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Created September 27, 2018 08:49
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  • Save splintor/83799f0ad991b1f108ccdbc78acef6f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save splintor/83799f0ad991b1f108ccdbc78acef6f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; Version: 3
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
password = *****
Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\vpnui.exe"
WinWait Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
ControlGetText, button , Button1
IfEqual button, Connect
ControlClick Button1
expected_title = Cisco AnyConnect | BEACON-TLV
WinWait %expected_title%
ControlSetText Edit3, %password%
ControlSetText Edit2, %password%
ControlClick Button1
expected_text = Your device meets all requirements and has been granted full BMC Network access
WinWait Cisco, %expected_text%
WinClose Cisco, %expected_text%
Run "C:\Users\sflint\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\", , Min
SendInput http://goto/emgit/commits/%Clipboard%
SendInput [
SendInput ^v
SendInput {Backspace 28}
SendInput ^+{Left}
SendInput ^c
SendInput ^{Left 11}
SendInput ^v
SendInput |^{End}]
; http://vl-tlv-scm-03:7990/projects/cm/repos/aft/commits/fa20896de788bdb6e86c5f2ac9e5fb8390c54172
SendInput [
SendInput ^v
SendInput {Backspace 28}
SendInput |http://vl-tlv-scm-03:7990/projects/EM/repos/ecstop/commits/
SendInput ^v
SendInput ]
SendInput [
SendInput ^v
SendInput {Backspace 28}
SendInput |http://vl-tlv-scm-03:7990/projects/CM/repos/aft/commits/
SendInput ^v
SendInput ]
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
; Make sure we are in English keyboard
SendMessage, 0x50, 0, 0x0409,, A
we_opened_properties = false
SetTitleMatchMode 2
IfWinActive IBM Rational Synergy
IfWinNotActive Properties for Task
WinActivate IBM Rational Synergy
SendInput !v ; View menu
SendInput r ; Properties
we_opened_properties = true
WinWaitActive Properties for Task,,3
SetTitleMatchMode 1
IfWinActive Properties for Task
WinGetTitle title, A
IfEqual we_opened_properties, true
title := SubStr(title, StrLen("Properties for " + 1))
StringReplace title, title, % "em9: ", % ""
StringReplace title, title, % "ccm9: ", % ""
StringReplace title, title, % "ai8: ", % ""
StringGetPos pos, title, % " - ", r2
title := SubStr(title, 1, pos)
StringGetPos, pos, title, % ":"
task := SubStr(title, 1, pos)
StringReplace task, task, % "Task ", % ""
;body := % "Hi%0APlease review my task " . task . "%0AThanks,%0AShmulik"
;Run mailto:?subject=%title%&body=%body%
StringReplace titleForURL, title, % """", % "%22", All
StringReplace titleForURL, titleForURL, % ".", % "%2E", All
Run mailto:?subject=%titleForURL%
WinWaitActive %title%
; Make sure we are in English keyboard
SendMessage 0x50, 0, 0x0409,, A
; Go to Subject field
SendInput !u
; Go to Body
SendInput {Tab}
; Write body first line
SendInput Hi ,{Enter}Can you please review my task
; Emphasis tab number
SendInput ^b
SendInput {space}%task%
SendInput ^b
SendInput ?{Enter}{Enter}Thanks,{Enter}Shmulik
; Go back to after the "hi" in the first line
SendInput ^{Home}^{Right}
; Go back to Subject field
SendInput !u
; Go to recipient field
SendInput +{Tab 2}
Msgbox Synergy main window or Task window must be active for %A_ScriptName% to work.
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