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Last active January 23, 2023 06:19
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A combination of 2 super cool vba scripts that, together, allow you to distribute a simple button enabled excel macro without an installer
' All code comes from the following places:
' -
' -
Option Explicit
Dim cControl As CommandBarButton
' Set it to True to be able to Debug install mechanism
Const bVerboseMessages = False
' Will be use to verify if the procedure has already been run
Dim bAlreadyRun As Boolean
Sub MyInstallScript(ByVal location As String)
On Error Resume Next 'Just in case
'Delete any existing menu item that may have been left.
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("MyAddin").Delete
'Add the new menu item and set a CommandBarButton variable to it
Set cControl = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls.Add
'Work with the Variable
With cControl
.Caption = "MyAddin"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = location & "!MyMacro" 'Macro stored in a Standard Module [Integration: Pass the location of the installed script as a variable here]
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()
On Error Resume Next 'In case it has already gone.
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("MyAddin").Delete
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
' (c) Willy Roche (willy.roche(at)
' Install procedure of XLAM (library of functions)
' This procedure will install a file name .install.xlam in the proper excel directory
' The install package will be name
' During install you may be prompt to enable macros (accept it)
' You can accept to install or refuse (which let you modify the XLAM file macros or install procedure
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
' This sub will automatically start when xlam file is opened (both install version and installed version)
Dim oAddIn As Object, oXLApp As Object, oWorkbook As Workbook
Dim i As Integer
Dim iAddIn As Integer
Dim bAlreadyInstalled As Boolean
Dim sAddInName As String, sAddInFileName As String, sCurrentPath As String, sStandardPath As String
sCurrentPath = Me.Path & "\"
sStandardPath = Application.UserLibraryPath ' Should be Environ("AppData") & "\Microsoft\AddIns"
DebugBox ("Called from:'" & sCurrentPath & "'")
If InStr(1, Me.Name, ".install.xlam", vbTextCompare) Then
' This is an install version, so let’s pick the proper AddIn name
sAddInName = Left(Me.Name, InStr(1, Me.Name, ".install.xlam", vbTextCompare) - 1)
sAddInFileName = sAddInName & ".xlam"
' Avoid the re-entry of script after activating the addin
If Not (bAlreadyRun) Then
DebugBox ("Called from:'" & sCurrentPath & "' bAlreadyRun = false")
bAlreadyRun = True ' Ensure we won’t install it multiple times (because Excel reopen files after an XLAM installation)
If MsgBox("Do you want to install/overwrite '" & sAddInName & "' AddIn ?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
' Create a workbook otherwise, we get into troubles as Application.AddIns may not exist
Set oXLApp = Application
Set oWorkbook = oXLApp.Workbooks.Add
' Test if AddIn already installed
For i = 1 To Me.Application.AddIns.Count
If Me.Application.AddIns.Item(i).FullName = sStandardPath & sAddInFileName Then
bAlreadyInstalled = True
iAddIn = i
End If
Next i
If bAlreadyInstalled Then
' Already installed
DebugBox ("Called from:'" & sCurrentPath & "' Already installed")
If Me.Application.AddIns.Item(iAddIn).Installed Then
' Deactivate the add-in to be able to overwrite the file
Me.Application.AddIns.Item(iAddIn).Installed = False
Me.SaveCopyAs sStandardPath & sAddInFileName
Me.Application.AddIns.Item(iAddIn).Installed = True
MsgBox ("'" & sAddInName & "' AddIn Overwritten")
Me.SaveCopyAs sStandardPath & sAddInFileName
Me.Application.AddIns.Item(iAddIn).Installed = True
MsgBox ("'" & sAddInName & "' AddIn Overwritten & Reactivated")
End If
MyInstallScript (sStandardPath & sAddInFileName) '[Integration: Register button here instead of Workbook_AddinInstall]
' Not yet installed
DebugBox ("Called from:'" & sCurrentPath & "' Not installed")
Me.SaveCopyAs sStandardPath & sAddInFileName
Set oAddIn = oXLApp.AddIns.Add(sStandardPath & sAddInFileName, True)
MyInstallScript (sStandardPath & sAddInFileName) '[Integration: Register button here instead of Workbook_AddinInstall]
oAddIn.Installed = True
MsgBox ("'" & sAddInName & "' AddIn Installed and Activated")
End If
oWorkbook.Close (False) ' Close the workbook opened by the install script
oXLApp.Quit ' Close the app opened by the install script
Set oWorkbook = Nothing ' Free memory
Set oXLApp = Nothing ' Free memory
Me.Close (False)
End If
DebugBox ("Called from:'" & sCurrentPath & "' Already Run")
' Already run, so nothing to do
End If
DebugBox ("Called from:'" & sCurrentPath & "' in place")
' Already in right place, so nothing to do
End If
End Sub
Sub DebugBox(sText As String)
If bVerboseMessages Then MsgBox (sText)
End Sub
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