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Last active July 14, 2016 17:15
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Use wildcard in allowedClasses RTE
* This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
* It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
* of the License, or any later version.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
* The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['Objects'][\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\RteHtmlParser::class] = [
'className' => \Vendor\ExtensionKey\Html\RteHtmlParser::class
# For example glyphicon integration
RTE.default.proc.allowedClasses := addToList(glyphicon,glyphicon-*)
# FontAwesome integration
RTE.default.proc.allowedClasses := addToList(fa,fa-*)
namespace Vendor\ExtensionKey\Html;
* This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
* It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
* of the License, or any later version.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
* The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\RteHtmlParser as OriginalRteHtmlParser;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
class RteHtmlParser extends OriginalRteHtmlParser
* Function that can clean up HTML content according to configuration given in the $tags array.
* Initializing the $tags array to allow a list of tags (in this case <B>,<I>,<U> and <A>), set it like this: $tags = array_flip(explode(',','b,a,i,u'))
* If the value of the $tags[$tagname] entry is an array, advanced processing of the tags is initialized. These are the options:
* $tags[$tagname] = Array(
* 'overrideAttribs' => '' If set, this string is preset as the attributes of the tag
* 'allowedAttribs' => '0' (zero) = no attributes allowed, '[commalist of attributes]' = only allowed attributes. If blank, all attributes are allowed.
* 'fixAttrib' => Array(
* '[attribute name]' => Array (
* 'set' => Force the attribute value to this value.
* 'unset' => Boolean: If set, the attribute is unset.
* 'default' => If no attribute exists by this name, this value is set as default value (if this value is not blank)
* 'always' => Boolean. If set, the attribute is always processed. Normally an attribute is processed only if it exists
* 'trim,intval,lower,upper' => All booleans. If any of these keys are set, the value is passed through the respective PHP-functions.
* 'range' => Array ('[low limit]','[high limit, optional]') Setting integer range.
* 'list' => Array ('[value1/default]','[value2]','[value3]') Attribute must be in this list. If not, the value is set to the first element.
* 'removeIfFalse' => Boolean/'blank'. If set, then the attribute is removed if it is 'FALSE'. If this value is set to 'blank' then the value must be a blank string (that means a 'zero' value will not be removed)
* 'removeIfEquals' => [value] If the attribute value matches the value set here, then it is removed.
* 'casesensitiveComp' => 1 If set, then the removeIfEquals and list comparisons will be case sensitive. Otherwise not.
* )
* ),
* 'protect' => '', Boolean. If set, the tag <> is converted to &lt; and &gt;
* 'remap' => '', String. If set, the tagname is remapped to this tagname
* 'rmTagIfNoAttrib' => '', Boolean. If set, then the tag is removed if no attributes happend to be there.
* 'nesting' => '', Boolean/'global'. If set TRUE, then this tag must have starting and ending tags in the correct order. Any tags not in this order will be discarded. Thus '</B><B><I></B></I></B>' will be converted to '<B><I></B></I>'. Is the value 'global' then true nesting in relation to other tags marked for 'global' nesting control is preserved. This means that if <B> and <I> are set for global nesting then this string '</B><B><I></B></I></B>' is converted to '<B></B>'
* )
* @param string $content Is the HTML-content being processed. This is also the result being returned.
* @param array $tags Is an array where each key is a tagname in lowercase. Only tags present as keys in this array are preserved. The value of the key can be an array with a vast number of options to configure.
* @param string $keepAll Boolean/'protect', if set, then all tags are kept regardless of tags present as keys in $tags-array. If 'protect' then the preserved tags have their <> converted to &lt; and &gt;
* @param int $hSC Values -1,0,1,2: Set to zero= disabled, set to 1 then the content BETWEEN tags is htmlspecialchar()'ed, set to -1 its the opposite and set to 2 the content will be HSC'ed BUT with preservation for real entities (eg. "&amp;" or "&#234;")
* @param array $addConfig Configuration array send along as $conf to the internal functions ->processContent() and ->processTag()
* @return string Processed HTML content
public function HTMLcleaner($content, $tags = [], $keepAll = 0, $hSC = 0, $addConfig = [])
$newContent = [];
$tokArr = explode('<', $content);
$newContent[] = $this->processContent(current($tokArr), $hSC, $addConfig);
// We skip the first element in foreach loop
$tokArrSliced = array_slice($tokArr, 1, null, true);
$c = 1;
$tagRegister = [];
$tagStack = [];
$inComment = false;
$inCdata = false;
$skipTag = false;
foreach ($tokArrSliced as $tok) {
if ($inComment) {
if (($eocPos = strpos($tok, '-->')) === false) {
// End of comment is not found in the token. Go further until end of comment is found in other tokens.
$newContent[$c++] = '<' . $tok;
// Comment ends in the middle of the token: add comment and proceed with rest of the token
$newContent[$c++] = '<' . substr($tok, 0, ($eocPos + 3));
$tok = substr($tok, $eocPos + 3);
$inComment = false;
$skipTag = true;
} elseif ($inCdata) {
if (($eocPos = strpos($tok, '/*]]>*/')) === false) {
// End of comment is not found in the token. Go futher until end of comment is found in other tokens.
$newContent[$c++] = '<' . $tok;
// Comment ends in the middle of the token: add comment and proceed with rest of the token
$newContent[$c++] = '<' . substr($tok, 0, $eocPos + 10);
$tok = substr($tok, $eocPos + 10);
$inCdata = false;
$skipTag = true;
} elseif (substr($tok, 0, 3) == '!--') {
if (($eocPos = strpos($tok, '-->')) === false) {
// Comment started in this token but it does end in the same token. Set a flag to skip till the end of comment
$newContent[$c++] = '<' . $tok;
$inComment = true;
// Start and end of comment are both in the current token. Add comment and proceed with rest of the token
$newContent[$c++] = '<' . substr($tok, 0, ($eocPos + 3));
$tok = substr($tok, $eocPos + 3);
$skipTag = true;
} elseif (substr($tok, 0, 10) === '![CDATA[*/') {
if (($eocPos = strpos($tok, '/*]]>*/')) === false) {
// Comment started in this token but it does end in the same token. Set a flag to skip till the end of comment
$newContent[$c++] = '<' . $tok;
$inCdata = true;
// Start and end of comment are both in the current token. Add comment and proceed with rest of the token
$newContent[$c++] = '<' . substr($tok, 0, $eocPos + 10);
$tok = substr($tok, $eocPos + 10);
$skipTag = true;
$firstChar = $tok[0];
// It is a tag... (first char is a-z0-9 or /) (fixed 19/01 2004). This also avoids triggering on <?xml..> and <!DOCTYPE..>
if (!$skipTag && preg_match('/[[:alnum:]\\/]/', $firstChar) == 1) {
$tagEnd = strpos($tok, '>');
// If there is and end-bracket... tagEnd can't be 0 as the first character can't be a >
if ($tagEnd) {
$endTag = $firstChar == '/' ? 1 : 0;
$tagContent = substr($tok, $endTag, $tagEnd - $endTag);
$tagParts = preg_split('/\\s+/s', $tagContent, 2);
$tagName = strtolower($tagParts[0]);
$emptyTag = 0;
if (isset($tags[$tagName])) {
// If there is processing to do for the tag:
if (is_array($tags[$tagName])) {
if (preg_match('/^(' . self::VOID_ELEMENTS . ' )$/i', $tagName)) {
$emptyTag = 1;
// If NOT an endtag, do attribute processing (added dec. 2003)
if (!$endTag) {
// Override attributes
if ((string)$tags[$tagName]['overrideAttribs'] !== '') {
$tagParts[1] = $tags[$tagName]['overrideAttribs'];
// Allowed tags
if ((string)$tags[$tagName]['allowedAttribs'] !== '') {
// No attribs allowed
if ((string)$tags[$tagName]['allowedAttribs'] === '0') {
$tagParts[1] = '';
} elseif (trim($tagParts[1])) {
$tagAttrib = $this->get_tag_attributes($tagParts[1]);
$tagParts[1] = '';
$newTagAttrib = [];
if (!($tList = $tags[$tagName]['_allowedAttribs'])) {
// Just explode attribts for tag once
$tList = ($tags[$tagName]['_allowedAttribs'] = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',',
strtolower($tags[$tagName]['allowedAttribs']), true));
foreach ($tList as $allowTag) {
if (isset($tagAttrib[0][$allowTag])) {
$newTagAttrib[$allowTag] = $tagAttrib[0][$allowTag];
$tagParts[1] = $this->compileTagAttribs($newTagAttrib, $tagAttrib[1]);
// Fixed attrib values
if (is_array($tags[$tagName]['fixAttrib'])) {
$tagAttrib = $this->get_tag_attributes($tagParts[1]);
$tagParts[1] = '';
foreach ($tags[$tagName]['fixAttrib'] as $attr => $params) {
if (isset($params['set']) && $params['set'] !== '') {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = $params['set'];
if (!empty($params['unset'])) {
if (!isset($tagAttrib[0][$attr]) && (string)$params['default'] !== '') {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = $params['default'];
if ($params['always'] || isset($tagAttrib[0][$attr])) {
if ($params['trim']) {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = trim($tagAttrib[0][$attr]);
if ($params['intval']) {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = (int)$tagAttrib[0][$attr];
if ($params['lower']) {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = strtolower($tagAttrib[0][$attr]);
if ($params['upper']) {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = strtoupper($tagAttrib[0][$attr]);
if ($params['range']) {
if (isset($params['range'][1])) {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($tagAttrib[0][$attr],
(int)$params['range'][0], (int)$params['range'][1]);
} else {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($tagAttrib[0][$attr],
if (is_array($params['list'])) {
// For the class attribute, remove from the attribute value any class not in the list
// Classes are case sensitive
if ($attr == 'class') {
$newClasses = [];
$classes = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(' ', $tagAttrib[0][$attr], true);
foreach ($classes as $class) {
if (in_array($class, $params['list'])) {
$newClasses[] = $class;
} else {
foreach ($this->allowedClasses as $allowedClass) {
if (strpos($allowedClass, '*') !== false) {
$regexAllowedClass = '/' . str_replace('*', '.*', $allowedClass) . '/';
if (preg_match($regexAllowedClass, $class) !== false) {
$newClasses[] = $class;
if (!empty($newClasses)) {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = implode(' ', $newClasses);
} else {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = $params['list'][0];
} else {
if (!in_array($this->caseShift($tagAttrib[0][$attr],
$this->caseShift($params['list'], $params['casesensitiveComp'], $tagName))
) {
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = $params['list'][0];
if ($params['removeIfFalse'] && $params['removeIfFalse'] != 'blank' && !$tagAttrib[0][$attr] || $params['removeIfFalse'] == 'blank' && (string)$tagAttrib[0][$attr] === '') {
if ((string)$params['removeIfEquals'] !== '' && $this->caseShift($tagAttrib[0][$attr],
$params['casesensitiveComp']) === $this->caseShift($params['removeIfEquals'],
) {
if ($params['prefixLocalAnchors']) {
if ($tagAttrib[0][$attr][0] === '#') {
if ($params['prefixLocalAnchors'] == 2) {
/** @var \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer $contentObjectRenderer */
$contentObjectRenderer = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::class);
$prefix = $contentObjectRenderer->getUrlToCurrentLocation();
} else {
$prefix = GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_URL');
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = $prefix . $tagAttrib[0][$attr];
if ($params['prefixRelPathWith']) {
$urlParts = parse_url($tagAttrib[0][$attr]);
if (!$urlParts['scheme'] && $urlParts['path'][0] !== '/') {
// If it is NOT an absolute URL (by http: or starting "/")
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = $params['prefixRelPathWith'] . $tagAttrib[0][$attr];
if ($params['userFunc']) {
if (is_array($params['userFunc.'])) {
$params['userFunc.']['attributeValue'] = $tagAttrib[0][$attr];
} else {
$params['userFunc.'] = $tagAttrib[0][$attr];
$tagAttrib[0][$attr] = GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($params['userFunc'],
$params['userFunc.'], $this);
$tagParts[1] = $this->compileTagAttribs($tagAttrib[0], $tagAttrib[1]);
} else {
// If endTag, remove any possible attributes:
$tagParts[1] = '';
// Protecting the tag by converting < and > to &lt; and &gt; ??
if ($tags[$tagName]['protect']) {
$lt = '&lt;';
$gt = '&gt;';
} else {
$lt = '<';
$gt = '>';
// Remapping tag name?
if ($tags[$tagName]['remap']) {
$tagParts[0] = $tags[$tagName]['remap'];
// rmTagIfNoAttrib
if ($endTag || trim($tagParts[1]) || !$tags[$tagName]['rmTagIfNoAttrib']) {
$setTag = 1;
// Remove this closing tag if $tagName was among $TSconfig['removeTags']
if ($endTag && $tags[$tagName]['allowedAttribs'] === 0 && $tags[$tagName]['rmTagIfNoAttrib'] === 1) {
$setTag = 0;
if ($tags[$tagName]['nesting']) {
if (!is_array($tagRegister[$tagName])) {
$tagRegister[$tagName] = [];
if ($endTag) {
$correctTag = 1;
if ($tags[$tagName]['nesting'] == 'global') {
$lastEl = end($tagStack);
if ($tagName !== $lastEl) {
if (in_array($tagName, $tagStack)) {
while (!empty($tagStack) && $tagName !== $lastEl) {
$elPos = end($tagRegister[$lastEl]);
$lastEl = end($tagStack);
} else {
// In this case the
$correctTag = 0;
if (empty($tagRegister[$tagName]) || !$correctTag) {
$setTag = 0;
} else {
if ($tags[$tagName]['nesting'] == 'global') {
} else {
array_push($tagRegister[$tagName], $c);
if ($tags[$tagName]['nesting'] == 'global') {
array_push($tagStack, $tagName);
if ($setTag) {
// Setting the tag
$newContent[$c++] = $this->processTag($lt . ($endTag ? '/' : '') . trim($tagParts[0] . ' ' . $tagParts[1]) . ($emptyTag ? ' /' : '') . $gt,
$addConfig, $endTag, $lt == '&lt;');
} else {
$newContent[$c++] = $this->processTag('<' . ($endTag ? '/' : '') . $tagContent . '>', $addConfig,
} elseif ($keepAll) {
// This is if the tag was not defined in the array for processing:
if ($keepAll === 'protect') {
$lt = '&lt;';
$gt = '&gt;';
} else {
$lt = '<';
$gt = '>';
$newContent[$c++] = $this->processTag($lt . ($endTag ? '/' : '') . $tagContent . $gt, $addConfig, $endTag,
$lt == '&lt;');
$newContent[$c++] = $this->processContent(substr($tok, $tagEnd + 1), $hSC, $addConfig);
} else {
$newContent[$c++] = $this->processContent('<' . $tok, $hSC, $addConfig);
} else {
$newContent[$c++] = $this->processContent(($skipTag ? '' : '<') . $tok, $hSC, $addConfig);
// It was not a tag anyways
$skipTag = false;
// Unsetting tags:
foreach ($tagRegister as $tag => $positions) {
foreach ($positions as $pKey) {
$newContent = implode('', $newContent);
$newContent = $this->stripEmptyTagsIfConfigured($newContent, $addConfig);
return $newContent;
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