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Created May 12, 2022 06:01
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#!/usr/bin/env xcrun -sdk macosx swift
// x2.swift
// Created by john on 20/1/2020.
import ApplicationServices
import Foundation
import CoreVideo
import IOKit
import OSAKit
import OpenDirectory
class DisplayManager {
let displayID:CGDirectDisplayID, displayInfo:[DisplayInfo], modes:[CGDisplayMode], modeIndex:Int
init(_ _displayID:CGDirectDisplayID) {
displayID = _displayID
var modesArray:[CGDisplayMode]?
if let modeList = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes(displayID, [kCGDisplayShowDuplicateLowResolutionModes:kCFBooleanTrue] as CFDictionary) {
modesArray = (modeList as! Array).filter { ($0 as CGDisplayMode).isUsableForDesktopGUI() }
} else {
print("Unable to get display modes")
modes = modesArray!
displayInfo = { DisplayInfo(displayID:_displayID, mode:$0) }
let mode = CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(displayID)!
modeIndex = modes.firstIndex(of:mode)!
private func _format(_ di:DisplayInfo, leadingString:String, trailingString:String) -> String {
// We assume that 5 digits are enough to hold dimensions.
// 100K monitor users will just have to live with a bit of formatting misalignment.
return String(
format:" %@ %5d x %4d @ %dx @ %dHz%@",
di.width, di.height,
di.scale, di.frequency,
func printForOneDisplay(_ leadingString:String) {
print(_format(displayInfo[modeIndex], leadingString:leadingString, trailingString:""))
func printFormatForAllModes() {
var i = 0
displayInfo.forEach { di in
let bool = i == modeIndex
print(_format(di, leadingString: bool ? "\u{001B}[0;33m⮕" : " ", trailingString: bool ? "\u{001B}[0;49m" : ""))
i += 1
private func _set(_ mi:Int) {
let mode:CGDisplayMode = modes[mi]
print("Setting display mode")
var config:CGDisplayConfigRef?
let error:CGError = CGBeginDisplayConfiguration(&config)
if error == .success {
CGConfigureDisplayWithDisplayMode(config, displayID, mode, nil)
let afterCheck = CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration(config, CGConfigureOption.permanently)
if afterCheck != .success { CGCancelDisplayConfiguration(config) }
func set(with setting: DisplayUserSetting) {
if let mi = displayInfo.firstIndex(where: { setting ~= $0 }) {
if mi != modeIndex { _set(mi) }
} else {
print("This mode is unavailable")
// return width, height and frequency info for corresponding displayID
struct DisplayInfo {
static let MAX_SCALE = 10
var width, height, scale, frequency:Int
init(displayID:CGDirectDisplayID, mode:CGDisplayMode) {
width = mode.width
height = mode.height
scale = mode.pixelWidth / mode.width;
frequency = Int( mode.refreshRate )
if frequency == 0 {
var link:CVDisplayLink?
CVDisplayLinkCreateWithCGDisplay(displayID, &link)
let time = CVDisplayLinkGetNominalOutputVideoRefreshPeriod(link!)
// timeValue is in fact already in Int64
let timeScale = Int64(time.timeScale) + time.timeValue / 2
frequency = Int( timeScale / time.timeValue )
static func ~= (lhs: Self, rhs: DisplayUserSetting) -> Bool {
return rhs ~= lhs
// Supported command calls:
// 1 width => 2
// 2 id, width
// 3 width, scale => 6
// 4 width, height => 5
// 5 id, width, height
// 6 id, width, scale
// 7 id, width, height, scale
struct DisplayUserSetting {
var displayIndex = 0, width = 0
var height, scale:Int?
init(_ arr:[String]) {
var args = arr.compactMap { Int($0) }
if args.count < 1 { return }
if args[0] > Screens.MAX_DISPLAYS { args.insert(0 /* displayIndex */, at:0) }
if args.count < 2 { return }
displayIndex = args[0]
width = args[1]
if args.count == 2 { return }
if args[2] > DisplayInfo.MAX_SCALE {
height = args[2]
if args.count > 3 { scale = args[3] }
else {
scale = args[2]
if args.count > 3 { height = args[3] }
// override a lesser-used operator to simplify diplay mode checks
static func ~= (lhs: Self, rhs: DisplayInfo) -> Bool {
var bool = lhs.width == rhs.width
if lhs.height != nil { bool = bool && lhs.height == rhs.height }
if lhs.scale != nil { bool = bool && lhs.scale == rhs.scale }
return bool
class Screens {
// assume at most 8 display connected
static let MAX_DISPLAYS = 8
var maxDisplays = MAX_DISPLAYS
// actual number of display
var displayCount:Int = 0
var dm = [DisplayManager]()
init() {
// actual number of display
var displayCount32:UInt32 = 0
var displayIDs = [CGDirectDisplayID](arrayLiteral: 0)
guard CGGetOnlineDisplayList(UInt32(maxDisplays), &displayIDs, &displayCount32) == .success else {
print("Error on getting online display List.")
displayCount = Int( displayCount32 )
dm = { DisplayManager($0) }
// print a list of all displays
// used by -l
func listDisplays() {
for (i, m) in dm.enumerated() {
m.printForOneDisplay("Display \(i):")
func listModes(_ displayIndex:Int) {
func set(with setting:DisplayUserSetting) {
// darkMode toggle code with JXA ;-)
// Method from Stackoverflow User: bacongravy
struct DarkMode {
static let scriptString = """
pref = Application(\"System Events\").appearancePreferences
pref.darkMode = !pref.darkMode()
let script = OSAScript.init(source: scriptString, language: OSALanguage.init(forName: "JavaScript"))
init() {
var compileError: NSDictionary?
func toggle() {
var scriptError: NSDictionary?
if let result = script.executeAndReturnError(&scriptError)?.stringValue { print("Dark Mode:", result) }
func sleepDisplay() {
let r = IORegistryEntryFromPath(0, strdup("IOService:/IOResources/IODisplayWrangler"))
IORegistryEntrySetCFProperty(r, ("IORequestIdle" as CFString), kCFBooleanTrue)
/// In Big Sur and above, User Switcher is now via Control Center.
/// This means we cannot invoke the `CGSession` binary from the User menu extra.
/// We manually perform what Control Center itself does to effectively create a session.
func switchUser(user id: uid_t) {
// login.framework houses symbols invoked by Control Center for user switching.
let login = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/login.framework/Versions/A/login", RTLD_NOW)
let function = dlsym(login, "SACStartSessionForUser")
if function == nil {
print("Unable to find the SACStartSessionForUser symbol! Has login.framework changed?")
var record: ODRecord
do {
// We need to obtain the user we are switching to.
// Query the local Open Directory instance.
let session = ODSession.default()
let node = try ODNode(session: session, type: ODNodeType(kODNodeTypeAuthentication))
let query = try ODQuery(node: node, forRecordTypes: [kODRecordTypeUsers], attribute: kODAttributeTypeUniqueID, matchType: ODMatchType(kODMatchEqualTo), queryValues: "\(id)", returnAttributes: kODAttributeTypeStandardOnly, maximumResults: 0)
// Make sure we actually have a user returned.
let results = try query.resultsAllowingPartial(false)
if results.isEmpty {
print("Unable to query users!")
guard let firstResult = results.first,
let recordResult = firstResult as? ODRecord else {
print("Unable to convert user to ODRecord!")
record = recordResult
// Update the record to have the actual password.
var details = try record.recordDetails(forAttributes: nil)
// We apparently must set UserPasswordKey to be empty.
details[kODAttributeTypePassword] = ""
// Finally, switch!
// int SACStartSessionForUser(NSDictionary* attributes)
typealias arguments = @convention(c) (NSDictionary) -> Int
let SACStartSessionForUser = unsafeBitCast(function, to: arguments.self)
let result = SACStartSessionForUser(details as NSDictionary)
} catch let e {
print("Unable to query authentication for user: \(e)")
func seeHelp() {
screen-resolution-switcher [-h|--help] [-l|--list|list] [-m|--mode|mode displayIndex]
[-s|--set|set displayIndex width scale] [-r|--set-retina|retina displayIndex width]
[-u|--user|user userId]
Here are some examples:
-u 501 create session given user ID, or current user if not specified
-h get help
-l list displays
-m 0 list all mode from a certain display
-m shorthand for -m 0
-s 0 800 600 1 set resolution of display 0 to 800 x 600 @ 1x [@ 60Hz]
-s 0 800 600 set resolution of display 0 to 800 x 600 @(highest scale factor)
-s 0 800 1 set resolution of display 0 to 800 [x 600] @ 1x [@ 60Hz]
-s 0 800 shorthand for -s 0 800 2 (highest scale factor)
-s 800 shorthand for -s 0 800 2 (highest scale factor)
-r 0 800 shorthand for -s 0 800 2
-r 800 shorthand for -s 0 800 2
-d toggle macOS Dark Mode
-sl sleep display
func main() {
let arguments = CommandLine.arguments
let count = arguments.count
guard count >= 2 else {
// We need to handle user first, as Screens will fail otherwise.
let command = arguments[1]
if command == "-u" || command == "--user" {
var userId: uid_t
if count > 2 {
// Switch to the given user ID.
guard let determined = uid_t(arguments[2]) else {
print("Invalid user ID!")
userId = determined
} else {
// Use the invoking user.
userId = getuid()
switchUser(user: userId)
// Handle other commands.
let screens = Screens()
switch command {
case "-l", "--list", "list":
case "-m", "--mode", "mode":
var displayIndex = 0
if count > 2, let index = Int(arguments[2]) {
displayIndex = index
if displayIndex < screens.displayCount {
print("Supported Modes for Display \(displayIndex):")
} else {
print("Display index not found. List all available displays by:\n screen-resolution-switcher -l")
case "-s", "--set", "set", "-r", "--set-retina", "retina":
screens.set(with:DisplayUserSetting( arguments ))
case "-d", "--toggle-dark-mode":
case "-sl", "--sleep", "sleep":
#if os(macOS)
// run it
print("This script currently only runs on macOS")
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What does this thing do Snoot? :D (Appears to be a screen resolution switcher for mac? 👀 )

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spotlightishere commented May 20, 2022

What does this thing do Snoot? :D (Appears to be a screen resolution switcher for mac? 👀 )

Somewhat! It was an attempt at resolving some issues on a Scaleway-provided Mac, but did not work 😅

The most recent version of this script is available here:

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