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Created May 28, 2021 08:14
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Audio download create
# pip install -U pytube aflr
from pytube import YouTube
import aflr
import os
def aflr_create(scriptName, message):
aflr.api_key = "APIKEY"
script = aflr.Script().create(scriptText= message, scriptName=scriptName, moduleName="video", projectName="new_video")
response = aflr.Speech().create(scriptId=script.get("scriptId"), voice="Joanna", speed = "100", silence_padding = str(1000 * 2))
if scriptName == "audio":
response = aflr.Mastering().create(scriptId=script.get("scriptId"),backgroundTrackId="full__deepsea.wav")
elif scriptName == "speech":
response = aflr.Mastering().create(scriptId=script.get("scriptId"))
response = aflr.Mastering().download(scriptId=script.get("scriptId"), destination=".")
def downloadYouTube(videourl, filename):
yt = YouTube(videourl)
yt.streams.get_highest_resolution().download(filename = "./" + filename)
def combine_audio(video, speech, audio):
os.system(f'ffmpeg -i {video} -i {speech} -filter_complex "[0:a]volume=0.4[a0]; [1:a]volume=0.9[a1]; [a0][a1]amix=duration=longest[a]" -map 0:v -map "[a]" -c:v copy overlayAudio.mp4')
os.system(f'ffmpeg -i {video} -i {audio} -filter_complex "[0:a]volume=0.0[a0]; [1:a]volume=1.0[a1]; [a0][a1]amix=duration=longest[a]" -map 0:v -map "[a]" -c:v copy substituteAudio.mp4')
def download_create():
text = "<break time='5s'/>This could be your video voice over <break time='1s'/> Write your text here! Add breaks and personalisation parameters. Choose from our list of 180+ speakers. There are voices in Spanish, Enlgish, German and more! Create beautiful video voice overs."
downloadYouTube("", "downloadedVideo")
tracks = ["speech", "audio"]
for track in tracks:
aflr_create(track, text)
combine_audio("downloadedVideo.mp4", "speech.mp3", "audio.mp3")
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