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Last active January 16, 2023 09:39
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TDSM (stop thinking so dirty!) — Telegram Desktop Session (tdata) Manager
'''TDSM (stop thinking so dirty!) — Telegram Desktop Session (tdata) Manager by @spookyahell-->'''
'''License: MIT with the following addition: The line above this one (or at the very top of the file) may not be removed at any point in any future version of the file and must for ever be included. Unless for a very good technical reason, the details of which could be discussed with, do NOT rename the file. You can probably go ahead and rename the file despite not having heard back. After 48h, probably don't expect an answer anymore.
Here are some alternative file name suggestions that don't require prior approval of any form:,,,
Please specifically refrain from calling the file profane names;
there's already too much profanity out there. No need for more.'''
from subprocess import check_output, call, Popen, PIPE
from time import sleep
from os import environ, rename, sep, listdir
from os.path import isdir
import locale, platform, sys
verbose_logging = False
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
app_data_loc = environ['APPDATA']
user_profile_loc = environ['USERPROFILE']
tg_app_loc = f'{app_data_loc}{sep}Telegram Desktop'
possible_sessions = []
for possible_folder in listdir(tg_app_loc):
if isdir(f'{tg_app_loc}{sep}{possible_folder}'):
if possible_folder.startswith('tdata_'):
asf = fr'{user_profile_loc}\Downloads\Python-Projects\StuffIwantInPath\TGSI' # needs to be within a folder that already exists
with open(asf) as f:
active_session =
print(f'Active session: {active_session!r}')
#~ lang, cp = locale.getlocale()
#~ languages = {'de_DE':
#~ {'string1':
#~ 'ERFOLGREICH: Ein Beendigungssignal wurde an den Prozess',
#~ 'string2':
#~ 'ERFOLGREICH: Der Prozess "Telegram.exe" mit PID',
#~ 'string3':
#~ 'wurde nicht gefunden.'
#~ }
#~ }
if verbose_logging is False:
x1 = call(['taskkill','-im', 'Telegram.exe'], stdout = PIPE)
x1 = call(['taskkill','-im', 'Telegram.exe'])
if x1 == 128:
print('Hmm. Okay, looks like Telegram ain\'t runnin\' at all. - Very good!')
elif x1 == 0:
print('Waiting for Telegram to exit normally, then force-kill will occur', end = '...', flush = True)
if verbose_logging is False:
x2 = call(['taskkill','-f', '-im', 'Telegram.exe'], stdout = PIPE)
x2 = call(['taskkill','-f', '-im', 'Telegram.exe'])
print(' still waiting (for 2 more seconds)')
print(f'Eek. X1 has the following unexpected return code: {x1}')
def switchToSession(session_name):
if verbose_logging is True:
print(f'Saving active session elsewhere: Moving "tdata" dir to "tdata_{active_session}"')
rename(f'{tg_app_loc}{sep}tdata', f'{tg_app_loc}{sep}tdata_{active_session}')
if verbose_logging is True:
print(f'Placing requested session for Telegram to use: Moving "tdata_{session_name}" to "tdata"')
rename(f'{tg_app_loc}{sep}tdata_{session_name}', f'{tg_app_loc}{sep}tdata')
return True
if len(possible_sessions) == 1:
print(f'Only one session to switch to... switching to {possible_sessions[0]!r}...')
new_session = possible_sessions[0]
print('Available sessions: {}'.format(', '.join([f'{idx+1}: {session}' for idx, session in enumerate(possible_sessions)])))
x = int(input('Select a session by index: '))
except ValueError:
print('ERROR: That was not a index number.')
if x > len(possible_sessions):
print('ERROR: That index was too high.')
new_session = possible_sessions[x-1]
with open(asf, 'w') as f:
print('Launching Telegram...')
Popen([f'{tg_app_loc}{sep}Telegram.exe'], cwd = tg_app_loc)
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