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Last active July 30, 2021 02:40
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Vee Validate - Child Component Example
import Vue from 'vue';
const bus = new Vue();
export default bus;
<input v-validate data-rules="required" :class="{'has-error': errors.has("textInput")}" id="textInput" name="textInput" type="text">
<span class="error" v-show="errors.has("textInput")">{{ errors.first("textInput") }}</span>
import { find, propEq } from 'ramda'
import bus from './bus'
export default {
mounted() {
//Listen on the bus for the parent component running validation
bus.$on('validate', this.onValidate)
//Watch for the changes to the childs error bag and pass back to the parent
this.$watch(() => this.errors.errors, (newValue, oldValue) => {
const newErrors = newValue.filter(error =>
find(propEq('field', error.field))(oldValue) === undefined
const oldErrors = oldValue.filter(error =>
find(propEq('field', error.field))(newValue) === undefined
bus.$emit('errors-changed', newErrors, oldErrors)
methods: {
onValidate() {
if (this.errors.any()) {
bus.$emit('errors-changed', this.errors.errors)
beforeDestroy() {
//When destroying the element remove the listeners on the bus.
//Useful for dynaically adding and removing child components
bus.$emit('errors-changed', [], this.errors.errors)
bus.$off('validate', this.onValidate)
<button :disabled="errors.any()" :click="submit()"></button>
import bus from './bus'
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent'
export default {
mounted() {
//Emit that validation is required on the bus
this.$on('veeValidate', () => {
//Listen on the bus for changers to the child components error bag and merge in/remove errors
bus.$on('errors-changed', (newErrors, oldErrors) => {
newErrors.forEach(error => {
if (!this.errors.has(error.field)) {
this.errors.add(error.field, error.msg)
if (oldErrors) {
oldErrors.forEach(error => {
methods: {
submit() {
//On button pressed run validation
if (!this.errors.any()) {
//Do Sumbit
components: {
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cdarken commented Apr 4, 2017

@sproogen mate, the line here is a bit misleading because at you're using this.$validator. Can you update the gist to be a bit more clear, please ?

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Is there any way to make the errors object global? Would make things easier.

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I can't get this working... validateAll() is a promise, so I don't really see how this should work

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lehni commented May 4, 2017

@sproogen I believe I found a simpler way to address this situation, see logaretm/vee-validate#468 (comment)

At the moment, this requires a bit of hacking with the internals of vee-validate to remove the beforeCreate() and mounted() hooks, but maybe this pattern can find its way into the library...

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I tried for 6 hours to get this working with my app (as I have deeply nested components). Eventually, I just used this Advanced -
and had it solved in 3 minutes flat. If you can't get the above to work, try the injection route!

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lattam commented Jul 5, 2017

@stephenmac that's perfect, thanks! One line in child component solves everything (I have a form with several sub-form components).

inject: ['$validator']

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@lattam this not worked for me... any idea?

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Simply adding that single line @lattam talks about didn't work for me either. I also had to do Vue.use(VeeValidate, { inject: false }); and manually set the validator on the parent element with: $validates: true,

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I add inject: ['$validator'] in child component but show a warning Injection "__ob__" not found

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imjeen commented Sep 7, 2017

this.errors.errors should be this.errors.items

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pymarco commented Sep 8, 2017

I get Injection "__ob__" not found too, the same as @woodyalan.

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dokicro commented Feb 23, 2018

@lattam this works perfectly!

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You can use the instance of the parent validator in the child component (this.$validator = this.$parent.$validator in child component created hook) to validate all of the child components from the parent instance.

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awgv commented Apr 20, 2018

If someone stumbles on this gist in the future, you can also use Vue’s provide/inject API to request the parent’s validator instance.

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garymcm commented Apr 28, 2018

Taking the multiple clues from the last 10 messages here, the way I got this to work was:

Parent Component:

provide () {
    return { parentValidator: this.$validator }

Child Component:

inject: [ 'parentValidator' ],
 created () {
    this.$validator = this.parentValidator

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mixn commented Jun 20, 2018

@garymcm That worked perfectly — thank you! :)

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@garymcm thank you .

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As @Banandrew wrote, you can use inject API. The link was updated so here is an updated link ->

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jurifo commented Aug 1, 2018

@garymcm thanks

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@garymcm this worked perfectly, many thanks!

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@garymcm thank you!

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@garymcm Thx man, was struggling for hours with this

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cby016 commented Jan 17, 2019

Thanks @garymcm. Your 7 lines of example code were much more helpful than the documentation at

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Thanks @garymcm. Your 7 lines of example code were much more helpful than the documentation at

You're DM Right!
Thanks @garymcm

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@garymcm WOW... amazing

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@garymcm Thanks !!

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@garymcm That works perfectly. Thank you

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@garymcm thank you :)

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created () {
this.$validator = this.parentValidator

It works, Thanks.

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@garymcm thank you, it worked perfectly

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