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Last active January 19, 2016 20:39
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Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
import numpy,math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random as random
random.seed(1) # set random seed.
# Draw random samples from Salpeter IMF.
# N ... number of samples.
# alpha ... power-law index.
# M_min ... lower bound of mass interval.
# M_max ... upper bound of mass interval.
def sampleFromSalpeter(N, alpha, M_min, M_max):
# Convert limits from M to logM.
log_M_Min = math.log(M_min)
log_M_Max = math.log(M_max)
# Since Salpeter SMF decays, maximum likelihood occurs at M_min
maxlik = math.pow(M_min, 1.0 - alpha)
# Prepare array for output masses.
Masses = []
# Fill in array.
while (len(Masses) < N):
# Draw candidate from logM interval.
logM = random.uniform(log_M_Min,log_M_Max)
M = math.exp(logM)
# Compute likelihood of candidate from Salpeter SMF.
likelihood = math.pow(M, 1.0 - alpha)
# Accept randomly.
u = random.uniform(0.0,maxlik)
if (u < likelihood):
return Masses
log_M_min = math.log(1.0)
log_M_max = math.log(100.0)
def evaluateLogLikelihood(params, D, N, M_min, M_max):
alpha = params[0]
c = (1.0 - alpha)/(math.pow(M_max, 1.0-alpha) - math.pow(M_min, 1.0-alpha))
# return Log Likelihood
return N*math.log(c) - alpha*D
# Generate toy data.
N = 1000000 # Draw 1 Million examples
alpha = 2.35
M_min = 1.0
M_max = 100.0
Masses = sampleFromSalpeter(N, alpha, M_min, M_max)
LogM = numpy.log(numpy.array(Masses))
D = numpy.mean(LogM)*N
# Define gradient of log-likelihood.
def evaluateGradient(params, D, N, M_min, M_max, log_M_min, log_M_max):
alpha = params[0] # extract alpha
grad = log_M_min*math.pow(M_min, 1.0-alpha) - log_M_max*math.pow(M_max, 1.0-alpha)
grad = 1.0 + grad*(1.0 - alpha)/(math.pow(M_max, 1.0-alpha)- math.pow(M_min, 1.0-alpha))
grad = -D - N*grad/(1.0 - alpha)
return numpy.array(grad)
log_M_min = math.log(1.0)
log_M_max = math.log(100.0)
# Initial guess for alpha as array.
guess = [3.0]
# Prepare storing MCMC chain.
A = [guess]
# define stepsize of MCMC.
stepsize = 0.000047
accepted = 0.0
import copy
# Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo.
for n in range(10000):
old_alpha = A[len(A)-1]
# Remember, energy = -loglik
old_energy = -evaluateLogLikelihood(old_alpha, D, N, M_min,
old_grad = -evaluateGradient(old_alpha, D, N, M_min,
M_max, log_M_min, log_M_max)
new_alpha = copy.copy(old_alpha) # deep copy of array
new_grad = copy.copy(old_grad) # deep copy of array
# Suggest new candidate using gradient + Hamiltonian dynamics.
# draw random momentum vector from unit Gaussian.
p = random.gauss(0.0, 1.0)
H =,p)/2.0 + old_energy # compute Hamiltonian
# Do 5 Leapfrog steps.
for tau in range(5):
# make half step in p
p = p - stepsize*new_grad/2.0
# make full step in alpha
new_alpha = new_alpha + stepsize*p
# compute new gradient
new_grad = -evaluateGradient(old_alpha, D, N, M_min,
M_max, log_M_min, log_M_max)
# make half step in p
p = p - stepsize*new_grad/2.0
# Compute new Hamiltonian. Remember, energy = -loglik.
new_energy = -evaluateLogLikelihood(new_alpha, D, N, M_min,
newH =,p)/2.0 + new_energy
dH = newH - H
# Accept new candidate in Monte-Carlo fashion.
if (dH < 0.0):
accepted = accepted + 1.0
u = random.uniform(0.0,1.0)
if (u < math.exp(-dH)):
accepted = accepted + 1.0
# Discard first half of MCMC chain and thin out the rest.
Clean = []
for n in range(len(A)/2,len(A)):
if (n % 10 == 0):
# Print Monte-Carlo estimate of alpha.
print "Mean: "+str(numpy.mean(Clean))
print "Sigma: "+str(numpy.std(Clean))
plt.hist(Clean, 20, histtype='step', lw=3)
plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha$', fontsize=24)
plt.ylabel(r'$\cal L($Data$;\alpha)$', fontsize=24)
print "Acceptance rate = "+str(accepted/float(len(A)))
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