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Created July 31, 2015 13:24
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GP Unique ID // Gravity Perks // Fill Gaps in Sequential Unique IDs
* GP Unique ID // Gravity Perks // Fill Gaps in Sequential Unique IDs
* Use this snippet to automatically fill gaps in the sequence of unique IDs for Unique ID fields of the "Sequential"
* type. Gaps will occur when entries containing a sequential unique ID are deleted.
* Update the filter name "gpui_sequential_unique_id_pre_insert_519_5", replacing "519" with your form ID and "5" with
* your field ID.
add_filter( 'gpui_sequential_unique_id_pre_insert_519_5', function( $uid, $form_id, $field_id ) {
global $wpdb;
$sql = $wpdb->prepare( "select value from {$wpdb->prefix}rg_lead_detail where form_id = %d and field_number = %d", $form_id, $field_id );
$result = $wpdb->get_results( $sql );
if( empty( $result ) ) {
return $uid;
$_uids = wp_list_pluck( $result, 'value' );
$form = GFAPI::get_form( $form_id );
$field = GFFormsModel::get_field( $form, $field_id );
$numbers = array();
foreach( $_uids as $_uid ) {
$clean_uid = str_replace( $field['gp-unique-id_prefix'], '', $_uid );
$clean_uid = str_replace( $field['gp-unique-id_suffix'], '', $clean_uid );
$clean_uid = intval( ltrim( $clean_uid, '0' ) );
$numbers[] = $clean_uid;
sort( $numbers );
$range = range( 1, max( $numbers ) );
$diff = array_diff( $range, $numbers );
// looks like we've found a gap in the sequence; busted!
if( ! empty( $diff ) ) {
$uid = array_shift( $diff );
return $uid;
}, 10, 3 );
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