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Created April 2, 2021 15:50
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host = "localhost"
requests = 10000
cluster =
g = traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection.using(cluster))
println("vertices at start: " + g.V().count().next())
println("edges at start: " + g.E().count().next())
start = System.currentTimeMillis()
def tx = g.tx()
def gtx = tx.begin()
def v1 = gtx.addV('person').property('pid', it + 'a').next()
def v2 = gtx.addV('person').property('pid', it + 'b').next()
if ((it + 1) % 1000 == 0)
println("committed: " + (it + 1))
loadingTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
rand = new java.util.Random()
executor = java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(16)
cluster =
sessionless = cluster.connect()
g = traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection.using(cluster))
workList = [
wrk0 = { c, s, g ->
return { s.submit("Thread.sleep(t)", [t: rand.nextInt(60000)]).all().get() }
wrk1 = { c, s, g ->
return { s.submit("g.V().has('pid',pid).elementMap()", [pid: rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a']).all().get() }
wrk2 = { c, s, g ->
return { s.submit("g.V().has('pid',pid).outE('knows').elementMap()", [pid: rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a']).all().get() }
wrk3 = { c, s, g ->
return { s.submit("g.V().has('pid',pid).out('knows').elementMap()", [pid: rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a']).all().get() }
wrk4 = { c, s, g ->
return { g.V().has('pid',rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a').elementMap().next() }
wrk5 = { c, s, g ->
return { g.V().has('pid',rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a').outE('knows').elementMap().next() }
wrk6 = { c, s, g ->
return { g.V().has('pid',rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a').out('knows').elementMap().next() }
wrk7 = { c, s, g ->
return {
def tx = g.tx()
def gtx = tx.begin()
gtx.V().has('pid',within(rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'b', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'b')).groupCount().by().by(elementMap()).toList()
gtx.V().has('pid',within(rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'b', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'b')).groupCount().by().by(elementMap()).toList()
gtx.V().has('pid',within(rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'b', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'b')).groupCount().by().by(elementMap()).toList()
gtx.V().has('pid',within(rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'b', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'b')).groupCount().by().by(elementMap()).toList()
gtx.V().has('pid',within(rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'b', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a', rand.nextInt(50000) + 'b')).groupCount().by().by(elementMap()).toList()
wrk8 = { c, s, g ->
return {
def sess = c.connect(java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString())
sess.submitAsync("g.V().has('pid',pid).out('knows').elementMap()", [pid: rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a']).get()
sess.submitAsync("Thread.sleep(t)", [t: rand.nextInt(10000)]).get()
sess.submit("g.V().has('pid',pid).outE('knows').elementMap()", [pid: rand.nextInt(50000) + 'a']).all().get()
wrk9 = { c, s, g ->
return { s.submit("g.V().limit(n).order().by('pid').elementMap()", [n: rand.nextInt(1000) + 'a']).all().get() }
println("started mixed workload")
start = System.currentTimeMillis()
def wrk = rand.nextInt(10)
// limit the Thread.sleep() requests
if (wrk == 0 && rand.nextInt(100) < 90)
wrk = wrk + rand.nextInt(9)
executor.submit(workList[wrk](cluster, sessionless, g))
// pause sometimes in submitting requests
if (rand.nextInt(100) < 10)
if ((it + 1) % 1000 == 0)
println("requests: " + (it + 1))
executor.awaitTermination(1, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.DAYS)
println("loading time: " + loadingTime)
println("vertices at end: " + g.V().count().next())
println("edges at end: " + g.E().count().next())
println("mixed load running time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start))
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