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Created May 19, 2011 15:13
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PaymentExpress Payment Class
#* Name :
#* Description : Classes used interact with the PxPay interface using PHP with the cURL extension installed
#* Copyright : Direct Payment Solutions 2009(c)
#* Date : 2009-04-10
#* Version : 1.0
#* Author : Thomas Treadwell
# Use this class to parse an XML document
class MifMessage
var $xml_;
var $xml_index_;
var $xml_value_;
# Constructor:
# Create a MifMessage with the specified XML text.
# The constructor returns a null object if there is a parsing error.
function MifMessage($xml)
$p = xml_parser_create();
$ok = xml_parse_into_struct($p, $xml, $value, $index);
if ($ok)
$this->xml_ = $xml;
$this->xml_value_ = $value;
$this->xml_index_ = $index;
# Return the value of the specified top-level attribute.
# This method can only return attributes of the root element.
# If the attribute is not found, return "".
function get_attribute($attribute)
$attributes = $this->xml_value_[0]["attributes"];
return $attributes[$attribute];
# Return the text of the specified element.
# The element is given as a simplified XPath-like name.
# For example, "Link/ServerOk" refers to the ServerOk element
# nested in the Link element (nested in the root element).
# If the element is not found, return "".
function get_element_text($element)
$index = $this->get_element_index($element, 0);
if ($index == 0)
return "";
#When element existent but empty
$elementObj = $this->xml_value_[$index];
if (! array_key_exists("value", $elementObj))
return "";
return $this->xml_value_[$index]["value"];
# (internal method)
# Return the index of the specified element,
# relative to some given root element index.
function get_element_index($element, $rootindex = 0)
#$element = strtoupper($element);
$pos = strpos($element, "/");
if ($pos !== false)
# element contains '/': find first part
$start_path = substr($element,0,$pos);
$remain_path = substr($element,$pos+1);
$index = $this->get_element_index($start_path, $rootindex);
if ($index == 0)
# couldn't find first part give up.
return 0;
# recursively find rest
return $this->get_element_index($remain_path, $index);
# search from the parent across all its children
# i.e. until we get the parent's close tag.
$level = $this->xml_value_[$rootindex]["level"];
if ($this->xml_value_[$rootindex]["type"] == "complete")
return 0; # no children
$index = $rootindex+1;
while ($index<count($this->xml_value_) &&
!($this->xml_value_[$index]["level"]==$level &&
# if one below parent and tag matches, bingo
if ($this->xml_value_[$index]["level"] == $level+1 &&
$this->xml_value_[$index]["tag"] == $element)
return $index;
return 0;
class PxPay_Curl
var $PxPay_Key;
var $PxPay_Url;
var $PxPay_Userid;
function PxPay_Curl($Url, $UserId, $Key){
$this->PxPay_Key = $Key;
$this->PxPay_Url = $Url;
$this->PxPay_Userid = $UserId;
# Create a request for the PxPay interface
function makeRequest($request)
#Validate the Request
if($request->validData() == false) return "" ;
$xml = $request->toXml();
error_log( "xml: " . print_r( $xml, true ) );
$result = $this->submitXml($xml);
return $result;
# Return the transaction outcome details
function getResponse($result){
$inputXml = "<ProcessResponse><PxPayUserId>".$this->PxPay_Userid."</PxPayUserId><PxPayKey>".$this->PxPay_Key.
$outputXml = $this->submitXml($inputXml);
$pxresp = new PxPayResponse($outputXml);
return $pxresp;
# Actual submission of XML using cURL. Returns output XML
function submitXml($inputXml){
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->PxPay_Url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$inputXml);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
#set up proxy, this may change depending on ISP, please contact your ISP to get the correct cURL settings
#curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXY , "proxy:8080");
$outputXml = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
return $outputXml;
# Class for PxPay request messages.
class PxPayRequest extends PxPayMessage
var $UrlFail,$UrlSuccess;
var $AmountInput;
var $EnableAddBillCard;
var $PxPayUserId;
var $PxPayKey;
var $Opt;
function PxPayRequest(){
function setEnableAddBillCard($EnableBillAddCard){
$this->EnableAddBillCard = $EnableBillAddCard;
function setUrlFail($UrlFail){
$this->UrlFail = $UrlFail;
function setUrlSuccess($UrlSuccess){
$this->UrlSuccess = $UrlSuccess;
function setAmountInput($AmountInput){
$this->AmountInput = sprintf("%9.2f",$AmountInput);
function setUserId($UserId){
$this->PxPayUserId = $UserId;
function setKey($Key){
$this->PxPayKey = $Key;
function setOpt($Opt){
$this->Opt = $Opt;
#Data validation
function validData(){
$msg = "";
if($this->TxnType != "Purchase")
if($this->TxnType != "Auth")
$msg = "Invalid TxnType[$this->TxnType]<br>";
if(strlen($this->MerchantReference) > 64)
$msg = "Invalid MerchantReference [$this->MerchantReference]<br>";
if(strlen($this->TxnId) > 16)
$msg = "Invalid TxnId [$this->TxnId]<br>";
if(strlen($this->TxnData1) > 255)
$msg = "Invalid TxnData1 [$this->TxnData1]<br>";
if(strlen($this->TxnData2) > 255)
$msg = "Invalid TxnData2 [$this->TxnData2]<br>";
if(strlen($this->TxnData3) > 255)
$msg = "Invalid TxnData3 [$this->TxnData3]<br>";
if(strlen($this->TxnData4) > 255)
$msg = "Invalid TxnData4 [$this->TxnData4]<br>";
if(strlen($this->EmailAddress) > 255)
$msg = "Invalid EmailAddress [$this->EmailAddress]<br>";
if(strlen($this->UrlFail) > 255)
$msg = "Invalid UrlFail [$this->UrlFail]<br>";
if(strlen($this->UrlSuccess) > 255)
$msg = "Invalid UrlSuccess [$this->UrlSuccess]<br>";
if(strlen($this->BillingId) > 32)
$msg = "Invalid BillingId [$this->BillingId]<br>";
if ($msg != "") {
return false;
return true;
# Abstract base class for PxPay messages.
# These are messages with certain defined elements, which can be serialized to XML.
class PxPayMessage {
var $TxnType;
var $CurrencyInput;
var $TxnData1;
var $TxnData2;
var $TxnData3;
var $TxnData4;
var $MerchantReference;
var $EmailAddress;
var $BillingId;
var $TxnId;
function PxPayMessage(){
function setBillingId($BillingId){
$this->BillingId = $BillingId;
function getBillingId(){
return $this->BillingId;
function setTxnType($TxnType){
$this->TxnType = $TxnType;
function getTxnType(){
return $this->TxnType;
function setCurrencyInput($CurrencyInput){
$this->CurrencyInput = $CurrencyInput;
function getCurrencyInput(){
return $this->CurrencyInput;
function setMerchantReference($MerchantReference){
$this->MerchantReference = $MerchantReference;
function getMerchantReference(){
return $this->MerchantReference;
function setEmailAddress($EmailAddress){
$this->EmailAddress = $EmailAddress;
function getEmailAddress(){
return $this->EmailAddress;
function setTxnData1($TxnData1){
$this->TxnData1 = $TxnData1;
function getTxnData1(){
return $this->TxnData1;
function setTxnData2($TxnData2){
$this->TxnData2 = $TxnData2;
function getTxnData2(){
return $this->TxnData2;
function getTxnData3(){
return $this->TxnData3;
function setTxnData3($TxnData3){
$this->TxnData3 = $TxnData3;
function getTxnData4(){
return $this->TxnData4;
function setTxnData4($TxnData4){
$this->TxnData4 = $TxnData4;
function setTxnId( $TxnId)
$this->TxnId = $TxnId;
function getTxnId(){
return $this->TxnId;
function toXml(){
$arr = get_object_vars($this);
$xml = "<GenerateRequest>";
while (list($prop, $val) = each($arr))
$xml .= "<$prop>$val</$prop>" ;
$xml .= "</GenerateRequest>";
return $xml;
# Class for PxPay response messages.
class PxPayResponse extends PxPayMessage
var $Success;
var $AuthCode;
var $CardName;
var $CardHolderName;
var $CardNumber;
var $DateExpiry;
var $ClientInfo;
var $DpsTxnRef;
var $DpsBillingId;
var $AmountSettlement;
var $CurrencySettlement;
var $TxnMac;
var $ResponseText;
function PxPayResponse($xml){
$msg = new MifMessage($xml);
$this->Success = $msg->get_element_text("Success");
$this->CurrencyInput = $msg->get_element_text("CurrencyInput");
$this->AuthCode = $msg->get_element_text("AuthCode");
$this->CardName = $msg->get_element_text("CardName");
$this->CardHolderName = $msg->get_element_text("CardHolderName");
$this->CardNumber = $msg->get_element_text("CardNumber");
$this->DateExpiry = $msg->get_element_text("DateExpiry");
$this->ClientInfo = $msg->get_element_text("ClientInfo");
$this->MerchantTxnId = $msg->get_element_text("TxnId");
$this->TxnId = $msg->get_element_text("TxnId");
$this->DpsTxnRef = $msg->get_element_text("DpsTxnRef");
$this->BillingId = $msg->get_element_text("BillingId");
$this->DpsBillingId = $msg->get_element_text("DpsBillingId");
$this->AmountSettlement = $msg->get_element_text("AmountSettlement");
$this->CurrencySettlement = $msg->get_element_text("CurrencySettlement");
$this->TxnMac = $msg->get_element_text("TxnMac");
$this->ResponseText = $msg->get_element_text("ResponseText");
function getSuccess(){
return $this->Success;
function getAuthCode(){
return $this->AuthCode;
function getCardName(){
return $this->CardName;
function getCardHolderName(){
return $this->CardHolderName;
function getCardNumber(){
return $this->CardNumber;
function getDateExpiry(){
return $this->DateExpiry;
function getClientInfo(){
return $this->ClientInfo;
function getDpsTxnRef(){
return $this->DpsTxnRef;
function getDpsBillingId(){
return $this->DpsBillingId;
function getAmountSettlement(){
return $this->AmountSettlement;
function getCurrencySettlement(){
function getTxnMac(){
return $this->TxnMac;
function getResponseText(){
return $this->ResponseText;
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