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Last active December 6, 2022 19:35
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How to improve third-party libraries with Kotlin extensions
package tech.zone2.mime
import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.Message
import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.Multipart
import org.apache.james.mime4j.message.BodyPartBuilder
import org.apache.james.mime4j.message.MultipartBuilder
import tech.zone2.mime.html
import tech.zone2.mime.text
fun main() {
val textPart = BodyPartBuilder.create()
.setBody("plain text content", "plain", Charsets.UTF_8)
val htmlPart = BodyPartBuilder.create()
.setBody("<html><body>content</body></html>", "html", Charsets.UTF_8)
val multipart: Multipart = MultipartBuilder.create("alternative")
val message = Message.Builder.of()
println(message.text) // -> plain text content
println(message.html) // -> <html><body>content</body></html>
package tech.zone2.mime
import org.apache.james.mime4j.Charsets
import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.Entity
import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.Message
import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.Multipart
import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.TextBody
import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.field.FieldName
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException
private const val textHtml = "text/html"
private const val textPlain = "text/plain"
val Message.html: String?
get() {
val textBody = findTextBody(setOf(textHtml)) ?: return null
return textBody.content
val Message.text: String?
get() {
val textBody = findTextBody(setOf(textPlain, null)) ?: return null
return textBody.content
private val Entity.isNotAttachment
get() = dispositionType == null
private val Entity.isInlinedWithoutCid
get() = dispositionType == "inline" && header.getField(FieldName.CONTENT_ID) == null
private fun Entity.findTextBody(validMimeTypes: Set<String?>): TextBody? {
if (body is TextBody && mimeType in validMimeTypes && (isNotAttachment || isInlinedWithoutCid)) {
return body as TextBody
if (!isMultipart) {
return null
return (body as Multipart).bodyParts
.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.findTextBody(validMimeTypes) }
private val TextBody.contentCharset
get() = try {
} catch (e: IllegalCharsetNameException) {
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
} catch (e: UnsupportedCharsetException) {
private val TextBody.content: String
get() {
val byteArrayOutputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
return String(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(), contentCharset)
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