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Created July 18, 2020 08:05
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pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
contract IFactRegistry {
Returns true if the given fact was previously registered in the contract.
function isValid(bytes32 fact)
external view
contract PublicInputOffsets {
// The following constants are offsets of data expected in the public input.
uint256 internal constant OFFSET_LOG_TRACE_LENGTH = 0;
uint256 internal constant OFFSET_VDF_OUTPUT_X = 1;
uint256 internal constant OFFSET_VDF_OUTPUT_Y = 2;
uint256 internal constant OFFSET_VDF_INPUT_X = 3;
uint256 internal constant OFFSET_VDF_INPUT_Y = 4;
contract BeaconContract is PublicInputOffsets {
event LogNewRandomness(uint256 blockNumber, bytes32 randomness);
// Mapping: blockNumber -> randomness.
mapping(uint256 => bytes32) private registeredRandomness;
uint256 latestBlockNumber;
address public owner;
uint256 public n_iterations;
IFactRegistry verifierContract;
uint256 internal constant PRIME = 0x30000003000000010000000000000001;
uint256 internal constant MAX_LOG_TRACE_LENGTH = 40;
uint256 internal constant PUBLIC_INPUT_SIZE = 5;
modifier onlyOwner {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Sender is not the owner");
constructor(address verifierAddress, uint256 n_iters) public {
owner = msg.sender;
verifierContract = IFactRegistry(verifierAddress);
n_iterations = n_iters;
Registers a new randomness if and only if:
1. Can verify the block hash of the given blockNumber and that it indeed equals blockHash.
2. The vdfInput calculted from the given blockHash matches the given proofPublicInput.
3. The proofPublicInput was registered as a fact in the verifier contract.
Updates latest randomness.
function registerNewRandomness(
uint256 blockNumber,
bytes32 blockHash,
uint256[PUBLIC_INPUT_SIZE] calldata proofPublicInput
) external onlyOwner {
// EVM can get block hash only for latest 256 blocks.
blockNumber < block.number && block.number <= blockNumber + 255,
"Block is not within the last 256 blocks."
// In case blockNumber refers to a block which is more than 256 blocks old,
// blockhash(blockNumber) returns 0.
blockhash(blockNumber) == blockHash && blockHash != 0,
"blockHash does not match blockNumber or too old."
"VDF reported length exceeds the integer overflow protection limit."
n_iterations == 10 * 2**proofPublicInput[OFFSET_LOG_TRACE_LENGTH] - 1,
"Public input and n_iterations are not compatible."
proofPublicInput[OFFSET_VDF_OUTPUT_X] < PRIME &&
proofPublicInput[OFFSET_VDF_OUTPUT_Y] < PRIME,
"Invalid vdf output."
// To calculate the input of the VDF we first hash the blockHash with the string "veedo",
// then we split the last 250 bits to two 125 bit field elements.
uint256 vdfInput = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(blockHash, "veedo")));
vdfInput & ((1 << 125) - 1) == proofPublicInput[OFFSET_VDF_INPUT_X],
"blockHash does not match the given proofPublicInput."
((vdfInput >> 125) & ((1 << 125) - 1)) == proofPublicInput[OFFSET_VDF_INPUT_Y],
"blockHash does not match the given proofPublicInput."
"No valid proof provided."
// The randomness is the hash of the VDF output and the string "veedo"
bytes32 randomness = keccak256(
registeredRandomness[blockNumber] = randomness;
emit LogNewRandomness(blockNumber, randomness);
// Update latestBlockNumber if blockNumber is greater than latestBlockNumber.
if (blockNumber > latestBlockNumber) {
latestBlockNumber = blockNumber;
If there is a randomness for blockNumber, returns it.
Otherwise, returns 0.
function getRandomness(uint256 blockNumber)
returns (bytes32)
return registeredRandomness[blockNumber];
Returns the latest registered (blockNumber, randomness).
function getLatestRandomness() external view returns (uint256, bytes32) {
return (latestBlockNumber, registeredRandomness[latestBlockNumber]);
contract RndContract is BeaconContract {
uint256 public count = 50;
event TestEv(bytes32 randNumber, uint256 currBlock, uint256 count);
constructor() public BeaconContract(address(this), 5) {}
function getRandNumber() public returns(bytes32 rndNumber) {
uint256 currBlock = block.number;
rndNumber = this.getRandomness(currBlock);
emit TestEv(rndNumber, currBlock, count);
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