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Last active August 10, 2018 11:30
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  • Save spormeon/de3ff11dab116644a4742b07c0187243 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save spormeon/de3ff11dab116644a4742b07c0187243 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var timeoutMap = {
0 : 2100,
1 : 2100,
2 : 2100,
3 : 2000,
4 : 2000,
5 : 1900,
6 : 1900,
7 : 1500,
8 : 1700,
9 : 1500,
10 : 1700,
11 : 1900,
12 : 1700,
13 : 1500,
14 : 1500,
15 : 1500,
16 : 1500,
17 : 1500,
18 : 1500,
19 : 1500,
20 : 1500,
21 : 1900,
22 : 2000,
23 : 2000
var t = new Date().getUTCHours();
PREBID_TIMEOUT = timeoutMap[t];
var assertive_entityId = 'eE88aE2HtwKnXikcL';
var assertive_debug = 0; // append the query string 'assertiveYield=debug' or add this local storage entry 'localStorage.setItem("assertiveYield", "debug")' to enable dynamically
var assertive_sampleRate = 1; // 1 = 100%, 0.2 = 20%...
var assertive_timeout = null;
var assertive_layout = null;
var assertive_userState = null;
// example of supplying a custom var from a prev. defined var
assertive_timeout = PREBID_TIMEOUT;
// example of reading data from website and supplying as custom var
var DOMReady = function(a,b,c){b=document,c='addEventListener';b[c]?b[c]('DOMContentLoaded',a):window.attachEvent('onload',a);};
DOMReady(function () {
try {
var innerHTML = document.querySelector('body > div.navbar ul.nav > li:last-child > a').innerHTML;
if ( innerHTML === "Logout" ) {
assertive_userState = 'Anonymous';
} else if ( innerHTML === "Register" ) {
assertive_userState = 'LoggedIn';
} catch(e) {
//load up prebid.js, I think we need to load this earlier
(function() {
var pbjsEl = document.createElement("script");
pbjsEl.type = "text/javascript";
pbjsEl.async = true;
pbjsEl.src = "//";
var pbjsTargetEl = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
pbjsTargetEl.insertBefore(pbjsEl, pbjsTargetEl.firstChild);
<!-- Prebid Config Section START -->
var gpt_config = {
// prebid_timeout: 3000, //left for reference but not using right now...
// default_gbp_rate: 0.77, // not being used
// latest_gbp_rate: 0.77414, //RATE AS AT 30-08-2017 , not being used, using newRate from the function
// dynamically_lookup_gbp_rate: true,
// mobileWidthBreakpoint: 640,
// tabletWidthBreakpoint: 767,
bigbox_sizes: [[300, 600], [300, 250], [160, 600], [120, 600],[250,250]],
bigbox_sizes_tablet: [[300, 250],[250,250]],
bigbox_sizes_mobile: [[300, 250],[250,250]],
leaderboard_sizes: [[970, 250],[970, 90],[728, 90],[468,60],[320, 50],[234,60]],
leaderboard_sizes_tablet: [[728, 90],[468,60],[320, 50],[234,60]],
leaderboard_sizes_mobile: [[320, 50],[234,60]],
skin_sizes: [[1, 1]]
}; //./gpt_config
var adUnits = [
//new ad unit block
code: 'inreedvidSlot',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[728, 90], [300, 250], [320, 50]]
bids: [
{ bidder: 'teads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '75853', pageId: '87372' } },
{ bidder: 'appnexus', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '11971351' } } /* one placementId for all sizes */
] //./bids
//new ad unit block
code: 'inreedvid1Slot',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[728, 90], [300, 250], [320, 50]]
bids: [
{ bidder: 'teads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '95333', pageId: '87372' } },
{ bidder: 'appnexus', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '11971351' } } /* one placementId for all sizes */
] //./bids
//new ad unit block
code: 'inreedvid2Slot',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[728, 90], [300, 250], [320, 50]]
bids: [
{ bidder: 'teads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '95334', pageId: '87372' } },
{ bidder: 'appnexus', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '11971351' } } /* one placementId for all sizes */
] //./bids
//new ad unit block
code: 'inreedvid3Slot',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[728, 90], [300, 250], [320, 50]]
bids: [
{ bidder: 'teads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '95335', pageId: '87372' } },
{ bidder: 'appnexus', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '11971351' } } /* one placementId for all sizes */
] //./bids
//new ad unit block
code: 'topleaderSlot',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[970, 250], [970, 90], [728, 90], [468, 60], [320, 50]]
bids: [
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { placement: '4882887', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 728x90 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '6507337', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 970x250 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '6507338', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 970x90 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { placement: '6507341', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 468x60 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placement: '6507340', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 320x50 */
/* { bidder: 'featureforward', params: {pubId:28, siteId:6, placementId: '4' } }, */
/* { bidder: 'atomx', params: { id: '3808200'} }, */ /* does all sizes, not working at moment */
{ bidder: 'appnexus', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '11971351' } }, /* one placementId for all sizes */
{ bidder: 'rhythmone', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '76184' } }, /* one placementId for all sizes */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002322' } }, /* 970x250 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002329' } }, /* 970x90 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { placementId: '12002330' } }, /* 728x90 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { placementId: '12002331' } }, /* 468x60 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '12002333' } }, /* 320x50 */
{ bidder: 'conversant', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { site_id: '118233' } }, /* 728x90 */
{ bidder: 'districtm', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: 11937610 } }, /* 970x250 - 970x90 - 728x90 - 468x60 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '970X250', cp: '561446', ct: '602634' } },
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '970X90', cp: '561446', ct: '602642' } },
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { cf: '728X90', cp: '561446', ct: '602643' } },
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { cf: '320X50', cp: '561446', ct: '602644' } },
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87690' } }, */ /* 970x250 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87691' } }, */ /* 728x90 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoapn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '11968754' } }, */ /* 970x250 */
/* { bidder: 'sonobi', params: { ad_unit: '/1001824/prebid_test2', dom_id: 'div-gpt-ad-1503393253852-1', floor: 0.5 } }, */ /* does all sizes, different sort of setup */
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { tagId: '575684' } }, /* 970x250 */
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { tagId: '574059' } }, /* 728x90 */
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { tagId: '575686' } }, /* 468x60 */
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { tagId: '575687' } }, /* 320x50 */
/* { bidder: 'huddledmasses', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { placement_id: 6545 } }, */ /* 728x90 */
/* { bidder: 'smartyads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { banner_id: 6379 } }, */ /*728x90*/
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId:'VZ-HB-Y968967V15GC66'} }, */ /* 970x250 */
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { placementId:'VZ-HB-P786728VDF5C56'} }, */ /*7 28x90 */
/* { bidder: 'springserveAlias2', params: { placementId: '12463800'} } */ /* 970x250 - 970x90 - 728x90 */
{ bidder: 'adsparc', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { networkId: '9969', siteId: '1019801'} }, /*one placementId for all sizes*/
/* { bidder: 'contentignite', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { accountID: '168237', zoneID: '316287'} }, */ /*728x90*/
/* { bidder: 'contentignite', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { accountID: '168237', zoneID: '316289'} }, */ /*320x50*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { zoneid: '53862'} }, */ /*728x90*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { zoneid: '53865'} }, */ /*320x50*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { zoneid: '54663'} }, */ /*468x60*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { inSlot: '14605' } }, /*gumgum-970x90*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { inSlot: '14604' } }, /*gumgum-728x90*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { inSlot: '14603' } }, /*gumgum-468x60*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { inSlot: '14602' } }, /*gumgum-320x50*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: '7cd3a578076555b630cf3525595dbe33' } }, /*somo-970x250*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: '7ea46e02b3b69d777e1fe8f6a96a3af6' } }, /*somo-970x90*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { placement_hash: '08068141ea62f58f5e86ec750e1b2c9c' } }, /*somo-728x90*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placement_hash: '35dcb1ced18e7d865844af641e1c3b59' } }, /*somo-468x60*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placement_hash: '69d91b86f5c09a59230594bb8b274e34' } }, /*somo-320x50*/
{ bidder: '33across', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { siteId : 'siab', productId: 'cLN3UCBHar5OfDrkHcnlKl' } } /*All sizes*/
/* { bidder: 'bizzclick', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId : '38' } } */ /*728x90*/
] //./bids
//new ad unit block
code: 'toprightSlot',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[300, 600], [300, 250], [160, 600], [120, 600]]
bids: [
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placement: '4882886', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '4882888', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '5293857', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 300x600 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '6507339', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 120x600 */
/* { bidder: 'atomx', params: { id: '3808201'} }, */ /* does all sizes, not working at moment */
/* { bidder: 'featureforward', params: {pubId:28, siteId:6, placementId: '3' }}, */
/* { bidder: 'switch', params: { adUnitID: 6632, domain:'' } }, */ /* 160x600, 120x600, 300x600, 300x250, 300x50 */
{ bidder: 'appnexus', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '11971351' } }, /* one placementId for all sizes */
{ bidder: 'rhythmone', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '76184' } }, /* one placementId for all sizes */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002334' } }, /* 300x600 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '12002335' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002336' } }, /* 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002337' } }, /* 120x600 */
{ bidder: 'conversant', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { site_id: '118233' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'districtm', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: 11937611 } }, /* 300x600 - 300x250 - 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '300X600', cp: '561446', ct: '602638' } }, /* 300x600 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { cf: '300X250', cp: '561446', ct: '602639' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '160X600', cp: '561446', ct: '602640' } }, /* 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '120X600', cp: '561446', ct: '602641' } }, /* 120x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87709' } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87692' } }, */ /* 300x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87694' } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoapn', params: { placementId: '11968755' } }, */ /* 300x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoapn', params: { placementId: '11968756' } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoapn', params: { placementId: '11968757' } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sonobi', params: { ad_unit: '/1001824/prebid_test1', dom_id: 'div-gpt-ad-1503393253852-0', floor: 0.0 } }, */ /* does all sizes, different sort of setup */
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { tagId: '574058' } }, /* 300x600*/
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { tagId: '575683' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { tagId: '574057' } }, /* 160x600*/
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { tagId: '575685' } }, /* 120x600 */
/* { bidder: 'huddledmasses',params: { placement_id: 6544 } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'huddledmasses',params: { placement_id: 6546 } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'komoona', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { hbid: 'e885cf345b55406b9c37415b7fcc8409', placementId: 'be3564ac269d63fb992e3b2554e06ada' } }, */ /* _KB 300x600 */
/* { bidder: 'komoona', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { hbid: 'e885cf345b55406b9c37415b7fcc8409', placementId: '2d14facbe61621faad0c7b2aa0458cff' } }, */ /* _KB 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'komoona', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { hbid: 'e885cf345b55406b9c37415b7fcc8409', placementId: '3ef8c7500669dc363bec56f1e5a393f7' } }, */ /* _KB 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'smartyads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { banner_id: '6368' } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'smartyads', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { banner_id: '6383' } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-F839907VGB86E1'} }, */ /*300x600*/
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-M568254V344777'} }, */ /*300x250*/
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-I951082VE249HH'} }, */ /*160x600*/
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-P511170V2009D9'} }, */ /*120x250*/
/* { bidder: 'springserveAlias2', params: { placementId: '12463797'} } */ /* 300x600 - 300x250 - 160x600 - 120x600 */
{ bidder: 'adsparc', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { networkId: '9969', siteId: '1019801'} }, /*one placementId for all sizes*/
/* { bidder: 'contentignite', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { accountID: '168237', zoneID: '316288'} }, */ /*300x250*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { zoneid: '53864'} }, */ /*300x250*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { zoneid: '53866'} }, */ /*300x600*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { zoneid: '53863'} }, */ /*160x600*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { zoneid: '54662'} }, */ /*120x600*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { inSlot: '14598' } }, /*gumgum-160x600*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { inSlot: '14600' } }, /*gumgum-300x250*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { inSlot: '14601' } }, /*gumgum-300x600*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: 'cf17e3f3896fdd66f5382875847b4f0e' } }, /*300x600*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placement_hash: '1152340cac3268b0e737b49c1382cd2b' } }, /*300x250*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: '90f47aec2647cba6d85b667413a38f61' } }, /*160x600*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: 'f90e06a5c41c0d7d8dda78b18b3bd7d8' } }, /*120x600*/
{ bidder: '33across', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { siteId : 'siab', productId: 'cLN3UCBHar5OfDrkHcnlKl' } } /*All sizes*/
/* { bidder: 'teads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '85341', pageId: '87372' } } */
] //./bids
//new ad unit block
code: 'middlerightSlot',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[300, 600], [300, 250], [160, 600], [120, 600]]
bids: [
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placement: '4882886', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '4882888', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '5293857', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 300x600 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '6507339', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 120x600 */
/* { bidder: 'atomx', params: { id: '3808201'} }, */ /* does all sizes, not working at moment */
/* { bidder: 'featureforward', params: {pubId:28, siteId:6, placementId: '3' }}, */
/* { bidder: 'switch', params: { adUnitID: 6632, domain:'' } }, */ /* 160x600, 120x600, 300x600, 300x250, 300x50 */
{ bidder: 'appnexus', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '11971351' } }, /* one placementId for all sizes */
{ bidder: 'rhythmone', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '76184' } }, /* one placementId for all sizes */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002334' } }, /* 300x600 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '12002335' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002336' } }, /* 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002337' } }, /* 120x600 */
{ bidder: 'conversant', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { site_id: '118233' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'districtm', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: 11937611 } }, /* 300x600 - 300x250 - 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '300X600', cp: '561446', ct: '602638' } }, /* 300x600 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { cf: '300X250', cp: '561446', ct: '602639' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '160X600', cp: '561446', ct: '602640' } }, /* 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '120X600', cp: '561446', ct: '602641' } }, /* 120x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87709' } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87692' } }, */ /* 300x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87694' } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoapn', params: { placementId: '11968755' } }, */ /* 300x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoapn', params: { placementId: '11968756' } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoapn', params: { placementId: '11968757' } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sonobi', params: { ad_unit: '/1001824/prebid_test1', dom_id: 'div-gpt-ad-1503393253852-0', floor: 0.0 } }, */ /* does all sizes, different sort of setup */
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { tagId: '574058' } }, /* 300x600*/
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { tagId: '575683' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { tagId: '574057' } }, /* 160x600*/
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { tagId: '575685' } }, /* 120x600 */
/* { bidder: 'huddledmasses',params: { placement_id: 6544 } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'huddledmasses',params: { placement_id: 6546 } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'komoona', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { hbid: 'e885cf345b55406b9c37415b7fcc8409', placementId: 'be3564ac269d63fb992e3b2554e06ada' } }, */ /* _KB 300x600 */
/* { bidder: 'komoona', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { hbid: 'e885cf345b55406b9c37415b7fcc8409', placementId: '2d14facbe61621faad0c7b2aa0458cff' } }, */ /* _KB 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'komoona', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { hbid: 'e885cf345b55406b9c37415b7fcc8409', placementId: '3ef8c7500669dc363bec56f1e5a393f7' } }, */ /* _KB 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'smartyads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { banner_id: 6368 } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'smartyads', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { banner_id: 6383 } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-F839907VGB86E1'} }, */ /*300x600*/
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-M568254V344777'} }, */ /*300x250*/
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-I951082VE249HH'} }, */ /*160x600*/
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-P511170V2009D9'} }, */ /*120x250*/
/* { bidder: 'springserveAlias2', params: { placementId: '12463797'} } */ /* 300x600 - 300x250 - 160x600 - 120x600 */
{ bidder: 'adsparc', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { networkId: '9969', siteId: '1019801'} }, /*one placementId for all sizes*/
/* { bidder: 'contentignite', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { accountID: '168237', zoneID: '316288'} }, */ /*300x250*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { zoneid: '53864'} }, */ /*300x250*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { zoneid: '53866'} }, */ /*300x600*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { zoneid: '53863'} }, */ /*160x600*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { zoneid: '54662'} }, */ /*120x600*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { inSlot: '14598' } }, /*gumgum-160x600*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { inSlot: '14600' } }, /*gumgum-300x250*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { inSlot: '14601' } }, /*gumgum-300x600*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: 'cf17e3f3896fdd66f5382875847b4f0e' } }, /*300x600*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placement_hash: '1152340cac3268b0e737b49c1382cd2b' } }, /*300x250*
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: '90f47aec2647cba6d85b667413a38f61' } }, /*160x600*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: 'f90e06a5c41c0d7d8dda78b18b3bd7d8' } }, /*120x600*/
{ bidder: '33across', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { siteId : 'siab', productId: 'cLN3UCBHar5OfDrkHcnlKl' } } /*All sizes*/
/* { bidder: 'teads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '82762', pageId: '87372' } } */
] //./bids
//new ad unit block
code: 'bottomrightSlot',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[300, 600], [300, 250], [160, 600], [120, 600]]
bids: [
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placement: '4882886', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '4882888', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '5293857', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 300x600 */
{ bidder: 'aol', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement: '6507339', network: '4436.1', server: '' } }, /* 120x600 */
/* { bidder: 'atomx', params: { id: '3808201'} }, */ /* does all sizes, not working at moment */
/* { bidder: 'featureforward', params: {pubId:28, siteId:6, placementId: '3' }}, */
/* { bidder: 'switch', params: { adUnitID: 6632, domain:'' } }, */ /* 160x600, 120x600, 300x600, 300x250, 300x50 */
{ bidder: 'appnexus', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '11971351' } }, /* one placementId for all sizes */
{ bidder: 'rhythmone', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '76184' } }, /* one placementId for all sizes */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002334' } }, /* 300x600 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '12002335' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002336' } }, /* 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'brealtime', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: '12002337' } }, /* 120x600 */
{ bidder: 'conversant', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { site_id: '118233' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'districtm', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: 11937611 } }, /* 300x600 - 300x250 - 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '300X600', cp: '561446', ct: '602638' } }, /* 300x600 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { cf: '300X250', cp: '561446', ct: '602639' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '160X600', cp: '561446', ct: '602640' } }, /* 160x600 */
{ bidder: 'pulsepoint', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { cf: '120X600', cp: '561446', ct: '602641' } }, /* 120x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87709' } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87692' } }, */ /* 300x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoUM', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { spaceId: '87694' } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoapn', params: { placementId: '11968755' } }, */ /* 300x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoapn', params: { placementId: '11968756' } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'sekindoapn', params: { placementId: '11968757' } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'sonobi', params: { ad_unit: '/1001824/prebid_test1', dom_id: 'div-gpt-ad-1503393253852-0', floor: 0.0 } }, */ /* does all sizes, different sort of setup */
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { tagId: '574058' } }, /* 300x600*/
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { tagId: '575683' } }, /* 300x250 */
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { tagId: '574057' } }, /* 160x600*/
{ bidder: 'sovrn', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { tagId: '575685' } }, /* 120x600 */
/* { bidder: 'huddledmasses',params: { placement_id: 6544 } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'huddledmasses',params: { placement_id: 6546 } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'komoona', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { hbid: 'e885cf345b55406b9c37415b7fcc8409', placementId: 'be3564ac269d63fb992e3b2554e06ada' } }, */ /* _KB 300x600 */
/* { bidder: 'komoona', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { hbid: 'e885cf345b55406b9c37415b7fcc8409', placementId: '2d14facbe61621faad0c7b2aa0458cff' } }, */ /* _KB 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'komoona', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { hbid: 'e885cf345b55406b9c37415b7fcc8409', placementId: '3ef8c7500669dc363bec56f1e5a393f7' } }, */ /* _KB 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'smartyads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { banner_id: 6368 } }, */ /* 300x250 */
/* { bidder: 'smartyads', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { banner_id: 6383 } }, */ /* 160x600 */
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-F839907VGB86E1'} }, */ /*300x600*/
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-M568254V344777'} }, */ /*300x250*/
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-I951082VE249HH'} }, */ /*160x600*/
/* { bidder: 'vertoz', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placementId: 'VZ-HB-P511170V2009D9'} }, */ /*120x250*/
/* { bidder: 'springserveAlias2', params: { placementId: '12463797'} } */ /* 300x600 - 300x250 - 160x600 - 120x600 */
{ bidder: 'adsparc', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { networkId: '9969', siteId: '1019801'} }, /*one placementId for all sizes*/
/* { bidder: 'contentignite', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { accountID: '168237', zoneID: '316288'} }, */ /*300x250*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { zoneid: '53864'} }, */ /*300x250*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { zoneid: '53866'} }, */ /*300x600*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { zoneid: '53863'} }, */ /*160x600*/
/* { bidder: 'fidelity', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { zoneid: '54662'} }, */ /*120x600*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { inSlot: '14598' } }, /*gumgum-160x600*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { inSlot: '14600' } }, /*gumgum-300x250*/
{ bidder: 'gumgum', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { inSlot: '14601' } }, /*gumgum-300x600*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: 'cf17e3f3896fdd66f5382875847b4f0e' } }, /*300x600*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placement_hash: '1152340cac3268b0e737b49c1382cd2b' } }, /*300x250*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: '90f47aec2647cba6d85b667413a38f61' } }, /*160x600*/
{ bidder: 'somoaudience', labelAny: ['desktop'], params: { placement_hash: 'f90e06a5c41c0d7d8dda78b18b3bd7d8' } }, /*120x600*/
{ bidder: '33across', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { siteId : 'siab', productId: 'cLN3UCBHar5OfDrkHcnlKl' } } /*All sizes*/
/* { bidder: 'teads', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet', 'phone'], params: { placementId: '95262', pageId: '87372' } } */
] //./bids
//new ad unit block
code: 'skinSlot',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[1, 1]]
bids: [
/* { bidder: 'justpremium', labelAny: ['desktop', 'tablet'], params: { zone: '50978', allow: ['wp', 'sa', 'pu', 'pd', 'pa', 'ms', 'mo', 'is', 'as', 'fa', 'fi', 'hi', 'cf'] } } */ /* wallpaper, video wallpaper */
] //./bids
]; //./adUnits
<!-- Prebid Boilerplate Section START. No Need to Edit. -->
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googletag.cmd.push(function() {
var pbjs = pbjs || {};
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pbjs.aliasBidder('appnexus','springserveAlias2'); // alias for bidder
pbjs.aliasBidder('appnexus','districtm'); // alias for bidder
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aol: { bidCpmAdjustment : function(bidCpm){ return bidCpm * 0.85; } }, // adjust the bid in real time before the auction takes place
districtm: { bidCpmAdjustment : function(bidCpm){ return bidCpm * 0.90; } }, // adjust the bid in real time before the auction takes place
sekindonUM: { bidCpmAdjustment : function(bidCpm){ return bidCpm * 0.75; } }, // adjust the bid in real time before the auction takes place
brealtime: { bidCpmAdjustment : function(bidCpm){ return bidCpm * 0.80; } }, // adjust the bid in real time before the auction takes place
springserveAlias2: { bidCpmAdjustment : function(bidCpm){ return bidCpm * 0.65; } }, // adjust the bid in real time before the auction takes place
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adUnitCodes: [slot.getSlotElementId()],
bidsBackHandler: function() {
Object.keys(config.sizeMappings).forEach(function (key) {
var sizeMappingBuilder = googletag.sizeMapping();
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}, config.definitons[elementId].timeout);
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var def = config.definitons[key];
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[[768, 500],[[728, 90],[468, 60],[320, 50],[234, 60]]],
[[1, 1],[[320, 50],[234, 60]]],
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[[1024, 768],[[300, 600],[300, 250],[160, 600],[120, 600],[250, 250]]],
[[768, 500],[[300, 250],[250, 250]]],
[[1, 1],[[300, 250],[250, 250]]],
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[[1024, 768],[[728, 90],[300, 250]]],
[[768, 500],[[728, 90],[300, 250]]],
[[1, 1],[[300, 250],[320, 50]]],
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[[1024, 768],[[1, 1]]],
[[768, 500],[[1, 1]]],
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