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Last active January 19, 2023 15:18
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Debug utilities for Django DB queries. Warning - this code is not polished!
import contextlib
import io
import itertools
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import time
import traceback
import types
import attr
import rest_framework
import texttable
from django.core.signals import request_finished
from django.db import connection
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LIMIT = 10 # Increase if not enough
# Project specific stuff...
# Module, function/method name, local
# These are specific to current versions, and may need to change if
# we upgrade.
("rest_framework.fields", "get_attribute", "attr"),
("rest_framework.fields", "get_attribute", "instance"),
("rest_framework.serializers", "to_representation", "field"),
("rest_framework.serializers", "to_representation", "item"),
# Other project specific stuff...
# This can be overridden using COLUMNS environment variable
SCREEN_WIDTH = shutil.get_terminal_size(fallback=(200, 50)).columns
def debug_middleware(get_reponse):
def middleware(request):
db_logging = os.environ.get("DB_LOGGING", "")
is_detailed = db_logging.lower() == "detailed"
if db_logging and request.path not in IGNORE_URLS:
recorder = QueryRecorder()
db_ctx = connection.execute_wrapper(recorder)
recorder = None
db_ctx = contextlib.nullcontext()
with db_ctx:
response = get_reponse(request)
if recorder:
# We want to log, but immediately after the end of the request, so that
# it prints after the request info line in the development server.
# So use a one-shot request_finished callback
def callback(**kwargs):
display_query_info(recorder, request, response, detailed=is_detailed)
return response
return middleware
# Query collection
class QueryRecorder:
def __init__(self):
self.queries: list[QueryInfo] = []
def __call__(self, execute, sql, params, many, context):
current_query = QueryInfo(
start = time.time()
result = execute(sql, params, many, context)
except Exception as e:
current_query.status = "error"
current_query.exception = e
return result
duration = time.time() - start
current_query.duration = duration
class QueryInfo:
sql: str
params: list
many: bool
stacktrace: str
status: str = "ok"
exception: object = None
duration: float = None
original_order: int = 0
# Query analysis
class OutputInfo:
count: int
sql: str
stacktrace: str
total_db_time: float
original_order: int
def analyse_query_info(query_info: list[QueryInfo]) -> list[OutputInfo]:
grouped_queries = group_query_info(query_info)
def format_sql_with_params(sql, params):
return sql % params
except TypeError:
return f"{sql}; params={params}"
return [
sql=format_sql_with_params(queries[0].sql, queries[0].params),
total_db_time=sum(q.duration for q in queries if q.duration),
for queries in grouped_queries
def group_query_info(query_info: list[QueryInfo]) -> list[list[QueryInfo]]:
def key(query):
return (query.sql, query.stacktrace)
return [list(items) for _, items in itertools.groupby(sorted(query_info, key=key), key=key)]
# Display functions
def analyse_and_format_query_info(recorder, styler=None, screen_width=SCREEN_WIDTH):
queries = recorder.queries
output = io.StringIO()
if styler is None:
styler = get_styler()
def write(*args, **kwargs):
return print(*args, **kwargs, file=output)
output_info = analyse_query_info(queries)
output_info.sort(key=lambda item: (item.count, item.original_order))
for i, info in enumerate(output_info):
write(styler.YELLOW(f"=== Query {i + 1}: {info.count} repetitions ===="))
write(f"Total DB time: {info.total_db_time:.5f}ms")
write("SQL (example):\n")
write(f" {info.sql}")
# Summary table
table = texttable.Texttable(max_width=screen_width)
headers = ["Number", "Count", "Total time", "Query"]
# Header widths are enough for most columns:
col_widths = list(map(len, headers))
# Give remaining space to query. We also need to truncate query
# to that number of chars so that it doesn't wrap.
query_width = screen_width - sum(col_widths[:-1]) - (len(headers) * 3 + 2) # borders
col_widths[-1] = query_width
for i, info in enumerate(output_info):
query_trimmed = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", info.sql)[0:query_width]
table.add_row([i + 1, info.count, info.total_db_time, query_trimmed])
total_count = sum(info.count for info in output_info)
total_time = sum(info.total_db_time for info in output_info)
table.add_row(["ALL", total_count, total_time, ""])
return output.getvalue()
def display_query_info(recorder, request=None, response=None, detailed=False, screen_width=SCREEN_WIDTH):
styler = get_styler()
queries = recorder.queries
# -- Print simple --
if not detailed:
count = len(recorder.queries)
grouped_count = len(group_query_info(queries))
dupes = count - grouped_count
total_time = sum(q.duration for q in recorder.queries if q.duration)
count_formatted = (styler.RED if count > 50 else styler.YELLOW)(f"Count: {count} ")
dupes_formatted = (styler.RED if dupes > 10 else styler.YELLOW)(f"Dupes: {dupes} ")
styler.YELLOW("[DB] ") + count_formatted + dupes_formatted + styler.YELLOW(f"Total time: {total_time:.4f}")
# -- Print detailed --
# Request line:
url = request.build_absolute_uri() if request else ""
verb = request.method if request else ""
if response:
code = str(response.status_code)
code = ""
styler.BLACK(styler.BG_GREEN("=== "))
+ f" {verb} "
+ styler.BLACK(styler.BG_WHITE(url))
+ " "
+ (
if code[0]
in (
"2", # 2XX success
"3", # 3XX redirection
# 4XX, 5XX - errors
if code
else "" + " "
+ styler.BLACK(styler.BG_GREEN("==="))
# Queries + stacktrace
print(analyse_and_format_query_info(recorder, screen_width=SCREEN_WIDTH, styler=styler))
print(f"=== END {url} ===")
class Style:
BLACK = lambda x: "\033[30m" + str(x) + "\033[0m" # noqa: E731
RED = lambda x: "\033[31m" + str(x) + "\033[0m" # noqa: E731
GREEN = lambda x: "\033[32m" + str(x) + "\033[0m" # noqa: E731
YELLOW = lambda x: "\033[33m" + str(x) + "\033[0m" # noqa: E731
BG_GREEN = lambda x: "\033[42m" + str(x) + "\033[0m" # noqa: E731
BG_WHITE = lambda x: "\033[47m" + str(x) + "\033[0m" # noqa: E731
BG_RED = lambda x: "\033[41m" + str(x) + "\033[0m" # noqa: E731
class NoStyle:
def __getattr__(self, name):
# Return no-op for all styles.
return lambda x: str(x)
def get_styler(stdout=None):
if stdout is None:
stdout = sys.stdout
if stdout.isatty():
# Real terminal:
return Style
return NoStyle()
# Stack formatting
def safe_repr(obj):
# A repr that tries to ensure we don't do anything that might
# trigger extra work or DB queries, otherwise we'll be in trouble.
# For certain objects we try to include additional info we need.
if isinstance(obj, (str, int, float)):
return repr(obj)
if isinstance(obj, types.MethodType):
return repr(obj.__func__)
if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType):
return repr(obj)
if isinstance(obj, rest_framework.fields.SerializerMethodField):
return f'<{obj.__class__.__name__}(method_name="{obj.method_name}")>'
if isinstance(obj, rest_framework.fields.Field):
return f'<{obj.__class__.__name__}(source="{obj.source}")>'
return None
def fancy_format_stack(start_frame, limit=LIMIT, skip_modules=SKIP_MODULES, extra_info=EXTRA_INFO):
frame = start_frame
output = []
while any(True for skip in skip_modules if frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "").startswith(skip)):
if hasattr(frame, "f_back"):
frame = frame.f_back
# We want a normal stack trace, but with extra info in certain frames to
# show local variables and identify root causes. This is also helpful in
# deduplicating queries
count = 0
while count < limit:
if not frame:
line = traceback.format_stack(f=frame, limit=1)[0]
for module_name, function_name, local_name in extra_info:
if frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "") == module_name:
fs = traceback.extract_stack(frame, limit=1)[0]
if == function_name and local_name in frame.f_locals:
val = frame.f_locals[local_name]
r = safe_repr(val)
if r is None:
line += f" Locals: {local_name} :: {type(val)}\n"
line += f" Locals: {local_name} == {r}\n"
count += 1
if not hasattr(frame, "f_back"):
frame = frame.f_back
return "".join(output).rstrip()
def db_recorder_context():
Returns context that records queries.
For interactive use.
>>> with db_recorder_context() as recorder:
>>> do_stuff()
>>> recorder.queries
recorder = QueryRecorder()
db_ctx = connection.execute_wrapper(recorder)
with db_ctx:
yield recorder
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