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load-yaml-dump-json A script to test YAML load against many implementations
# Usage:
# cat file.yml | load-yaml-dump-json
# ./load-yaml-dump-json # enter data and ctl-d when finished
echo == Perl
echo "$yaml" | perl -0E 'use YAML; use JSON; say encode_json Load <>'
echo YAML::XS:
echo "$yaml" | perl -0E 'use YAML::XS; use JSON; say encode_json Load <>'
echo YAML::Syck:
echo "$yaml" | perl -0E 'use YAML::Syck; use JSON; say encode_json Load <>'
echo YAML::Tiny:
echo "$yaml" | perl -0E 'use YAML::Tiny; use JSON; say encode_json Load <>'
echo == Python==
echo PyYaml:
echo "$yaml" | python -c 'import sys, yaml, json; print json.dumps(yaml.load('
echo == Ruby==
echo Psych:
echo "$yaml" | ruby -e 'require "yaml"; require "json"; puts JSON.dump(YAML.load('
echo == Node.js ==
echo js-node:
echo "$yaml" | node -e 'f = require("fs"); y = require("js-yaml"); console.log(JSON.stringify(y.load(f.readFileSync("/dev/stdin").toString())))'
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