value = '';
$field_label = $use_admin_label && ! empty( $field->adminLabel ) ? $field->adminLabel : esc_html( GFCommon::get_label( $field, 0, false, $use_admin_label ) );
switch ( $field->type ) {
case 'captcha' :
case 'section' :
$field_value = false;
if ( GFFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $form, $field, array(), $lead ) ){
if ( ( ! GFCommon::is_section_empty( $field, $form, $lead ) || $display_empty ) && ! $field->adminOnly ) {
switch ( $format ) {
case 'text' :
$field_value = "--------------------------------\n{$field_label}\n\n";
$field_value = '';
$field_value = apply_filters( 'gform_merge_tag_filter', $field_value, $merge_tag, $modifiers, $field, $field_label );
//$field_data .= $field_value;
if( $field_value !== false ) {
$item = array(
'label' => $field_label,
'value' => $field_value,
'field' => $field
case 'password' :
//ignore password fields
default :
if ( GFCommon::is_product_field( $field->type ) ) {
// ignore product fields as they will be grouped together at the end of the grid
$display_product_summary = apply_filters( 'gform_display_product_summary', true, $field, $form, $lead );
if ( $display_product_summary ) {
} else if ( GFFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $form, $field, array(), $lead ) ) {
// ignore fields hidden by conditional logic
$raw_field_value = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value( $lead, $field );
$field_value = GFCommon::get_lead_field_display( $field, $raw_field_value, rgar( $lead, 'currency' ), $use_text, $format, 'email' );
$display_field = true;
//depending on parameters, don't display adminOnly or hidden fields
if ( $no_admin && $field->adminOnly ) {
$display_field = false;
} else if ( $no_hidden && RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) == 'hidden' ) {
$display_field = false;
//if field is not supposed to be displayed, pass false to filter. otherwise, pass field's value
if ( ! $display_field ) {
$field_value = false;
$field_value = apply_filters( 'gform_merge_tag_filter', $field_value, $merge_tag, $modifiers, $field, $raw_field_value );
if ( $field_value === false ) {
if ( ! empty( $field_value ) || strlen( $field_value ) > 0 || $display_empty ) {
switch ( $format ) {
case 'text' :
//$field_data .= "{$field_label}: {$field_value}\n\n";
// $field_data .= sprintf(
// '<tr bgcolor="%3$s">
// <td colspan="2">
// <font style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size:12px;"><strong>%1$s</strong></font>
// </td>
// </tr>
// <tr bgcolor="%4$s">
// <td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
// <td>
// <font style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size:12px;">%2$s</font>
// </td>
// </tr>
// ', $field_label, empty( $field_value ) && strlen( $field_value ) == 0 ? '&nbsp;' : $field_value, apply_filters( 'gform_email_background_color_label', '#EAF2FA', $field, $lead ), apply_filters( 'gform_email_background_color_data', '#FFFFFF', $field, $lead )
// );
$item = array(
'label' => $field_label,
'value' => $field_value,
'field' => $field
if( isset( $item ) ) {
$items[] = $item;
unset( $item );
if ( $display_product_summary ) {
$value = $this->all_fields_extra_options( GFCommon::get_submitted_pricing_fields( $form, $lead, $format, $use_text, $use_admin_label ), $merge_tag, $modifiers, 'order_summary', null );
if( $value !== false ) {
$items[] = array(
'label' => 'Order Summary',
'value' => $value,
return $items;
public function get_all_fields_field_value( $field, $value ) {
switch ( $field->type ) {
case 'html' :
$value = $field->content;
// Sections are included by default; including them manually will append their description.
case 'section' :
$value .= sprintf( '<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<font style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size:12px;">%s</font>
', $field->description );
case 'signature' :
$url = is_callable( 'gf_signature' ) ? gf_signature()->get_signature_url( $value ) : $value;
$value = "<img alt='signature' src='{$url}' />";
return $value;
public function log( $message ) {
GFCommon::log_debug( $message );
// ### TEMPLATE SYSTEM (compliments of EDD) ###
public function load_template( $slug, $name = null, $data = array(), $suffixes = array() ) {
extract( $data );
$template = $this->get_template_part( $slug, $name, false, $suffixes );
if( ! empty( $template ) ) {
include( $template );
$content = ob_get_clean();
return ! $template ? false : $content;
public function get_template_part( $slug, $name = null, $load = true, $suffixes = array() ) {
// Execute code for this part
do_action( 'get_template_part_' . $slug, $slug, $name, $suffixes );
// Setup possible parts
$templates = array();
if( isset( $name ) ) {
$suffixes[] = $name;
foreach( $suffixes as $suffix ) {
$templates[] = $slug . '-' . $suffix . '.php';
$templates[] = $slug . '.php';
// Return the part that is found
return $this->locate_template( $templates, $load, false );
public function locate_template( $template_names, $load = false, $require_once = true ) {
// No file found yet
$located = false;
// Try to find a template file
foreach ( (array) $template_names as $template_name ) {
// Continue if template is empty
if ( empty( $template_name ) )
// Trim off any slashes from the template name
$template_name = ltrim( $template_name, '/' );
// try locating this template file by looping through the template paths
foreach( $this->get_theme_template_paths() as $template_path ) {
if( file_exists( $template_path . $template_name ) ) {
$located = $template_path . $template_name;
if( $located ) {
if ( ( true == $load ) && ! empty( $located ) )
load_template( $located, $require_once );
return $located;
public function get_theme_template_paths() {
$template_dir = $this->get_theme_template_dir_name();
$file_paths = array(
1 => trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory() ) . $template_dir,
10 => trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . $template_dir
// sort the file paths based on priority
ksort( $file_paths, SORT_NUMERIC );
return array_map( 'trailingslashit', $file_paths );
public function get_theme_template_dir_name() {
return trailingslashit( 'gravity-forms' );
function gw_all_fields_template() {
return GW_All_Fields_Template::get_instance();
<?php foreach( $items as $item ): ?>
<strong><?php echo $item['label']; ?><strong><br>
<?php echo $item['value']; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
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I tested this several times, but it does not seem to work.

It seems first of all you have a mistype in the "Usage"
There you state that the directory should be "gravityforms/templates", yet in the code it seems you are looking for "gravity-forms".

Furthermore you state that you look in the "templates" subdirectory, which it doesn't look for in the code.

With these things changed, I got it working.

I have the same problem. The Gravity Forms dir is located at ../gravityforms

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@dreamkatana This doesn't look for the template file in the Gravity Forms plugin directory but rather a newly created gravity-forms directory that you should add to your theme. Full instructions here:

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dreamkatana commented May 15, 2020

@dreamkatana This doesn't look for the template file in the Gravity Forms plugin directory but rather a newly created gravity-forms directory that you should add to your theme. Full instructions here:

That´s right, my mistake.
I´m getting trouble to format the output of a nested form with product, quantity and value.
Do u know where is it locate?

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spiaust commented May 19, 2020

@spivurno Do you know how to get rid of the bullets that are inserted into the output when you are answering a radio button or checkbox?
Thank you for any help you can provide!
Output example

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@spiaust Those values are being wrapped in <ul> and <li> tags. You can use CSS to disable the list-style property of the <ul>.

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spiaust commented May 19, 2020

@spiaust Those values are being wrapped in <ul> and <li> tags. You can use CSS to disable the list-style property of the <ul>.

Great thank you. I just have one more question. It looks to be in a table format. Would there be any way to change this to a plain text?

Thank you so much for your help!

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@spiaust Those values are being wrapped in <ul> and <li> tags. You can use CSS to disable the list-style property of the <ul>.

Great thank you. I just have one more question. It looks to be in a table format. Would there be any way to change this to a plain text?

Thank you so much for your help!

Hi there.

Take a look at the common.php file in the GF plugin folder.

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spiaust commented May 19, 2020

@spiaust Those values are being wrapped in <ul> and <li> tags. You can use CSS to disable the list-style property of the <ul>.

Great thank you. I just have one more question. It looks to be in a table format. Would there be any way to change this to a plain text?
Thank you so much for your help!

Hi there.

Take a look at the common.php file in the GF plugin folder.

Would you happen to know what I would be looking for? Sorry I'm a beginner at this. Thank you for all the help!

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spivurno commented Nov 3, 2020

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