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Created June 22, 2012 09:52
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Convenient classes for loading and analyzing midi files in Processing / java, using the Sequence Object
class MidiLoader {
*loads a midi file from disk and stores all notes in a nested Array List, using the Helper class "Note"
* needs some cleanup though
ArrayList<ArrayList<Note>> tracks;
long maxTicks = 0;
final boolean DO_PRINT = false;
MidiLoader(String fileName) {
//Notes are stored in this nested array list to mirror the track-note structure (depending on type of midi file)
tracks = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Note>>();
Track[] trx;
try {
File myMidiFile = new File(dataPath(fileName));
Sequence mySeq = MidiSystem.getSequence(myMidiFile);
trx = mySeq.getTracks();
for (int i = 0; i < trx.length; i++) {
ArrayList<Note> trackAsList = new ArrayList<Note>();
Track t = trx[i];
if (DO_PRINT) {
println("track ");
println("length:"+ t.ticks());
println("num events:" + t.size());
int counter = 0;
//iterate over the vector, and remove each handled event.
while (t.size () > 0 && counter < t.size()) {
counter ++;
if (t.get(0).getMessage() instanceof ShortMessage) {
ShortMessage s = (ShortMessage)(t.get(0).getMessage());
//find note on events
if (s.getCommand() == ShortMessage.NOTE_ON) {
if (DO_PRINT)println(s.getCommand() + " " + s.getChannel() +" " + s.getData1() + " " + s.getData2());
//store all the values temporarily in order to find the associated note off event
long startTime = t.get(0).getTick();
long endTime = 0;
int ch = s.getChannel();
int pitch = s.getData1();
int vel = s.getData2();
//if the first note has zero velocity (== noteOff), remove it
if (vel == 0) {
else {
//start to look for the associated note off
for (int j = 0; j < t.size(); j++) {
if (t.get(j).getMessage() instanceof ShortMessage) {
ShortMessage s2 = (ShortMessage)(t.get(j).getMessage());
//two types to send a note off... either as a clean command or as note on with 0 velocity
if ((s2.getCommand() == ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF) || s2.getCommand() == ShortMessage.NOTE_ON) {
//compare to stored values, sending a note off with same channel and pitch means to stop the note
if (s2.getChannel() == ch && s2.getData1() == pitch && s2.getData2() == 0) {
//calculate note duration
endTime = t.get(j).getTick();
//extend maxticks, so we know when the last midi event happened (sometimes tracks are much longer than the last note
if (endTime > maxTicks)maxTicks = endTime;
//create a new "Note" instance, store it
Note n = new Note(startTime, endTime-startTime, ch, vel, pitch);
//remove event when done
else {
//remove events which are shortmessages but not note on (e.g. control change)
else {
//remove events which are not of type short message
catch (Exception e) {
ArrayList<Note> trackAsArrayList(int i) {
return tracks.get(i);
// return null;
int numTracks() {
return tracks.size();
*Helper Class Note, stores start time, end time, channel, pitch and duration
class Note {
long start;
long duration;
int channel;
int velocity;
int pitch;
Note(long theStart, long theDuration, int theChannel, int theVelocity, int thePitch) {
start = theStart;
channel = theChannel;
pitch = thePitch;
velocity = theVelocity;
duration = theDuration;
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