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Last active July 3, 2024 18:56
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  • Save sploders101/304913b33c00b3b324e2aa1473351ad6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sploders101/304913b33c00b3b324e2aa1473351ad6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build script for helix which includes a variety of language servers
# docker build -t .
docker run --rm -v .:/build --device /dev/fuse --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --security-opt apparmor:unconfined -it legacy-builder /build/
theme = "onedark-skeys"
scrolloff = 1
scroll-lines = 1
shell = ["bash", "-c"]
auto-format = false
# idle-timeout = 1000
color-modes = true
bufferline = "always"
insert = "bar"
normal = "block"
select = "underline"
auto-signature-help = false
display-signature-help-docs = false
snippets = false
hidden = false
render = true
character = "▏"
# [editor.explorer]
# column-width = 23
# style = "tree"
# position = "embed"
"A-]" = [":bc"]
"ret" = [":w"]
"minus" = ["goto_previous_buffer"]
"=" = ["goto_next_buffer"]
"C-f" = [":format"]
"A-p" = ["signature_help"]
FROM rockylinux:8.9
RUN dnf upgrade -y
RUN dnf groupinstall -y 'Development Tools'
RUN dnf install -y curl git wget fuse desktop-file-utils
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash builder
USER 1000:1000
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash -s -- -y
ENV PATH="/home/builder/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
mkdir -p approot/{bin,lib,opt,usr/lib/helix}
# Install nodejs
rm -rf "approot/node-$NODE_VER-linux-x64"
wget -O- "$NODE_VER/node-$NODE_VER-linux-x64.tar.xz" | tar -JxvC approot
# Install helix
if [[ ! -d helix-editor ]]; then
git clone || exit
cd helix-editor/helix-term
git pull
cargo build --release || exit
cd ..
cp -r runtime ../approot/usr/lib/helix/runtime
cp -r ../config.toml ../approot/usr/lib/helix/config.toml
rm -rf ../approot/usr/lib/helix/runtime/grammars/sources
cp target/release/hx ../approot/bin/hx
cp contrib/Helix.desktop ../approot/Helix.desktop
cp contrib/helix.png ../approot/helix.png
echo '#!/bin/bash'
echo 'APPDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")"'
echo "HELIX_RUNTIME=\"\$APPDIR/usr/lib/helix/runtime\" PATH=\"\$APPDIR/bin:\$APPDIR/node-$NODE_VER-linux-x64/bin:\$PATH\" \"\$APPDIR/bin/hx\" -c \"\$APPDIR/usr/lib/helix/config.toml\" \"\$@\""
) > approot/AppRun
chmod +x approot/AppRun
export PATH="$(pwd)/approot/bin:$(pwd)/approot/node-$NODE_VER-linux-x64/bin:$PATH"
"./approot/node-$NODE_VER-linux-x64/bin/npm" i --prefix "./approot/node-$NODE_VER-linux-x64/" -g \
pyright vscode-langservers-extracted typescript typescript-language-server \
@vue/language-server yaml-language-server@next svelte-language-server \
dockerfile-language-server-nodejs @microsoft/compose-language-service bash-language-server \
@ansible/ansible-language-server perlnavigator-server intelephense awk-language-server emmet-ls
rm -r approot/node-$NODE_VER-linux-x64/include
if [[ ! -d rhai-lsp ]]; then
git clone rhai-lsp
cd rhai-lsp
git pull
cargo build --release || exit
cp target/release/rhai ../approot/bin/rhai
if [[ ! -e appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage ]]; then
chmod +x appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage
./appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage approot/ hx-ai
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