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Last active April 18, 2019 16:33
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Directory Navigation

coso jsx -- cd to react dir

coso server -- cd to coso20-server dir

coso insights -- cd to coso20-insights dir

coso dev -- cd to coso20-dev-client dir

coso common -- cd to coso20-common dir

coso docker -- cd into coso20-docker dir


coso build -- coso jsx; npm run build

coso boot -- coso docker; docker-compose up. with "-d" as detached flag

coso ssh -- ssh into docker container (ex: coso ssh dev_cassandra_1 cqlsh) $2=containername $3=action or "sh" (ex: coso ssh dev_nginx_1)

coso server package -- mvn:install-file coso-common mvn package

coso insights package -- mvn:install-file coso-common mvn package

coso mvn $arg git stash git checkout master git pull origin master git checkout $BRANCH git merge master git stash pop mvn install mvn $arg

coso nginx -- coso docker cd nginx rm -rf html/ mkdir html/ cp -r cosojsxbuildfiles/* html/ docker build

coso nginx push -- push coso nginx image

coso tour -- go through all available repos, pull latest, rebuild

function cosoBoot() {
echo "Starting Docker..."
cd ~/Projects/coso_java/com/coso/coso20-docker-images/coso-insights-server/dev;
docker-compose up $1;
function coso() {
if [[ $1 == "build" ]]; then
coso jsx;
npm run build;
elif [[ $1 == "jsx" ]]; then
cd -- $JSX_FOLDER;
elif [[ $1 == "ssh" ]]; then
docker exec -it $2 ${ACTION}
elif [[ $1 == "boot" ]]; then
cosoBoot $2
elif [[ $1 == "down" ]]; then
coso docker;
cd coso-insights-server/dev/;
docker-compose down;
elif [[ $1 == "server" ]]; then
cd -- $PROJECT_FOLDER/coso20-server
if [[ $2 == "package" ]]; then
echo "linking coso common. ensure it is the latest build...";
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=../coso20-common/target/common-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -DgroupId=coso -DartifactId=common -Dversion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=../coso20-dev-client/target/2.0-netty-dev-bootstrapper-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -DgroupId=coso -DartifactId=dev-client -Dversion=0.0.1 -Dpackaging=jar
elif [[ $1 == "common" ]]; then
cd -- $PROJECT_FOLDER/coso20-common
elif [[ $1 == "dev" ]]; then
cd -- $PROJECT_FOLDER/coso20-dev-client
elif [[ $1 == "insights" ]]; then
cd -- $PROJECT_FOLDER/coso20-insights-server
if [[ $2 == "package" ]]; then
echo "linking coso20-common. ensure it is the latest version...";
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=../coso20-common/target/common-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -DgroupId=coso -DartifactId=common -Dversion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
mvn package;
elif [[ $1 == "docker" ]]; then
cd -- $PROJECT_FOLDER/coso20-docker-images
elif [[ $1 == "mvn" ]]; then
BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
if [[ "$BRANCH" != "master" ]]; then
git stash;
git checkout master;
git pull origin master;
if [[ "$BRANCH" != "master" ]]; then
git checkout $BRANCH;
git merge master;
git stash pop;
mvn install; mvn $2;
elif [[ $1 == "nginx" ]]; then
coso docker;
cd nginx;
if [[ $2 == "push" ]]; then
elif [[ $1 == "tour" ]]; then
TOURING="Touring through the "
echo "====================="
echo $TOURING + "dev client"
echo "====================="
coso dev;
coso mvn install;
echo "====================="
echo $TOURING + "common client"
echo "====================="
coso common;
coso mvn install;
echo "====================="
echo $TOURING + "server"
echo "====================="
coso server;
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=../coso20-common/target/common-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -DgroupId=coso -DartifactId=common -Dversion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
coso mvn package;
echo "====================="
echo $TOURING + "insights"
echo "====================="
coso insights;
coso mvn package;
echo "====================="
echo $TOURING + "docker"
echo "====================="
coso docker;
git pull origin master;
echo "finished...."
echo "Run coso boot or './' to kick off freshly build docker images";
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso jsx" "React root directory" "~/cosocloud"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso build" "CD to React root and build" "npm run build"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso nginx" "move jsx build files to nginx/html" "rm -rf html/ cp -r .../build/* html/"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso boot" "Start docker containers, option -d for detached" "~/coso20-docker-images; ./"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso dev" "Dev client root directory" "~/coso20-dev-client"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso common" "Common client root directory" "~/coso20-common"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso server" "Server root directory" "~/coso20-server"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso insights" "Insights root directory" "~/coso20-insights"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso docker" "Docker root directory" "~/coso20-docker-images"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso mvn <mvn-goal>" "Update to latest and mvn goal" "git stash; git checkout master; git pull; mvn <goal>"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %-30s" "coso tour" "Visit, update, & dockerify" "Once more around the sun"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %30s" "coso down" "Tear down the docker containers" "docker-compose down"
echo -e "\n"
printf "%-30s | %-30s | %30s" "coso ssh" "ssh into local sever" "ssh IP, option POINT for"
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