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Last active November 12, 2017 15:18
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A simple game of Tic Tac Toe in swift
// Playground by @spllr. Use as you like.
import Foundation
/// A Game of Tic Tac Toe
public struct Game: CustomStringConvertible, Codable
/// Game Errors
/// - gameFinished: The game has finished and no plays are possible
/// - positionOccupied: The played positions is already taken by a player
/// - positionOutsideBoard: The position is outside the board
public enum PlayError: Error
case gameFinished
case positionOccupied
case positionOutsideBoard
/// A `Player` represents a player in the Game
/// - None: No `Player`
/// - X: The **X** player
/// - O: The **O** player
public enum Player: String, Codable
case None = " "
case X
case O
/// A diagonal direction on the board
/// - leftTopRightBottom: The diagonal starting at the left top, ending at he right bottom
/// - leftBottomRightTop: The diagonal starting at the left bottom, ending at the right top
public enum Diagonal
case leftTopRightBottom
case leftBottomRightTop
/// The shared encoder for all Games
private static var jsonEncoder: JSONEncoder = {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
return encoder
/// The shared decoder for all Games
private static var jsonDecoder: JSONDecoder = {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
return decoder
/// Returns a Game from JSON data
/// - Parameter data: JSON encoded Game data
/// - Returns: A Game if the game could be decoded, otherwise nil
public static func from(json data: Data) -> Game?
return try jsonDecoder.decode(self, from: data)
return nil
/// Returns a Game from a JSON string
/// - Parameter data: JSON encoded Game string
/// - Returns: A Game if the game could be decoded, otherwise nil
public static func from(json string: String) -> Game?
guard let data = .utf8) else
return nil
return from(json: data)
// MARK: - Properties
/// All playable positions on in the Game
private var positions: [Player]
/// The current Player
public var currentPlayer: Player
if numberOfPlays(by: .X) > numberOfPlays(by: .O)
return .O
return .X
/// The maximal number of remaining plays
public var remainingPlays: Int
return positions.filter { $0 == .None }.count
/// The winning `Player` of the Game. `Player.None` if there is no winner (yet)
public var winner: Player
var winningPlayer: Player = .None
for index in (0..<boardSize)
winningPlayer = winner(row: index)
if winningPlayer != .None
return winningPlayer
winningPlayer = winner(column: index)
if winningPlayer != .None
return winningPlayer
winningPlayer = winner(diagonal: .leftBottomRightTop)
if winningPlayer != .None
return winningPlayer
return winner(diagonal: .leftTopRightBottom)
/// The size of the board.
/// A game with `boardSize` `3` would have `9` playable field (`3x3`)
public var boardSize: Int
return Int(sqrt(Double(positions.count)))
/// True is the Game is finished
public var finished: Bool
return remainingPlays == 0 || winner != .None
/// The unique identifier of the game
public var identifier: UUID = UUID()
// MARK: - Initializers
/// Create a new Game
/// - Parameter boardSize: The size of the board (boardSize`X`boardSize)
public init()
positions = [Player](repeating: .None, count: 3 * 3)
// MARK: - CustomStringConvertible
/// The description string of the Game. Will plot the `Game` as ASCII
public var description: String
return (0..<boardSize).map { (index) -> String in
return try! row(index).map { $0.rawValue }.joined(separator: "|")
}.joined(separator: "\n------\n")
// MARK: - API
// MARK: Internal
/// Checks if an index is inside the Game board
/// - Parameter index: Index to check
/// - Returns: True if the index is inside the board
private func isInsideBoard(_ index: Int) -> Bool
return index >= 0 && index < boardSize
/// Returns a winning `Player` given a list of positions
/// - Parameter positions: List of `Player` positions
/// - Returns: The winning `Player`, .None if no `Player` has won
private func winner(in positions: [Player]) -> Player
let players = Set(positions)
if let winner = players.first, players.count == 1
return winner
return .None
// MARK: Public
/// Play a position on the board
/// - Parameters:
/// - row: The row
/// - column: The column
/// - Returns: The winner of the Game after the play. Game.Player.None if there is no winner yet
public mutating func play(row rowIndex: Int, column columnIndex: Int) throws -> Player
guard finished == false else
throw PlayError.gameFinished
guard isInsideBoard(rowIndex), isInsideBoard(columnIndex) else
throw PlayError.positionOutsideBoard
guard self[rowIndex, columnIndex] == .None else
throw PlayError.positionOccupied
self[rowIndex, columnIndex] = currentPlayer
return winner
/// Returns the `Players` in the row at index
/// - Parameter index: The row index
/// - Returns: An Array with all the players in the row at index
/// - Throws: If the index is out of bounds
public func row(_ index: Int) throws -> [Player]
guard isInsideBoard(index) else
throw PlayError.positionOutsideBoard
let startIndex = index * boardSize
let endIndex = startIndex + boardSize
return Array(positions[(startIndex..<endIndex)])
/// Returns the `Players` in the column at the index
/// - Parameter index: The column index
/// - Returns: An Array with all the `Players` in the column at index
/// - Throws: If the index is out of bounds
public func column(_ index: Int) throws -> [Player]
guard isInsideBoard(index) else
throw PlayError.positionOutsideBoard
return (0..<boardSize).map { positions[index + $0 * boardSize] }
/// Returns the `Players` in the diagonal position
/// - Parameter direction: The diagonal direction
/// - Returns: The list of players
public func diagonal(_ direction: Diagonal) -> [Player]
switch direction
case .leftTopRightBottom:
return (0..<boardSize).map { positions[$0 * boardSize + $0]}
case .leftBottomRightTop:
return (0..<boardSize).map { positions[$0 * boardSize + (boardSize - 1 - $0)]}
/// Returns the number of plays by the player
/// - Parameter player: The Player
/// - Returns: Number of plays by the Player
public func numberOfPlays(by player: Player) -> Int
return positions.filter { $0 == player }.count
/// Returns the winning `Player` in the row at index
/// - Parameter rowIndex: The index of the row
/// - Returns: The winner `Player`. When the player is `.None`, there is no winner in the row
public func winner(row index: Int) -> Player
return winner(in: try row(index))
return .None
/// Returns the winning `Player` in the column at index
/// - Parameter rowIndex: The index of the column
/// - Returns: The winner `Player`. When the player is `.None`, there is no winner in the column
public func winner(column index: Int) -> Player
return winner(in: try column(index))
return .None
/// Returns the winner in one of the diagonals
/// - Parameter direction: The diagonaldirection
/// - Returns: The winner of the diagonal
public func winner(diagonal direction: Diagonal) -> Player
return winner(in: diagonal(direction))
/// Returns the `Game` as JSON Data.
/// The JSON Data can be used to share the `Game` and play with your
/// your friends
/// - Returns: The `Game` data as JSON Data
public func jsonData() -> Data
return try Game.jsonEncoder.encode(self)
return Data(bytes: [])
/// Returns the `Game` as a JSON String.
/// The JSON String can be used to share the `Game` and play with your
/// your friends
/// - Returns: The `Game` data as a JSON String
public func jsonString() -> String
guard let string = String(data: jsonData(), encoding: .utf8) else
return "{}"
return string
// MARK: - Subscripts
/// Set or get the `Player` at a position on the board
/// - Parameters:
/// - rowIndex: The row
/// - columnIndex: The column
public private(set) subscript (rowIndex: Int, columnIndex: Int) -> Player
guard isInsideBoard(rowIndex), isInsideBoard(columnIndex) else
return .None
let players = try row(rowIndex)
return players[columnIndex]
return .None
guard isInsideBoard(rowIndex), isInsideBoard(columnIndex) else
let positionIndex = rowIndex * boardSize + columnIndex
positions[positionIndex] = newValue
Lets play a game
var game = Game()
try 1, column: 1)
try 0, column: 1)
try 0, column: 0)
try 1, column: 2)
try 2, column: 2)
catch Game.PlayError.gameFinished
print("The game was already finished")
catch Game.PlayError.positionOccupied
print("The position was already occupied")
catch Game.PlayError.positionOutsideBoard
print("The position was outside the board")
Share a game with your friend
var sharedGame = Game()
/// You go first
try 1, column: 1)
/// And send it to your friend
let gameJson = sharedGame.jsonString()
/// You friend can now continue the game
if var receivedGame = Game.from(json: gameJson)
try 0, column: 0)
catch Game.PlayError.gameFinished
print("The game was already finished")
catch Game.PlayError.positionOccupied
print("The position was already occupied")
catch Game.PlayError.positionOutsideBoard
print("The position was outside the board")
print("New state for game \(receivedGame.identifier)\n")
// And now your friend can send it back to you.
// Rinse and repeat
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