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Created November 19, 2012 17:32
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Monadic parsing in C++
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
struct sequence_tag {};
struct pointer_tag {};
template< class X >
X category( ... );
template< class S >
auto category( const S& s ) -> decltype( std::begin(s), sequence_tag() );
template< class Ptr >
auto category( const Ptr& p ) -> decltype( *p, p==nullptr, pointer_tag() );
template< class T > struct Category {
using type = decltype( category<T>(std::declval<T>()) );
template< class R, class ... X > struct Category< R(&)(X...) > {
using type = R(&)(X...);
template< class T >
using Cat = typename Category< typename std::decay<T>::type >::type;
template<class...> struct Part;
template< class F, class X >
struct Part< F, X >
F f;
X x;
template< class _F, class _X >
constexpr Part( _F&& f, _X&& x )
: f(std::forward<_F>(f)), x(std::forward<_X>(x))
* The return type of F only gets deduced based on the number of xuments
* supplied. Part otherwise has no idea whether f takes 1 or 10 xs.
template< class ... Xs >
constexpr auto operator() ( Xs&& ...xs )
-> decltype( f(x,std::declval<Xs>()...) )
return f( x, std::forward<Xs>(xs)... );
/* Recursive, variadic version. */
template< class F, class X1, class ...Xs >
struct Part< F, X1, Xs... >
: public Part< Part<F,X1>, Xs... >
template< class _F, class _X1, class ..._Xs >
constexpr Part( _F&& f, _X1&& x1, _Xs&& ...xs )
: Part< Part<F,X1>, Xs... > (
Part<F,X1>( std::forward<_F>(f), std::forward<_X1>(x1) ),
template< class F, class ...X >
constexpr Part<F,X...> closure( F&& f, X&& ...x ) {
return Part<F,X...>( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<X>(x)... );
template< class F, class ...X >
constexpr Part<F,X...> closet( F f, X ...x ) {
return Part<F,X...>( std::move(f), std::move(x)... );
template< class F, class ...G >
struct Composition;
template< class F, class G >
struct Composition<F,G>
F f; G g;
template< class _F, class _G >
constexpr Composition( _F&& f, _G&& g )
: f(std::forward<_F>(f)), g(std::forward<_G>(g)) { }
template< class X, class ...Y >
constexpr decltype( f(g(std::declval<X>()), std::declval<Y>()...) )
operator() ( X&& x, Y&& ...y ) {
return f( g( std::forward<X>(x) ), std::forward<Y>(y)... );
template< class F, class G, class ...H >
struct Composition<F,G,H...> : Composition<F,Composition<G,H...>>
typedef Composition<G,H...> Comp;
template< class _F, class _G, class ..._H >
constexpr Composition( _F&& f, _G&& g, _H&& ...h )
: Composition<_F,Composition<_G,_H...>> (
Comp( std::forward<_G>(g), std::forward<_H>(h)... )
template< class F, class ...G >
constexpr Composition<F,G...> compose( F f, G ...g ) {
return Composition<F,G...>( std::move(f), std::move(g)... );
template< class ... > struct Monad;
template< class F, class M, class ...N, class Mo=Monad<Cat<M>> >
constexpr auto mbind( F&& f, M&& m, N&& ...n )
-> decltype( Mo::mbind(std::declval<F>(),
std::declval<M>(),std::declval<N>()...) )
return Mo::mbind( std::forward<F>(f),
std::forward<M>(m), std::forward<N>(n)... );
template< class F, class M, class ...N, class Mo=Monad<Cat<M>> >
constexpr auto mdo( F&& f, M&& m )
-> decltype( Mo::mdo(std::declval<F>(), std::declval<M>()) )
return Mo::mdo( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<M>(m) );
// The first template argument must be explicit!
template< class M, class X, class ...Y, class Mo = Monad<Cat<M>> >
constexpr auto mreturn( X&& x, Y&& ...y )
-> decltype( Mo::template mreturn<M>( std::declval<X>(),
std::declval<Y>()... ) )
return Mo::template mreturn<M>( std::forward<X>(x),
std::forward<Y>(y)... );
template< template<class...>class M, class X, class ...Y,
class _M = M< typename std::decay<X>::type >,
class Mo = Monad<Cat<_M>> >
constexpr auto mreturn( X&& x, Y&& ...y )
-> decltype( Mo::template mreturn<_M>( std::declval<X>(),
std::declval<Y>()... ) )
return Mo::template mreturn<_M>( std::forward<X>(x),
std::forward<Y>(y)... );
// Also has explicit template argument.
template< class M, class Mo = Monad<Cat<M>> >
auto mfail() -> decltype( Mo::template mfail<M>() ) {
return Mo::template mfail<M>();
template< class M, class F >
constexpr auto operator >>= ( M&& m, F&& f )
-> decltype( mbind(std::declval<F>(),std::declval<M>()) )
return mbind( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<M>(m) );
template< class M, class F >
constexpr auto operator >> ( M&& m, F&& f )
-> decltype( mdo(std::declval<M>(),std::declval<F>()) )
return mdo( std::forward<M>(m), std::forward<F>(f) );
template< class F, class M >
constexpr auto operator ^ ( F&& f, M&& m )
-> decltype( fmap(std::declval<F>(),std::declval<M>()) )
return fmap( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<M>(m) );
template< > struct Monad< sequence_tag > {
template< class S >
using mvalue = typename S::value_type;
template< class F, template<class...>class S, class X,
class R = typename std::result_of<F(X)>::type >
static R mbind( F&& f, const S<X>& xs ) {
R r;
for( const X& x : xs ) {
auto ys = std::forward<F>(f)( x );
std::move( std::begin(ys), std::end(ys), std::back_inserter(r) );
return r;
template< class F, template<class...>class S,
class X, class Y,
class R = typename std::result_of<F(X,Y)>::type >
static R mbind( F&& f, const S<X>& xs, const S<Y>& ys ) {
R r;
for( const X& x : xs ) {
for( const Y& y : ys ) {
auto zs = std::forward<F>(f)( x, y );
std::move( std::begin(zs), std::end(zs),
std::back_inserter(r) );
return r;
template< template< class... > class S, class X, class Y >
static S<Y> mdo( const S<X>& mx, const S<Y>& my ) {
// Note: This is not a strictly correct definition.
// It should return my concatenated to itself for every element of mx.
return mx.size() ? my : S<Y>{};
template< class S, class X >
static S mreturn( X&& x ) {
return S{ std::forward<X>(x) }; // Construct an S of one element.
template< class S >
static S mfail() { return S{}; }
constexpr bool is_int( char c ) {
return c >= '0' and c <= '9';
/* A Parser is a function taking a string and returning a vector of matches. */
template< class X > struct Parser {
// The value is the target of the parse. (For example "1" may parse to int(1).
using value_type = X;
// A match consists of a value and the rest of the input to process.
using parse_state = std::pair<X,std::string>;
// A parse results in a list of matches.
using result_type = std::vector< std::pair<X,std::string> >;
using function_type = std::function< result_type( const std::string& ) >;
function_type f;
Parser( function_type f ) : f(std::move(f)) { }
Parser( const Parser<X>& p ) : f(p.f) { }
Parser() { }
result_type operator () ( const std::string& s ) const {
return f( s );
template< class X, class F > Parser<X> parser( F f ) {
using G = typename Parser<X>::function_type;
return Parser<X>( G(std::move(f)) );
std::string tail( const std::string& s ) {
return std::string( std::next(s.begin()), s.end() );
* Unconditionally match a char if the string is not empty.
* Ex: item("abc") = ('a',"bc")
auto item = parser<char> (
[]( const std::string& s ) {
using Pair = Parser<char>::parse_state;
using R = Parser<char>::result_type;
return s.size() ? R{ Pair( s[0], tail(s) ) } : R();
template< class X > struct Monad< Parser<X> > {
using Pair = typename Parser<X>::parse_state;
using R = typename Parser<X>::result_type;
* mreturn x = parser(s){ vector( pair(x,s) ) }
* Return a parsed value. Forwards rest of input to the next parser.
template< class M >
static M mreturn( X x ) {
return parser<typename M::value_type> (
[x]( const std::string& s ) {
return R{ Pair(std::move(x),s) };
/* a >> b = b */
template< class Y, class Z >
static Parser<Y> mdo( Parser<Z> a, Parser<Y> b ) {
return a >>= [b]( const Z& z ) { return b; };
/* Continue parsing from p into f. */
template< class F, class Y = typename std::result_of<F(X)>::type >
static Y mbind( F f, Parser<X> p )
using Z = typename Y::value_type;
return parser<Z> (
[f,p]( const std::string& s ) {
// First, extract p's matches.
return p(s) >>= [&]( Pair p ) {
// Then construct the new parser from the p's output.
// Continue parsing the remaining input with the new parser.
return f( std::move(p.first) )( std::move(p.second) );
template< class ... > struct MonadZero;
template< class ... > struct MonadPlus;
template< class M, class Mo = MonadZero< Cat<M> > >
auto mzero() -> decltype( Mo::template mzero<M>() )
return Mo::template mzero<M>();
template< class A, class B, class Mo = MonadPlus<Cat<A>> >
auto mplus( A&& a, B&& b ) -> decltype( Mo::mplus(std::declval<A>(),std::declval<B>()) )
return Mo::mplus( std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b) );
template<> struct MonadZero< sequence_tag > {
template< class S >
S mzero() { return S{}; }
/* mzero: a parser that matches nothing, no matter the input. */
template< class X > struct MonadZero< Parser<X> > {
template< class P >
static P mzero() {
return parser<X> (
[]( const std::string& s ){
return std::vector<std::pair<X,std::string>>();
template< class X, class Y >
auto operator + ( X&& x, Y&& y ) -> decltype( mplus(std::declval<X>(),std::declval<Y>()) )
return mplus( std::forward<X>(x), std::forward<Y>(y) );
/* mplus( xs, ys ) = "append xs with ys" */
template<> struct MonadPlus< sequence_tag > {
template< class A, class B >
static A mplus( A a, const B& b ) {
std::copy( b.begin(), b.end(), std::back_inserter(a) );
return a;
/* mplus( pa, pb ) = "append the results of pa with the results of pb" */
template< class X > struct MonadPlus< Parser<X> > {
using P = Parser<X>;
static P mplus( P a, P b ) {
return parser<X> (
[=]( const std::string& s ) { return a(s) + b(s); }
/* Like mplus, but take only one result. */
template< class X >
Parser<X> mplus_first( const Parser<X>& a, const Parser<X>& b ) {
return parser<X> (
[=]( const std::string s ) {
using V = std::vector< std::pair< X, std::string > >;
V c = (a + b)( s );
return c.size() ? V{ c[0] } : V{};
/* sat( pred ) = "item, if pred" */
template< class P >
Parser<char> sat( P p ) {
return item >>= [=]( char c ) {
return p(c) ? mreturn<Parser>(c) : mzero<Parser<char>>();
/* Accept only a specific char. */
Parser<char> pchar( char c ) {
return sat( [=](char d){ return c == d; } );
/* Accept only a specific string. */
Parser<std::string> string_( const std::string& s ) {
if( s.size() == 0 )
return mreturn<Parser>( s );
Parser<char> p = pchar( s[0] );
for( auto it=std::next(s.begin()); it != s.end(); it++ )
p = p >> pchar( *it );
return p >> mreturn<Parser>(s);
Parser<std::string> string( const std::string& str ) {
return parser<std::string> (
[str]( const std::string& s ) {
using R = typename Parser<std::string>::result_type;
if( std::equal(str.begin(),str.end(),s.begin()) ) {
return R {
{ str, s.substr( str.size() ) }
} else {
return R();
template< class X >
Parser<std::vector<X>> many( Parser<X> p );
template< class X >
Parser<std::vector<X>> many1( Parser<X> p );
/* Parse one or zero items with p. */
template< class X >
Parser<std::vector<X>> many( Parser<X> p ) {
using V = std::vector<X>;
using Pair = std::pair<V,std::string>;
using R = std::vector< Pair >;
using P = Parser<V>;
return mplus(
parser<V> (
[=]( const std::string& s ) {
auto matches = p(s);
if( not matches.size() )
return R{};
else {
// Recurse with the rest of the input.
R rest = many(p)( matches[0].second );
// Create a vector out of the result from the first match.
V first = { std::move(matches[0].first) };
// Prepend the previous result to every new match.
for( auto& match : rest )
match = Pair( first + match.first, match.second );
// Return all the matches.
return R {
Pair( std::move(first), matches[0].second )
} + rest;
mreturn<Parser>( V{} )
/* Parse one or zero items with p. */
template< class X >
Parser<std::vector<X>> some( Parser<X> p ) {
using V = std::vector<X>;
using Pair = std::pair<V,std::string>;
using R = std::vector< Pair >;
using P = Parser<V>;
return mplus_first(
parser<V> (
[=]( const std::string& s ) {
auto matches = p(s);
return matches.size() == 0 ? R{}
: R{
std::move( matches[0].second )
mreturn<Parser>( V{} )
template< class X >
using ManyParser = Parser< std::vector<X> >;
ManyParser<char> space = some( sat([](char c){return std::isspace(c);}) );
/* Parses p and consumes fallowing whitespace. */
constexpr struct Token {
template< class X >
Parser<X> operator () ( Parser<X> p ) const {
return p >>= []( X x ) {
return space >> mreturn<Parser>(std::move(x));
} token{};
/* symb(str) : Tokenize this string! */
auto symb = compose( token, string );
/* csymb(c) : Tokenize this char! */
auto csymb = compose( token, pchar );
/* Consume whitespace, then parse p. */
constexpr struct Apply {
template< class X >
Parser<X> operator () ( Parser<X> p ) const {
return space >> std::move(p);
} apply{};
* chain(p,op): Parse with p infinitely (until there is no match) folding with op.
* p and op are both parsers, but op returns a binary function, given some
* input, and p returns the inputs to that function. For example, if:
* input: "4"
* p returns: 4
* No operator is read, no operation is performed. But:
* input: "4+4"
* p returns: 4
* op is then parsed with the function, rest:
* input: "+4"
* op returns: do_add
* input: "4"
* p returns: 4
* rest returns: 8
* rest applies the operation parsed by op. It alternates between parsing p and
* op until there are no more matches. op will fail if not fallowed by a p.
constexpr struct Chainl1 {
template< class X, class F >
static Parser<X> rest( const Parser<X>& p, const Parser<F>& op, const X& a ) {
// Alternate between op and p until input is consumed or a parse fails.
auto r = op >>= [=]( const F& f ) {
return p >>= [&]( const X& b ) {
return rest( p, op, f(a,b) );
// Return the first successful parse, or a if none.
return mplus_first( r, mreturn<Parser>(a) );
template< class X, class F >
Parser<X> operator () ( Parser<X> p, Parser<F> op ) const {
return p >>= closet( rest<X,F>, std::move(p), std::move(op) );
} chainl1{};
// Binary operations of type int(*)(int,int).
int do_add( int x, int y ) { return x + y; }
int do_sub( int x, int y ) { return x - y; }
int do_mult( int x, int y ) { return x * y; }
int do_div( int x, int y ) { return x / y; }
/* Convert a string (i.e. "+") and a function (do_add) to a symbolic parser. */
template< class F >
Parser<F> csymb_op( char c, F f ) {
return csymb(c) >> mreturn<Parser>(f);
auto addop = csymb_op( '+', do_add ) + csymb_op( '-', do_sub );
auto mulop = csymb_op( '*', do_mult ) + csymb_op( '/', do_div );
//auto addop = mplus (
// pchar('+') >> mreturn<Parser>(do_add),
// pchar('-') >> mreturn<Parser>(do_sub)
//auto mulop = mplus (
// pchar('*') >> mreturn<Parser>(do_mult),
// pchar('/') >> mreturn<Parser>(do_div)
//auto digits = token( sat(is_num) ) >> mreturn<Parser>(consDigit);
constexpr bool is_num( char c ) {
return c >= '0' and c <= '9';
/* Parse one digit. */
Parser<int> digit = token( sat(is_num) ) >>= []( char i ) {
return mreturn<Parser>(i-'0');
* Parse numbers.
* Ex: "123" -> (1,"23") -> (12,"3") -> 123
int consDigit( int accum, int digit ) { return accum*10 + digit; }
Parser<int> num = chainl1( digit, mreturn<Parser>(consDigit) );
* Parse terms: series of numbers, multiplications and divisions.
* Ex: "1*3*2" -> (3,"*2") -> 6
Parser<int> term = chainl1( num, mulop );
* Parse expressions: series of terms, additions and subtractions.
* Ex: "1+7*9-1" -> (1."+7*9-1") -> (63,"-1") -> 62
Parser<int> expr = chainl1( term, addop );
auto factor = mplus_first (
symb("(") >> expr >>= []( int n ) {
return symb(")") >> mreturn<Parser>(n);
//auto term = chainl1( factor, mulop );
static std::ostringstream oss;
template< class X >
static std::string show( const X& x ) {
oss.str( "" );
oss << x;
return oss.str();
static std::string show( std::string str ) {
return str;
static constexpr const char* show( const char* str ) {
return str;
template< class X, class Y, class ...Z >
static std::string show( const X& x, const Y& y, const Z& ...z )
return show(x) + show(y,z...);
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const std::string& s ) {
return os << '"' << s.c_str() << '"';
template< class X, class Y >
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const std::pair<X,Y>& p ) {
return os << '(' << p.first << ',' << p.second << ')';
template< class X >
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const std::unique_ptr<X>& p ) {
if( p )
os << "Just " << *p;
os << "Nothing";
return os;
template< class X >
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const std::vector<X>& v ) {
os << '[';
for( auto it=std::begin(v); it != std::end(v); it++ ) {
os << *it;
if( std::next(it) != std::end(v) )
os << ',';
os << ']';
return os;
auto p = item >>= []( char c ) {
return item >> item >>= [c]( char d ) {
return mreturn<Parser>( std::make_pair(c,d) );
int main() {
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
cout << "Welcome to the calculator!\n"
<< "Press ctrl+d or ctrl+c to exit.\n"
<< "Type in an equation and press enter to solve it!\n" << endl;
std::string input;
while( cout << "Solve : " and std::getline(std::cin,input) ) {
auto ans = apply(expr)(input);
if( ans.size() and ans[0].second.size() == 0 )
cout << " = " << ans[0].first;
cout << "No answer.";
cout << endl;
//std::cout << p("abc") << endl;
//cout << space(" abc") << endl;
//Parser<int> twoDigit = digit >>= []( int x ) {
// return digit >>= [x]( int y ) {
// return mreturn<Parser>( x*10 + y );
// };
//cout << "digit >> digit \"22\" = " << (twoDigit)("22") << endl;
//std::string in = "121";
//std::string in2 = "1221";
//std::string in3 = "22212";
//cout << "pchar '1' 121: " << pchar('1')( in ) << endl;
//cout << "pchar '1' >> pchar '2' 121: " << (pchar('1') >> pchar('2'))( in ) << endl;
//cout << "pchar '0' 1221: " << pchar('0')( in2 ) << endl;
//cout << "string '1' 121: " << string("1")( in ) << endl;
//cout << "string '12' 121: " << string("12")( in ) << endl;
//cout << "string '121' 121: " << string("121")( in ) << endl;
//cout << "string '021' 1221: " << string("121")( in2 ) << endl;
//cout << "many (pchar '2') 22212: " << many(pchar('2'))( in3 ) << endl;
//cout << "apply expr 1 - 2 = " << expr( "1 - 2 " ) << endl;
//cout << "apply expr 1 + 2 = " << expr( "1 + 2 " ) << endl;
//cout << "apply expr 1 * 2 = " << expr( "1 * 2 " ) << endl;
//cout << "apply expr 1 / 2 = " << expr( "1 / 2 " ) << endl;
//cout << "apply expr 1 - 2 * 3 = " << expr( "1 - 2 * 3 " ) << endl;
//cout << "apply expr 2 * 3 + 4 = " << expr( "2 * 3 + 4 " ) << endl;
//cout << "apply expr 1 - 20 * 3 + 4 = " << expr( "1 - 20 * 3 + 4" ) << endl;
//cout << "apply expr 1 - 2 / 3 + 4 = " << expr( "1-6 / 3+4" ) << endl;
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
struct sequence_tag {};
struct pointer_tag {};
template< class X >
X category( ... );
template< class S >
auto category( const S& s ) -> decltype( std::begin(s), sequence_tag() );
template< class Ptr >
auto category( const Ptr& p ) -> decltype( *p, p==nullptr, pointer_tag() );
template< class T > struct Category {
using type = decltype( category<T>(std::declval<T>()) );
template< class R, class ... X > struct Category< R(&)(X...) > {
using type = R(&)(X...);
template< class T >
using Cat = typename Category< typename std::decay<T>::type >::type;
template<class...> struct Part;
template< class F, class X >
struct Part< F, X >
F f;
X x;
template< class _F, class _X >
constexpr Part( _F&& f, _X&& x )
: f(std::forward<_F>(f)), x(std::forward<_X>(x))
* The return type of F only gets deduced based on the number of xuments
* supplied. Part otherwise has no idea whether f takes 1 or 10 xs.
template< class ... Xs >
constexpr auto operator() ( Xs&& ...xs )
-> decltype( f(x,std::declval<Xs>()...) )
return f( x, std::forward<Xs>(xs)... );
/* Recursive, variadic version. */
template< class F, class X1, class ...Xs >
struct Part< F, X1, Xs... >
: public Part< Part<F,X1>, Xs... >
template< class _F, class _X1, class ..._Xs >
constexpr Part( _F&& f, _X1&& x1, _Xs&& ...xs )
: Part< Part<F,X1>, Xs... > (
Part<F,X1>( std::forward<_F>(f), std::forward<_X1>(x1) ),
template< class F, class ...X >
constexpr Part<F,X...> closure( F&& f, X&& ...x ) {
return Part<F,X...>( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<X>(x)... );
template< class F, class ...X >
constexpr Part<F,X...> closet( F f, X ...x ) {
return Part<F,X...>( std::move(f), std::move(x)... );
template< class F, class ...G >
struct Composition;
template< class F, class G >
struct Composition<F,G>
F f; G g;
template< class _F, class _G >
constexpr Composition( _F&& f, _G&& g )
: f(std::forward<_F>(f)), g(std::forward<_G>(g)) { }
template< class X, class ...Y >
constexpr decltype( f(g(std::declval<X>()), std::declval<Y>()...) )
operator() ( X&& x, Y&& ...y ) {
return f( g( std::forward<X>(x) ), std::forward<Y>(y)... );
constexpr decltype( f(g()) ) operator () () {
return f(g());
template< class F, class G, class ...H >
struct Composition<F,G,H...> : Composition<F,Composition<G,H...>>
typedef Composition<G,H...> Comp;
template< class _F, class _G, class ..._H >
constexpr Composition( _F&& f, _G&& g, _H&& ...h )
: Composition<_F,Composition<_G,_H...>> (
Comp( std::forward<_G>(g), std::forward<_H>(h)... )
template< class F, class ...G >
constexpr Composition<F,G...> compose( F f, G ...g ) {
return Composition<F,G...>( std::move(f), std::move(g)... );
template< class... > struct Functor;
template< class F, class FX, class Fun=Functor< Cat<FX> > >
constexpr auto fmap( F&& f, FX&& fx )
-> decltype( Fun::fmap( std::declval<F>(), std::declval<FX>() ) )
return Fun::fmap( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<FX>(fx) );
// General case: compose
template< class Function > struct Functor<Function> {
template< class F, class G, class C = Composition<F,G> >
static constexpr C fmap( F f, G g ) {
C( std::move(f), std::move(g) );
template<> struct Functor< sequence_tag > {
template< class F, template<class...>class S, class X,
class R = typename std::result_of<F(X)>::type >
static S<R> fmap( F&& f, const S<X>& s ) {
S<R> r;
r.reserve( s.size() );
std::transform( std::begin(s), std::end(s),
std::forward<F>(f) );
return r;
template<> struct Functor< pointer_tag > {
template< class F, template<class...>class Ptr, class X,
class R = typename std::result_of<F(X)>::type >
static Ptr<R> fmap( F&& f, const Ptr<X>& p )
return p != nullptr
? Ptr<R>( new R( std::forward<F>(f)(*p) ) )
: nullptr;
template< class ... > struct Monad;
template< class F, class M, class ...N, class Mo=Monad<Cat<M>> >
constexpr auto mbind( F&& f, M&& m, N&& ...n )
-> decltype( Mo::mbind(std::declval<F>(),
std::declval<M>(),std::declval<N>()...) )
return Mo::mbind( std::forward<F>(f),
std::forward<M>(m), std::forward<N>(n)... );
template< class F, class M, class ...N, class Mo=Monad<Cat<M>> >
constexpr auto mdo( F&& f, M&& m )
-> decltype( Mo::mdo(std::declval<F>(), std::declval<M>()) )
return Mo::mdo( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<M>(m) );
// The first template argument must be explicit!
template< class M, class X, class ...Y, class Mo = Monad<Cat<M>> >
constexpr auto mreturn( X&& x, Y&& ...y )
-> decltype( Mo::template mreturn<M>( std::declval<X>(),
std::declval<Y>()... ) )
return Mo::template mreturn<M>( std::forward<X>(x),
std::forward<Y>(y)... );
template< template<class...>class M, class X, class ...Y,
class _M = M< typename std::decay<X>::type >,
class Mo = Monad<Cat<_M>> >
constexpr auto mreturn( X&& x, Y&& ...y )
-> decltype( Mo::template mreturn<_M>( std::declval<X>(),
std::declval<Y>()... ) )
return Mo::template mreturn<_M>( std::forward<X>(x),
std::forward<Y>(y)... );
// Also has explicit template argument.
template< class M, class Mo = Monad<Cat<M>> >
auto mfail() -> decltype( Mo::template mfail<M>() ) {
return Mo::template mfail<M>();
namespace monad {
template< class M, class F >
constexpr auto operator >>= ( M&& m, F&& f )
-> decltype( mbind(std::declval<F>(),std::declval<M>()) )
return mbind( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<M>(m) );
template< class M, class F >
constexpr auto operator >> ( M&& m, F&& f )
-> decltype( mdo(std::declval<M>(),std::declval<F>()) )
return mdo( std::forward<M>(m), std::forward<F>(f) );
template< class F, class M >
constexpr auto operator ^ ( F&& f, M&& m )
-> decltype( fmap(std::declval<F>(),std::declval<M>()) )
return fmap( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<M>(m) );
template< > struct Monad< pointer_tag > {
template< class P >
using mvalue = typename P::element_type;
template< class F, template<class...>class Ptr, class X,
class R = typename std::result_of<F(X)>::type >
static R mbind( F&& f, const Ptr<X>& p ) {
return p ? std::forward<F>(f)( *p ) : nullptr;
template< class F, template<class...>class Ptr,
class X, class Y,
class R = typename std::result_of<F(X,Y)>::type >
static R mbind( F&& f, const Ptr<X>& p, const Ptr<Y>& q ) {
return p and q ? std::forward<F>(f)( *p, *q ) : nullptr;
template< template< class... > class M, class X, class Y >
static M<Y> mdo( const M<X>& mx, const M<Y>& my ) {
return mx ? (my ? mreturn<M<Y>>(*my) : nullptr)
: nullptr;
template< class M, class X >
static M mreturn( X&& x ) {
using Y = typename M::element_type;
return M( new Y(std::forward<X>(x)) );
template< class M >
static M mfail() { return nullptr; }
template< > struct Monad< sequence_tag > {
template< class S >
using mvalue = typename S::value_type;
template< class F, template<class...>class S, class X,
class R = typename std::result_of<F(X)>::type >
static R mbind( F&& f, const S<X>& xs ) {
R r;
for( const X& x : xs ) {
auto ys = std::forward<F>(f)( x );
std::move( std::begin(ys), std::end(ys), std::back_inserter(r) );
return r;
template< class F, template<class...>class S,
class X, class Y,
class R = typename std::result_of<F(X,Y)>::type >
static R mbind( F&& f, const S<X>& xs, const S<Y>& ys ) {
R r;
for( const X& x : xs ) {
for( const Y& y : ys ) {
auto zs = std::forward<F>(f)( x, y );
std::move( std::begin(zs), std::end(zs),
std::back_inserter(r) );
return r;
template< template< class... > class S, class X, class Y >
static S<Y> mdo( const S<X>& mx, const S<Y>& my ) {
// Note: This is not a strictly correct definition.
// It should return my concatenated to itself for every element of mx.
return mx.size() ? my : S<Y>{};
template< class S, class X >
static S mreturn( X&& x ) {
return S{ std::forward<X>(x) }; // Construct an S of one element.
template< class S >
static S mfail() { return S{}; }
struct ExprType {
virtual int eval() = 0;
using Expr = std::unique_ptr<ExprType>;
template< class E >
Expr expr( E e ) {
return Expr( new E(std::move(e)) );
template< class R, class ...E >
Expr expr( E&& ...e ) {
return Expr( new R(std::forward<E>(e)...) );
struct SubExp : ExprType {
Expr expr;
SubExp( Expr e ) : expr(std::move(e)) { }
struct Int : ExprType {
int x = 0;
constexpr Int( int x ) : x(x) { }
Int( const std::string& str ) {
std::istringstream iss( str );
iss >> x;
if( not iss )
throw "expected int, got " + str;
int eval() { return x; }
template< class F >
struct BinOp : ExprType {
Expr left, right;
BinOp( Expr left, Expr right )
: left(std::move(left)), right(std::move(right)) { }
int eval() {
return F()( left->eval(), right->eval() );
using Adder = BinOp< std::plus<int> >;
using Subtractor = BinOp< std::minus<int> >;
using Multiplier = BinOp< std::multiplies<int> >;
using Divider = BinOp< std::divides<int> >;
std::vector<std::string> words( const std::string& sentence ) {
auto it = sentence.begin();
std::vector<std::string> ws = {""};
while( it != sentence.end() ) {
if( *it != ' ' )
ws.back().push_back( *it );
ws.emplace_back( "" );
return ws;
struct Token {
enum TokenClass {
static const char* classNames[NCLASSES];
TokenClass type;
std::string lexeme;
Token( TokenClass c, std::string s ) : type(c), lexeme(std::move(s)) { }
const char* Token::classNames[] = {
"Number", "Operator", "Parren"
constexpr bool is_int( char c ) {
return c >= '0' and c <= '9';
#include <sstream>
std::vector<Token> tokenize( const std::string& sentence ) {
std::vector<Token> ts;
auto it = std::begin( sentence );
for( ; *it and it != std::end(sentence); it++ ) {
if( *it == ' ' )
else if( *it == ')' )
ts.emplace_back( Token::PARREN, ")" );
else if( *it == '(' )
ts.emplace_back( Token::PARREN, "(" );
else if( *it == '+' )
ts.emplace_back( Token::OPERATOR, "+" );
else if( *it == '-' )
ts.emplace_back( Token::OPERATOR, "-" );
else if( *it == '*' )
ts.emplace_back( Token::OPERATOR, "*" );
else if( *it == '/' )
ts.emplace_back( Token::OPERATOR, "/" );
else if( is_int(*it) ) {
auto e = it;
for( ; *e and is_int(*e); e++ )
ts.emplace_back( Token::NUMBER, std::string(it,e) );
it = e - 1;
} else {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "unparsable token: '" << *it << "' (" << (int)*it << ')';
throw ss.str();
return ts;
using Tokens = std::vector<Token>;
using TokIt = Tokens::const_iterator;
struct TokenRange {
TokIt b, e;
TokenRange( Tokens ts ) : b(ts.begin()), e(ts.end()) { }
TokenRange( TokIt b, TokIt e ) : b(b), e(e) { }
bool empty() { return b == e; }
size_t size() { return e - b; }
TokenRange shrink( TokenRange r ) {
return r;
Expr parse( const Tokens& );
Expr parse_num_state( TokenRange );
Expr parse_raise_state( Expr&& e, TokenRange );
std::pair<TokenRange,Expr> parse_mult( TokenRange r );
Expr parse( const Tokens& ts ) {
return parse_mult( ts ).second;
using ParseState = std::pair<TokenRange,Expr>;
ParseState parse_paren( TokenRange r ) {
unsigned int nestCount = 1;
auto it = std::find_if (
r.b, r.e, [&]( const Token& t ){
if( t.lexeme == "(" )
else if( t.lexeme == ")" )
return nestCount == 0;
return std::make_pair (
TokenRange( std::next(it), r.e ),
parse_num_state( TokenRange(r.b,it) )
Expr parse_num_state( TokenRange r ) {
if( r.empty() )
throw "nothing to parse";
if( r.b->type == Token::PARREN ) {
if( r.b->lexeme == ")" )
throw "unmatched closing parren";
auto state = parse_paren( shrink(r) );
return parse_raise_state (
std::move( state.second ),
const std::string& i = r.b->lexeme;
return parse_raise_state( expr<Int>(i), shrink(r) );
std::pair<TokenRange,Expr> parse_mult( TokenRange r ) {
if( r.empty() )
throw "nothing to parse";
if( r.b->type == Token::PARREN ) {
if( r.b->lexeme == ")" )
throw "unmatched closing parren";
auto state = parse_paren( shrink(r) );
return std::make_pair (
parse_raise_state( std::move(state.second), state.first )
return std::make_pair (
shrink( r ),
expr<Int>( r.b->lexeme )
Expr parse_raise_state( Expr&& e, TokenRange r ) {
if( r.empty() )
return Expr( std::move(e) );
if( r.b->lexeme == "+" ) {
auto state = parse_mult( shrink(r) );
return expr< Adder > (
parse_raise_state( std::move(state.second), state.first )
if( r.b->lexeme == "-" ) {
auto state = parse_mult( shrink(r) );
return expr< Subtractor > (
parse_raise_state( std::move(state.second), state.first )
if( r.b->lexeme == "*" ) {
r = shrink(r);
auto operand = parse_mult( r );
return parse_raise_state (
expr< Multiplier >( std::move(e), std::move(operand.second) ),
TokenRange( operand.first )
if( r.b->lexeme == "/" ) {
r = shrink(r);
auto operand = parse_mult( r );
return parse_raise_state (
expr< Divider >( std::move(e), std::move(operand.second) ),
TokenRange( operand.first )
throw "raise state cannot parse \"" + r.b->lexeme + '"';
//Expr parse_mult( std::vector<Token> ts ) {
// Expr e;
// auto it = std::begin( ts );
// for( ; it != std::end( ts ); it++ ) {
// if( it->lexeme == "*" ) {
// auto left = it-1, right = it+1;
// if( left < std::begin(ts) )
// throw "multiplication requires left operand";
// if( right >= std::end(ts) )
// throw "multiplication requires right operand";
// if( left->type != Token::NUMBER )
// throw "left argument must be a number";
// if( right->type != Token::NUMBER )
// throw "right argument must be a number";
// e = new Multiplier{ left, right };
// it = ts.erase( left, right );
// ts.insert( it,
// }
struct exp_tag {};
template< class E >
auto category( const E& e ) -> decltype( e.eval() );
static std::ostringstream oss;
template< class X >
static std::string show( const X& x ) {
oss.str( "" );
oss << x;
return oss.str();
static std::string show( std::string str ) {
return str;
static constexpr const char* show( const char* str ) {
return str;
template< class X, class Y, class ...Z >
static std::string show( const X& x, const Y& y, const Z& ...z )
return show(x) + show(y,z...);
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const Token& t ) {
os << '<' << Token::classNames[t.type] << ',' << t.lexeme << '>';
return os;
template< class X, class Y >
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const std::pair<X,Y>& p ) {
os << '(' << p.first << ',' << p.second << ')';
return os;
template< class X >
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const std::unique_ptr<X>& p ) {
if( p )
os << "Just " << *p;
os << "Nothing";
return os;
template< class X >
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const std::vector<X>& v ) {
os << '[';
for( auto it=std::begin(v); it != std::end(v); it++ ) {
os << *it;
if( std::next(it) != std::end(v) )
os << ',';
os << ']';
return os;
int main() {
try {
std::string input = "(((1-33) * (3+4/2)) + 5 + 5 - 0)";
std::cout << "Input: " << input << std::endl;
auto ts = tokenize( input );
std::cout << "Tokens: " << ts << std::endl;
auto tree = parse( ts );
std::cout << "Evaluation: " << tree->eval() << std::endl;
} catch( const std::string& msg ) {
std::cout << "Parser exited unexpectedly with: " << msg << std::endl;
} catch( const char* const msg ) {
std::cout << "Parser exited unexpectedly with: " << msg << std::endl;
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